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Scoundrel here getting *****...


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Actually ever single WZ I have been in (especially Ilum) the Imps were all Sorc, Ops, and BH. None of my interrupts worked, I hit them with a flashbang no effect, my cc's did little, and before I can even do something they all toss stuns at me.


Sorry, I have no uber defense against 7 stuns at once. Then sorc runs up, 3 hits and 14k damage later I'm dead.


Also this instant stealth in the middle of being attacked needs to go. That is seriously unfair.


I admit, I am still learning PvP (and frankly not a fan of it as it seems seriously Imp favored) but I do know how to use my Gunslinger abilities well enough. Yet when you go into a wz and every single Imp is always 1 of the 3 classes, it is rather frustrating. I don't see any balance issues in place. I may be wrong but that's my observation.


Also I honestly wish I could choose the wz I could play. Huttball..hate it...Ilum..hate it (especially on Keller's Void 90% of the time all Imps very few Rep and all of them Sorc/Op). Voidstar..hate it. Alderaan I really like as it seems that is the only WZ where I can actually do something w/o being ganked by a horde of Sorc/Ops/BH.



Pretty much the same on my server, Imps top the score card and the breakdown on the Imp side is usually 6 to 7 inquisitors (mainly sorcerors topping the chart), A Stih warrior, 2 bounty hunters and an Operative.


Supposedly sorcerors are 'squishy'. Individually they may be but en masse, with the number and high damage output of their 'instant' offensive abilities, their sustatined DPS really does knock down opponents rapidly.


And yep, they do love to focus fire that lightning on my scoundrel once I'm out of stealth. With multiple sorcerors doing this, there really isn't any opportunity to break line of sight and being slowed I can't really close the gap to do any of the heavier melee ranged combat damage in my arsenal.


If I can clear the DoTs on me and succesfully disappear, this then locks me into a fragile state of having to decide whether or not to drop out of stealth again immediately (with probably more than half my health having been wiped out in just 3 or 4 seconds due to Inquisitor/Sorceror lightning attacks and Dot's, or run around for two minutes in stealth whilst the cooldown on my best escape hope runs down.


Which leaves me feeling as though I'm not contributing much to the team effort.


As to in combat Scoundrel healing, if not specced as a healer, it's lousy. It requires we stand still, plainly visible, for several seconds, so other than trying to skulk off to a hidden corner to use the talent safely, it's not something best used in combat.


All this comes down to whether or not we are talking 1v1, or 1 as part of a team in PvP.

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Hey guys,


Just wanted to let you all know the whining worked. I now attack, then proceed to die every single time. 0 utility, 0 defense, 100% ****


Its terrible and I had to quit playing today before I nerd rage quit the game completely.


They are actually more powerful now with the CC than before.

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Operatives and Scoundrels now actually require more than an IQ half your shoesize to be properly played? You don't say...


Yet still require less IQ than the Jugg or Marauder because they have none of their survivbility and only the same damage.

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OP is either really bad at the game or trolling, i pvp daily with a smuggler buddy of mine and he drops BM geared people left and right 1v1 without big problems and he isn't even specced into the 1.5 sec stun on his opener infact he is full pve specced so either you are doing it VERY WRONG or you are just bad at the game/or you didnt bother getting properly geared.
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I play heal specc'd scoundrel and I admit i'm still learning with the PvP thing atm (Rank 17 atm, so draw from that what you will) as it seems like a more viable means of building up some reasonable gear for life after 50 than PvE play for now.


I can't output as much DPS/HPS as most other classes.. hell I've even been out healed by DPS specc' troopers at times, but fingers x'ed that'll get looked at eventually or something...


I spent a long time as one of the lower players on the score board at the start, maybe pulling in 100k heals and no real damage to speak of, and was pretty cheesed off with it all..


I'm not sure how other scoundrels/ops find it, but it's basically pointless me going toe to toe with anyone for long, as it's unlikely i'll survive the encounter alone... Similarly the standing in one spot pumping heals is pointless, you're inevitably an easy target and because you're healing as well, you quickly become a priority target.


So I've changed my play style and become far more opportunistic/utilitarian in what I do. Can't be more specific than that as I don't want to guide people through ganking me, but its meant that at valor 17 with naff gear I've moved from the bottom of the team scores to around the middle now.


I rarely earn the medals I see some folks going home with, and I suspect that any MVP votes I've had were largely misclicks and mistakes, but it seems to work.


Like I said, I'm still learning to pvp with it, I normally avoid pvp like the plague so I'm not claiming to be a demagogue for the PvP going world, and I'm sure there are some seriously dangerous players with similar builds that make me look more like I'm standing still wearing no clothes, but I can't see the slowly developing gear and experience making the class play as anything other than some kind of "utility, slightly flexible, if its in the right place at the right time" class that can sometimes swing the choice between which of a couple of other players is likely to fall over first.

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OP is either really bad at the game or trolling, i pvp daily with a smuggler buddy of mine and he drops BM geared people left and right 1v1 without big problems and he isn't even specced into the 1.5 sec stun on his opener infact he is full pve specced so either you are doing it VERY WRONG or you are just bad at the game/or you didnt bother getting properly geared.


Good thing this game is balanced around 1v1 instead of utility in teams/warzones.


Oh wait.

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Good thing this game is balanced around 1v1 instead of utility in teams/warzones.


Oh wait.


Even in big fights he does good so your point is null and void, want to try again? hell even 1v2/3 at the time he can come out on top, of course he has no cooldowns left.

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Even in big fights he does good so your point is null and void, want to try again? hell even 1v2/3 at the time he can come out on top, of course he has no cooldowns left.


Ok I wasn't sure before but after this comment I know you are joking :)

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Hey guys,


Just wanted to let you all know the whining worked. I now attack, then proceed to die every single time. 0 utility, 0 defense, 100% ****


Its terrible and I had to quit playing today before I nerd rage quit the game completely.


Don't know what you're talking about. I know some operatives that are pretty good and take me down quickly.


I just don't see a crapload of them anymore. Probably because all of the people who truly sucked playing the class, but whose performance was boosted by the external factor of the class being overpowered, quit playing Ops and rerolled.

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The other day faced a scoundrel level 50 in a voidstar match he scored easily over 400k damage and owned pretty much everyone he faced not bad for a class nerfed into the ground lol. I need to post the screen capture of tote board cause I was like damn lol. Edited by LordbishopX
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The nerf seperated the FOTMs from the people who actually knew how to play the class.


I can guess which group the OP was in.



The DPS ops and scoundrels who are still topping the charts and facerolling people are in stark contrast to your claims OP.


In other words:


Learn to play.

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Just renewed my sub 2 days ago, canceling due to the knee jerk operatives get. Its one thing to tone down a class for PVP like the stun, i felt that was too long maybe 2 secs at 75% resolve but not 3 secs at 100% resolve. But its another thing to knee jerk it when it comes to PVE. I had alot of fun playing it though and i felt it was pretty balanced at the 50 only tier against similar geared opponents. I dont pvp much, mainly i PVE and the class had my chosent method of PVEing im not willing to play something i dont want to just to continue playing the game, so i canceled.


I wont give my money to a company that succumbs to whiners either. Yes i watched lvl 10s getting face rolled and 2 hit with crits of up to 9K as well... Thats low lvls trying to fight 50s, i dont care what the buff says... bolster never brought you up to an equal playing field against a 50 if you were say level 10. But like i said i dont pvp much anyway, im mainly a PVE'er


Honestly my choosen method of playing isnt viable in pve anymore compared to any other dps burst/sustained and i dont feel like playing something else i dont have an interest in, but ive become a liability to my guild on raids.


oh well, it is a fun game, i just have no desire to see choosen methods of play knee jerked into the ground they have no place in PVE


Just seems odd that you would post in the PVP forum since you don't really care for nor PVP that much. Oh and the nerf isn't even out yet (as far as I know, mgiht be, /shrug), but ya, let's all jump ship because they touched a stat that was broken, but we didn't agree with.


You do realize that it affects more than just a DPS OP right?

Edited by Ortof
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I love fail baddie logic. Somehow removing the talent for KD on HS so that we have 1 stun and 1 mez, instead of 2 stuns and 1 mez.....means our stun rotation got 'buffed' and 'lasts longer' now.


Basically anyone with half a brain that uses their cc breaker on our 4 second stun would still be 'stunnable'....but not by the Op since he only now has a long cd flashbang available that breaks on damage.


....but I don't use that spec specifically for that reason and I still have no problem killing anyone that's not getting pocket healed.

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For all you Operatives/Scoundrels crying about the changes, and saying our class is unplayable...


I have one thing to say...


Learn to play the class...


Ive been playing my Operative since day one, and kill players just fine...


To be honest, i have yet to lose a straight up 1vs1 fight...


Rarely have i lost 2vs1...


If you don't know how to play your classes, then i can understand why you all think we are now gimped...


Which we aren't...

Edited by Felgor
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I love fail baddie logic. Somehow removing the talent for KD on HS so that we have 1 stun and 1 mez, instead of 2 stuns and 1 mez.....means our stun rotation got 'buffed' and 'lasts longer' now.


Basically anyone with half a brain that uses their cc breaker on our 4 second stun would still be 'stunnable'....but not by the Op since he only now has a long cd flashbang available that breaks on damage.


....but I don't use that spec specifically for that reason and I still have no problem killing anyone that's not getting pocket healed.


Out of curiosity, what do you mean you don't use that specific spec? Flashbang and dirty kick aren't spec dependant.

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The other day faced a scoundrel level 50 in a voidstar match he scored easily over 400k damage and owned pretty much everyone he faced not bad for a class nerfed into the ground lol. I need to post the screen capture of tote board cause I was like damn lol.

Cherry picking =/= utility in warzones

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For all you Operatives/Scoundrels crying about the changes, and saying our class is unplayable...


I have one thing to say...


Learn to play the class...


Ive been playing my Operative since day one, and kill players just fine...


To be honest, i have yet to lose a straight up 1vs1 fight...


Rarely have i lost 2vs1...


If you don't know how to play your classes, then i can understand why you all think we are now gimped...


Which we aren't...



Seriously though I dont know wth all the "useless/gimped" talk is about... If you have **** gear and no expertise trying to take down a heavy armor toon with more than you then yea your damage is going to suck and that's the same across the board for all classes.


The time I spent playing under geared only helped me, because now that I am

Better geared I'm running into situations in ilum and wz's where those same tactics are allowing me to take down multiple people in one encounter.


Yea I believe we need some fine tuning for our back blast/sucker punch or something but nothing major, get yourself some expertise and use more than 3 skills ... Gear does play a factor in the equation but dont expect to win if you can't figure out how and when to use more than 3-4 abilities.

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