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Are You Feeling "Burned Out" by SWTOR?


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Yeah the reason is the game starts out as SWTOR and ends up SWPOS


ROFL, first time I've seen this. +1 to you good sir.


I'm not 'burnt out' at all. I would loooove to be playing a quality MMO right now. This isn't a quality MMO however. Pretty much nothing on the market ATM interests me. Trust me, I really wish something did.


But you gotta give it to BioWare, they put the story in this 'MMO', all it cost them was all of the depth that an MMO could/should have.


On a side note, is it just me or has there ever been a star wars game based in this 'deep rich universe' that wasn't just strait linear and one-dimensional? Maybe LA is the real problem? Food for thought. . .

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Some of my guild are 50 now and really surprised that there are just the dailies, some flash points and basically a massive grind to get gear. I worry about the fact that I don't pvp, how am I going to be able to get my healing over 400 which is what they want to run the harder instances. I have in no way been rushing and this is my main, I do have one that is about 18 but other than that my highest is 40. I have been playing since 14th of Dec. It is a great game, I am having a lot of fun, but I worry once I get to Ilum that I can't do anything without a group.



The sad thing is that if you ask a question, hardly any one is helpful. It is really sad, I am fond of the community of Lord Of The Rings Online, and was hoping that we could have a great community like them.

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Maybe the social part of the game is missing for you? That's the only thing that makes games worthwhile for me.


I also think this is the root of the problem for a lot of players. In earlier MMORPGs the social part had a huge weight.


In some of them it was hard to do anything at all if you were not in a group.


Playing MMORPGs entirely on your own seems to be boring as hell.


SWTOR is a modern MMORPG so it has elements that allows you to play solo, with friends and PUGs. I only think it needs some tools to make large PUG interactions that allows for some character progression (like WoW or Rift) outside warzones. Also some PVP and PVE content for smaller groups of 2 - 3 would be great. But it's still very early to expect that.

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I had fun leveling my first Republic character, a Light oriented Jedi Sage to 50.


Then I joined the Empire, and enjoyed the full story of a Neutral sided Mercenary -originally planned to go Dark side, but Mako (the first companion availabled) influenced how the character turned out -


And I currently play a Dark sided Jedi Guardian who has just reached Corellia.


To answer the OP, I 'm not bored of SWTOR at all. Once I'm done with my Jedi Guardian, I will switch once more to the Empire and play a mean Sith Assassin, or a Light Sided Marauder.


And I have other classes/alignment combos planned already for the the next characters. And this is only for the "solo" contents. Once I'm bored story-leveling characters, I will focus on multiplayer contents.


So I don't think I will feel "burned out" by the game for a while :)


See....Its perspective.

If you find something boreing look in the mirror most of the time its a state of mind, or you need to step away from the pc.

There is plenty to do.

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Game is too uncomfortable at level 50 to continue after 2-3 months.


Bad UI, nasty bugs (at least two *daily* quests!), 4fps on ilum, stupid RNG loot from bags, badly designed melee combat (no interrupts, no active defense), meaningless ops PvE (already got every piece of equipment in HM flashpoints). There is no feeling of progression or adventures at all.


I'll create +1 alt just to play his/her story line and most likely I'll unsubscribe for a year or two until game will be debugged-expanded-"unfrustrated".

Edited by Pashgan
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ROFL, first time I've seen this. +1 to you good sir.


I'm not 'burnt out' at all. I would loooove to be playing a quality MMO right now. This isn't a quality MMO however. Pretty much nothing on the market ATM interests me. Trust me, I really wish something did.


But you gotta give it to BioWare, they put the story in this 'MMO', all it cost them was all of the depth that an MMO could/should have.


On a side note, is it just me or has there ever been a star wars game based in this 'deep rich universe' that wasn't just strait linear and one-dimensional? Maybe LA is the real problem? Food for thought. . .


It's possible. After seeing how bad those prequels they released while back were, I deffinitely doubt any influence LA had on this game was a good one lol

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Quite burned out here, I haven't been online in almost 3 weeks now.

I got to 50, did stuff with the guild, raided, PvP'ed, but eventually I just started playing a bit more BF3 and that got me hooked.


I haven't felt a reason to go play SWTOR.

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I'm burnt out as well, I have absolutely no desire to continue grinding till 50 just to get back to a pseudo wow-like experience (that is raiding once per week or pvp, and have nothing really interesting to do).


I enjoyed the story classes (I got 3 characters to 30-40) but it wasn't that amazing either, there's really nothing keeping me playing or something to look forward to either, it's just Wow all over again. If I wanted to play wow I wouldn't have quit it to play a sub-par clone with just a different setting that's going to take years just to get to the level of polish Wow currently has without offering anything new.

Edited by Demorase
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I feel like for me the side quests are the problem.


I love the main story, but the majority of your XP comes from pretty basic and boring sidequests. This hurts the most if you play more than one character.


Also, most of the alternitive leveling options are just grinding the same things over and over again (PvP, Space, etc.) and since the main story doesn't really steer you towards anything but the next part of the story, you end up just filling time trying to level in order to see the next chapter.


I feel like they should have added less filler side quests and instead added a bit more to each class story. Also the class story should follow your level so you can't outlevel it or be underleveld for it.


And another thing.... the whole "We wanted to start you off as a big hero" kinda back fires, because there's not much to look forward to. I mean Jedi for example..... do you really need to skip all Jedi training, get your lightsaber, fly through the padawan stage and become a Jedi knight by level 10? What's the rush? They could have made becoming a Jedi really feel special, instead they went the SWG-NGE route, Jedi at level 1. :(

Edited by Spymaster
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Meh, the game is boring, unless you're an altaholic.


It just doesnt have that mmo feel whatsoever, take a look at Archeage and tell me you didnt wish that swtor was made the same way.



They just took swtor too far into the themepark area, I know alot of people are enjoying it alot, and are rolling every single class and so on, but ask yourselves, what will you do when you've maxed out every single class? there is nothing that'll interest you, the endgame is just the same old WoW grind, and it's better in WoW tbh.



They need to make some more sandbox inspired planets, luckily they've got the option to shoot out new planets with entirely different content, and turn the game more into some kind of themepark/sandbox mix, the endgame needs it, people are getting insanely bored with the WoW approach to mmo's, especially with games who do a terribly copy/paste of it.



Why don't they look to lotro, eve, nick PQ's from WAR and so on?


I hate bringing up that game, but it's success was based on copying AND improving from previous games, they didnt just copy/paste an already existing game, they copied from several, and improved it, for some reason devs think that just copying that is the key to success, but it isnt.




I'll hang around, till Tera comes out in March, atleast it has a new approach to combat, and I hope it'll keep me busy till GW2, and especially Archeage get's released in NA/EU.

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I feel like for me the side quests are the problem.


I love the main story, but the majority of your XP comes from pretty basic and boring sidequests. This hurts the most if you play more than one character.


Also, most of the alternitive leveling options are just grinding the same things over and over again (PvP, Space, etc.) and since the main story doesn't really steer you towards anything but the next part of the story, you end up just filling time trying to level in order to see the next chapter.


I feel like they should have added less filler side quests and instead added a bit more to each class story. Also the class story should follow your level so you can't outlevel it or be underleveld for it.



Exactly. I feel the advertisement "play 8 unique storylines!" is a lie. First, the story is identical for both AC and then all of the other quests (which constitute 90% of the quests) are exactly the same for all classes.


This game isn't nearly as alt-friendly as people first assumed.

Edited by Demorase
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I waited for years for this game i had high expectations and when the game was released i was just wow this is just fantastic.


Time went by and i lost interest of my bounty hunter at lvl 44 and is tarted a lvling race to find something i felt funny. I ended up on my juggernaut and i did have a decent amount of fun but when i hit 50 its been a nightmare.


I played wow for 7 years and the magic thing about wow was simple. Even if all raids was on cooldown and lets say like with me i dident like pvp i always had something i could do or things i wanted that took my time. This is something this game done have.


Just some random world pvp in barrens gooing for the other factions rulers could be fun.

I spent million of runs to get baron rivendares mount it was things to do.


Even thou they released expansions it still became things to do new things you wanted to farm, find etc.


You had big worlds place you had not managed to get before so you tried and it was fun if you managed to get there.


professions you actually had to go and look for things and you had to run around alittle to get stuff also things that took up your time.


You had quests that you did cause it gave you reputation with factions and it gave you things you wanted.


In this game you haveto do dailys else you wont have cash for raiding.


You haveto lvl up exactly the way they want you too else you will spend forever to get to 50.


Once your 50 you can either go flashpoints, warzone or go raiding.


There is nothing else to do to fill up your time exept for lvling another char and lets face it the first 30 lvls on the first char you listen to the talking but after that you hit the space button. In my eyes they have put far to much into the singel player part of the game and forgot ppl need to have funnyt hings to do at lvl 50.


once you have done all instances many times and you have your gear you dont keep farming instances cause it gets booring.


And if you dont like pvp then you are basicly screwed in this game a big reason is also cause of all the instancing and that you need to load each zone for way to longe time.


A system were you could fly betveen planets manually combat vs other factions ships if you meet one in the space would made the game so much better its just that this game is to decided what to do how to play it and we want you to do this and that and you shall have fun its an order. That nakes this game fail over time and i think that in the end im not alone thinking about this.


I will keep playing this for awhile still some aspects i like like raiding but unlike when i played wow i will haveto find myself another game to play aswell to fill the hours i normally play with soemthing as i dont have anything to fill it with in star wars.


And yes i go to the gym training several days a week i also swim alot so ppl that will say go out have a life i do have a life but sence there is no more fish int he water were i live gaming has become my hobby nr 1 and well i had just hoped for more than what we have gotten.


If they dont give ppl more to do this will be a feeling more and moore ppl will have after awhile. I really hope the legacy stuff will be great.


The game needs more things to do.

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I have felt this way a lot recently, I think that my lack of zest has a little to do with the amount of time spent LFG'ing while sitting at the imperial fleet.


I also feel that without achievements, and very detailed stats, I lose interest. I wish that there were achievements that reward exclusive items, mounts, titles, etc. I love looking through my stats on other MMO's, to some players it's not a big deal, to me it is. How else will you know when you've reached 1 Billion points of damage, or when you've done 100 FP's, earned 10,000 warzone commendations. Seriously stats should record EVERYTHING, total amount of credits aquired, highest bid on an auction, total amount spent on postage, bosses killed and how many times you've killed them. Soooo many things, too many to list.


Achievements are pivotal, I'd like to see an achievement page that shows all achievements in the game with the ones completed highlighted, this would give me goals to focus on, especially if they could unlock cool stuff IE: tauntaun mount, Exclusive pets, interactive non-combat companions, Or Relics that are just for fun, like the ability to hover 3 feet in the air while moving for 5 mins, or unlock an ability so that everytime you use parlordance, a glimmering discoball hangs above your head.


I just invented those, they may be crappy but what I'm trying to highlight is,,,,they have the ability to make anything possible, it would be exciting to see what they can come up with if they felt that it was a worthy addition. You may feel that this would mimic WOW too much, to hell with it, don't let the existence of other MMO's tie the hands of the devs. IMO, this game has such powerful potential it could eventually surpass WOW in popularity.

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Leveling was fun.


You reach max level and the story stops, there is no content, operations can be cleared in a single night by a group of 5 year olds (its all just tank/spank, no challenge. Plot is mediocre), PVP grind is ridoulous, outdoor pve (IlluM) is fail.


I ask the people defending swtor what a 50 should do? Just ignore its a terrible game? Within a month of the game coming out people are max level with multiple characters and theres NOTHING to do. You say "lawl elitist rushed levels" but come on, at 1 hour a night someone could have hit 50 easily by now (my fiance has and she rarely plays more than 40 min to an hour a night).


The game ENDS at 50...and frankly people defending it A) havnt reached 50 to know the terrible truth B) are blindly fanatical thinking itll succeed.


Tons of people have up and quit, this game was a major dissapointment. My entire guild has left to go back to Rift, after months of us anticipating this game.


SWTOR is a buggy half baked joke that is NOT a modern MMO. Its design is straight copied from 2007 WOW with voice overs. Thats it! Other real modern MMO's that have come out (Rift) came out with lots of compelling and COMPLETE content, features and no buggyness. Other games are coming out later that year that truely innovate (Tera, GW 2). All SWTOR did was bring voice overs to a game and call it "GREAT STORY". Except its not, outside your class quests, the other 80% of quests are just


"These republic/imperials/monsters are in some way a threat. Go kill them. Specifically..8 of them..."


Your interaction is


A) yes i want to do this

B) no i dont want to..but if you pay me ok

C) refuse


Where is the plot here? In the end I'm still doing gather or kill quests, they replaced Kobold ears with "Republic Tags". Woop De Doo.

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I have felt this way a lot recently, I think that my lack of zest has a little to do with the amount of time spent LFG'ing while sitting at the imperial fleet.


I also feel that without achievements, and very detailed stats, I lose interest. I wish that there were achievements that reward exclusive items, mounts, titles, etc. I love looking through my stats on other MMO's, to some players it's not a big deal, to me it is. How else will you know when you've reached 1 Billion points of damage, or when you've done 100 FP's, earned 10,000 warzone commendations. Seriously stats should record EVERYTHING, total amount of credits aquired, highest bid on an auction, total amount spent on postage, bosses killed and how many times you've killed them. Soooo many things, too many to list.


Achievements are pivotal, I'd like to see an achievement page that shows all achievements in the game with the ones completed highlighted, this would give me goals to focus on, especially if they could unlock cool stuff IE: tauntaun mount, Exclusive pets, interactive non-combat companions, Or Relics that are just for fun, like the ability to hover 3 feet in the air while moving for 5 mins, or unlock an ability so that everytime you use parlordance, a glimmering discoball hangs above your head.


I just invented those, they may be crappy but what I'm trying to highlight is,,,,they have the ability to make anything possible, it would be exciting to see what they can come up with if they felt that it was a worthy addition. You may feel that this would mimic WOW too much, to hell with it, don't let the existence of other MMO's tie the hands of the devs. IMO, this game has such powerful potential it could eventually surpass WOW in popularity.


I'll never understand this strange ahievement thing, or why so many players like them. When I was on WoW I thought it was the most stupid thing.


Now I do agree with you that this game needs more "fun" items to help enrich the actualy MMORPG experience. LOTRO for example shined in this area. I can't tell you how much fun I have playing songs with my friends, naililng them with snowballs ect...


So on that score I agree with u.

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I wouldn't say I'm burnt out yet, but I have that odd feeling that the game is somewhat subpar for several reasons that pile up.


- while some class stories are good, others are not [Jedi Consular is perhaps the most contrite and boring set of obvious plots ever put together, with uninspired dialogues to top if off].


- world arcs are almost invariably bland. On Republic side, I think Tatooine is slightly above the rest, but some others, most notably Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and Corellia, are absolutely atrocious.


- the overall world design reeks of wrong tradeoffs between inspiration and convenience. Hopping from zone to zone, finding hostile mobs in groups of 3-5 with the occasional strong or elite evenly spread around. Urban environments are badly done. Once again, on republic side, only Tatooine is OK.


- the game is horribly linear *because* of class stories - they prevent you from bypassing planets altogether, or switching to alternate paths (because there are none). This goes worse as the character reaches the later levels.


- technically speaking, the UI is so much behind the SOTA curve even joking about it feels old.


- the endgame is a complete letdown. This is where they could have worked something to go off the beaten path, and they didn't even try.


- most planets are oddly lacking in atmosphere. Previous posters have mentioned LotRO, I would add a couple others (AoC early zones, especially Tortage, Khemi and Conall Valley; Almost all zones in Chronicles of Spellborn).


- Crafting is as uninspired as ever. The only redeeming feature is that it does not prevent you from doing something else, but it cannot hide the fact that the same tired old bandaids (BoP epics, consumables) are re-hashed to patch up a failed design.


- Social places have no soul, probably because there are none of them. During levelling, there is no reason to go back to a central social hub except for the Fleet which is more a fast-transit stop for FPs and Ops than anything else. At endgame, people are spread between Ilum (duking it out), Belsavis (duking it out), and PvE or PvP instances (duking it out). Since the game provides no reason to hang around, guess that people do not.


I think I could find additional points. All in all, it all boils down to one single encompassing reason : Bioware did not build a world - they merely built a story. The problem is, as many have said already, that stories end, while worlds do not. All planets are designed with progression convenience in mind - basically, almost without exception, they are designed as battlefields. Once the battle is won, you move on (even though there's actually nothing to show for it, but that's another point) because there's nothing left for you to do there.


This kind of world design is OK for single player RPGs because they are about a journey with an end.


In my opinion, what is missing from SWtOR right now is the world between the battlefields, both during levelling and at the endgame.

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I'm beginning to think I'm burned out for some reason.


I started on the 25th and played for a few hours straight, got to 30 on one toon for the legacy name, got another toon to 23, and a third to 20. I've PvPed a lot on both Empire and Republic, plus worked on different crew skills.


But in the past week I think I'd logged on for a total of 2 hours. For some reason I really just don't want to log in :(


I have been playing since 13th December, and I had a short period of a week and a half, when I didn't play at all, because I simply didn't feel like it anymore, but now I rediscovered this game's spark for myself and I've gone back to playing a couple of hours per day :)

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Exactly. It doesn't seem to have that... spark. I am still trying to figure out why. It seems like I've run out of fun things to look forward to. :(


I would think it's because you played massive amounts of consecutive hours and ripped through the content too quickly. I've been taking my sweet time and doing things with other people rather than just bullrushing through my class stuff. My class stuff is usually the last thing I do when I get to a planet. I end up doing the Heroics 2-4 times as well either because I see groups forming or a guildmate asks me to join.


Try slowing down a bit.

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Exactly. I feel the advertisement "play 8 unique storylines!" is a lie. First, the story is identical for both AC and then all of the other quests (which constitute 90% of the quests) are exactly the same for all classes.


This game isn't nearly as alt-friendly as people first assumed.


There are certainly 8 distinctly different storylines in the game. The story is identical for both Advanced Classes, but it was never advertised to change. Doing the same sidequests does get very repetitive, though. I think it would've been nice for them to make some sidequests/bonus quests/something class-specifc to make the journey deviate from the same path.

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I would think it's because you played massive amounts of consecutive hours and ripped through the content too quickly. I've been taking my sweet time and doing things with other people rather than just bullrushing through my class stuff. My class stuff is usually the last thing I do when I get to a planet. I end up doing the Heroics 2-4 times as well either because I see groups forming or a guildmate asks me to join.


Try slowing down a bit.



Dude. People have been playing Wow for 6 years straight before being burnt out.


If a lot of people are getting burnt out after 1 month, there's definitely something wrong with the game, not the players. Don't turn around the problem.

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45 sith inq, 25 BH, the rest are all 5-10. cant get motivated at all. its the same thing. linear paths on supposed huge worlds?...


infinite load screens from one planet to another?


illusion of choice that really only limits what gear you can wear, and what non-essential npc dies/lives? wheres my impact on this "galactic war"


non-friendly group finding. stand around fleet and spam much? bleh


broken pvp grouping and battlezone choice?


I was on Voss at the cantina. had to ride my speeder back just to get some mail back near the shuttle. a cantina without mail? thats basic mmo 101.


companion UI is horrid, like the space combat.



all in all i feel just as i did with STO with slightly more engrossing story. yay?

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