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Can we trade some story for some MMO?


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There are many quests which really just do not require a VO as they're just a simple kill and gather planet quest. The VO ads nothing to the story line or the immersion of the game. It is a "feature" not a "requirement" and things like this are what's hurt this game.


Dude what are you on? The VO is what makes those simple kill and gather quests actually engaging rather than running a mindless errand for a dude with a yellow question mark over his head. You want every single quest to be emotionally engaging and intellectually gripping? Things just don't work like that.

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Why don't you just play something else? Seriously. If you don't like it, go find something you do like instead of asking "hey, Bioware, can you completely redesign the entire game to fit my interest level for different aspects of it?" Seriously. The story is the whole point of this one. Don't like it, go play one with tiny little nonsense blurbs about your fetch/kill quests that you never read anyway.
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Then this isn't the game for you.


Oh and BTW, you have no idea what was on their requirements documents so I don't think you can even comment on that.


This is a themepark MMO. You are directed for a good portion of it. If you don't like it its easy to quit. Unless of course you don't want to quit...but since you seem to hate this game so much I don't know whats stopping you.


Whaa, whaa, whaa... I hate your opinion so please just quit.


I don't hate the game, I totally dislike aspects of it and enjoy others. I paid my 15 bucks for this month and until my sub runs out, my opinions are just as valid as yours or anyone else for that matter.

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I really don't think you're playing the right game then, my friend.


I disagree. He can play it that way if he wants and likes it taht way. What DOESN'T make sense, however, is skipping all the story and then demanding that the story be taken out because you like to skip it. Guess what? If you don't like the story, there's an option for skipping the story...but if you do like the story, there's no option for putting one back in if it's been taken out. Guess which way the developers decide that one?

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No! All I am saying is no to losing story. Getting more MMO functionality is great but not at the cost of story. For myself and I am sure 1000's upon 1000's of others story is what we feel has been missing from all the other crap mmos we have been playing the last decade.


BW please add MMO features soon so the type of players like the OP do not go viral and contaminate your design decision of having STORY. Thank you that is all.


I agree so much with this statement, that words can't explain it


and for OP: if you did not use 10 min on this website, finding out what game this was going to be, before you bought it, its your own mistake!


its not biowares fault, than you thought this was going to be WOW 2.. get lost

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Whaa, whaa, whaa... I hate your opinion so please just quit.


I don't hate the game, I totally dislike aspects of it and enjoy others. I paid my 15 bucks for this month and until my sub runs out, my opinions are just as valid as yours or anyone else for that matter.


So don't frame it like they failed at something absurd as requirements. Learn to frame things in a constructive manner. You weren't on the design team. You don't own the business requirements. They added every single requirement they wanted. You just don't like their list of requirements.


And LOL at you...telling me you hate my opinion.. Oh...ok...that's...rich.

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Why don't you just play something else? Seriously. If you don't like it, go find something you do like instead of asking "hey, Bioware, can you completely redesign the entire game to fit my interest level for different aspects of it?" Seriously. The story is the whole point of this one. Don't like it, go play one with tiny little nonsense blurbs about your fetch/kill quests that you never read anyway.


that I agree with as well.


if it in generel aint for you, then don't play. there is no reason in staying and hoping the game will become something entirely else.. thats just stupid.. all do respect

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Lol, sure we can. Bioware needs to provide a real MMO for these "real mmo players".


Seriously though, responses like this only serve to alienate the players. As soon as we criticize your "perfect" game, we are "crying" lol? So we can't say anything about the game, unless to say its great? Get real please.


First line confirmed your self proclaimed elitist entitlement. Second one tried to make fun of it. Many a truth is said in jest. You are the damage meter gearscore type. I believe you can find what you need over in Panda land.

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As for saying "when will BIO add more features" thats all nice and dandy, but I want to make sure they add the right features. As it stands now they have the grounds to add more phased areas and more story content and I'm telling them that's wrong. If you disagree, that's really your opinion and your entitled to it as long as you let me post mine on the forums that are meant to discuss this game. Last I checked I'm still paying the same amount to pay this game and post on the forums as you are.


The problem here is in the bolded part... there are no actual right or wrong features, it all depends on opinions and preferences.

Personally, I prefer the story aspect over your proclaimed "MMO features", it was the one thing I really missed in previous MMORPGs. Does it make SWTOR a perfect game? Definitely not, I'd love to have more (open) exploration and actually useful social hubs (e.g. SWG cantinas pre-CU/NGE) but I can take the game for what it is.

Incentives for grouping are already in the game, if people don't group then it is because they don't want to. Short of forced grouping like in the early days of MMORPGs there's nothing you can do and I'm sure we don't want to go back to those days.

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I agree so much with this statement, that words can't explain it


and for OP: if you did not use 10 min on this website, finding out what game this was going to be, before you bought it, its your own mistake!


its not biowares fault, than you thought this was going to be WOW 2.. get lost


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So don't frame it like they failed at something absurd as requirements. Learn to frame things in a constructive manner. You weren't on the design team. You don't own the business requirements. They added every single requirement they wanted. You just don't like their list of requirements.


And LOL at you...telling me you hate my opinion.. Oh...ok...that's...rich.


L2Read and L2Comprehend...


You told me to quit the game in a previous post, my retort was a sarcastic play on what you said. Yes, I know reading and reading comprehension are very difficult things, but if you try hard and use the force it'll come to you.

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you would pay 15 dollars a month to watch a story that you already know? that cant last forever unless you are incredibly easy to entertain.



I'll come back when they squash some bugs.


I guess I'm easy...


I guess you're leaving...


I'm guessing no one will wait for your return!

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L2Read and L2Comprehend...


You told me to quit the game in a previous post, my retort was a sarcastic play on what you said. Yes, I know reading and reading comprehension are very difficult things, but if you try hard and use the force it'll come to you.


Nice backpedal. I almost didn't see you fly by.

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As the title mentions, can we lose a bit of story and gain a bit more MMO so this doesn't feel like mass effect with coop? The class story is fine, its nice and innovative I agree, but the rest of the side missions are not quite up there.


The phases are only accentuating the huge sterile worlds. I get that class quests need phases to preserve people from ruining your story, but why do we have phases for heroic 2, heroic 4, hell the worst is they have phases for SOLO quests?!?!? My server is already a ghost town. Right now on Tatooine we have a record 30 people, which isn't even too bad considering we had 8 this morning... These people are so far apart from each other due to the huge world that is littered with phases. We never see imperial players even though its supposed to be a PVP server, but we don't even see each other!!! That doesn't feel like an MMO.


Instead of focusing on voice acting for every single quest... can you focus on introducing incentives to group, to make the world vibrant, open and full of players. These players don't need to be separated by more artificial barriers... The only areas in the game that should be phases are class quests, warzones and flashpoints/operations.


Besides the class story, the story in the side missions doesn't even involve decisions that matter. Nothing I choose in conversations matters (they even rehash a lot of the voice acting), I can respond like a total douchebag or a goody goody two shoes and the NPC will just continue his script. The light/darkside choices are a little better, but they only serve the purpose of getting gear pieces that require said alignment. That only makes it worse, because I find myself just choosing one of the two so I can get the gear I want. Why isn't there neutral gear.


Even in the class story, I can't make dramatic choices either, I'm always guided towards a predictable outcome except in a few special moments. Why can't I kill my companions again? That would actually have a nice effect on the story.


So anyways yeah, WTT Story for MMO, pst.


Caveat Empor dude! Bioware is the RPG king what did you think you were going to get/

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Once upon a time, MMORPG players didn't have quests or housing or crafting. Yet somehow, people found ways to entertain themselves.


With respect to the OP, this game is a MMO, there is plenty for a player interested in MMOs to do. I suspect that you don't have a guild and/or are on a lower population server. I would correct that if I were you. I'm on one of the highest population servers (Harbinger) and I have never failed to find other people to group with. I see folks everywhere, even with instancing.


Seriously, I take you at your word that your game seems to lack much incentive for groups. I see it differently. I think it is amazing. The game gives you so many rewards for grouping and makes it relatively painless. I group on every planet. Get great quest and story rewards for doing so. But, like I said, there's always folks around.


Try an alt on a high pop server; join a guild of active players ; it may change your opinion.

Edited by Master-Nala
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No! All I am saying is no to losing story. Getting more MMO functionality is great but not at the cost of story. For myself and I am sure 1000's upon 1000's of others story is what we feel has been missing from all the other crap mmos we have been playing the last decade.


BW please add MMO features soon so the type of players like the OP do not go viral and contaminate your design decision of having STORY. Thank you that is all.


This. A thousand times, this!

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Once upon a time, MMORPG players didn't have quests or housing or crafting. Yet somehow, people found ways to entertain themselves.


Back in my day, we didn't "get" player housing, we had to find an open spot of land and build it ourselves! Both ways, and in the snow, too! Then we had to worry about people picking our locks and stealing our crap, because they would do it, too, if given the chance!


Then we had to build our own fences on our yards, so those damn kids wouldn't mill about our piece of land and go "Can i haz a house here plz?" And I'd shake my fist at them and /shout "You damn kids, get off my lawn! I spent money to get this house, and hired three crafters to build it!" Then someone burnt it down, and I had to rebuild the durn thing from scratch!


You kids these days... you just want to be handed your epic gear, and your Justin Berber carpets, and your fancy-pants raids!

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Complainers attack the game, discussing its problems / features etc.


Fanboys attack the complainers, discussing there personality and judging them for what they say. This in return gets them judged in return being donning them the label "fanboy" for there blind zealotry(blind because they dismiss discussion and attack person).


See that's why it is funny, no matter how it looks the complainers are a hugely more productive / worthwhile / of greater value for this forum then the fanboys are. This is because they wish to discuss/judge the game not other people.






This of course is a generalisation, very rarely there is an intelligent fanboy who actually comes to the table discussion wise. But its a shame this is such a rare occurrence.

Edited by Harower
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Complainers attack the game, discussing its problems / features etc.


Fanboys attack the complainers, discussing there personality and judging them for what they say. This in return gets them judged in return being donning them the label "fanboy" for there blind zealotry(blind because they dismiss discussion and attack person).


See that's why it is funny, no matter how it looks the complainers are a hugely more productive / worthwhile / of greater value for this forum then the fanboys are. This is because they wish to discuss/judge the game not other people.






This of course is a generalisation, very rarely there is an intelligent fanboy who actually comes to the table discussion wise. But its a shame this is such a rare occurrence.



I think grouping people who try and make rational defenses of the systems already in place are unfairly grouped as fanboys in that analogy, I submit that a fanboy is someone who has let his fandom override his common sense.

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