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Sick Of premades


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Title says it all.


Sick of going against an 8 person premade over and over. Not to mention being outgeared.


Just sick of it.


The whiny kid with the 30 minute rant had it right:


If you want pvp gear, don't grind, just do your dailies and get out


omg teach me how!

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Title says it all.


Sick of going against an 8 person premade over and over. Not to mention being outgeared.


Just sick of it.


The whiny kid with the 30 minute rant had it right:


If you want pvp gear, don't grind, just do your dailies and get out



When are we going to stop whinning whenever things don't go the way we want them to? Everything in life isn't always going to be handed to you. Everything in life isn't always going to be fair. You can whine and rage to high heaven, but in the long run you'll have to adapt and face it. Get better, get your own premade, stop whining and play the game.

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When are we going to stop whinning whenever things don't go the way we want them to? Everything in life isn't always going to be handed to you. Everything in life isn't always going to be fair. You can whine and rage to high heaven, but in the long run you'll have to adapt and face it. Get better, get your own premade, stop whining and play the game.



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When are we going to stop whinning whenever things don't go the way we want them to? Everything in life isn't always going to be handed to you. Everything in life isn't always going to be fair. You can whine and rage to high heaven, but in the long run you'll have to adapt and face it. Get better, get your own premade, stop whining and play the game.




"Get your own premade " is just a scapegoat to avoid the real issue: Fresh lvl 50s in pugs facing full premades of Champ/BM.

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OP is right about being sick of this. I myself have no problem with losing a few times to premades. It's frustrating when you don't have any real chance of winning against groups communicating over TS or Vent with 3+ healers and full battlemaster gear, but at least you learn something and can imrove yourself.


This said, there are servers like mine, where noone on the rep side seems to queue solo at all. I've been fighting the same premades for 3 days now and the fun ends when a daily of 3 wins can barely be achieved in 2 days time. I'm talking about 20+ consequtive losses...It was not until past midnight that the premades dissolved a bit and my team was able to win 3 times in a row but I can seldom afford to be playing this late.


Yes you're supposed to get better and adapt, but getting better in this pvp also means getting better gear and if you can't even complete the dailies (the same premades are often camping the central on Ilum in between matches btw), you're stuck with grinding WZ commendations for gear.

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I'm terrified for PVP at 50 because I know I'm going to get steamrolled for a long, long time before finally developing enough skill and gear to compete.



Getting gear is an understatement. I'm saying that is is NOT FUN. Not fun facing the same pre-mades over and over and over.. it feels like Vanilla WoW days.


And funny thing is I play a healer - normally my presence alone can turn the tide of a losing battle (or any healer) - but when you are grouped with fresh 50s facing fully geared pre mades on vent, its not fun, and no, you have no chance.

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I don't get it. You choose to QQ because people want to team up with friends/guild? You choose to not team up with anyone and solo que and lose to a group comprised of friends/guild. Your first logical answer to this is to nerf people who group with friends/guild?

I'm by no means a hardcore player, but as a BH PVE ST i only PVP with my guild on sparse occasions(mostly for dailies/weeklies) and to see anyone QQ against a premade is just ridiculous, anyone and everyone could make one, you dont need team speak because there is plenty of time to discus everything through chat before the match even starts. If you choose to solo que that's is your choice and no one else's.

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I'm terrified for PVP at 50 because I know I'm going to get steamrolled for a long, long time before finally developing enough skill and gear to compete.


It isn't that bad, bro. I've been PvP'ing for a week with and without premades and the win rate is about 50-60 percent. Yes, people might have to join a guild to get this magical thing called "support".


Nerf Guilds!

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tbh IF bw gonna "nerf" premade by restricting same guilds which a solutoi known has alts, which it will not happen. I dont pvp but this is harsh to some but get over it and stop qq like a runt looking for a teet. premades will be made for EVERY mmo in-order to win.. hell it is even good for faction imbalance(player wise) like this mmo when repubs is out numbered compare to the imps.
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Playing against premades = challenge. Embrance the challenge and enjoy the competition. If that doesn't suit you, group up. Seriously, I queue solo and LOVE when there is premade against me. Even if I loose, whacking their healer with my sentinel is so sweet, while they hopelessly try to stop me before I finish my work.


What sucks tho, is the pvp gear. The combination of grinded pvp gear and premade can be frustrating for some freshly dinged lone wolves in pvp. But oh well.

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I have managed to once get my full Guild into a WZ and yes we won that game rather easily, but that needs a perfect storm of placements to happen. This has nothing to do with 3 2 1 queue and is more about the chance of being placed in the same group as long as you were in the same queue cycle.
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