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No wonder you all play Empire


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I have come across far more people who go "I am good iRL, i don't want to be a goody-two shoes ingame" so they go Imperial. Then they have friends who dont care either way. Since there is almost always 1 person in the group going "I won't play anything but Imperial/Dark Side" all the people who don't care follow. I have yet to run across anyone i know - iRL or online friend - who says "I am going Good". My server back in SWG was the same way. Full of Imps. The 4 different WoW servers i tried, same thing, all but 1 was dominated by Horde. Warhammer online, my server was mostly 'evil' too.


It seems that since most people are generally 'good' (i dont think they allow people in Jail/Prison to play MMO's), a lot of them dont want to have to be in a fantasy game - or just want to act out their desires to be total a-holes.

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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.


I just wanted to point out it's hilarious that you resubscribed, You've been hating on the game for over a month and a half. Pretty good troll post though 9/10 with all the bites.

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I have come across far more people who go "I am good iRL, i don't want to be a goody-two shoes ingame" so they go Imperial. Then they have friends who dont care either way. Since there is almost always 1 person in the group going "I won't play anything but Imperial/Dark Side" all the people who don't care follow. I have yet to run across anyone i know - iRL or online friend - who says "I am going Good". My server back in SWG was the same way. Full of Imps. The 4 different WoW servers i tried, same thing, all but 1 was dominated by Horde. Warhammer online, my server was mostly 'evil' too.


It seems that since most people are generally 'good' (i dont think they allow people in Jail/Prison to play MMO's), a lot of them dont want to have to be in a fantasy game - or just want to act out their desires to be total a-holes.


I can relate to this. I'm a Dark Lord of the Sith in real life so I rolled a Republic Smuggler.

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Let the Imperials lie to themselves to justify playing on the side of an oppressive, racist, xenophobic totalitarian government that endorses slavery and will slaughter it's citizens for one slip up, that wasn't their fault.


I'll take the government that won't fall to a bunch of pissed off rebels.


You do realize that the Republic is transformed into the Galactic Empire in 3500 years by Darth Sidious and is in fact brought down by a couple of pissed of rebels and a single Jedi. Right?

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^ good point.


In fact the Empire of the trilogy is the Republic of the game, for the main part, especially the military and the social organization.

If you like the Stormtroopers of the movies, no other choices than playing Rep Trooper :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately I have to agree with you. The main reason I prefer Empire is simply because the narration, story content and dialogue options are superior.


Being a badguy rocks. . but being a badguy and taking sips from the light is even better, and the comic relief and wit from my companions is totally worth being 'evil'.

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Funny you mentioned that. The only actually free characters in the lore are BHs and smugglers. The rest all serve sith/jedi masters or military authorities.



True. My Smuggler pretty much just slept with every female he encountered. He was serving a whole different master.lol


I am liking being a dark side Jedi. I insult Jedi and they take it. It is funny.


"You're a coward"

"I shall meditate on your wisdom"


I LOL-ed when that exchange took place. Also, getting yelled at by your Jedi Master for threatening children is funny.

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I'm no lore junkie, but this is just stupid. "Sith Corruption" is supposed to be caused by using the dark side of the force, it should not apply to non force users.


I purposely took off the sith Corruption for this reason. There is no reason why my Bounty Hunter should have sith corruption when through the whole game all the bounty hunter says is that "we do this for ourselves and dont serve anyone. Plus im not a force user like you said.

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I have characters on both sides. I am a schoolteacher in real life and I play light side characters :p Doesn't mean my light side characters aren't snarky sometimes and don't get a few dark side points here and there...I try to play the game as if it were me in there...I pick what I agree with and see where it leads. Doesn't always get me light side points...and even on the republic side...I can get the leaders quite mad at me...yes General Garza...this means you.
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Ha, the trooper story-line definitely encourages you to be more evil than the other ones. You are always being ordered to make the "difficult choices that no one else can make," and the way you get light side points is to defy your orders. My trooper is fairly loyal though, and now pursues the "greater good" with cracked white skin and glowing yellow eyes.


If only my companions weren't all a bunch of do-gooders... they don't deserve to be in HAVOC Squad.



Yeah, those "difficult" choices come pretty easily to Garza. I'd rather take orders from that old softy Darth Jadus... Just look at the make-up of the Senate, 3/4 of the senators are either bribing or taking bribes.

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I kinda think Republic was written and done forst. All the things which they learnt were there from day one when doing the empire. I actualy have more toons who are republic than empire but thats because I keep hoping I will enjoy another class more.
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I loved my:

Level 16 BH

Level 16 SI


I hate my

Level 10 JK

Level 50 Trooper (The class I thought would be the best, hence why I saved this for release and the others were beta)


Republic flat out isn't fun.


I kinda think Republic was written and done forst. All the things which they learnt were there from day one when doing the empire. I actualy have more toons who are republic than empire but thats because I keep hoping I will enjoy another class more.


Well the first planet they made was Korriban, however the Republic characters are a lot more bland and the script isn't as tight as Imp. My trooper dialog responses are SO boring and the companions (aside from M1-4X and Yuun, whom is the last you get) are pretty annoying/boring too. The female one you romance is REALLY stern and she doesn't loosen up at all as you go on (where is the character development?)

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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I rerold repub commando to check the diffrence between merc.

But i to must admit that Empire has it alot better in alot of cases.


Even the queue for pvp seems faster at primetime, but when i pvp'd with my repub i seem to win alot more on another server :)


Bioware need to give a Big Phat bonus for repub or they are a dying faction.

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thats all good


but drop the operative now before you invest too much time


the class is dead at 50.


low dps

bad heals

no defense


basically not wanted or needed for any serious endgame activity


groups will take 1 sniper for the buff, and then overload on sith and BHs

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my first main was a lvl50 BH


now i am lvling a trooper. lvl 40 and i am sooooooooooo bored of the story, seriously.

i know i would roll a military character and that story would be tied to the military.,.. but it couldnt get any more boring than this.


i also have a smuggler toon with an "ok" story and a sith juggernaut toon with a horrible story too.



except bounty hunter, empire sucks. "i am evil because i can and i kill you because i don't like your hair" is a real lame and lazy way to make a "evil story"


another thing i learned from my BH main and i don't quite get:

the empire is evil for the sake of evil. they don't tolerate failure and punish it with death.

then please explain to me: my mighty bounty hunter, saved the empire over and over during my story... i found so many incompetent imperials begging for my help... how can the empire even exist with so much incompetence.

if they really killed every incompetent guy, there would only be 4 people in the whole empire and my bounty hunter would be one of them.


and what for?



1) in the hidden temple of dromund kaas you learn that the dark side is WRONG and far from being the "real power"... what do your superiors do with this intel? crap their pants and destroy it.

2) in the foundry revan shows you that the dark side sucks again. he alone survived the emperor 300y., escaped and took over the foundry. tho i admit he is half dark half light at this point... and certainly nuts. but i still would have prefered to JOIN him rather than fight him

3) even malgus sees how much the empire sucks and wants to make a new one allowing alien alliances, etc. and again i would have prefered to JOIN him because i thin khe was right. instead, i had to kill him




the republic on the other hand is more forgiving... they are full of incompetent, lazy and corrupt people. but at least they don't punish them with death.


and back to how much i hate the empire "way of life"... i rolled an operative. before i even left the first planet i encountered this:

in a conversation with my boss he said something like "this will please the sith" and i responded "i coulnt care less about the sith" and he said: "we are imperials, we serve the sith, and so do you"


that made me SO angry! the rest of my story i dedicated myself to piss off the sith as much as i could. and if i did some warzones and happened to get into a huttball imperial team, i just killed sith.

Edited by zandadoum
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I played a Sorcerer at first. I grew bored quickly. Plus, PVP was a fail. Emp usually loses on my server. So I went Pub. I made a Shadow. I'm winning more, I'm doing better with crafting, and my toon isn't a total douche in conversations. Not to mention, that you can have an actual robe as a Jedi. On Emp side, it was just dresses for me.


Though, I will admit Korriban kicks Tython's ***, no debate.

Edited by puffpuffmcgruff
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In last weekend beta I checked out jedi classess since I did know I will not play them. Glowsticks are not my thing.


So I rolled as Sith Warrior.

Representation of Vader in heavy armor with cape using shock collar on his slave.


Then I checked out Sith Sorcerer

Representation of sith lord in light armor with cape using lightning on his enemies.


In early access I decide to check republic side so


I started as Jedi Knight for 2 days

Goodie goodie about saving galaxy and something. So boring that I never get above lvl 10


then I started as Jedi Consular for 1 day

Goodie goodie about saving jedi idiots with cape that throw dirt at enemies...


It was obvious at that moment. I played as Bounty Hunter to lvl 50. Then I relized that Operative is much more fun in terms of fighting (more to the tactic, ambushes, stealth, waiting for right moment, capturing objectives etc while as Bounty Hunter I was spamming Unload and Tracer missiles) and story (going undercover and work for enemies to destroy them).

And I'm glad that most people picked up Sith Sorcerer and Mercenary. This way I can be almost elite :p since in WZ I find non or one operative except me. And I love to work with snipers. Him attacking and doing damage and me defending and finishing what he started.

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