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Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits


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If i was the developer of this game i'd work so hard trying to fix all these bugs the sweat would be running down my ***. There's so many it's completely ruining the game experience in both PvE and PvP. The patch notes indicate several are fixed, however once ingame one can easily see the fix that was mentioned isn't fixed at all. It's either giving another problem or it simply persists.


Very sadly i will cancel my subscription for next month as i don't find myself enjoying the game any longer.

The PvP gearing system is flawed, luck based and unfair.

The PvE content is too easy (even though i quite enjoyed Kaon Under Siege but that's it), even the so called "Nightmare Mode" is extremely far from being an actual challenge.

Illum had potential but has been completely destroyed, it was better before than it is now especially when i see guilds on my server trade kills, getting players to hit rank 60 in a single day which is absolutely pathetic considering i had to spend weeks getting mine.

There is absolutely zero communication between BioWare and the community, customers such as myself feel ignored and underapreciated. Americans are getting a huge advantage over European players. Even though we pay for the same (heck we even pay more!) we're getting terrible maintenance times and we have to pay 6 times as much for the security key in order to protect our account which should be something that's encouraged rather then shoo'd away due to the high price.

The Customer Service is one of the worst i have ever experienced as it, once again, lacks proper communication.

The Hero Engine seems to be terrible, even with a AMD 6950 it's extremely choppy in crowded areas (think illum, pvp in general) and i'm getting 20 FPS tops on a lucky day.


And the list goes on and on. I'm hugely dissapointed BioWare.


-They have stated they picked that maintenance time because it's when the least amount of people play. Europe is not the majority consumer I'd be willng to bet. If the had maintenance for America during those times that europe has to deal with it. The forums would probably explode.


-My security key was free Via smartphone app don't know about yours.


-The thread your replying to is a form of community feedback. Come to think about just about every major department has posted a blog for feedback because everyone is so impatient.


-Do you even look at the dev tracker? I have never seen devs respond so much to so many complaints. Visit the Starcraft 2 forums and see how many dev posts you have from blizzard compared to here I'm willing to bet its close and sc2 has been out 2 years before this game.

Edited by Rasheth
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"We estimate the severity of bugs by looking at volume of tickets sent to our Customer Service team, Forum posts, and using our telemetry data from the game, amongst other things."


This is basically admitting that bugs which affect Empire players receive preference, because there are more Empire players and thus a higher volume of support tickets filed and forum posts made.


So should those of us that play less populated factions and classes simply expect to be put at the back of the bus? Is that why Particle Acceleration/Force Potency is still broken and we have not even received the slightest acknowledgment of the issue?

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You're right, MMO's came out with bugs but atleast the Developers took care of them quickly and fixed the bugs as soon as possible instead of "fixing" them and making them even worse or creating even more bugs that weren't even there before.


Depends on the MMO... in one game i know that some bugs have been in the game for over 4 years and unlikely to be fixed (well until they completely gut out and rewrite the feature... but that has its own problems...)

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Ilum was handled moderatley well for its timing. Bioware got a pretty tough break.


Looking at the context, the exploit came about a day before everyones credit card was to be charged for their sub. If they were to roll back valor, how would the rest of the pvp community feal who havent reached Ilum yet. I believe that more people would be affected negatively with the valor rollback and that's why BW didn't do it.


It's a classic example of a developers using basic logic rather than listening to a small fraction of the community and naysayers.


"Oh but the roll back was super important to it's highend competitive player base". Again, look at the timing. It's a ****** situation, it sucks, but people will get over it in time.

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Bugs which effect a classes abilities particularly spec abilities deserve prioritizing regardless of complaint volume.


Some are very hard to detect particularly as players lack a combat log to track.


Likewise the volumes of players playing a class and then 1 of 3 specs that may be impacted by the particular bug could be relatively speaking low. Of course bugged abilities lead to degraded performance of that population and archetype. Which over time can lead to poulation imbalances which impact the overall MMO.


Currently medical therapy is bugged on the operative class. We are not getting a 10% bonus to our HOT's from it.


The only way a player can confirm that is by testing spec to spec change. It won't generate a mass of reports as a result but it definitely contributes to the underpowered healing complaints and profusion of other healing class choices as a result. Which can result in an archetype imbalance causing issues as well.

Edited by Arrys
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Didn't even bothered to read the text . I can't play game longer then 2 min before it freezes or crashes to blue screen . I don't want to pay for something i can't even use plus constant restarts can damage my pc . It has been like this for me since last patch before that everything worked just fine so don't sell me the story that problem is in my pc and get to work and fix it . Some people couldn't play because of this since lunch . Please no more excuses and just fix it . I've already bought 6 months of game time so you got me but others will start to leave sooner or later . So no more talking we want results not promises any more. Maybe if you hire dart Vader a force choke or two could motivate your crew and finally bring some results .
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is anyone else experiencing this problem, as i try to log in i enter user name and password, then it goes to a loading screen and says the logging in system is offline. I called SWTOR number and they said systems are offline while their page says all servers are online. if anyone has a solution to this plz post. thank you all.
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I think that is very comforting that you people do work over solving all the bug issues this game has. But the rate of solving problems seems slow to many people and, IMHO, that is one reason why they complain. I know it is not easy to solve all issues quickly but the bugs are plenty, few bug fixes never worked and maybe some people think that their bug issue must be solved above all else.


Anyway, i am still enjoying my time here in SWTOR (much better playing than reading the forums, lol) and i have faith that the majority of the small annoying bugs this game has, will be eliminated in a very short period.


I do have some concerns about the Hero engine though. I would welcome a dev post with your views about the engine's behaviour (if that is the right word) so far, and some elaboration on what steps will you make addressing the fps and lag issues because a previous post about performance was ,again IMHO, not helpful at all.

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I am no game-developer, but I have volunteered as a coder/wizard on MUDs in the past - the text-based precursor to MMOs, if you will. Often I would attempt to 'fix' a bug that, initially, appeared simple, even easy. It was, after all, a simple parsing error here, or a mis-called variable there. Inevitably I would break something else, particularly if the code I was working on referenced additional files spread out over additional directories. It took a great deal of time to find and clean the bugs from the code, without creating more errors. A 'simple' program can easily consist of hundred, or thousands of lines of code.



The devs explained how their industry works for those of you too ignorant to understand on your own. Fixing bugs is not 'easy,' it is not 'simple,' it is not 'quick.' If you think it is, you have no coding experience or knowledge, and should really just _not_ post your opinions on the matter.


Hypocritical end to a post. Sounds like whatever you were working on was bodged from the ground up, didn't use modern development practices and was far too highly coupled.

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I think that is very comforting that you people do work over solving all the bug issues this game has. But the rate of solving problems seems slow to many people and, IMHO, that is one reason why they complain. I know it is not easy to solve all issues quickly but the bugs are plenty, few bug fixes never worked and maybe some people think that their bug issue must be solved above all else.


I think you have hit a nail on the head here... people are expecting their problem to be fixed *yesterday*... which i can understand, but they also dont want downtimes which can cut into their play time, and until a game does automatic live patching they will never be totally satisfied...

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-They have stated they picked that maintenance time because it's when the least amount of people play. Europe is not the majority consumer I'd be willng to bet. If the had maintenance for America during those times that europe has to deal with it. The forums would probably explode.


-My security key was free Via smartphone app don't know about yours.


-The thread your replying to is a form of community feedback. Come to think about just about every major department has posted a blog for feedback because everyone is so impatient.


-Do you even look at the dev tracker? I have never seen devs respond so much to so many complaints. Visit the Starcraft 2 forums and see how many dev posts you have from blizzard compared to here I'm willing to bet its close and sc2 has been out 2 years before this game.


-The least amount of people play at midnight for Europeans just as it does for the United States, the fact that they don't create seprate maintenance times is stupid, there's no other way to put it. The servers wouldn't explode as, when it's down for the US there won't be enough players on EU servers to cause this to happen.


-A smartphone costs more than the security key, how is this "free" ?


-Making a post with a story doesn't equal proper communication, it would be if they actualy responded to people's responses rather then keeping it silent or simply giving us the "Sorry this thread is going to be locked" copy paste reponse.


-How can you compare Starcraft 2 to SWTOR ? Comparing a strategy game to an mmo isn't how this game is played, want to compare SWTOR to World of Warcraft's community communication ? Didn't think so, because we both know who wins on that department.

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Didn't even bothered to read the text . I can't play game longer then 2 min before it freezes or crashes to blue screen . I don't want to pay for something i can't even use plus constant restarts can damage my pc . It has been like this for me since last patch before that everything worked just fine so don't sell me the story that problem is in my pc and get to work and fix it . Some people couldn't play because of this since lunch . Please no more excuses and just fix it . I've already bought 6 months of game time so you got me but others will start to leave sooner or later . So no more talking we want results not promises any more. Maybe if you hire dart Vader a force choke or two could motivate your crew and finally bring some results .


What is the error code from the blue screen?

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Yeah so is there a team that is fixing basic mechanics like getting what is in the game to work? Like... a properly functioning Auction house. Or vendors... that you know... sort properly. That when I sort by equippable it does something crazy like... sort things that are equippable.


Every single coder you have needs to work on getting what you've made running properly.


I want the sorting to work going on the pvp weapon vendor looking through everything and especially on the market is a big hassle

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I for one was grateful for the blog, sadly most of this so called community is so utterly self obsessed with their wants and needs it is wasted on them as they won't actually read it just flame it.


Every day people scream for dev responses to bugs and fixes, "we want answers!" "where are the devs?" "why don't they communicate with us?"


No matter what they try to do they can't win, it is never enough. I have been playing since early access, yep i have ran into bugs and been annoyed at being booted to character login, struggling to get the game to run smoothly on my pc but do you see me ranting?....


No, i paid for the game in the knowledge that there would be bugs on release, this has happened on every mmo i have played and will never change.




Patience young padawans, when you get to my age things not working as intended is normal:D

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Much as I love your insults, at least attempt to make a point without them in the future. I'd like to think you're above that.


To think that developers intentionally lie about bug fixes is silly. Everyone can blatantly see after a patch whether or not it's fixed, so they gain absolutely nothing by doing that.


Things happen, and not everything goes to plan. If it were all so simple, the game would have been bug free at launch.


Can you say the same about Rift? Not really. You are just defending a company that did a bad job and can't do anything any about it, but excuses.

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Most of the blog went through the process, but doesn't fully explain the heart of the issue.


Here it is. Some things are glaring.


Like the level 50 Warzone mission bug that many people have been getting and apparently still getting after this patch. This is a 'blocking bug' imho. I have had guild mates not want to PvP on their 50 because of this bug. It's a problem and one that I don't understand your QA team isn't aware of.


What is the QA teams' job anyways? If you are tracking down hundreds of people whom have the same issue in a forum, shouldn't someone from the QA team experienced the same issue too?


I don't honestly care to read about how the process of tracking stuff down goes. Most of us have a good idea of how 'meetings' and the corporate world functions in handling issues.


We also can read between the lines and to me the blog post sounds a bit like the company is a bit overwhelmed. Regardless of saying you have a big team, results are the only thing that matters.


Being overwhelmed is understandable, but I would suggest having a survey or poll or something in game and let the community decide which bug(s) they see as the highest priority and go with that. Right now major issues across the board are not being addressed and this blog post is only going to make things worse sadly. Most will only read it as lip-service.


Open and honest communication goes farther than anything else. When people are expecting things to get fixed and there's still issues after a patch, that tends to cause even more problems.

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The flaws I see are always getting fixed. Nothing ever works properly when it comes out or opens. Wow was so broke when it started out. I remember falling through the floor and being stuck underneath world maps lol. Jurrasic Park didn't work when it opened either.


Here's the thing about any claim involving how WoW started out: it's pointless! SWTOR isn't able to pad excuses based on how WoW STARTED because they're in competition against what it IS.


As for Bioware... I implore you, stop treating your customers like they're a bunch of idiots. Stop trying to argue that the major graphical issues are our fault. Stop trying to flat out lie about fixing things, leaving them broken afterwards. I love Bioware, but the way that you've handled SWTOR has really strained my trust to the breaking point.

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Most of the blog went through the process, but doesn't fully explain the heart of the issue.


Here it is. Some things are glaring.


Like the level 50 Warzone mission bug that many people have been getting and apparently still getting after this patch. This is a 'blocking bug' imho. I have had guild mates not want to PvP on their 50 because of this bug. It's a problem and one that I don't understand your QA team isn't aware of.


What is the QA teams' job anyways? If you are tracking down hundreds of people whom have the same issue in a forum, shouldn't someone from the QA team experienced the same issue too?


I don't honestly care to read about how the process of tracking stuff down goes. Most of us have a good idea of how 'meetings' and the corporate world functions in handling issues.


We also can read between the lines and to me the blog post sounds a bit like the company is a bit overwhelmed. Regardless of saying you have a big team, results are the only thing that matters.


Being overwhelmed is understandable, but I would suggest having a survey or poll or something in game and let the community decide which bug(s) they see as the highest priority and go with that. Right now major issues across the board are not being addressed and this blog post is only going to make things worse sadly. Most will only read it as lip-service.


Open and honest communication goes farther than anything else. When people are expecting things to get fixed and there's still issues after a patch, that tends to cause even more problems.


Agree completely with this. Glaring issues need to be fixed, or at LEAST addressed. All I want them to say is :


We will fix warzone wins properly


We will, someday, fix Ilum, we promise


We will address the server and faction imbalance




I for one have not had one single game impeding bug, just the broken *** **** above that is making this game stupid at 50.

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SWTOR isn't able to pad excuses based on how WoW STARTED because they're in competition against what it IS.


Complete and utterly false. WoW has had 7 years to be live in your home - tested and optimized to run on a toaster.


In BWs defense I've seen this statement before and really don't understand the mentality. BW has major issues with the game I won't deny that, but comparing it to another game's issues when it launched is fair. It shows that there can be improvement and things can be better. But the clock is ticking.

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