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So when we get to kill Satele Shan?


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- snip-

It's only fair we get kill Satele Shan too. How can you take the imperial iconic paragon character and leave the republic character completely intact. How is that fair? And it completely violates the theme of balance in the Star Wars.


Hey, the Empire does get to



Kill, capture, or otherwise depose Supreme Chancellor Janarus in the Bounty Hunter Storyline.



So both sides did lose a leader.

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Just remember that it is the REPUBLIC that last another 3500 years. The Empire is suppose to drop dead and disappear for a while.


Couldn't the Sith Empire win, take over, and eventually fall and be reborn as a Republic?


I thought that possibility was the whole point of supporting the Sith faction in this game. No nation lasts forever. If the only time the Republic falls is in GL's movie then the whole point of this game's story is fairly pointless.

Edited by Campaigner
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Here here. I've wanted to kill her since Black Talon, that self righteous arrogant *****.



Its very frustrating that the poster boy for the Empire (don't kid yourselves, he is, he has been publisized up the ***) gets killed off but the Republic's equivalent gets out of this conflict unscathed.


aren't you selfrighteous? plus, that is not the way story works, just because a sith dies doesn't mean a jedi has to die, it does not have to be equal.

Edited by Slamuel
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The established example from the book, the first instance to my knowledge of anyone doing this (and long before this game), was a man stabbed through the heart with a lightsaber using his final moments of life to drain the energy out of his killer's lightsaber and then kill him by telekinetically crushing him and flinging him into a wall.


More to the point, it's a completely separate ability from that Shatterpoint nonsense - it's simple energy drain, and it can briefly disable a lightsaber. Kieran Halcyon, Corran Horn, and Darth Vader are all noted in the book as skilled at energy absorption, and it was Kieran Halcyon that used it to take down his own killer before he died.


Important thing to note: A skilled and gifted practitioner, in attempting to absorb a lightsaber, had his heart, a saber's worth of flesh, and part of his spine disintegrated in the process.


It takes a Mary Sue to turn a "screw you for killing me" technique into "Huh? Oh, yeah, that won't work. Also, unharmed! (But, like, its totally a struggle, so its cool, right?)"


Not to say that absorbing attacks always (or even necessarily should) hurts you. Corran Horn was mostly unharmed from boiling water and stray blaster bolts (they, if memory served, stung... but left no lasting marks aside from on clothing). Lightsabers are whole other beasts, and should seriously maim or kill anyone who tries to block such a blade with their flesh for ANY appreciable length of time.

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She falls into the god-mode style Mary Sue classification for the following reasons: DBZ style blasts of force energy, danced through a dozen sith like they were red-shirts, and (let's not forget) she blocked a lightsaber with her hand. Who does that? In my experience watching the movies... when hand meets lightsaber hand loses. The hand loses badly. This reeks of god-mode Mary Sue. I'm willing to listen to any points you might have to make, though.


I should also note that this is just my personal opinion. Don't think I'm trying to force it down your neck. I sometimes feel like I gotta point this out so nobody gets their frilly little pink panties in a knot reading my posts.


It's sort of like absorbing force lightning they way Yoda did. At the end of the day, a lightsaber is just a big stick of energy.


Not saying it would be easy to do, but I imagine the leader of the Jedi Council isn't just some random hack.

Edited by discosoc
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Actually, Malgus was showing off in "Hope" by not using a real lightsaber and instead using some type of crystaline blade. How do I know this? As ms Shan is blocking it, you can see cracks form on the blade. A lightsaber is a blade made up of plasma and thus, can't actually crack. So, yeah, I have no problem with her blocking the blade.


To the OP, I hope we get to do it soon....my Jugg would love a crack at that rhymes with witch.

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Ok, a few points, whoever said Satele is Revan's daughter, you're just plain wrong. Revan was 300+ years before Satele. She's middle-aged by the time of TOR, which is when Revan gets freed. Also, in Revan, you know, the book, Revan has a SON, not a daughter. Don't mean to sound harsh but errors like that just annoy me. And i was thinking, wouldn't it be epic if they had a warzone or massive area on a planet, where you have pits, and, betting arenas, and you match up any pair of iconic SW characters for a duel, or maybe a place where Malgus and Satele duel daily, and both factions try to fight through enemy lines to help their champion, and kill the other one and get massive rewards... Just saying
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Couldn't the Sith Empire win, take over, and eventually fall and be reborn as a Republic?


I thought that possibility was the whole point of supporting the Sith faction in this game. No nation lasts forever. If the only time the Republic falls is in GL's movie then the whole point of this game's story is fairly pointless.


Um no. The Sith themselves in particular were pretty much extinct until Ep. 1.

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The empire killed Revan, thats more than enough for the republic to kill off every imp.


he didnt die you know, Revans story continues, Bioware left that Window Open, in the Beta you looted the Corpse, nowadays he dissapears in a Flash of Light and if you watch closely you see he has a Power of the Darkside buff, hes also been linked to the Emperor for 300 years, and guess what the Emperor can do? TRANSFER HIS ESSENCE, Revan couldve just teleported out of the Foundry without us knowing

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he didnt die you know, Revans story continues, Bioware left that Window Open, in the Beta you looted the Corpse, nowadays he dissapears in a Flash of Light and if you watch closely you see he has a Power of the Darkside buff, hes also been linked to the Emperor for 300 years, and guess what the Emperor can do? TRANSFER HIS ESSENCE, Revan couldve just teleported out of the Foundry without us knowing


That's right! Actually that 'Flash of Light' is called 'Fold Space' - using the Force to transport between places :cool:

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Um no. The Sith themselves in particular were pretty much extinct until Ep. 1.


Wrong, there was a whole couple of centuries WAY after this called the New Sith Wars where multiple Orders rose and eventually they would have beaten the Republic, then Bane came along and wiped out the Brotherhood of Kaan.

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Hmm, any character voiced by Jennifer Hale has to be immortal :)


But aside from that, the Imps get the opportunity to take on Malgus because he elects to challenge the established order and try to do things his own way. I do not really see Satele Shan doing the same thing with the Republic, so the two options for a reason behind this would be:


1. A group of bounty hunters going after the bounty that the Empire has placed on Satele


2. Nothing relating to the story, but simply the chance to kill off one of the Republic's iconic characters.


The first would be viable as an endgame Operation, I suspect. The second does not really hold any water in my opinion. However, with the politically correct peeps at EA being in charge, I cannot see them putting a strong female leader in danger that way.

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Important thing to note: A skilled and gifted practitioner, in attempting to absorb a lightsaber, had his heart, a saber's worth of flesh, and part of his spine disintegrated in the process.


It takes a Mary Sue to turn a "screw you for killing me" technique into "Huh? Oh, yeah, that won't work. Also, unharmed! (But, like, its totally a struggle, so its cool, right?)"


Not to say that absorbing attacks always (or even necessarily should) hurts you. Corran Horn was mostly unharmed from boiling water and stray blaster bolts (they, if memory served, stung... but left no lasting marks aside from on clothing). Lightsabers are whole other beasts, and should seriously maim or kill anyone who tries to block such a blade with their flesh for ANY appreciable length of time.


Wait, are we talking about that same cinematic where Malgus got a direct hit from an assault cannon, a grenade and got slammed through a mountain? (And all he got was this lousy respirator?)


Yeah, I can see how Satele's blocking of a lightsaber is the problem there... :rolleyes:

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Ever since I saw that cinematic "Hope" with her blocking a lightsaber with her hand I've wanted my character (sith warrior) to put her head on spit.



And since we empire players are forced to kill Malgus in False Emperor. If given the option any half sane empire player would choose to help Malgus not kill him.



It's only fair we get kill Satele Shan too. How can you take the imperial iconic paragon character and leave the republic character completely intact. How is that fair? And it completely violates the theme of balance in the Star Wars.


So where's the flashpoint with players finally get to confront Satele Shan? I expect the flashpoint would have to play like a Malestorm prison to The foundry type of angle where repubes help her and imps kill her.





Tho, Malgus doesn't die, but still...Yeah!

If i could, I would serve Malgus not the Emperor!

I did False Emperor once and never again! If there was Shan instead of him, I would have kept on doing it every day!!!:D

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It's been done before in the EU - Jedi with particular skill in energy absorption can absorb a lightsaber's energy and momentarily drain the blade.


I always figured it was some form of localized/focused Force Armor - kinda like you could get in KOTOR.

It honestly never bothered me, it's all about making the cinematic impressive to watch - with how "strong in the Force" your Jedi/Sith is (according to EVERYONE who trains your Knight/Consular/Inquisitor/Warrior!) I'm pretty sure they can do similar things. =P

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