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  1. I have made several pieces of the Reinfiorced leggings, chest and head pieces (orange) trying to crit them. I have successfully crit crafted all pieces which is great. However i want to RE the pieces that did not crit, and have found although it states that i can RE them, when i press the icon to do so, the equipment goes black (unavail) and i can not RE it. I figure this is a bug, and will put ina trouble ticket tonight.
  2. if you need a damage meter to add numbers, then you have bigger issues.
  3. I just wanted to mention that after the last patch, I had alot of trouble in warzones with DPS, so I asked one of my guildie tanks to try some things out on during a duel. Sure enough, my dps was down from what I would usually do. So I decided to respec, and just change a few things, in the end I moved two points around, and went and smacked my guildie around again. I noticed that the dots/dps had gone up quite a bit. The funny thing about this is I only moved two points, and they were from one defensive skill to another. I found this odd.....so I went back to my original build, the dps remained steady so I kept it. I am not trying to ***** or complain, just mentioning something that I thought might help someone that is frustrated and thinks they might have been nerfed in the last patch. I think it resest something, and I am quite happy with the recent changed in the class now.
  4. Would love to hear what this guy thinks of the new patch!?
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