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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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I just read the Patches notes 1.1.2.

Weren't they supposed to "slightly" increase the chances for RE in this patch ? Or I'm totally off about this ?


I remember seeing that as well. I thought I was crazy.


Looking at the cached version on google though, there's no mention.


In the PTR forum though, there's a sticky with upcoming crafting changes for 1.2 - it is mentioned in that.

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Does anyone have a list of where schematics can be purchased? I'm Bio, and I haven't found a bio trainer since Alderaan...I think. nothing on Balmorra, or Quesh so far; and I'm beginning to become concerned that I'm either blind or stupid. :D
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Does anyone have a list of where schematics can be purchased? I'm Bio, and I haven't found a bio trainer since Alderaan...I think. nothing on Balmorra, or Quesh so far; and I'm beginning to become concerned that I'm either blind or stupid. :D


All of the trainers can be found at your Fleet too...

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Apologies if this has been answered before (if so, could it be added to the top post?).


As an armstech, I have a selection of weapons requiring bind-on-pickup biomemetic gel to craft, which is a pain to get. Is there confirmed evidence that REing one of these can result in a better schematic? The mats are so hard to get that I don't want to chance it unless I know it can be done, and even so, the thought of REing 20 of these to get a schematic is enough to bring one to tears....






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I have re 110 supremacy dark synth boots which are artifact level 49 items. If I keep going should I get a legendary schematic or is it possible to get a t3 item. Otherwise do I have to buy level 50 schematics and the tier 2 version will be legendary??? Edited by akkidd
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I have re 110 supremacy dark synth boots which are artifact level 49 items. If I keep going should I get a legendary schematic or is it possible to get a t3 item. Otherwise do I have to buy level 50 schematics and the tier 2 version will be legendary???


There currently are no legendary items in the game. Best you can get with RE is a T2 with augment slot.

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Just curious but are most of you guys actually crafting with companions that have very high or maxed out affection with you? Also using a companion that actually has a crit chance with a craft or gathering skill is more preferable to use for crafting.

It feels like alot of people are just crafting with whatever companion they feel like and then get annoyed when the results are terrible.

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It be official, RE is broked http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2613451#edit2613451


Nice to see an admission and a plan to improve it. I had 5 "You already know this schematic"s trying to discover the Veracity Ear for my BH.


WRT Companion affection, I've never seen any increase or decrease in success rate based on affection, only reduced mission/crafting times. 2v-r8 succeeds and fails at the same rate as Mako on full affection. Torian with a small amount of affection seems to bring me back more purples than any other companion I don't think that's a feature, just the way the dice has rolled for me ;o)

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Thanks OP for taking the time to put together this very informative guide.


I have a quick question. I created 2 batches of 15 Redoubt Immunity Modules (Tier 1 Earpieces (blue) ) for a total of 30. I RE'd the first 15 last night and another 15 this morning and have not discovered any schematic for the next tier up (Artifact). I accept that this may simply be bad luck on my rolls but was wondering if any others are having the same poor RE vs Learned schematic ratio? or is this maybe connected with the issue with the redoubt prefix described in the known bugs and issues?


I had no messages during the RE process just plain and simple returned materials.



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quick question,


this might have been answered in the other 1000posts, but il do it again..


Ive crafted the Rakata bracers and belt for my sorc in SW


can i RE theese for a better pattern ? i mean rakata is best in game atm right ? also.. can i crit when making theese items for an augment slot ?


thnx /korvbollina

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Was able to get a crit on an Orange Consular Adept Lower Robe and I reread the message on the log and it said Redoubt Consular Adept Lower Robe but it never showed on my list which is strange but not uncommon with the issues I have been having with the game :(
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The reverse engineering return rate is not currently working as intended. In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items. We are also looking into the issue where a player receives "You already know that schematic" instead of learning a new research variation.


Patrick Malott

Systems Designer



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Just to check; they stock the schems that you have the level to craft? So the vendor on the station will carry the same schems as those in the field?


Yes, the UI defaults to 'Trainable' and thus you'll only see schematics if you're not fully trained up for your skill level, but you can also select 'All' and see, well, ALL of them that you don't already know.

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So as an artificer (no this is not a mod question shockingly!), can I crit for an augment slot on my relics? Or will it increase the proc? Furthermore, can it be mastercrafted?


I've yet to see anyone running around with one.

Edited by Khadroth
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I picked up Biochem and just found that you can reverse engineer an entire stack of a stim.


Does reverse engineering a stack of 4 stims give you the same chance of finding an improved item as if you reversed the 4 stims individually?

Edited by iain_b
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I picked up Biochem and just found that you can reverse engineer an entire stack of a stim.


Does reverse engineering a stack of 4 stims give you the same chance of finding an improved item as if you reversed the 4 stims individually?


That Appears to be the case.

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