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Don't ding 50! The pvp is much better 10-49.


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I have a great idea, genius: Just don´t go to Ilum at 50. And guess what: The effect will be the same as staying at 49. No Ilum till they can design something that copes with the imbalance of player numbers on both sides.




Sure...because it may be that way on Your server, it has to be that way everywhere. On my server it´s instant to 5 Minutes as long as I don´t try to play long after midnight or on weekday mornings.



Expertise doesn´t matter much. Simply try to play this game as it obviously is meant to be and don´t play Pvp clad in green items and lowlevel-orange. Gear up and get purple items and augments. This game throws them at You for almost nothing at all. Even if You are completely broke upon reaching 50, it won´t matter. At Level 50 the game showers you with credits and gear.





Yeah. If you are someone who "worries" about such things...just stay out of level 50 pvp.


But if You are such a person, who actually cares?



Let me guess:


You will be "king" because You are such an experienced and skilled pvp-player and not some kid seeking easy kills without any skill to justify them due to the imbalance in game mechanics resulting from playing pvp at Level 49?


I see the great difference to those "nasty kids" in "imbalanced gear" You mentioned above...



+1 When I first reach 50 all of my gears were all lvl 40 greens I didn't bother upgrading it because I wanted to test my skills without relaying on them and the result was I sucked. The maximum medals I got was 5 and did only 20k dmg(our healers did better than me lol)and I died all the time but I don't really care about that I only care about what I did and do to help my team.


Anyhow that didn't last long lol I was fed up tired of being bullied and people called me out for it so after several warzones got several champ gears mix with pve purple gears.


Currently, destroying everyone in my path doing 300k-400k dmg it is really a good feeling after all the struggle being a new 50.


I would say stop complaining and man up, everyone goes through it heck I had fun when I was fresh 50s not everything is about results, it is the progression on what you do. MMO is all about journey, your journey and it's going to be a struggle at first but you'll never know you're already top on the scoreboard.


About your queue times the problem is on your server. I get wz queues every minute on mine.

Edited by Mulawin
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good joke... did you mae your BM title by trade killing? so now you can go there and almost one shotting starters? gz... you definetly not SUCK.....

in this game there is no such thing like PVP SKILL... there is gear against gear... better gear always win.


and this idea of forever 49 lev... is pretty resonable in fail pvp game like this one. at least for players who really stay here more than few weeks.


Disagree there are BM nooobs in my server believe it or not lol(Go play in Swiftsure)

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I hit 50 around late dec and I could get myself some champ pieces before the bracket patch. My friend on the other hand just recently hit 50 he enjoyed 10-49 pvp but level 50 pvp he can't do jack squat. I went over to his place to watch him play a few pvp matches he is a sniper and he is hitting people for 600-850 damage. If he crits he only does 1200 damage and this is when shooting at geared sorcs.


Oh and his orbital strike only does 800 damage on geared 50's lets just say it was sad to watch him get eaten alive by geared 50's critting him for 3-4k and doing almost 1000 damage per tick on enemies channel spells.


Heck when I see new 50's I eat them alive I DON'T FIND THIS FUN. Its not fun stomping people who can barely fight back. Hopefully when the new patch hits new 50's can now have a chance in pvp but as it is now? It sucks for new level 50's and its sad to see people are denying it and are enjoying stomping people who can't even fight back.


I don't find it fun and if all you enjoy doing is stomping people without gear in pvp then In my opinion you suck big time. This is a problem in my opinion and this is something bioware should look at I think the new patch is going in the right direction.

Edited by lokdron
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I hit 50 around late dec and I could get myself some champ pieces before the bracket patch. My friend on the other hand just recently hit 50 he enjoyed 10-49 pvp but level 50 pvp he can't do jack squat. I went over to his place to watch him play a few pvp matches he is a sniper and he is hitting people for 600-850 damage. If he crits he only does 1200 damage and this is when shooting at geared sorcs.


Oh and his orbital strike only does 800 damage on geared 50's lets just say it was sad to watch him get eaten alive by geared 50's critting him for 3-4k and doing almost 1000 damage per tick on enemies channel spells.


Heck when I see new 50's I eat them alive I DON'T FIND THIS FUN. Its not fun stomping people who can barely fight back. Hopefully when the new patch hits new 50's can now have a chance in pvp but as it is now? It sucks for new level 50's and its sad to see people are denying it and are enjoying stomping people who can't even fight back.


I don't find it fun and if all you enjoy doing is stomping people without gear in pvp then In my opinion you suck big time. This is a problem in my opinion and this is something bioware should look at I think the new patch is going in the right direction.


This. Thank you.

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Friend hit 50 less than a week ago.

He does Belsavis dailies.

He saved up 1000/1000 commendations

Buying purple gear from GTN.

Doing pvp dailies and HM Flashpoints.


Now at 6.5% expertise with 18k health. (Vanguard)


Makes me wonder how many people that complain go straight to pvp after dinging 50. I have seen so many players in WZs with greens and even sub level 40 gear.

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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


Better being king in hell than serve in heaven?


It seems to me that you just play bad. Yesterday we had a group of 4 people, 1 level 50 for 1 day, 1 level 50 for 5 days, 1 level 50 for 2 weeks in 3 champ items, 1 level 50 for 4 weeks in close to full champ.


We lost only 20% of our matches.


Skill and especially teamplay > gear.

If you aren't able to gear yourself enough to win a few warzones and not be run over by everyone, you play wrong or really bad.

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You can leave at the end and not get EXP.


OP is right 10-49 bracket is better, and being 49 doesn't necessarily make you king, its more like being a Sorc, Merc or operative (before nerfs) makes you king.


Isn't it a bit dumb to say that something that no longer exists can make you king?

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I hit 50 around late dec and I could get myself some champ pieces before the bracket patch. My friend on the other hand just recently hit 50 he enjoyed 10-49 pvp but level 50 pvp he can't do jack squat. I went over to his place to watch him play a few pvp matches he is a sniper and he is hitting people for 600-850 damage. If he crits he only does 1200 damage and this is when shooting at geared sorcs.


Oh and his orbital strike only does 800 damage on geared 50's lets just say it was sad to watch him get eaten alive by geared 50's critting him for 3-4k and doing almost 1000 damage per tick on enemies channel spells.


Sorry, but this just not true. If he does 800 damage he'd do 920 with more competence. He needs to gear up, not cry.


You can get blue items from Corellia commendations.

You can get blue items from the non-hero flashpoints.


You can get T1 equivalent gear (armoring for orange items) from

- Dailies on Ilum and Belsavis

- from the GTN




You want to play with the big boys, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.


If you are having a bad time in the Warzones

- gear up, first to lvl 50 blue, then to level 50 and 51 artifact

- do your pve dailies (not pvp). Finish your class quest, get daily commendations on Ilum and Belsavis.

- Get a teamspeak server. It's 5 $ a month. Get a headset and play together with other players. Learn to focus fire, learn to announce incoming players, learn how to throw and score a huttball.

- learn to kill healers


You even get gear by losing in warzones. So there is really no excuse not to gear up.

Edited by _Flin_
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I would love to see Bioware remove bracketing, remove expertise, balance the boost, and just make battlemaster gear PRETTY.


Wouldn't it be cool to gear up for either pvp or pve whatever you do, while just looking ****** in moddable gear of your choice?


The only caveat there would be premades... perhaps have highlevel premade vs highlevel premade priority matching so there's less roflstomp.

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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


I just knew it was you before I even opened the thread. :rolleyes:



bads will be bads I guess. Enjoy exerting all of that "skill" you claim to have over level 15's missing all their good gear, talents and abilities. Maybe some day you can teach the rest of us 50's how to be so good.

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I prefer the 50's brax tbh. In the 1-49 brax on my alts, I find that a lot of players don't know what they're doing (more so than the 50 brax anyways), queue up at level 11 and spam their basic ranged attack, lack a lot of their abilities possibly causing one side to be imbalanced. Pair this with me always being purple-geared, I feel like I'm just n00bstomping in the 1-49. Capping a turret, scoring, or planting a bomb in the 50's brax feels so much more rewarding. People die much slower in the 50's brax and are generally more organized, this means battles last longer and fights are more challenging. 1-49 is EZmode for me, so while I do enjoy stomping every now and again, I'd be lying to myself to say that's where the real pvp is and you'd be lying to yourself to think 1-49 is more balanced.


Do the dailies/weeklies, do some HMs to gear up instead of writing whine posts. You'll gear up fast enough. Save up 1k/1k + 1 champ bag before 50, you can get a few pieces right out of the gate. You can also run some FP's. Getting champ gear is easy; and BM is not much better than champ.

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Since I have hit lvl 50 i with my character I cannot find a single pvp match and its frustrating. I liked to pvp and since I am now lvl 50 with the character i preferred to pvp with I can not find a single match. Maybe my server is just dead when it comes to lvl 50 pvping.
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Sadly, this is very accurate. As a 50 in nearly full champ gear, if I could turn off leveling on alts I would totally do this. Expertise simply provides way too much advantage with no entry level gear to bridge the gap. Even 2v1 fresh 50's are just free kills.


Which is why more people need to request that expertise be removed from the game and replaced with a static % damage/healing reduction regardless of gear.

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Sorry, but this just not true. If he does 800 damage he'd do 920 with more competence. He needs to gear up, not cry.


You can get blue items from Corellia commendations.

You can get blue items from the non-hero flashpoints.


You can get T1 equivalent gear (armoring for orange items) from

- Dailies on Ilum and Belsavis

- from the GTN




You want to play with the big boys, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.


If you are having a bad time in the Warzones

- gear up, first to lvl 50 blue, then to level 50 and 51 artifact

- do your pve dailies (not pvp). Finish your class quest, get daily commendations on Ilum and Belsavis.

- Get a teamspeak server. It's 5 $ a month. Get a headset and play together with other players. Learn to focus fire, learn to announce incoming players, learn how to throw and score a huttball.

- learn to kill healers


You even get gear by losing in warzones. So there is really no excuse not to gear up.


Your stats are talking about the pre-1.2 expertise stat.


After 1,2 its a whole different ballgame. There is no longer a hard diminishing return on expertise around 500-550. You should see the graph on Sithwarrior, there are no longer any diminishing returns on expertise.


Remove expertise please.

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You want to play with the big boys, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.



LOL, i play an op I do just fine with a knife :p

Seriously, as i can see the point cuz i do enjoy the <50 bracket, to kill a geared player as a new 50 takes skill and is far more rewarding when you do kill one. you get farmed for a bit, you drive on, you get gear it evens out..simple.

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Sorry, but this just not true. If he does 800 damage he'd do 920 with more competence. He needs to gear up, not cry.


You can get blue items from Corellia commendations.

You can get blue items from the non-hero flashpoints.


You can get T1 equivalent gear (armoring for orange items) from

- Dailies on Ilum and Belsavis

- from the GTN




You want to play with the big boys, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.


If you are having a bad time in the Warzones

- gear up, first to lvl 50 blue, then to level 50 and 51 artifact

- do your pve dailies (not pvp). Finish your class quest, get daily commendations on Ilum and Belsavis.

- Get a teamspeak server. It's 5 $ a month. Get a headset and play together with other players. Learn to focus fire, learn to announce incoming players, learn how to throw and score a huttball.

- learn to kill healers


You even get gear by losing in warzones. So there is really no excuse not to gear up.


Even if you start 50 with all Cent gear , it is currently not good enough in PVP, at least not for my 4 level 50's. I didn't notice a improvement in survivability and DPS until Half Champ - half Cent.

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- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.

This is the only reason you gave that is accurate. Stay in the under 50 bracket if you want to dominate lesser competition.


It's like a miner leaguer who gets offered a major league deal and turns it down.

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