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I need a diagnosis. Am I burnt out from mmo's or gaming?


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Left: You see an open field with trees

Right: You see a house with a window and door

Forward: You enter the house

Look Left: You see a chair with a coat folded on the arm

Left: You can't do that way

Right: You can't go that way

Look up: You see a red string hanging from the ceiling


Am i close??? :p


Infocom games...I loved those friggin games!

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Need help identifying whats wrong with me.


My gaming history: I am 30 years old, played console games on the 1st Nintendo, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64 and PS2. I kinda stopped playing console games for over 10 years now, and turned to pc games. I turned to pc games because I like to play over the net




Yes you burn out, I was a big fan of AO and played it for years, even becoming an ingame advisor (ARK) which got me into to AoC closed beta, I then looked forward to AoC but it wasnt really the game it promissied, being more a sci-fi fan I took a break from MMOs and waited for SWTOR, I did Dabble in STO but it was painful


That break has made returning to MMOs and the problems of SWTOR less painful, its like returning afresh.

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Left: You see an open field with trees

Right: You see a house with a window and door

Forward: You enter the house

Look Left: You see a chair with a coat folded on the arm

Left: You can't do that way

Right: You can't go that way

Look up: You see a red string hanging from the ceiling


Am i close??? :p


I bought my first computer in 1981 a ZX81, I did a computer course at college and we had no computers, just punched cards. :)

I did some work at ICI and there we had a Digital PDP 11/45 ...and there we played the game, ...you go down a lane, to the left is a tree.

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I wrote a blog post about 3 years ago about mmo burnout and the cure but my site is temp offline. Basically, don't do anything in a game that isn't fun. If you discover that there aren't any fun things in the game dump it. Don't do stuff that's like a job.


Do. Not. Grind. Anything. If. It. Isn't. Fun. To. Do.


If that means you don't have the absolute finest gear so be it, what's your priorities? Enjoying yourself or doing unpleasant chores to equip your char so that you can do more unpleasant chores... to equip your char etcetera.


Personally 90% of my time is spent in wz and I'm enjoying it atm while I wait for a miracle Ilum fix. If/when I get bored of wz and Ilum doesn't become playable it's bye bye stwor.

Edited by Jargonaut
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I feel ya. computer games since 82 when i bought my first home computer, internet in 93 and right to MUDs.. then UO.. then beta and play every major since.

1. the people have changed. definitely nastier, less of a feeling of community.

2. the games have changed. dumbed down, lowest common denominator. marketing people design them now, not gamers.

3. the above 2 deteriorating gives the 'anything gets old after long enough' factor extra power.


my take anyway.


This is actually one of the more profound things I have seen here. It is the exact reason swg had the CU and NGE. A business model for how to develop a game was made and found to be profitable, wow, so the industry gravitated towards that model.


It is funny to see some of the comments about what people find lacking in TOR was exactly what SWG had, short of the old school graphics. There were no load screens except planet to planet travel and launching into space. Space was free flight, not this flying on a string thing. Crafting was as complex as you wanted it to be but still accessible to the noob.


That being said TOR was never intended to replace SWG, it is a new game set in the star wars era with a player base rooted in console gaming

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Left: You see an open field with trees

Right: You see a house with a window and door

Forward: You enter the house

Look Left: You see a chair with a coat folded on the arm

Left: You can't do that way

Right: You can't go that way

Look up: You see a red string hanging from the ceiling


Am i close??? :p


No. Ultima 3 was just about to be released at the end of '82 I think.


Yours looks closer to the late 70's


...but I remember all text games >.<

Edited by Spynnal
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Need help identifying whats wrong with me.


My gaming history: I am 30 years old, played console games on the 1st Nintendo, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64 and PS2. I kinda stopped playing console games for over 10 years now, and turned to pc games. I turned to pc games because I like to play over the net with real people. My first game was Age of Kings back in 2004. Played it so much, really liked it a lot.


Then I tried WoW from 2006 to 2010. It was my first mmo, before that I didn't know what an mmo was. I really liked WoW. I dabbled in LOTRO but never got into it, and that's about it for mmo's.


Now onto TOR. I was so hyped for this game that I bought a top end pc just for TOR. I liked the first 1-10 lvls then I move onto the next planet and I don't feel like exploring or questing. I lvled from 15-50 from class quests and wz's. The thing I don't like about TOR is the loading screens going from planets to planets. It's not how long they take, or why I have to run through a space station to get to the planet, its the fact that its not seemless like WoW.



In WoW you explore entire continents without a single loading screen. I don't think that this is the thing that has me not interested to play TOR. Am I just burnt out from mmo's or just gaming all together.



Well if you can not decide for yourself....... Baaaaaa!!

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You are not alone, if you liked WOW and feel you need somehing of an MMO and TOR isnt for you then just take a break for now from MMOs.

Play some other games people suggest and wait for a new MMO that night hold interest to you.

I personally am waiting anxiously for GW 2 as they did change alot and hope for that the game which will keep me as wow did for almost 7 years will be The Secret World. I cant wait for that one :)

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Shadowbane was an awesome game back in the day (prob top 1% of all mmo's of all time imo) ....it's servers have been down a long time...but it's rising from the ashes in the form of a free to play emulator. shadowbaneemulator.com it's currently in beta.


...ya...that'll be a freaking awesome alternative/break from SWTOR




What other game offers the chance to play as a flying class like an Aracoix, or a half man half horse Centaur!....and don't get me started with the Minotaur race!



Shadowbane was before it's time.....of course I'm not sure if the current mmo'r could handle it. (you actually loose things when you die! omg, what a concept!) :p



oh....and it had very little loading screens as well....only the necessary ones or optional to use ones. No mandatory 100+ loading screens in a day of gaming.

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Try Darkfall.


Awesome game and badly underrated.


It is extremely brutal, some say too brutal but the rewards can be heart thumpingly felt.


Yeah it's fun, better than its rival Mortal Online I think. I also like Fallen Earth as it is open world, post apocalypse, and is Heavy Metal! Also I am from Arizona where the game takes place so I am biased.

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Shadowbane was an awesome game back in the day (prob top 1% of all mmo's of all time imo) ....it's servers have been down a long time...but it's rising from the ashes in the form of a free to play emulator. shadowbaneemulator.com it's currently in beta.


...ya...that'll be a freaking awesome alternative/break from SWTOR




What other game offers the chance to play as a flying class like an Aracoix, or a half man half horse Centaur!....and don't get me started with the Minotaur race!



Shadowbane was before it's time.....of course I'm not sure if the current mmo'r could handle it. (you actually loose things when you die! omg, what a concept!) :p



oh....and it had very little loading screens as well....only the necessary ones or optional to use ones. No mandatory 100+ loading screens in a day of gaming.

Shadowbane was easily my favorite MMO ever, in large part I'm sure due to nostalgia. It definitely wouldn't fly with the current MMO crowd, but could definitely nab as many if not more subs than games like Mortal Online and/or Darkfall. It is always a little sad when you realize something you used to enjoy is too much for you now though, I definitely couldn't (with current responsibilities) get back into a game that took as much time as Shadowbane did. I considered Mortal & Darkfall, but between the games being First Person (ick) and the steep learning curve I passed on both of em. Still consider now and then though, perhaps I'll try one out for a bit when school ends.

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To answer the OP:


Honestly? IMHO, I think it's possibly the 4 years you spent playing WoW that destroyed your capacity to accept any other MMO style.


It's like people are so used to walk-in-all-you-can-eat-buffet, that they no longer appreciate going in and sitting down at a nice restaurant.

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I do agree with you that there are way too many load screens. I'm like, do I wanna go back to fleet to check the GTN? Hell no, I'll have to go through like 8 load screens to get to the closest GTN terminal.


Forget that.


The fact that the loading times take forever isn't helping either. Why does it take more than 20 seconds to load the interior of my ship?

Edited by Gungan
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Need help identifying whats wrong with me.


My gaming history: I am 30 years old, played console games on the 1st Nintendo, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64 and PS2. I kinda stopped playing console games for over 10 years now, and turned to pc games. I turned to pc games because I like to play over the net with real people. My first game was Age of Kings back in 2004. Played it so much, really liked it a lot.


Then I tried WoW from 2006 to 2010. It was my first mmo, before that I didn't know what an mmo was. I really liked WoW. I dabbled in LOTRO but never got into it, and that's about it for mmo's.


Now onto TOR. I was so hyped for this game that I bought a top end pc just for TOR. I liked the first 1-10 lvls then I move onto the next planet and I don't feel like exploring or questing. I lvled from 15-50 from class quests and wz's. The thing I don't like about TOR is the loading screens going from planets to planets. It's not how long they take, or why I have to run through a space station to get to the planet, its the fact that its not seemless like WoW.



In WoW you explore entire continents without a single loading screen. I don't think that this is the thing that has me not interested to play TOR. Am I just burnt out from mmo's or just gaming all together.




Take a break, sometimes you even need a break from the things you love most, then when you come back to it you will feel "New Love", re inspired, you will perhaps take more interest in it, remember that too much of something is not only unhealthy, but can ultimately leave you feeling sick of it.

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The thing I don't like about TOR is the loading screens going from planets to planets. It's not how long they take, or why I have to run through a space station to get to the planet, its the fact that its not seemless like WoW.


Wow is not seemless. You go through loading screens when you switch continents. THEN You take as long as 10 minutes of flight time to go from one end of a continent to another as well. So Wow is far from seamless, or instant.


You go through loading screens on TOR when you switch planets. Some planets are massive and similar in size to an entire WoW continent. Taxis on planets are fast and efficient compared to WoW.


Space travel is a part of what you do in a multi-planet universe. And, it's faster then taking a flying mount across a continent in WoW. It's just a different experience, and it's consistent with a multi-planet based game.


So, I think what you actually have is a WoW bias to your MMO play. Most people stay somewhat fixated on the experiences of their first MMO. If you had played other MMOs before WoW, you would have a different perspective.

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Wow is not seemless. You go through loading screens when you switch continents. THEN You take as long as 10 minutes of flight time to go from one end of a continent to another as well. So Wow is far from seamless, or instant.


You go through loading screens on TOR when you switch planets. Some planets are massive and similar in size to an entire WoW continent. Taxis on planets are fast and efficient compared to WoW.


Space travel is a part of what you do in a multi-planet universe. And, it's faster then taking a flying mount across a continent in WoW. It's just a different experience, and it's consistent with a multi-planet based game.


So, I think what you actually have is a WoW bias to your MMO play. Most people stay somewhat fixated on the experiences of their first MMO. If you had played other MMOs before WoW, you would have a different perspective.


I agree, EQ was my first real MMO, and as such I end up comparing everything to that. And I must say, I miss the true open world feeling that game had, of being lost in a world, and really having to go out and try to make it. Travelling across a continent was a task all in itself. It made it part of the game, not just something you afk through. That was immersive. I feel like WoW really ruined that for MMOs, and has spoiled gamers by playing into their ADD...


These new games, including WoW, hold your hand way too much. It's like dev's are afraid to add a learning curve to their games these days.


btw, Darksouls was a grt suggestion. If that game had better multiplayer features I would still be playing it.

Edited by daedalusmachine
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I felt the same way, burnt out. But really I was just burnt out on ToR. I felt obligated to pay because I paid a subscription, and I really wanted to enjoy the game. But I just wasn't. Something didn't feel right. I was always somewhat excited to play, but then I'd logon and just get that burnt out feeling like I didn't want to do anything... If I stuck it out, when I later logged off I would have a feeling that it wasn't a satisfying gaming session. My friends and I went back to some of our old games like Left 4 Dead 2 and it was like a breath of fresh air actually playing some games that are fun and exciting.
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Need help identifying whats wrong with me.


My gaming history: I am 30 years old, played console games on the 1st Nintendo, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64 and PS2. I kinda stopped playing console games for over 10 years now, and turned to pc games. I turned to pc games because I like to play over the net with real people. My first game was Age of Kings back in 2004. Played it so much, really liked it a lot.


Then I tried WoW from 2006 to 2010. It was my first mmo, before that I didn't know what an mmo was. I really liked WoW. I dabbled in LOTRO but never got into it, and that's about it for mmo's.


Now onto TOR. I was so hyped for this game that I bought a top end pc just for TOR. I liked the first 1-10 lvls then I move onto the next planet and I don't feel like exploring or questing. I lvled from 15-50 from class quests and wz's. The thing I don't like about TOR is the loading screens going from planets to planets. It's not how long they take, or why I have to run through a space station to get to the planet, its the fact that its not seemless like WoW.



In WoW you explore entire continents without a single loading screen. I don't think that this is the thing that has me not interested to play TOR. Am I just burnt out from mmo's or just gaming all together.


37 here man, and you are not alone.


I was a little more hardcore though hehe I have a laundry list of games in my wake. Yes Yes I am an addict!


Anyway! I feel what you feel and I think it stems from the death of a genre.


Simple fact - WoW was GROSSLY successful. People saw this and cloned the game, you see it all over the place. Same with SWTOR - it at it's core is a WoW clone.


What is the problem with that? Well for me, I spent 7 YEARS already doing all of this and it already feels old in SWTOR. I personally am not a big Star Wars fan to begin with - so the game mechanics were what I was looking for.


Like I said I think this is the start of the death of MMO's as we know them. The progression based, grinding to level cap type carrot on a stick MMO's will not cut it with todays gamer.


In the end I felt like I might be too old to game anymore, or maybe I was just tired of it... I mean, X hours per day for 20+ years is a lot of gaming. I mean for a lot of my WoW time I was pushing 8 hours a night.


I would do it all agian if I had the right game... and I think I found one that, for me, totally revitalized me. I actually WANT to game agian!


That game is Guild Wars 2. Coming from an OG gamer to another - Check this game out, watch vids on thier site, go to you tube, check out the Tales of Tyria podcasts. All good stuff.


PM me if you want some more info! and Hang in there - It just takes the right game man.

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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Wow is not seemless. You go through loading screens when you switch continents. THEN You take as long as 10 minutes of flight time to go from one end of a continent to another as well. So Wow is far from seamless, or instant.


Except you only go through one for transition. One loading screen, and the whole continent is loaded and ready for you to go around. There's no boundaries blocking you, no rail you have to follow. And you're saying 10 minute flight time as if that's what EVERY one of them is like, but that's far from the truth. You only go on a 10 minute flight once or twice on your leveling process. Every other flight is a minute or so.


You go through loading screens on TOR when you switch planets. Some planets are massive and similar in size to an entire WoW continent. Taxis on planets are fast and efficient compared to WoW.


You just said some flight take over 10 minutes in wow, whose taxi speed is upwards of 600% run speed. Than you are saying swtor's planet is bigger than wow's continent yet their taxi is more fast and efficient? Can't have it both ways. Also, speaking of 'efficient and fast', take alderaan taxi system. A straight line taxi from the first imp zone to the last will take 30 seconds, yet the taxi has you go allll the way around the whole planet, making the taxi trip last several mintues. It's the exact opposite of efficient, and only a blind fanboi would even say it's fast and efficient.


Space travel is a part of what you do in a multi-planet universe. And, it's faster then taking a flying mount across a continent in WoW. It's just a different experience, and it's consistent with a multi-planet based game.


That paragraph, you never said anything. Just fluff words that describes basically...nothing. Consistent with a multi-planet based game? Oh wow, so you just spew out important sounding words, and you think that means something? And here's one for the swtor defenders who are so against insta-travel. Hyper travel from Dromund Kaas to imperial fleet takes 3 or so seconds. Hyper travel from Dromund Kaas to belsavis takes 3 or so seconds. You blind, delusional fools. SWTOR already has insta travel.


So, I think what you actually have is a WoW bias to your MMO play. Most people stay somewhat fixated on the experiences of their first MMO. If you had played other MMOs before WoW, you would have a different perspective.


This is very true. We are a collection of our experiences, and it's only natural to compare our current experience to ones we've previously had. The more you go through, in gaming or life in general, the more points of reference you have.

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I'd actually love to a game with MMO combat that just forsakes the open world in favour of more instances.


Instead of an open world and 3 bgs, give me a lobby and 25 bgs.


Give me 10 raids instead of a bunch of open space.


Also ditch leveling while you're at it.

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