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  1. Xumaximus

    Leaving WZ

    I leave war zones when it becomes clear the team makeup is garbage Ex) no one goes grass on the pub side in civil war and all go middle. I have to win 9 times for my weekly wasting on noobs isn't gonna happen .....ain't nobody got time for that. I will continue to quit one sided mathes not because I'm a poor sport but because I CAN....bioware has not giving me any reason or debug NOT to quit. So get used to it because a lot of PvPer's feel this way. Peace!
  2. Call me old school but I still click to heal on my safe and I'm the top healer when I parsec and top healer in all my war zones matches. To me it doesn't make a difference if you know your class and when to pop your abilities 1 or even 2 seconds won't matter. But to say clickers are not as good or elite as keybinds your crazy....my stats show me different every day.
  3. Wow to the original poster of this theard this helped NOONE your points are all useless. First of all you know if you are bad WHEN! 1) You go middle when you have have grass and snow in civil war. 2) you do NOT call out quick enough when you are defending a node. 3) you do not AOE the doors in void star after planting 4) you get ninja capped when you fought off the node. 5) dps does NOT focus fire the healer or mark healers from the get go. 6) you break cc's when a teammate is capping. 7) you go to the forums and make useless points that have NOTHInG to do with how to PvP. I would much rather have a troll and a loud mouth then someone that does all of te things I listed above
  4. Does bw even know what they are doing when it comes to PvP....these aren't minor failures these are MASSIVE. I'm not saying I can do a better job at it BUT....I'm not the one cashing in on this product neither! Get it together BW you are starting to become known for a company that every time a patch comes something drastic is going to break.......not good
  5. Top dps matches top heals what's to see? I'm telling you guys gone are the days of massive damage and no heals your gonna have to learn to play your classes right and learn how to focus fire.....period no ones op just people are so used to being babyed.
  6. Healers hard to kill!? Lol.....this is obviously a failed troll!!
  7. Totally agree with the op!! PvP is amazing now and no I don't work for EA or BW....gone are the days of just gear stats get over it you are going to have to learn your class no ways around it .....as it should be!
  8. Lol hey I have no problem with you staying in a 5 to 1 huttball match or a 100 to 20 coast match someone has to so let it be you lol. You can hang on to that hope of coming back with it being a 6 vs 8 match and still losing. Knock yourself out buddy lol
  9. Hey don't get upset with me"BRAH" bw is allowing me to do it. Not going to stay in a 5 to 0 huttballmatch because I was placed in it
  10. You can get your feelings hurt and cry all night for all I care...if you leave the node unguarded or don't make call outs or try to fight off the node you are a noob and ill call you out on EVERY SINGLE time ban or no ban. It's pvp and you need to do your part if not....go solo dailies with your companion or something! That is all..
  11. Sweet! I will quit EVERY match now because I know that I don't have to waste my time with less skilled players and not get penalized!!
  12. Xumaximus

    Great job

    You forgot to mention all the fun it is in Ilum with those machines that drop and do NOTHING and of course the crates and turrets being placed there.......so boring!
  13. I know huh! I should totally be happy paying 15 dollars a month plus the intital cost of the game to get a few sprinkles of PvP fixes......wanna write our checks out together Afterall Ilum is pretty fun with all those crates, metal machines (that do nothing) and stuff....im so excited! More please
  14. The few changes to ops/sco totally would take a week to put in place. They should get a raise what do you think!? Who cares Ilum is broken and that currently their are server imbalances.....
  15. Yea....your right lets just wait for a full year WHILE still paying for the game every month no worries BIOWARE its cool your using your time very effective after all ..... :/ We all know it takes a week to fix a force field just right so that players cant escape....what in the world am i talking about silly me. And of course why didnt I think about more turrets on Ilum to fix the server imbalance ill just sit right over there and write my check.....payable to Bioware right or is that EA!?
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