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Things will change, PvP-WZ/FP-PvE/Crafting issues will be addressed, be patient!


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I'd like everyone to just relax for a minute and realize the game is still new, things are being fixed and to stop whining like a bunch of children.


Yes there needs to be class balancing done, no it's not going to be done spot on the first go so you're class may feel 'crappy' for a little bit compared to what it was doing before, it might even turn out better for you (which is the general idea). When everything is sound and stable with less bugs, it will all be sorted out.


So instead of shouting and re-posting 'fix X problem or I'm unsubbing!' just enjoy current game content for what it is. Are Warzones perfect yet? Of course not, each player has their own perspective on how it should be done which is different from the next and it will change over time as things get worked in.


Does crafting need to be adjusted? You bet, but that will come with time as well, yes it may suck Biochem's can't have their own personal stash that nobody else can use, but last I checked it's a blessing to have a friend/guildy/fellow raider that can help keep me juiced up throughout the night.


No this isn't a well thought out post designed to keep everyone silent or from slagging me for my opinion so feel free to go at. I just felt the need to post, I'm assuming this same thing is posted some place else on the forums and I've missed it.


Good luck everyone and have fun :)

Edited by Araniul
Suggestion from creechur
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Class balance in an MMO will never exist.


The only solution is for every play to have every class, that way, when the 'flavor of the month' changes, you'll have it.


Warzones (Battlegrounds) will also never be balanced.


What you'll have is one faction conceding lose for faster rewards/hour due to faster queue times while the ‘winning’ faction is overcrowded because of their perceived supremacy, but take forever to queue.


These are standards in any MMO and while they’ll be tweaked to appease the masses, they’ll never be truly ‘fixed’.

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I don't want my class balanced- or nerfed is the word you're probably looking for. They could spend all that time tinkering with classes and do something constructive.


BW is falling into the same trap as Trion/Rift. Listening to a PVP minority that will never ever be satiated.


They're going to nerf us all into a homogenized piece of crap for the sake of PVP. No longer will you be able to force push a mob off a bridge, nope, some guy cried a river on the PVP forums. This isn't happening but an example of what seems to be the future.


All my awesome animations getting the axe so some kid can have a twitch reflex advantage in PVP.


So yeah the nerfs have began already and it really sucks. I love this game very much but I've loved other MMOs that went the same way.


BW seemed very focused on a PVE game but now they're listening to the constant crying from the PVP crowd. You see the happy PVE crowd doesn't come to the forums asking for nerfs. Why would they?


Looks like the days of feeling and being very powerful in PVE are going the way of every other MMO. Homogenized, bland classes with no over the top abilities.

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I have very high hopes for this game and am really enjoying it...for the most part. I do find myself at times feeling like I'm putting up with early beta bugs, not post-release bugs. And there are still some pretty major bugs.

It doesn't mean I'm giving up on the game, but the game really feels rushed.

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Those who truly enjoy the game shouldn't be concerned by those who don't.


Of course, some do crave all forms of attention and are naturally inclined to vigorously stir the **** pot.


That is a fair point, I suppose it does look like I'm trying to 'be the hero' and am 'stirring the pot for the greater cause!'. Though to be honest I truly hate posting and being involved on forums since everything turns into a pissing contest or burnfest at some point.


I just see the massive potential with this game and would hate to see it not do well due to gamer A.D.D + rage quitters (in the sense of cancelling subscriptions based a minor change they didn't personally approve of)

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im sorry...I thought I paid for a finished product..not invested in a work in progress...guess I got that wrong


I would hope that an MMO wouldn't be finished upon release, it really doesn't leave much room for new content! ^_^

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I would love for things to be addressed and the game to improve, and I'll be happy to be patient. Just PM me so I can get some information from you so you can pay my sub while while they actually make a game.


just wink if theres a BIO/EA employ holding a gun to your head :rolleyes:

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im sorry...I thought I paid for a finished product..not invested in a work in progress...guess I got that wrong


Its an MMO, theres no such thing as finished. Check the WoW forums to see how many people are griping about that game, and its 8 years old.


If you meant to say "I thought I paid for a game that performed the way I want it to and had all the bugs fixed I thought were important"...well, you're kinda screwed there too, chum.

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