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Republic view of a sith sorcerers


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I do have a sith sorcerer btw. It's only lvl 15 and after doing pvp i never want to play it again. I have a lvl 50 dps vanguard main and a lvl 38 dps sentinel alt. The worst thing to see when you get out onto the pvp battlefield to me is a sith sorcerer. I believe it is way too over powered between the insta-lightning that deals about 4k damage per second and the fact that they can stun you and keep you stunned for a long time. All the while just to add a little icing on the top is the fact that they heal as fast as you can hit. Nowadays everytime i go to pvp i have to quit right away after the first game because ill see on averafe 5-6 sorcerers on the opposing team everytime i play. I don't know if the developers unknowingly made the mistake of having an almost impossible class to beat or if i seem to not be able to play right at all. If you agree or would like to talk about another class you think is way to overpowered in the game feel free to post.
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your thread proves you have no idea about the sith Soc


But he have a lvl15 Sorc, played once in a PvP and will never return to this class... How dare you to say that he have no idea about Sorcs!?

Edited by Wikar
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I do have a sith sorcerer btw. It's only lvl 15


So here's the thing, that's about where I just stopped reading and started skimming because quite honestly. When your basing your knowledge of something being OP on your level 15 toon, it's really hard to take anything you say seriously.... Just sayin

Edited by Calitri
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our damage is all about applying aoes and dots ect..... Its also based on using relics and recklesness. Without these active we are tools.


Yes when theres alot on one side it can be rough for the other team as socs play back and try to wear you down. Our damage is not burst damage our biggest hitter is chain lightening which requires wrath if we want to use it correctly and wrath does not always pop. Even still without our biggest hitter Chain lightining can't compare to the DPS of other class attacks. Without a relic popped and reck active along with wrath popping its rather useless.


Force lightening does not do that much damage without having applied aflliction or death field.


All and all a sith soc has to be on his toes and have some element of luck of be left alone to be effective. When we are singled out we have to result to running, because we are not a great 1 on 1 class unless the other guy does not know how to play.

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from a gunslingers perspective, they are not overpowered, but they are a damn site easier to play than a gunslinger, (i have a sage alt). the actual dps output and survivability is about right.


If there was to be any changes then it would probably be best to adjust the bubble slightly such as pushing it towards a heal spec only viable option and dps specs have weaker version (through talents).


that would probably work quite well. the cc they have could be adqueately sorted out by revising resolve, and also to provide everybody witrh 4 seconds of cc immunity on using there escape skill.

Edited by Kyus
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Sorc's are fine.


I believe the main issue is that there are soo many sorcs that a team of sorcs esp in a premade really make them seem op but 1on1 2on2 they are fine.


which brings me to the second issue is sorcs by design just can basically do everything which really makes a team of them even more powerful than lets say a lot of another class since there really is no downside to having a lot of sorcs.

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Sorc's are fine.


I believe the main issue is that there are soo many sorcs that a team of sorcs esp in a premade really make them seem op but 1on1 2on2 they are fine.


which brings me to the second issue is sorcs by design just can basically do everything which really makes a team of them even more powerful than lets say a lot of another class since there really is no downside to having a lot of sorcs.


Yeah this is probably mostly what the issue is, I don't really think this class is at all OP, the main danger they have is their Lightning, which when you have multiple sorcerers in a single group all using this at the same time I think can create a lot of damage. 1 on 1 they are not as tough to break. I have killed several Sorcerers 1 on 1 so I don't think its about them being OP, its a matter of knowing how to play your class skills correctly. I think some one mentioned about their healing rates too making it hard to kill them, I have come across Sorcerers like that, who I think were fully geared in PVP, so what the Op might be seeing is the fact a non geared player in PVP is just basically doing nothing against Geared Sorcerers. Of course in that case it would seem like they are invincible.

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In regard to this thread, I think that sorcerers are way too empowered in pvp. The fact that force lightning stuns 50% as well does a tick of 3k damage (+ or -) is just ridiculous. And in all honesty, I believe the range is glitched because it is a stream effect.


I don't know if I've been encountering hybrid sorcerers or what, but the range of the force lightning is farther than my longest ability as a gunslinger, Leg shot, 35 meters.


Another issue is that when you get the sorcerer to extremely low health, they have the OP bubble that eats damage like no other. Even If I interrupt the force lightning cast, they can get it off again before my cooldown pops.


Even if bioware nerfs just the force lightning by like 2% (damage or range) I'd be happy just knowing that they acknowledge there is a problem.


And if you want some OP proof, here:

Force Lightning OP?!

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wow 4k per sec love to know how they managed that mine only tic's for 1.1k and that's the crits. An that's also with nearly 2k willpower and 89% crit multiplier.


Love how everyone thinks sage/sorc are OP when we really aren't yes we do ok damage still not the best damage as its over time not in 2-3 big lumps that can kill most people where we are more the guy pecking away for tiny bits over time where annoying not OP and for that we are glass canons in DPS spec our heals cant save us and bubble is a joke in its current form after it was nerfed just so you know bubble only gives 2.2k protection WITH the talent 20% boost. As DPS if anyone gets to close where dead if force speed/knock back aren't up.


Now for heal spec that's another story entirely we can deal okish damage and our survivability threw instant and DoT heals pretty much lets as deal with anything besides BH(not that Ops are a joke) like there just toys where slowly melting with a magnifying glass.

Edited by VoiDxReapeR
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In regard to this thread, I think that sorcerers are way too empowered in pvp. The fact that force lightning stuns 50% as well does a tick of 3k damage (+ or -) is just ridiculous. And in all honesty, I believe the range is glitched because it is a stream effect.


I don't know if I've been encountering hybrid sorcerers or what, but the range of the force lightning is farther than my longest ability as a gunslinger, Leg shot, 35 meters.


Another issue is that when you get the sorcerer to extremely low health, they have the OP bubble that eats damage like no other. Even If I interrupt the force lightning cast, they can get it off again before my cooldown pops.


Even if bioware nerfs just the force lightning by like 2% (damage or range) I'd be happy just knowing that they acknowledge there is a problem.


And if you want some OP proof, here:

Force Lightning OP?!



1) Force Lightning does not tick for 3k. The range is 30 meters, stop lying to people.


2) Our bubble is not "OP" and absorbs about 3k damage. l2p


3) the link you posted is a glitch and is not doing any damage.




Seriously people. Sorc's are a strong class and there are plenty of things for you to point out that might seem a little out of balance, but as long as you spread rumors and lie's no one can take you seriously.

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My level 41 Sorc who is corruption specced does a total damage (all 3-4 ticks) of 1.3k with Force Lightning.


I should also point out that most sorcerer skills are either channelled or casted which means that in order to heal or DPS they have to stand completely, perfectly still.


You are all getting a free root every single GCD that you aren't taking advantage of when you fight a sorcerer.

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And if you want some OP proof, here:

Force Lightning OP?!


That is a graphic glitch. It's not doing any damage. I've seen this with other class abilities. Like blaster bolts hitting someone from across the map in Huttball. Or really crazy, at the respawn point in the ship on the Civil War map. They aren't doing any damage, but you can also still hear the ability going off. I've had this glitch happen to my Sorceror a few times. Where the stream keeps going even as the enemy is in their respawn, going from the middle of the Huttball arena.

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