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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Some fanboys are so dense on this forum..


They're not inflating the numbers, but the numbers are undeniably INACCURATE.. EXTREMELY INACCURATE. It's already been proven that that 1.7 million number (which is a bold-faced lie in the first place, come on.. jesus) includes the free month (lol).. and they also removed the unsubscribe button the day before and the day of the end of the free month, thus stranding dozens of thousands in this crap game for another month.


Do you understand how this stuff works, man? Or.. are you really that naive? No, the number may be 1.7 million.. but it's WILDLY inaccurate. Wait until official numbers are released.


I'd rather not get into an argument - but the unsubscribe button was never removed. You'd have to be dense to think that it was.

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U mad bro?


Sorry if some of us enjoy this game... What I find funny is you doomsayer spouting doom and gloom because you personally dont like it..


What I find funny is our pop on space slug is going just great. Last nite I saw 283 people on the fleet... Most I have ever seen...


Yes I'm very mad can't you tell? I paid 80$ for a CE edition because I love the entire SW franchise. I love the KOTOR series and even liked all the other single player SW games that came out in the recent years. So when I learned of this game I knew for a fact this would take the place of my favorite MMO Rift...I even subbed for 3 months in advanced. This is a shell of a MMO that was put out naked because BW wanted to make some $ at the cost of my enjoyment. Its sad when the community beg for your beta build because your final is so crappy. You fools really think I want this game to fail....thats is sooo far from the truth. But regardless how much I support SW i refuse to be a blind fanboy. Nothing anyone say is going to chang my opinion about this wreck until BW steps up and turns this game in to the game that was intended and promised.

Edited by Meluna
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Is that despite the smear campaign or because of the hype machine?


Not making a judgement, but I'd like to point out that TOR has a massive advertising campaign behind it.




I wouldn't call a Syfy commercial and a Freeze Mob massive...I'm currently consulting for Relic games and they have an upcoming MMO....and what is planed there is much more significant and our game has half the budget.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I don't need inflated numbers to tell me the game is dying. Go login and see. You see what BioWare released on us, they know what they released. It's not a thriving game, it's a dying game. I wanted to like this game, but it's almost like the only thing BioWare cared about was selling boxes.. not long time subscriptions.


Wow, you must not be able to even conceive of the notion that you just might be wrong. You'd rather believe that EA lied to its investors and exaggerated the number of active subs by over 1 million... Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night.

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Someone who bought a pre-paid card to activate their account but left during the first 30 days is still considered an "active" subscriber ( even if they hit the cancel button ) until the full 90 days+ time on their account is over.


Learn of what you speak before typing.


Yes because there must be at least 500k of players who bought a 90 day card and abandoned after the first month.



How could you guys be so dense? Zorvan has made an astounding point! Bravo!

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Yes I'm very mad can't you tell? I paid 80$ for a CE edition because I love the entire SW franchise. I love the KOTOR series and even liked all the other single player SW games that came out in the recent years. So when I learned of this game I knew for a fact this would take the place of my favorite MMO Rift...I even subbed for 3 months in advanced. Now I feel like BW tied me up and bent me over and ***** me with no Vaseline. This is a shell of a MMO that was put out naked because BW wanted to make some $ at the cost of my enjoyment. Its sad when the community beg for your beta build because your final is so crappy. You fools really think I want this game to fail....thats is sooo far from the truth. But regardless how much I support SW i refuse to be a blind fanboy. Nothing anyone say is going to chang my opinion about this wreck until BW steps up and turns this game in to the game that was intended and promised.


Well at least you know it's just your opinion.

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I wouldn't call a Syfy commercial and a Freeze Mob massive...I'm currently consulting for Relic games and they have an upcoming MMO,, and what is planed there is much more significant and our game has half the budget.


If that ever gets released, considering the bad waters THQ is in. And boy, do I hope it does get released... Warhammer 40,000... *drools*

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This whole thing puts me in mind of the whole "WoW only has 50,000 players - all the subs are in China - Blizzard is lying on their taxes" nonsense that gets levelled at Blizzard hourly.


Welcome to the big leagues, Bioware! It is now cool to hate you.

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I wouldn't call a Syfy commercial and a Freeze Mob massive...I'm currently consulting for Relic games and they have an upcoming MMO....and what is planed there is much more significant and our game has half the budget.


Could the advertising campaign for TOR be called anything but massive? You might want to make comparisons to other large campaigns, but that doesn't diminish the hype (both official and word-of-mouth) behind The Old Republic.

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Wow, you must not be able to even conceive of the notion that you just might be wrong. You'd rather believe that EA lied to its investors and exaggerated the number of active subs by over 1 million... Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night.


No, because he's waiting for "official numbers".


God knows that numbers from EA are not "official". "Official" numbers only come from .....

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Well, at least someone isn't totally blind. Glad you see it. The entire report is based off box sales with 30 day subs as "active subscribers" /quote. What happened post Jan 19th up to this point is not part of that report.




Wrong, read the report again. Or 72 pages of people clarifying that the report is accurate as of today, i.e. after the 1st 30 free days since launch.


You haters can at least organize your naysaying a little better, instead of running off the same defensive "it's not accurate!" argument.


I mean a figure like 1.7 million, even if they lied by 700k subscribers (which is at least 700k x 60$ or 42 million $ of fraudulent quarterly revenue released to the public, meaning Brown and a lot of people would go to jail for a long time if that were the case), that's still 1 million active subs playing the game. :)


Keep those insults, the fear-mongering, the wild accusations of conspiracy, the defensive grandstanding up. My day at work is almost over and the entertainment on this thread really helped me pass the time.

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Where are you now, doomsayers? This is why you never listen to doom saying ranters, they never show up when they are wrong.


P.S. Oh I do see some of you doomsayers here, hello! Still clinging on to your dead wrong opinions? I am sorry to hear that the facts got in your way, but keep up the good fight. Still got numbers to twist and conspiracy theories to make!

Edited by Valenthor
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Wrong, read the report again. Or 72 pages of people clarifying that the report is accurate as of today, i.e. after the 1st 30 free days since launch.


You haters can at least organize your naysaying a little better, instead of running off the same defensive "it's not accurate!" argument.


I mean a figure like 1.7 million, even if they lied by 700k subscribers (which is at least 700k x 60$ or 42 million $ of fraudulent quarterly revenue released to the public, meaning Brown and a lot of people would go to jail for a long time if that were the case), that's still 1 million active subs playing the game. :)


Keep those insults, the fear-mongering, the wild accusations of conspiracy, the defensive grandstanding up. My day at work is almost over and the entertainment on this thread really helped me pass the time.


Ok then, riddle me this?


If the game has 1.7M subs with 215 servers that mostly show light or standard, do the math? k?


If you have 8,000 players for 215 servers with say 2000 to 2300 online at all times on each server - where the F are they hiding? Go find me more than 10 servers that currently have over 2300 players online dude. Go ahead.


You won't. Because those #'s are total BS.

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Ok then, riddle me this?


If the game has 1.7M subs with 215 servers that mostly show light or standard, do the math? k?


If you have 8,000 players for 215 servers with say 2000 to 2300 online at all times on each server - where the F are they hiding? Go find me more than 10 servers that currently have over 2300 players online dude. Go ahead.


You won't. Because those #'s are total BS.


Because even when the game was released, the peak concurrent user level was 300k. Divided among ~213 servers, that's about 1400. Divide by faction, take into account alts, and the fact that most people (yep) are still not 50 on their mains, and you get what you see on the servers (keeping in mind that some have more and some have less).


People are "hiding" in that they do not all play at once, and they are not all level 50 and so they are scattered between faction and zone.


Deal. With. It.

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What's wrong with wanting your favorite game to do well, especially when that game is multiplayer?


I dunno, the smug elation some are having with these numbers seems like misplaced pride, heh, especially for paying customers. Probably early days for either side to feel vindicated, in any case.


I guess I'm a "hater" now.

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Ok then, riddle me this?


If the game has 1.7M subs with 215 servers that mostly show light or standard, do the math? k?


If you have 8,000 players for 215 servers with say 2000 to 2300 online at all times on each server - where the F are they hiding? Go find me more than 10 servers that currently have over 2300 players online dude. Go ahead.


You won't. Because those #'s are total BS.





you really can't be this obtuse.

Edited by Meluna
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They're counting active subs as of now -- which means it's a mix of people who are in their free month (bought the game after 1/1) and people who are in their first paid month -- not necessarily retention amount.


free month are not accounted in subs, just saying shareholder arent stupid they are well aware what is the difference, and its not 1.7 but more 1 699 999 because my GF unsub (lack of time, workign and pregnancy eats her alive lol)

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Ok then, riddle me this?


If the game has 1.7M subs with 215 servers that mostly show light or standard, do the math? k?


If you have 8,000 players for 215 servers with say 2000 to 2300 online at all times on each server - where the F are they hiding? Go find me more than 10 servers that currently have over 2300 players online dude. Go ahead.


You won't. Because those #'s are total BS.


If you would read and comprehend what has been said many times the server caps were raised three times to allow 40% more people on their selected realm...that is why they are showing light they had to do that because the game is growing so fast and they do not want to open more servers unless they absolutely have to.


The numbers aren't BS

you just need to accept the game is doing extremely well and move on with your life.



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