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Recycling response lines is ruining this for me...


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"Do you need medical attention?"


"I think I could help you."


Lol my Jedi Knight says that stuff fairly often.


However I think the OPs perspective says something interesting that relates to a LOT of the criticism of this game: people actually expect a degree of perfection that isn't at all realistic.


Do we not repeat the same phrases several times through the day? God the internet itself is the primary residence of the worn out phrase repeated ad nauseum to the point that one actually DOES become physically nauseous.


Yet somehow, in this game(the FIRST MMO to even try including voice acting) EVERY line is expected to be brand new and unique. I find that kind of a bit of a harsh standard to hold. I don't expect zero repetition in anything in this world, why would I expect it from a video game?


Then again, a lot of people seem to expect this particular game to bring them breakfast in bed, fill in for them at work, and come home and prepare a deliciously fresh meal for them, after which a relaxing message and other kinds of personal attention will ensue. :p

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That's not an apt comparison.


I don't have a problem with "Sure", "No problem", etc. It's the catch phrases that need to die.


Imagine if someone asked you if you could do the dishes and you replied with "Doing dishes is what I do best!". How many times would you say that before they want to smack you?


My husband has been saying crap like that to me for years.


One way to look at it: how many lines of dialogue are there for your character - Thousands? Tens of thousands?


Think about the past several months or years - how many times have you said the same response over and over? My bounty hunter says "I'm listening" or "you have my attention" or "where do I come in?". Those are pretty similiar to things I've said in real life a lot.


My husband has some cheesy lines he says ALL THE TIME. If he overhears someone saying "electric", he'll go "boogie woogie woogie". He quotes Forest Gump ALL THE TIME (I was running) - for no reason at all. There's certain phrases our families say all the time (a lot of UHF quotes). My high school friends would spout Monty Phyton lines a lot. All of this generally occurs in response to some phrase or request.


So yeah, weird repeated phrases make complete sense to me.

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That's not an apt comparison.


I don't have a problem with "Sure", "No problem", etc. It's the catch phrases that need to die.


Imagine if someone asked you if you could do the dishes and you replied with "Doing dishes is what I do best!". How many times would you say that before they want to smack you?


Actually it is yours that is not the apt comparison. You fail to realize that your character is repeating these catch phrases TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. You can't imagine a character who likes to throw catch phrases around on a regular basis? The movies are full of them.


Just because you hear every word your character says does not mean he is saying the same things to the same person all the time...

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My husband has been saying crap like that to me for years.


One way to look at it: how many lines of dialogue are there for your character - Thousands? Tens of thousands?


Think about the past several months or years - how many times have you said the same response over and over? My bounty hunter says "I'm listening" or "you have my attention" or "where do I come in?". Those are pretty similiar to things I've said in real life a lot.


My husband has some cheesy lines he says ALL THE TIME. If he overhears someone saying "electric", he'll go "boogie woogie woogie". He quotes Forest Gump ALL THE TIME (I was running) - for no reason at all. There's certain phrases our families say all the time (a lot of UHF quotes). My high school friends would spout Monty Phyton lines a lot. All of this generally occurs in response to some phrase or request.


So yeah, weird repeated phrases make complete sense to me.


Fifi are you psyched? Are you ready? :D

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Fifi are you psyched? Are you ready? :D


You know, if you guys didn't choose the same responses all the time you might get a little more variety as well. For example, for Knight any time you ask if someone is hurt etc. you will get the "Do you need medical attention" thing. I'm sure that a lot of the other repetitive comments are obviously tied to some type of response, so figure which they are and mix it up a bit.

Edited by Cancrizans
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Actually it is yours that is not the apt comparison. You fail to realize that your character is repeating these catch phrases TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. You can't imagine a character who likes to throw catch phrases around on a regular basis? The movies are full of them.


Actually, the character IS repeating these catchphrases to the same person each time: THE PLAYER.


If your best friend uses the same lame jokes with EVERY person he comes across, every waiter, bank attendant, etc., although the jokes may be new to them, they're hideously overused to YOU. Pretty soon, you wonder why your friend doesn't come up with some new material or why he himself doesn't get tired of repeating the same bloody thing over and over again.


Again, use sentence splicing: it takes less space, can be used in MORE situations and isn't lame and cheesy like catch-phrases.


Catch phrases like "I have a bad feeling about this" should be used once in the game and ONLY once, period.

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"Do you need medical attention?" - Female Jedi Knight


She once used this 4 times in a two hour play session. And mostly in places where it didn't really make sense. After awhile I started trying to pick answers to see how many times I could get her to say it just for funny.


But yeah, for a game that touts wonderful dialog, it seems they really skimped in some places.

Edited by Guen
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I've heard that something around 20GB of the game is sound, so their cool new feature has some drawbacks. Repetitive responses from your character is one of the cons, and unfortunately it makes re-playability lackluster. I've just turned the voice-overs off.
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I've heard that something around 20GB of the game is sound, so their cool new feature has some drawbacks. Repetitive responses from your character is one of the cons, and unfortunately it makes re-playability lackluster. I've just turned the voice-overs off.


I wouldn't be surprised, which is why sentence splicing would've made all the more sense... :\

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Catch phrases like "I have a bad feeling about this" should be used once in the game and ONLY once, period.


A catch phrase that is only used once isn't a catch phrase. By definition, they become iconic through repeated use.


Next time you're playing, try to imagine that every affirmative answer you gave was "yes", every negative was "no" and see just how mind numbingly boring the dialogue would be.


The writers cannot force too much personality on the characters because the player wants to be able to make that up for themselves as they go along. Still, they have to give the character SOMETHING that situates it within the story, so they're walking a line between creating half a character and keeping it open enough for the player to fill in the blanks for themselves.


The more detailed the dialogue they write for you to say, the less control you have over your character's development in your mind. If they leave things too simple and undefined, the characters would come across as completely empty and would be unable to express any kind of personality in their answers. So they're stuck working with a middle road that gives you some choice, allows the characters to speak, and doesn't take a thousand years to map out and record every possible answer that every single type of person might give.


You can't have the functionality of a pen and paper rpg inside a video game, so you pretty much have to be willing to suspend your disbelief and accept stock responses or instead view certain voiced responses as representative of the manner in which your character is responding rather than as exactly what he/she is saying.

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The more detailed the dialogue they write for you to say, the less control you have over your character's development in your mind. If they leave things too simple and undefined, the characters would come across as completely empty and would be unable to express any kind of personality in their answers. So they're stuck working with a middle road that gives you some choice, allows the characters to speak, and doesn't take a thousand years to map out and record every possible answer that every single type of person might give.


It's rather ironic that you say this because one of the biggest issues I've seen is that a dialogue choice will read something like "It may be difficult, but I think I can do this." and upon clicking it, the character says the same "Dangerous jobs are what I do best! I'm in!" line that he's said a number of times before, even though the two were in no way the same thing.


Nothing is worse for trying to develop your character a certain way than to have to hit esc to back out of a dialogue choice because it didn't at all match the text and what you WANTED your character to say.

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Personally I wish they'd have just had them say what is on the radial when I choose it. Would have cured all these stupid one-liners...


oh and...


We better settle up...


Now to show you what a real Bounty Hunter can do...

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