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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Dark Age of Camelot.


Best PvP ever. It was engaging, it was rewarding, it was complicated, it had the perfect burden of knowledge, it didn't overly reward time, PVP rank wasn't a guaranteed win, it was team based, it had tactics...I mean I can go on for hours about everything DAoC did right.

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8v8 doesn't.


Daoc was not about 8vs8. It was about stacking a burn teams in the open world so you could instant burn a player and move to the next.


If you talking about small scale WoW does that better.


Daoc world pvp system was fun, But base combat was horrible.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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UO pre trammel was good so was AC darktide. Planetside was good even Shadowbane though Shadowbane was extremely buggy and full of exploits and hackers. Warhammer was pretty decent too, even Eve was fun. I enjoyed the WOW pvp for a bit as well. AOC was ok also. Aion was also quite entertaining as was Lineage and Lineage 2. To be quite honest I even enjoyed LOTRO's monster play thingy.


Personally I think the best was DAOC. In my mind it is in class of its own with nothing that's ever been as good. The level of play and how deep it wrapped you in was extrordinary.


I skipped Darkfall but my guildmates swear I missed a good one. I skipped Rift as well and heard it was ok for a while. I skipped Guild Wars as well.


I hope we someday see a DAOC 2 so all of you who missed it can experiance PVP that fun. :)

Edited by LancelotOC
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I've been playing online games since 1996. I can tell from a lot of posts that most people have played only one or two games. I've played about a dozen.


In my opinion, DAoC and Planetside were the two best PvP games.


Balance is crucial in PvP, not just classes but numbers. Each of those games had 3 factions. Having three factions is important balance wise. One faction could be the strongest but because they had to contend with two others, they were never rolling everyone.


Let me give you an example from DAoC.


I was Hibernian (the Irish faction), the Albs (Albion, the British faction) had one of our keeps under siege. It was a close fight, trebuchets firing everywhere, the Albs went through a number of Rams, mages casting from the ramparts. Once through the gate the fight in the courtyard was epic as they tried to breach the keep.


We were outnumbered almost 2 to 1. Right as they were about to breach the doors to the keep the third faction, Midgard (Scandinavian faction) showed up. They surprised the Albs from behind. They had maybe two groups (16 people) and the Albs had around 50. Because the Albs were so focused on us, the Mids cut through them really fast and basically saved our keep. By the end there was a free for all in the courtyard with all three sides fighting each other.


What ruined DAoC was two things. An expansion (Trials of Atlantis) that added another power tree and gear that we had to PvE to not only get, but also to level up (yes, we had to level up gear).


The second thing was they restructured the Frontier (where we fought) to make it useless to have a tank/melee DPS. It basically became a mage/stealther only battle. Which removed about half of the players from the fight.


Planetside also had three factions and like DAoC, that prevented one faction from gaining dominance. What ruined that game was a weapon called BFR, which basically is a mech that would destroy everyone and everything in it's path. Not only was it an offensive weapon but it had some really strong shields which made it extremely tough to take out.


If SWToR decided to become a really good PvP game (and I know that was not their first intention, but seeing as how many people do it, maybe they should put more emphasis on it), they would need to add a third faction. Mandalorians come to mind, but maybe you really geeky SW fans can think of a better one.

Edited by Alonick
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first 4 seasons of wow arena were pretty balanced.


Vanilla pvp was difficult to describe cause gear became a big issue after a while but it was fun.


No it wasn't, certain team makeups were destroying everything else. The closest Wow was ever to balance was in vanilla before people were fully stocked in raid gear.

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No it wasn't, certain team makeups were destroying everything else. The closest Wow was ever to balance was in vanilla before people were fully stocked in raid gear.


This is true for any MMO. Balance is hard. If they made 4vs4 arena. There would be FOTM class comps in any MMO out there.



SW:ToR had unoffical arena 3vs3 held by the players and it was 2 meele and one healer that went fotm

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Daoc was not about 8vs8. It was about stacking a burn teams in the open world so you could instant burn a player and move to the next.


If you talking about small scale WoW does that better.


Daoc world pvp system was fun, But base combat was horrible.


Base combat meaning...?


And I have no idea what these burn teams you are speaking of. I played DAoC since closed beta and I never once encountered them. The closest thing I got to an "instant burn" was an infiltrator got a crit PA+garrote against my thane and I was dropped in about 3 attacks. Even a full squad of AIr Theurgs nuking me couldn't instadrop me.


I also had a multi-box scout squad try shooting me, that was funny. I got 8 kills from that attempt too, was worth over 16k RP.


If you're talking about multi-boxers (8 people bound to the same keyboard), these were free RPs for most competent players. Perhaps I am spoiled since I spent most of my time on Midgard/Percival, but multi-boxers were free RPs.


I guarantee you, 8v8 (which was an integral part of DAoC, you clearly didn't spend much time at level 50, it was unofficial but to the point there were entire guilds dedicated to it) was more competitive than WoW arenas. While I only made it to about 2470 rating in Burning Crusade, nothing gave me anything near the thrill of my rr8+ 8 man clashing with a rival 8 man back pre-ToA.


One mistake determined an 8 man fight. I've had 8 man fights last over 15 minutes before. Damn those were some good times.


ANd then there was the thrill (And I am not being facetious) of being outnumbered 4:1 or worse as Midgard but we'd manage to still win through better tactics. Ah, such good times!

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small scale PVP--UO

large scale PVP-DAOC


People get their panties in a fluff about UO and "beating people up and taking their lunch money". But it didn't work like that. There were rules and consequences for violating those rules. It was very well balanced until..................wait..............


YOU READY FOR IT???????????




There were so many FUN aspects from UO. It was not some random free for all murder/steal action.

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#1 DAOC before the 8v8 craze. I really loved the massive keep battles/relic raids even though the engine couldn't really support so many people. Being able to min max crafted gear was great, leveling artifacts was not. *edit* I should mention that the immersion from the legend based lore and story line was epic and well thought out. I would be all over DAOC 2 if EA wasn't involved.


#2 AOC before it's demise, gem stacking was hilarious but that and lack of an auction house killed it before it's time.


#3 Wow pre-BC was pretty fun too even if the pvp was pointless if you raided. Arenas kind of ruined it for me, I'm a pretty solitary individual but enjoy the rush of massive scale pvp.


I've played every major game except Lineage I and II when it comes to pay to play but I was a carebear until I played DAOC.

Edited by Kognos
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PVP FUN= Matrix Online. best game for pvp. 1v1, 10v10 whatever, u name it. there was no safe zone besides the Loading screen(jack in zone)


PVP SKILL= Global Agenda. AvA Agency vs Agency= 10vs10. u got snipers, medics, assaullts, and robotics. really fun and takes tons of skill and practice to get really good.


PVP MASS KILLING= 2Moons. Love this game cause i would go out to a map and kill 300+ ppl all different ppl, haha and if u PKd lowbies u got penalized for it, and if a higher lvl killed u while u had a bounty, u went to jail. i spend 3 days in jail. and u cant logg off 3 days....no no. u have to be logged in for 3 full days in jail, cause i had a super high bounty, haha


PVP Better Gear=Better Toon no matter the skill= RF Online. F2P w a Cash Shop game, so the richest person wins. but from 1-50 if its a fresh server. its so much fun..


those are just my top choices, i didnt not care to read the 1 billion pages, haha sorry:)

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DAoC, no contest. Far superior to any PvP mmorpg before or since which is really tragic that no game has even come close to improving on the standard set over ten years ago.


GW2 will probably be the first game to attempt the 3 faction (read:servers) open world pvp in modern times, if it succeeds goodbye SWTOR.

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