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1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.


The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus.


So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.

Edited by ReRuined
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I'm unsure if Bioware even plays this game sometimes.


I mean, I know they say they do... but they make this sound like a buff.


Really? The issue wasnt the cent coms from champ bags or the champ coms from BM bags.. both are equally useless. The issue is the item tokens not dropping.

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The solution to this comes in two parts: now and next tier.


Now: Remove Valor requirement for battle master gear. Make it as easily obtainable.


Next tier: Come up with a not random, not a completely non-skill related grind in order to distribute PvP gear.


Right now, this is the only way to "balance" pvp in anyway. Give it up, and spend your resources on ensuring this problem never happens again. We will forgive you if you just admit your mistake.

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The solution to this comes in two parts: now and next tier.


Now: Remove Valor requirement for battle master gear. Make it as easily obtainable.


Next tier: Come up with a not random, not a completely non-skill related grind in order to distribute PvP gear.


Right now, this is the only way to "balance" pvp in anyway. Give it up, and spend your resources on ensuring this problem never happens again. We will forgive you if you just admit your mistake.




I don't care if if takes 1k of each commendation or more. Just give me a way to actually control my pvp loot progression. Whoever decided RNG loot was a good idea needs to find another game genre to work in, that is not what PvPers want.

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This change is a terrible idea. People are already complaining that they got to Valor rank 60 with barely any Champion gear, and BW's solution is to make the RNG worse?


There is a vast difference between Tier I and Tier II PvP armor, so why gate new players off from Tier II? 50 brackets are imbalanced enough as it is without making fresh 50's work even harder (or get even luckier, rather) for Tier II.


If you want steady progression, take the RNG out of the system entirely. Until then, don't create even more barriers between players based on luck.

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Bioware's incompetence on this issue is, quite frankly, frightening...


PvPers: "We don't like the RNG/Luck system."


Solution: "Okay. You will now be able to gain more crappy gear at a more steady rate, but need even MORE RNG/Luck to get anything good."


PvPers: "Yeeeah, so when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"

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Bioware's incompetence on this issue is, quite frankly, frightening...


PvPers: "We don't like the RNG/Luck system."


Solution: "Okay. You will now be able to gain more crappy gear at a more steady rate, but need even MORE RNG/Luck to get anything good."


PvPers: "Yeeeah, so when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"


Or D3. Or Tera, I'll take Korean grind fest over this any day.

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I already have battle master gear and YOU DON'T!!




Thank you so much BIOWARE. I get to kill new level 50s forever. I love you so much. Thank you for listening to me saying that I should be able to kill new people with no challenge over the 1000s of people telling you to end the gear disparity.



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This wouldn't be such a bad idea... if all the premade guilds already didn't have full BM gear, largely due to exploiting Voidstar or pvp levelling early on.


Now, you're making those who are behind to fall even further behind- this is simply a terrible change at this point. The only people this will hurt are those who are more casual and/or went for getting their gear the normal way rather than taking advantage of exploits. Where are the bans? I still see people I reported for the Voidstar exploit playing weeks later, still in their cheaply earned BM gear.


I can understand bugs- that happens- but it really seems you aren't punishing exploiters- in fact, it seems you're only punishing legitimate players, and that is a very bad message to send.

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Bioware's incompetence on this issue is, quite frankly, frightening...


PvPers: "We don't like the RNG/Luck system."


Solution: "Okay. You will now be able to gain more crappy gear at a more steady rate, but need even MORE RNG/Luck to get anything good."


PvPers: "Yeeeah, so when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"



I laughed so hard, I cried- then pissed myself...because it's actually true.

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This change is a terrible idea. People are already complaining that they got to Valor rank 60 with barely any Champion gear, and BW's solution is to make the RNG worse?


There is a vast difference between Tier I and Tier II PvP armor, so why gate new players off from Tier II? 50 brackets are imbalanced enough as it is without making fresh 50's work even harder (or get even luckier, rather) for Tier II.


If you want steady progression, take the RNG out of the system entirely. Until then, don't create even more barriers between players based on luck.


Totally agree. Aside from the minimal amount of expertise on the Centurion crap, you can easily get better gear just from crafted blues. I am lacking 3 pieces of Champion gear on my Assassin and I don't even bother buying the Centurion pieces for those slots because the crafted gear I have is better.


The only way I would be cool with this change is if they put in a way for us to trade Centurion tokens for Champion tokens similar to the way you exchange warzone tokens for mercenary. Just so you know Bioware, the same 3:1 ratio WOULD NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. It's much harder to get those bags than it is to get the warzone tokens. I would say something in the area of 1.5:1 would be fair.

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Wow...so they see all the people quitting because they are opening 20 bags to find 1 piece of token gear.......so their pitiful response is to make it even harder to get token gear. Good going BW. With logic like that, the game cant help but succeed.


But hey, you will get centurion tokens faster. It's not like they are nerfing expertise or the T2 PvE set is easier to get. Oh wait.

Edited by ReRuined
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This change would make sense if each bag level gave out comms of its name type.


Which would of course require you to have Centenarian bags reintroduced.


3 Bag types


Centurian - Purchasable with 100/100 Wz/Merc with no requirement rewards cent gear tokens

Champion - Purchasable with 200/200 wz/Merc with requirement of lvl 50 rewards Champ Tokens, and the chance for a champ gear token.

Battlemaster - Purchasable with 400/400 WZ/Merc with Valor lvl 60 requirement, rewards BM tokens. ( though they would have to increase the token cost )

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This change would make sense if each bag level gave out comms of its name type.


Which would of course require you to have Centenarian bags reintroduced.


3 Bag types


Centurian - Purchasable with 100/100 Wz/Merc with no requirement rewards cent gear tokens

Champion - Purchasable with 200/200 wz/Merc with requirement of lvl 50 rewards Champ Tokens, and the chance for a champ gear token.

Battlemaster - Purchasable with 400/400 WZ/Merc with Valor lvl 60 requirement, rewards BM tokens. ( though they would have to increase the token cost )


What is this, an idea that makes sense? Blasphemy!

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Yeah this change seems rather silly, it makes me want to grind PVP now as fast as I can until 1.1.2 comes out in the hopes of finishing out my champion set. I'm lucky too - I have 8 pieces of champ gear and the rest centurion already - but lowering the drop rate even more (opened 5 bags today, nothing but cent commendations yay!) seems stupendously dumb.


I agree with others that they should just change it to be commendation drops only, no more of this gear token stuff. Let us be guaranteed some commendations of each type in the bags so that we can have an actual gear progression that isn't random. Let us see that "I do more warzones, I get better gear". That is how it should work, reward the people who spend the most time playing, not the ones who roll the dice lucky!

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Yeah.. an insurmountable 7% stat difference is just crushing.




totally, totally crushing








Yep. People will ***** about anything.


7% incoming..

7% outgoing..

7% increased healing..


Yup, "just" 7%. Oh wait, no its not.


Even assuming no one is healing, that's a 7% increased damage AND a 7% reduced damage, which is a net 14% increase. Erm, that's a huge amount.


You do know that expertise effects all 3 right? Oh, you didnt? My bad.

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7% incoming..

7% outgoing..

7% increased healing..


Yup, "just" 7%. Oh wait, no its not.


Even assuming no one is healing, that's a 7% increased damage AND a 7% reduced damage, which is a net 14% increase. Erm, that's a huge amount.


You do know that expertise effects all 3 right? Oh, you didnt? My bad.


and enemy expertise offsets it. Your 7% damage reduction.


And that's not 7% expertise, son. That's 7% STAT DIFFERENCE.


so, if Full BM gave 1000 expertise (it does not, but its a nice round number), the alternative gives 930.


Try to keep up.


At the actual stat values we're talking about, its a lot smaller than that... as little as 2-3 to each main stat, 1 or 2 of a rating. Thats all.

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This change is beyond stupid. The whole bag/reward system is broken to begin with, but this change makes the problem far worse. You've widen the gear cap between the haves and have nots.


RNG needs to be removed entirely. Period. End of story.


Centurion commendations from cheap Centurion bags.


Champion commendations from Champion Bags.


BM coms from BM bags.


Set the com per piece price accordingly, and by rank. End of story.


Stop being so incredibly stupid Bioware. End of story.

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Well now that I have about 1/3 Champion Gear and rest Centurion, along with about 6 duplicates that I can't really do anything about but stare at, I'm starting to wonder is it even worth my time trying to do the dailies anymore since:

A)Duplicates are still possible

B)Drop rate for pieces is lowered

C)Centurion Commendations are worthless to me


I have seriously seen about the same 5 better ideas/improvements to the RNG system everyday and you all seem to manage to come up with a system that no one really suggested that only makes matters worse.


At the very minimum why is it so hard for you guys to fathom making champion tokens for your duplicate gear like you have ALREADY DONE for the battlemaster bags.

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