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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

★ Watchman Sentinel PVP Video! ★


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Thanks for all the support so far guys! I'm going to be releasing full WZs with live commentary soon.


Also, I'm getting a lot of questions about my spec. I'm in the process of making a watchman PVP guide and I'll explain everything in it.


Also, its Super Bowl Sunday...lets get drunk!


Kudos to you~!


Loved the video--looking forward to your guide now too!


Much <3


Edited by Sidonie
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Hey guys! Here is my first Sentinel PVP video, watch it and let me know what you think!



Awesome movie.


I was wondering, how do you deal with players that systematically dispel your burns\bleeds?


I was thinking of picking up the spec but i have bad memories of my dirty fighting gunslinger made completely useless by players who know to dispel my two bleeds, which is annoyingly easy with those instant 4.5 sec cooldown purges which remove 2 effects simultaneously/

Edited by Scoloplastic
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Awesome video!


The commentary grows on you, but won me over was "Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Oh it didn't work, bro!"

Edited by NightHawke
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Whats your talent tree look like? Post a link!

I'm working on a watchman PVP guide and I'll go over my talent tree in detail.

What kind of mouse/keyboard are you using?

Razer Naga, and a logitech keyboard.

Would love to hear what this guy thinks of the new patch!?

From what I've seen on certain theorycrafting sites such as sithwarrior.com, the changes were a nerf. Watchman is still my favorite spec regardless and I'm going to keep playing it.

Hey boovi How is fighting a BM Powertech Pyrotech or Vanguard Assault Specialist? Are they hard fights or can you chew through them?

Those guys are pretty tough. Its never an easy fight, but I can usually beat them if the right cooldowns are up.

I was wondering, how do you deal with players that systematically dispel your burns\bleeds?

Honestly its not really a problem right now, most healers don't worry about that. When rated WZs come out, if we don't have some sort of DoT protection I can see it being a problem then. In that case I can see us getting something like an Unstable Affliction if it gets too bad.


New Void Star PVP Video coming out tomorrow!

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