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Civil War pointers


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I wanna get a thread started to point out a few things that people should know about playing the Civil War matches. Additions, feedback and questions are all highly encouraged.


I've noticed that a LOT of people get into civil war matches and seem to completely panic or get tunnel vision when the opposing team caps more points. I'm just gonna touch on one of the easiest ways to get points back more than anything. Also, these pointers are focused more towards PUGs than premades, though both can benefit.


So, here's the idea; your team captures left and middle, the opponent captures right. Before you can get your defenses spread out, they go ahead and take the left point too.


Here's where a lot of people will choke; they'll start sending everyone over to that left point to try and take it back, almost completely ignoring the other points. While this can work sometimes, if the opposing team is better equipped/rounded, you're just running into a meat grinder.


At some point, one person will yell "Hey, there's nobody guarding the right side, let's take that!!" EVERYONE runs to the right side. :mad:This is the fatal mistake :mad:


If EVERYONE is on one point that the opponent owns, then they ALL retreat to the other point the opponent owns, guess what they're gonna do? Run right over to their own point. And if people die in this next brute force attempt? No matter, they own the point, and can move directly back down to it.


Most of the time, the counter for this is simply to SPLIT forces, but do it unevenly. If you send 3/4, they'll split 4/4. But if you send, say, 2/5, they might try to match the numbers up, but how can they be sure that those 2 are going to be able to hold their own point?


They'll likely go for a 3/5, or something off-kilter like that. This gives you more of a chance to have more people attacking one point or another, and thus a chance to capture one point by confusing them.


This same principle has been used for millennia by generals, chess players, boxers, mma fighters, even that photographer that waved the duckie up in the air to get you to look up at the camera as a kid. It still works here.

Edited by Anatlos
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Let one person hold a side. 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, die, take speeder directly back, 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, die... rinse, repeat & profit for the entire game while the rest of your team chills at the 2nd point.


lulz, so gud


the dots prevent capping? also what classes can dot like that?also how do you speeder directly back..???

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the dots prevent capping? also what classes can dot like that?also how do you speeder directly back..???


I think Madness assassins can KINDA do this to one person, but I'm confused as well O.o But I think any damage can prevent capping if I'm not mistaken.

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I think Madness assassins can KINDA do this to one person, but I'm confused as well O.o But I think any damage can prevent capping if I'm not mistaken.


do you know any other calsses that can do that dotting?and how do you speeder back to that point?

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If they haven't capped it yet, you can always speeder directly back to a point you own. It takes 8 secs to cap a point, so if the dot DOES prevent capping and you push it just before you die, that would in theory give you about 25 seconds to get back and apply a new one
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At some point, one person will yell "Hey, there's nobody guarding the right side, let's take that!!" EVERYONE runs to the right side. :mad:This is the fatal mistake :mad:


Ahah, a few days ago I was reading a psychology book, this is a flaw of the human mind; when someone has doubts does not act or look around to determine the action to be taken (in this case following the mass).

The best way to prevent this is simply calling players by name and telling those 1-2-3 to go and defend

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Ahah, a few days ago I was reading a psychology book, this is a flaw of the human mind; when someone has doubts does not act or look around to determine the action to be taken (in this case following the mass).

The best way to prevent this is simply calling players by name and telling those 1-2-3 to go and defend


I like that. I think it would be helpful to put this information out there in hopes that they'd have the jist of why you're doing it in case they like to question being pointed around

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far left and right bikes spawn when you cap left or right...

err did i get trolled???

Well it is obscure information.


The dot reply is an exaggeration. It does work but one person needs to be good to pull it off. Not every body can do it.


On the other hand... there is a big difference in tactics when talking pugs or premade groups.


from a pug perspective trying to do much structured planning is generally fruitless.

generally i say something like this.


"If you go right we are going to lose"

then its just "take back left" and hope people figure it out.


last night though... 3 of us were defending a gun and the imps kept coming at us one by one in a stream. as we were fighting one i could see another appear out from Under center.

It was almost comical if not rewarding.

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Yeah, I've imagined that it would be like that for you pubs :p And that brings up another point; if you're in a pug, and someone says regroup, try to do so for the love of all that's holy. Nobody's completely invincible, you'll do better with more people.
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Dunno how it is for other classes, but as a powertech tank I can hold the side long enough 1vs 2 or even 1.vs 3 to wait for that 1-2 more extra back up.


As a Jugg tank I can typically do the same, and defenders tend to respond more quickly than attackers. My problem is that I lack burst if they happen to be a crazy healing class of some sort.

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As a Jugg tank I can typically do the same, and defenders tend to respond more quickly than attackers. My problem is that I lack burst if they happen to be a crazy healing class of some sort.


aah a healer is tricky. To me it depends if the healer is Bad, Decent or good. If they fall in the Bad / Decent department I can easily take them as a tank. 1vs1 and even 1.vs 2. Though I wont down him in 1.vs2.


But when there good, they can out heal me in 1vs1 and destroy me if they have multiple people with them.

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aah a healer is tricky. To me it depends if the healer is Bad, Decent or good. If they fall in the Bad / Decent department I can easily take them as a tank. 1vs1 and even 1.vs 2. Though I wont down him in 1.vs2.


But when there good, they can out heal me in 1vs1 and destroy me if they have multiple people with them.


YES! Good healers= the bane of tanks, or our salvation on our team :p

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Let one person hold a side. 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, die, take speeder directly back, 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, 18 sec dot, die... rinse, repeat & profit for the entire game while the rest of your team chills at the 2nd point.


lulz, so gud


Pushback works wonders against this, so you can tie up DoTy McDoTerson and let your teammate cap.

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the dots prevent capping? also what classes can dot like that?also how do you speeder directly back..???


Yes, dots prevent caps. Commandos/Mercs for one get a 18 second instant cast dot. Take the far left/right speeder which corresponds with the point you hold to go directly back to it.


The More You Know.

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how do you speeder back to that point????


If you own the point you can take a speeder to that point. Their are 3 speeders the right goes to the right, the mid to the mid and the left one to the left. You have to have control the point though.

Edited by Jaxxar
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Strategy for winning:


Send 2-3 players (preferably a Healer + Tank combo) RIGHT.

Send everyone else LEFT.




Now, one of two things happens here:

1. You cap RIGHT

2. You pull enemy team to RIGHT to prevent the cap


If you successfully cap RIGHT, keep 3 people (preferably a healer + tank combo) at each (RIGHT and LEFT) and the rest chill out in the tunnel and respond to Incoming calls.


If you pull the enemy team to RIGHT, leave 2-3 people at LEFT (preferably a healer + tank combo) and hit CENTER. Now one of two things happen:


1. You cap CENTER

2. You pull enemy team back to CENTER.


If you cap CENTER, keep 3 people (preferably a healer + tank combo) at each (LEFT and CENTER) and the rest chill out in the other team's CENTER LANDING AREA to farm kills and respond to Incoming calls.


If you pull the enemy team to CENTER, disengage them and run to RIGHT. The guys were were trying to take RIGHT should respawn at LEFT and hit CENTER. Now one of three things happen:


1. You take RIGHT

2. You take CENTER

3. You fail to take either point because you suck at this game and can't wait for your teammates to group up before running in and dying.


If you take RIGHT or CENTER, follow the RIGHT or CENTER steps above.

If you fail to take either point, you can try again if it was a simple miscue or give up and get farmed if your group is bad.


One tip that ALWAYS applies: NEVER, under ANY circumstances should you EVER take the CENTER speeder if a side speeder is available. If you take a side speeder you get to the ground MUCH faster and can easily hit/defend CENTER or take the tunnel and hit the other side. Let the other team waste their precious time taking the stupid CENTER speeders.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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good for groups with voice com.

bad for pugs.


pugs best option is to go left and center.

Going right will lose most of the time unless you were going to win anyway.


I have yet to see a right push work for a pug.

I see center left pushes work very often.


thats just the way it is.


If you can make it work more power to you.

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Grab the sides. Following scenarios are generalizations, obviously. But it's what I see generally from my experience.


1) Pug vs. Pug

Opposing team stacks middle. You cap 2-1.


2) Your Pug vs. Premade.

They grab their easy node (right node coming out of spawn). They premade roll their hard node/your easy node (left coming out of spawn). You lose.


3) Your premade vs. their pug.



4) Your premade vs. their premade.

Possibly stack their easy node and middle to counter conventional sides strat. They'll be rushing your easy node for a cheese 2-1 cap advantage.

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