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50s farming low lvls in tattoine ANNOYANCE


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You are missing the point mate, stealthers are designed to fight that way, that is their entire perp for being in the game. To harass an exploit the enemy's weaknesses


Yup strike when the time is right.... soft armor at melee range means you have to make sure you attack when you know youll have the advantage.... act to hastily and you will end up dead looking like a noob for trying to gank someone out of the blue with no strategy. Especially if its a tank style class.

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PvP servers of mmo's early on are almost always like this to an extent. The simple fact is a majority of players are still NOT level 50 and the end-game pvp has not yet developed.


I personally gave up on MMO PvP years ago after UO's "safe cities" stupidity. PvP has not been worth pursuing as a challenge in years.


That is a bit off topic - to your concerns - give it 6 months and you'll be able to quest relatively in peace. otherwise you just have to roll with the punches

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You are missing the point mate, stealthers are designed to fight that way, that is their entire perp for being in the game. To harass an exploit the enemy's weaknesses


So what your trying to say is that Operatives are balanced so they can defeat an enemy when he is at 20% health? ....


Your raising such a useless point in terms of the context in any case. Regardless of class design and balance, the person I was replying to was stating that Republic players play dirty and Imperial do not. I was stating that Imperials are very much the same. THAT is my point.


Jesus H bloody Christ.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


All i can say is reroll on a PvE server.

If ya cant take the fire then get out of it.

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When you go to roll a character on a PvP server, the game even pops up with an additional message WARNING YOU that this exact stuff WILL happen. Why would you actually come to the forums and complain about it? Seriously dude... roll on a PvE server.
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Who cares really. This happens all time in mmorpg. If you get gank after gank in that zone, then it's time to go level else where, take a break, or level using pvp and space missions. Obviously, these alternate things you could do, but if your determine to level it's only way. If you really want to level in peace just roll on pve server.


You could also try leveling in dungeons. I'm not sure if you can reset dungeons and just run them over and over like in wow. If you can, you can just level in dungeons all the way to 50 and never be bothered by a level 50. It's not like they can enter your instance. That's how I leveled in wow using two accounts. A high level character power leveling my lowbies. It feels a bit unfair in that you don't give opposing faction characters a chance to gank you cause they can't enter your instance.

Edited by Knockerz
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whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now?


My question is how? how are they telling you you suck? if they are doing it via a friend or taking turns logging over to Republic side to whisper you..then son you report them cuz that is the ONLY form of harrassment on a PvP server.


By rolling PvP you accept you will spend every odd second dead due to PvP period. What you dont accept is them logging over to your faction and whisper you about it..thats harrassment and what they are doing then is only 'grieving' you can do on PvP server. Other than that...QQ reroll PvE...hell i did, gave up on PvP servers world pvp dont exist worth crap anymore so I opt'd out. Though i will defend the right of every PvP realmer to camp til their black little hearts beat again.



TLDR - camping is part of life on PvP server, getting tells from your campers isnt, that is harrassment and should be reported.

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What part of the PvP in PvP Server did you not understand when making your choice?


The normal response to this type of activity is to rally your guildmates or others in the zone to smack the dudes down. QQ on the forums rarely achieves the revenge one desires.


BTW, good to hear that OPvP is happening in places other than Ilum.


I understand the PvP part just fine.



Verbally abusing someone after killing them is unsportsmanlike and uncalled for regardless of what server type it happens on. WoW disabled the ability to understand the opposing faction for this reason.

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Case in point, 2 days ago I was on my JK defence spec, an got jumped by two of the so called "pvp gods" lol one went for my pet (moron) other tried to take me down. I popped my CD's an punted him over a cliff. The other one couldn't kill my pet so he abuses me an runs....


Because they only play BG's they dont really know how to fight, so when it comes to someone their level who only world pvp's(not illum farming) they are screwed.


I stopped reading the pvp forums anymore, since its nothing but wall to wall abuse threats, tantrums an demands of nerf or els I quit.....yawn..


haha, awesome story. I'd love to have had a webcam on that dude's face when you punted him over a cliff, haha.

Edited by Cerion
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After about 20 minutes of waiting for the baloon we needed to get to the datacron to come, we finally were able to see it coming closer - and on the Horizon, a level 50 sith and 2 friends coming along with him. On-levels, but was a bit of a surprise.


Let me be honest with you, we were not a coordinated, masterful, expert group by any standards. I had my doubts that I could heal everyone, or that the team we had would work together enough to pull it off. The numbers were stacked in our favor, but our highest level was 1 44 - meaning this level 50 had a clear advantage.


When they came and attacked, one person's HP dropped by 50% in one casted strike. It was a rather painful thing to recover from, but we healed through it - and you know what was funny? With all of us swarming that 50, we beat him down to 50% HP rather fast.


He proceeded to run to recover, leaving his friends behind. At which point we slaughtered them all. We held our ground, fighting the 50, and got on the baloon in the end.


The greatest part of it was that in the end, he tried to run to the edge where we had jumped form to escape - tried to cast a spell on us in a last-ditch effort of 'I can still kill ONE of you!'... And I proceeded to ranged-interrupt his face. Nothing quite as epic as that. XD


Awesome story! I love OPvP stories! More! More!

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Nanny Pants made me laugh....


The world PvP on PvP servers is close to non-existent. Even in Ilum, where they kill trade for BM gear (suurrrrre you earned that...::wink::) You get the occasional gank here and there and that's it. PvP in TOR is PvE with PvP tendencies. If I'm getting camped in any game... I just go do something else, and they'll go away. Then I can continue.

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It doesn't even matter this isn't about ethics.


Its about destroying the other faction who if given the chance would do the same to you. This is a game I would never IRL go kick kid in the face and spit on him....


In game if I see a sith ill destroy him over and over and over again and enjoy it and taunt him.


This is a game.


This is a pvp server, there is a warning at the bottom about the server even. Stating they are not responsible for player behavior on the server.


Stop trying to relate a game to RL.


PS. I have not problems sleeping at night after destroying people in pvp regardless of their level... why should I? and why should they its a game.


I suppose I'll have to give a different example since the other ones are way over your head.


How do you feel when other people rolls against your loot, and wins, knowing they can't use it? for example, you use AIM, they use Strength, but they roll on your gear just for kicks because they know they can, and they vendor it. And to add insult to injury, this was an item you've been trying to farm for weeks and it finally drops. Oh, and then he calls you an idiot for not rolling higher (like you had a choice)


Are you completely fine with that? Are you remotely pissed off that this guy screwed you over on your loot?


If you're remotely upset at their actions, then the same question applies. Why were you upset? Is that ethical? It's just a game right?


The point is, even though it's just a game, it still carries psychological affects towards others. You would probably think that guy was an as-$hat for doing what he did. No different than some people thinking you're an as-$hat for continually ganking lowbies.


If you believe that what this guy does to roll on your gear, to ruin your gaming experience, is not ok, then you'd be a hypocrite to believe it's ok to ruin somebody's gaming experience by placing them in a situation they cannot retaliate against.


You can do whatever you like in the game, but there are actions where people are justified to call you an expletive. This is simply a case of that. You want to be an A$-$? Go for it. You're an A$-$. Gratz?

Edited by Lazorous
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My server, The Crucible Pits, is infested with ganking Ruinous players. Not only is it hilarious to gank people on the Republic, it's even more fun when some of these Ruin guys try to take us out at whatever location they were ganking when our 50s reinforcements arrive.


Ah the joys of PvP... Also, I leave anyone on Republic alone as long as they don't attack me. If they do, I just switch to my 50 main to hunt them down along with guildies. It's hilarious.

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No offence mate but pvp servers are not for you. There is NO link between real life an gaming. Not a single one, you volunteered to play on a pvp server, an while exploited 50's in full BM ganking quest geared 25s is silly, it is within the games guidelines.You should really take responsibility for yourself an your actions.


I'm already use to the gank squads when playing WoW. I'm not speaking for myself.


What I am trying to point out is the psychology around people who find enjoyment from other people's misery. Emotions are RL. You believe that people playing a game doesn't have emotions? Not sure what world you're referring to. 2nd Life is just a game, yet people break up RL marriages within it. You'd be surprised just how much a game affects people in RL.


And those who continually gank lowbies actually know this and prey on it. They know they're pissing the other person off, and they're doing it for their own enjoyment. It is within the boundaries of the game, but I'm just pointing out that if your interest is to piss people off for your own entertainment... sorry but that's just sad.

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I will gank any lowbie I run across. It's revenge against the other Imperials that have ganked me as I was leveling. Will I camp them? No unless they make a rude gesture but if I am helping a friend and I see a Imp no matter what the level Its a straight B-line for them. Make them explode then proceed on my way.


There is a reason my old guild was hated and targeted out of the crowd back in pre 1.1 Illum, makes the game fun.


I also pushed to lvl 50 in about 12 days after I got in due to the fact it allowed me to help friends with leveling and help them if they were getting ganked.

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Verbally abusing someone after killing them is unsportsmanlike and uncalled for regardless of what server type it happens on. WoW disabled the ability to understand the opposing faction for this reason.


The teabag emoting I used to do to vanquished foes on Hoth, before it became a bannable offense, would probably disgust you.

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Which is kinda wrong since it takes away the 2 factions at war feeling from the game. But i guess that only 1 big faction thingy works for people that wants to play on PVe server.


and the 2nd faction exists as computer opponents. i dont need to fight someone jumping around like a rabbit to have fun :D


lotro did 1 faction gameplay really well with adding a 2nd as pvp choices if a player wanted to

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Ahhh The Gank =D Good to hear some world PvP stories! Y'know in a weird way, I kinda look forward to that group of 50's coming through my questing area and rolling me. Yeah, it slows down your questing, but I'm not here for maximum efficency and a 50 in the shortest time possible. I'm here to have fun. Watching your back, scoping out the area, keeping tabs on general chat for the other faction's location, all this adds FUN to what would otherwise be mechanical questing.


If you're getting ganked, and it gets annoying, call some friends and set a trap! Get on general chat and ask for a hand! I love it when the zone gets together and defends their own. Leveling on a PvP server is more than just turning in quests as fast as you can. If you want a certain amount of XP gain per hour, I would suggest a PvE server.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Pvp server nuff said! Level fast and stop crying.

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Thank you for reminding me why I don't roll on a PvP server (nor PvP in RPGs for that matter).


i used to b same until i rolled on The Swiftsure because its where most of the aussys are atm and i gotta say "im loving it".

Sure u get ganked alot but u can repay them back when ur toon grows up ;) and the fun kicks in when ur out doin missons and u come across pub/imp enemys and u face off and then all hell break loose,its mad fun!!

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As I stated before, I play on PvE server for this very same reason. I do not like being harrased on PvP server and I prefer calm and pleasant gameplay of PvE servers. However, I must admit, that what people state in this thread very disappoints me...


People are always comparing this issue to the real life. Or at least they say so... They claim "In real life, it would be called harasment. You are hurting him emotionally. You would not kick weaker people in real life. In real life, you are not a bully... etc."


If you compare an issue with a real life, always switch the entire situation into real life, not just parts of it. So let me complete this switch for you on an example. "(You are on PvP server so it means that) There is an open war everywhere. You are perfectly trained Republic Commando with the best armor and weapons that can be had. Your friends are dying every day on the front lines, because some Emperor guy thinks himself ruler of the universe. Your friend John Hammerfield got hit by a grenade right in front of you. And what happened to Jane Thracefield, your squad mate, was even worse. You hate every Imperial for it. You do not care if this particular Imperial has any guilt. If you have any opportunity to put you anger on any Imperial, you will take it."


On the other hand there is the example of the other side. "(You are on PvE server so it means that) There is a fragile peace after a teribble war. You are perfectly trained Republic Commando with the best armor and weapons that can be had. While your friends are dying every day on the front lines, because some Emperor guy thinks himself ruler of the universe, you know you MUST hold your anger back because only then can this peace be maintained. Your friend John Hammerfield got hit by a grenade right in front of you. And what happened to Jane Thracefield, your squad mate, was even worse. You hate every Imperial for it. You do not care if this particular Imperial has any guilt. If you have any opportunity to put you anger on any imperial, you will NOT take it, because you know that it would cause even more death and suffering. If you would do anything agains the imperials and you got reported to the superiors (in this case by other players to Bioware representatives) you would have to face military trial and its judgement (in this case warning or ban)".


That is the difference between PvP and PvE servers, if you compare the issue with real life. That is the reason why there is this choice. Some people prefer to play in the world of open war and others prefer to enjoy the peace.


However, this thread has been (in my eyes at least) degraded to QQ thread. It appears that people just enjoy ganking other people and cry when somebody ganks them.

Edited by Jedlosson
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Don't trip... Some of us remembered this happening to us, even during pre-launch. I didn't forget.At 50 and almost full champ gear Guardian, I make a point to go to every place I remember the worst ganks (Geothermal on Hoth, Dune Sea on Tat, anywhere on Alderaan) and I got back and I make that **** terrible for an hour. Sometimes i'll even do it until more republic players come in and start questing there again.


I'll help the republics in the area that need help with quests, ask them to do the same thing when they hit 50... Then move on. I suggest you do the same... It ends up curing you of any bitter tastes you probably have now.

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