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Anyone else come to a grinding halt around Tatooine?


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Correlia is worse, i actually contemplated slitting my wrists.


Tattooine is at least mostly wide open and explorable.


Correlia is like a MW3 zone, except without all the cool 12 year olds running around to shoot.

So basically, everything is burning and destroyed... it's quite depressing.

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There are a few planets I really didn't like. Tatooine wasn't bad, though it's HUGE. Alderaan really pissed me off, and I dragged my feet (and even started one of my alts) before I was able to get past it.


But then, this has happened to me in other MMOs as well. There were a good number of zones in WoW I hated from the first time I set foot in them.

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Skipped Tatooine my first time around, decided to do it on my alt. At first I was reluctant. Then I got to murder Jawas. Then I did the Czerka chain (Imp). Now it's one of my favourites in terms of questing. Edited by MrPigCS
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Skipped Tatooine my first time around, decided to do it on my alt. At first I was reluctant. Then I got to murder Jawas. Then I did the Czerka chain (Imp). Now it's one of my favourites in terms of questing.


I skipped Tat for the most part. I came back and did the planet quest though because I couldn't abandon it. With some PVP and ship battles you can level up pretty quickly. But I was over leveled by the time I hit Tat, I skipped because I was so far over the level cap there and I wanted to see more of the planets.

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this game doesnt have a grind.. lol


it's one of the most enjoyable mmos to come out in a VERY long time.


xp is perfect!


I guess... if you like your MMO gaming experience to end in 2 weeks. I prefer to play for years. Hence the reason to subscribe.

xp in this game is meaningless, it is far too easy to get.

Same as money/credits. It has no value, there's nothing to buy.

Everything is this game is far too easy. It's an MMO for noobs and 5 year olds that like the pewpewpew sounds.

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Hated Tarsis. Better stay on the roads or you will end up in a corner of two big walls. No way to free navigate. Too many choke points with the inevitable trash mob pack that you have to kill or you arent going anywhere. The thought of having to go through that planet again has kept me from ever starting another republic alt. Not to mention the fact that I would have to work through bookend hallway planets on either side of it.
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Actually had a pretty good time there.


This was the first planet where I started to leave, and then come 'back' for the bonus series. I think I did the first series, then went to Alderaan and did that series without the bonus, then went back and did T bonus, and now I'm trying to remember if I did the A bonus or not?


Then there was a little 'quick' planet, which was kinda fun, Quesh I think? Now I'm on Hoth. I'm 'guessing' 1/3 of the way through, but I could be further.


I did 'kinda' start feeling exhausted around then, but I got my second wind. 30ish is a pretty typical time for me to burn down a bit 40 is another one, which is where I'm at now on Hoth.


But my consulting projects are also kinda hoping, which is mo' money, so I'm in good shape. :)

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30-ish was when i couldnt endure the questing anymore. I came to a definite, grinding halt in the uninspiring, desolate wastes of that planet. It was when i abandoned the game and instead stepped into the magical wonderland of Rift. A game where sh*t actually happens, and drives you along. Looks gorgeous as well. A nice injection for me after spending time with swtor. Edited by Droidlife
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There are a few planets I really didn't like. Tatooine wasn't bad, though it's HUGE. Alderaan really pissed me off, and I dragged my feet (and even started one of my alts) before I was able to get past it.


But then, this has happened to me in other MMOs as well. There were a good number of zones in WoW I hated from the first time I set foot in them.




Yeah in this game I really don't like Hoth. I can't quite get all the Corellia hate though, it was one of my favorite planets.

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I have a suggestion to make it more bearable






If you manage to catch a fish on Tatooine you deserve an achievement...


Anyway, Tatooine, Hoth and Voss are all fatigue-inducing planets. Quite large, a lot of spread out missions and back-n-forth. Belsavis has some of this until you unlock all the quick-travel stuff too.

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Just arrived at tatt last night, level 24 and looking forward to getting my first speeder at 25, and I've played about an hour on tatt and it's not too bad. Mind you if you like the films, you know what to expect on these planets...:rolleyes: I've not really seen anything like dust clouds as yet which would make it more detailed....One of the things I've noticed is the finer details that seem to be missing from places like tat, that amtospher. With little details like dust clouds and other enviroment effects it can bring things to life, a little lacking in some places which makes them feel static.;) Edited by Tronics
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Yep....Tatooine was fun at first, but it got to be a little bit of a grind....but Alderaan is where it went south for me. I just love going on a mission where the mob I have to kill has 12,567,987 more hp than me and my companion combined. Even the most well-executed rotation won't get through that. Makes for one very sad Jedi.


Wait....wait....if I get too sad, does that make me a good candidate for the Dark Side? :eek:

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Yes, I agree. My main is a Jedi Knight, and Valis (Kira's Imperial brother) is nigh impossible immediately after completing Nar Shadaa, as a Sentinel, you need a 3 level curve to have any chance at stopping him. So I went to Tatooine, expecting to get into questing. I love the planet and the details, especially the 'Is Feature!' Jawa, just not much to do quest wise.


First quest with Czerka mercenary is a joke to solo at level 23, even tried bringing in a Guardian around the same level and still failed, as is the Twin Suns Slavemaster to a lesser degree (I'm now a couple bars from 25, which should be enough) Managed to beat the Assassins with the help of a Trooper that happened to be there, but the warehouse it leads you to isn't feasible, but the Docking Bay 21 is a good exp room, as is the warehouse.


Tatooine crashed my mains progress completely, but I've been having plenty of fun with the Imperial Agent storyline for my resulting alt up to 21. I think they expect you to beat Valis and then continue with main story; things that are easier on Tatooine like all the other planets before you do the optional quests.


Two factors that might change this are getting better gear (especially a double bladed light-saber) for Kira, and leveling to 25, which I can easily grind or get through space missions or Heroics. Tatooine is not a level 24 and up solo planet for a Sentinel. And all of this is creating a 4k per repair credit sink that's preventing me from having funds readily available for a speeder, when I do grind to 25.

Edited by TheRyllThing
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I never want to do Balmora and that stupid Droid factory ever again. Everything else was manageable


Strange. Balmorra for Imperial Agent was good times for me. Operative levels a lot smoother than Sentinel IMO. Tatooine is just too much DPS without a healer of any kind.

Edited by TheRyllThing
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