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10 Good
  1. I liked parts of that game. Very unique. Still remember going to a friendly town, being afk for 5, had missed an invasion, and returned to being trapped in an enemy held town. Loved the invasions and friendly/unfriendly outpost flips.
  2. Like it. Though I went with a different mobo. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131736
  3. Biochem makes re-usable items. Buy them, and not the perishable ones, and leave the profession alone.
  4. All I'm saying is, the skill tree is infused with mathematical selections. Gain 1%, or 5% per point. Gain 30% chance to trigger 20% gain per point. If you pay attention to these, at all, why is it surprising that people want numbers of their output? Seems to me, don't make the skill tree so infused with numeric options if you want people to play the game without caring about numeric output.
  5. Unless you closed your eyes when selecting skills, you've crunched numbers to determine how to play your class.
  6. Did you pick skills? Then you're playing the numbers game. Look at the skills. They involve math considerably. If they didn't want people focused on numbers, they really should have defined skills differently. They are steeped in numbers.
  7. Have you looked at your skill trees? They are filled to the brim with mathematical options. In order to make the most of the game they provided, having some numeric feedback would be useful. Required? No. But then, why make allll those skills so numerically involved if you don't want people to focus on the math? I mean, they could have made it spend 1 point = good, 2 points = gooder, 3 points = goodest! But they didn't. They tell me that if X ability triggers, I have a Y% chance to decrease my cast time by z%. When they give me the above as a skill point, they are asking me to consider the math...then making that very difficult to actually do.
  8. You do realize a lot of negative posts come from folks who do love the game, right? Some people want to continue to love it, so offer as much feedback to help keep it that way. Being brutally honest does not mean the love isn't there. Sometimes it's a sign that it is.
  9. For some, it's the "been there, done that" thing. Our guild raided end game in WoW for years. All we did. So now that there is leveling again, a decent story to enjoy, and a new game to learn, I'm in no hurry to group up, even with guild mates just yet. Have an L46 and an L26. When both are at 50, and I'm done solo exploring on both guys, and have seen some of solo end game, I'm sure I'll start to run groups again. But why rush it? Once I have two or three guys at max level, that all goes away, and most of what I'll do every day will be groups, and flashpoints, and operations every day. So why rush to get there?
  10. I played through the launch of WoW. Our server was down so often in the first 60 days, we got 22 free days of play time. Do the math. Our server was basically down every third day for the first two months. Had that game had this audience, I cry to think of the results. There was far more patience among the community in '04. Tell me, how do you think the SW:TOR community would have dealt with the server instability WoW had? People LOVE to remember things with rose-colored glasses.
  11. Omg, an exaggerated Press Release from a company that stands to profit? Inconceivable! In other news, water remains wet. Has anyone ever seen a Press Release that does anything other than accentuate the positive?
  12. So, you want the equivalent of a game that saw 7 or 8 years of billion dollar income. Gotcha. Good luck with that.
  13. The best games offer something to everyone, whether they play casually for minutes, or dedicate themselves to massive playtime. I think FF7 remains one of the more well-remembered games for pleasing both. Watched one roommate play for 100+ hours, doing all the Ruby Weapon? stuff, breeding the perfect chocobo, etc, while his girlfriend just flitted through the main story, cooing over a character or two she liked, and finished in a fraction of the time. Pleasing both crowds should be the goal of every game.
  14. Yes. It has holes, gaps, and a lot of items that need a lot of work. But in my mind, no MMO is good out the door. I plan to give them a few updates, and content additions to see which way the developers are taking the game.
  15. This has been the case with every MMO I've played. Thankfully, they will continue to put out content, and add to end game as the game goes on. Nature of an MMO. Will it match everyone's consumption level? Doubtful. But, many have been bored at max levels in many MMO's, and anxiously await content patches for more to do. This isn't asking anyone to stay. Just saying, it seems to be how many others have proceeded.
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