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    Gilbert, AZ
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  1. All of you had been right, been finding more orange gear and things are definitely easier. Gearing 4X has been pretty hard though. The marketplace doesn't have anything he could use till 40 at least and everything else is weaker than what he already had. Server size seemed to drop as well :/ Im also thinking of going with this build http://knotor.com/skills#AgkNHACBkZmiqrHS2ytCSVFqcXqBipGao6mxytsA
  2. I was doing the trooper mission to go capture Tavus and afterwards it says talk to Garza but the conversation does not load. My friend also experienced a problem in the same area. He defeated Tavus but all of sudden Tavus just gets back up and starts fighting again, and he doesnt take any damage We got a few other glitches to on the way to this fight, anyone know whats going on?
  3. Thanks for the advice guys. I would have looked earlier if not for school and I guess I'll be gearing up.
  4. I cant give exact info at the moment. I know for a fact though that i keep getting gear that cannot be modded (possible problem) and I just pass down the gear i had usually to Dorne, i havent used the other companions much so they are definetley under equipped. I rolled assualt first but then switched to gunnery
  5. Forgot to mention that I hit lvl 30 only yesterday
  6. I started a trooper days ago and when I hit lvl 10 was really unsure on what to pick so I went with the commando thinking I would have higher damage and yet be able to survive fairly well on my own but that doesn't seem the case. My friend is playing a vanguard along side me and he seems to be better in both cases. Perhaps its just the way I'm playing but its been really bugging me. I can barely do the trooper solo quests without dying or coming within a few seconds of it even with medpacs and Elera Dorne healing. Survivability seems really low for me, often times I have to ask for help even though I'll be right at or above the lvl requirement. My DPS really doesnt even seem to compare to my friends vanguard even though he's a tank. The best thing for me to do was to basicly spam grav round and stack it then use full auto I would really like some advice on this. Im probably just not playing the way I should but can someone point me in the right direction?
  7. I was wondering how people progress with their quests in SWTOR. I have friends who just do the main story and are always under lvled by 4-5 lvls and don't give a damn about anything else . Unlike them I do just about EVERYTHING and then Im over lvled until there's a random mini boss who totally takes you by surprise. Not really anything big, just curiosity.
  8. Umm most the options go like this LS Leave the person alone DS Kill him Don't see your point on how a you think its "stupid evil" That's probably because he's not a sane person, because your right it doesn't make sense and no sane person would make that decision. But who knows, people do a lot for ***** and giggles. I think you mean DS points are negative XD I dont know about you but I do not know anyone who thinks this seriously when choosing their faction. Unless they like any of the things listed above. I think perhaps you take this way to seriously, its a game
  9. I was really hoping you were joking about the pebbles being cooler than lightning but probably not. And its not like the pebbles aren't the same thing over and over either and pebbles cooler than lightning = BLASPHEMY! XD
  10. I really don't know what endgame is like but I have a few ideas that are kinda built of other ideas. The bounty hunter thing could be really neat actually, to what I understand whoever mentioned it wanted the Assassins creed approach almost except that you gain money/bounty on yourself (similar to Red Dead Redemption) If you have ever played SW Battlefront II, the space battles where pretty cool. Destroy parts of the ship/invade. NPC enemies as well, but there would have to be a lot more players to make it more entertaining. Personally Id let to get to know more about the companions you get through the class story but Im not very far so I dont even know if there is much to know.
  11. I have to agree that the Empire is a lot more fun. Still just an opinion but yeah. I like the gear more, I like the classes more, I like the endings a lot more. I watched the republic endings and was really disappointed actually. Empire All get like a final battle of epic proportions and most of the republic's was just dishing out rewards to your character.-Bleh EDIT: Im a goodie goodie Sith though, cause I do what I want!
  12. Who complains about creativity? And I dont remember anyone complaining about transmog
  13. Many of you complain about there being only humanoid races but then again most of the races in star wars were humanoid. Not all of them are completely (talking about all races, not just the game) the same obviously but they do have minor changes such as a height difference or in the hands and feet. They should have added more yes and they did take stuff out that should be back in the game but for the majority I'm really pleased with the customization. I used to play WoW a lot and when I compare it to this Id still rather have this honestly. But really Instead of constantly whining why not think of something you would want?. Aka: Something that should be changed/added/replaced, choices of customization's for the race, addition of other races Personally I want more armor styles If I was going to add a race(s) it would be: Jawas, Ithorians, Togruta's, and Wookie's
  14. Just read a little about that, seems like a lot of people dont like surnames though cause they cannot be changed I guess This game seems a little backwards sometimes, but it doesnt seem like anyone says anything good about it either.
  15. I keep hearing about this "Legacy" thing and yet I have no idea what exactly it is, is there a place I could read about it or is someone willing to summarize? If you didn't know already Im still pretty new to the game
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