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**** not mad -- cancelling & why


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SWOTR, i had a great time PVP'ing in this game.! i'm unsubb'ing b/c there's not anything else for me to play for -- PVP'wise.^^;




#1. the endgame PVP BM gear does not "help" my SENT to be better. i also hear this is a common issue amongst other classes --- gunslingers, sages, etc.


#2. limited PVP recognition/online ranking. nothing better then to be driven to be the best or to emulate those better then you.


#3. MINOR GRIPE -- lack of character customization. for my SENT and for many of my friends, we are unhappy with the way our FINAL character looks. JEDI look is not appealing when stacked against EMPIRE.


#4. the minor bugs that are like annoying insects even tho i try to ignore them.


B. daily WZ win -- uncredited

C. ability stutter

D. hotbar skills not shaded when still on CD - STILL



#1. PVP works. there is some tweeks and balancing, but i really enjoy PVP'ing.

#2. i do enjoy your maps.

#3. skill tree is in-depth. i've spent a lot of time tweeking my tree and argueing over tree specs on forums. that, to me, says KUDOS, SWOTR.^^






valor 64 --- legit 64.^^*

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SWOTR, i had a great time PVP'ing in this game.! i'm unsubb'ing b/c there's not anything else for me to play for -- PVP'wise.^^;




#1. the endgame PVP BM gear does not "help" my SENT to be better. i also hear this is a common issue amongst other classes --- gunslingers, sages, etc.


#2. limited PVP recognition/online ranking. nothing better then to be driven to be the best or to emulate those better then you.


#3. MINOR GRIPE -- lack of character customization. for my SENT and for many of my friends, we are unhappy with the way our FINAL character looks. JEDI look is not appealing when stacked against EMPIRE.


#4. the minor bugs that are like annoying insects even tho i try to ignore them.


B. daily WZ win -- uncredited

C. ability stutter

D. hotbar skills not shaded when still on CD - STILL



#1. PVP works. there is some tweeks and balancing, but i really enjoy PVP'ing.

#2. i do enjoy your maps.

#3. skill tree is in-depth. i've spent a lot of time tweeking my tree and argueing over tree specs on forums. that, to me, says KUDOS, SWOTR.^^






valor 64 --- legit 64.^^*

That's real neato, bro.

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Why do people think anyone cares if they quite?


More and more are though, for one thread poster there may be more, if so many unsub the game starts dieing.


Individual leaving messages are boring though i must admit, but the rest of us should not take them lightly.

Edited by Urko
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Why do people think anyone cares if they quite?


Some do it for attention.

Some do it for validation.

Some do it for boredom.





However, a small percentage of people leave feedback on the forums in the hope that they can maybe make the game better for the people who are still here, or perhaps for themselves if they decide to return.

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Roll another character... see how other classes play, while waiting for the updates that are indeed coming...


I just don't get it why people complain and quit and are always negative... I have a level 50 BH Powertech and when I'm not pvping and pugging to an instance I try to pvp with my tanking gear, which is fun most of the times...


I'm playing the same game since beta and have never been so dissapointed as several people claim to be... I mean... people have you EVER played another EA game before??


They all suck... this is the first game that actually is worth playing... ok there is some limited content but it will be implemented just wait for it...


...or don't...

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Oh look! More features on the horizon!


Oh and Look! More people ignoring it and cancelling out of ignorance.


People should pay to play a game for the promise of things getting better?




I unsubbed. If the game fixes its laundry list of issues and institutes intelligent design and content, I might come back. I just dont understand this idea that people should 'tough through it' until BW fixes things. They already paid BW for a game and are dissapointed with it for one reason or another, and should not pay for something that they dont think is fun.


If BW fixes things (and lets hope they do for their sake, since game sales dont begin to pay off the amount they invested in making the game ), then those players might come back. WoW has always lost a bunch of players with every new MMO, only to lure them back by innovating and improving. Other MMO's have done similar (Eve Online continues to grow year after year for instance).

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People should pay to play a game for the promise of things getting better?




I unsubbed. If the game fixes its laundry list of issues and institutes intelligent design and content, I might come back. I just dont understand this idea that people should 'tough through it' until BW fixes things. They already paid BW for a game and are dissapointed with it for one reason or another, and should not pay for something that they dont think is fun.


If BW fixes things (and lets hope they do for their sake, since game sales dont begin to pay off the amount they invested in making the game ), then those players might come back. WoW has always lost a bunch of players with every new MMO, only to lure them back by innovating and improving. Other MMO's have done similar (Eve Online continues to grow year after year for instance).


Thats just your opinion...


I am having a blast as is most others, with the promise of more content on the way.


If you dislike it that much, I'm sorry to see you go, but it's for the best. You think playing a game is "Toughing it out" then I don't know what to tell you.


See you in a year when the game is rounded out more and it's accumulated a healthy amount of subs.

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I think the reason why people like to make "i quit" threads is because they generally invest a lot of time into the game before they do and it becomes a deliberate decision. I understand the mentality since I put a fair ammount of time into this game myself; anyone who hits 50 does.


That said, I think he's right about the lack of gear appearance customization. When I rolld an agent I expected to dress myself in the imperial officer's uniform, but the pvp gear looks like I am some kind of forward scout. It's not a huge letdown, just one of those little things that somewhat disappoints.

Edited by bigchunk
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Bull ..... half these threads are started by the same people over and over.



The OP will be still posting after this thread.


half? are you sad that some people are unhappy and leaving. so sad that you come here and spread lies. half? you are mistaken. enjoy your buggy game with poor customer support.



all that said I cancelled 2 subscriptions fully intending to come back in 6 months or a year if I hear good things. You guys saying this game is fine as is and are willing to pay for it in its state are the reason the game could potentially fail.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback center around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - not cancellations.


We encourage you to please post your specific feedback in the forums. For this topic, regarding PVP, the PVP forums would be appropriate. We also have the suggestion box for any suggestions you may have.


We will go ahead and close this thread now. Thank you.

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