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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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Weird, all i did all weekend was raid, dungeons and group pvp. Not sure where a single player game even factors in. I also leveled an alt with 3 other friends. We were by each others side the entire time even through each others story quests....


Can someone please remind me how SWTOR is more of a single player game?


In my opinion, SWTOR is what you make it. If you play it like a single player game then guess what? It's going to be a single player game. However if you play with friends and have a great guild, it's just as much a "massively multiplayer" game as any other mmo. To me, SWTOR is really revolutionary in that way. It truelly is what you make it.


I remember when I leveled up in World of Warcraft. The only places I'd ever see any other players was in the main city. Outside of there I saw nearly nobody. Is WOW a single player game too? Seems like it to me...But its a single player game with ZERO story elements lol.


I know! It's so weird! I spent all week doing HM FPS and Ops with my guild and alliance guild.

I love how all these people show up to complain about all the things that were in WoW, while praising WoW for basically ripping off other games piecemeal.


After talking to some of these people, I wouldn't be surprised if they were kicked from raid groups for constant in-game whining and thus have no issue leaving.

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Start a Trooper.


Get to main storyline.


"Sergeant, I'm a fellow enlisted soldier" /salute


wait...wait..did you just SALUTE me?




Along with a number of other military inconsistencies, a whole branch of Republic special operations soldiers going rogue completely ruined the story for me. Not to mention Havoc Squad consisting entirely of myself and some cat faced bastard - where's the squad?


Trooper's storyline should have felt like Republic Commando. Instead it feels lame as hell and from what I'm reading, ends up not far off from the missions Smugglers do.

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so... if alot of you people don't care or want a story in an mmo then why exactly are you here? there are plenty of other games out there that don't focus on a story, actually every other one except this one, that you could go off and just grind your little hearts out and never have to read or follow any story.


i find it hard to believe how absurd it is to go into something and expect it to be changed to your will, it's like going into a music store and complainig, even demanding that they sell movies instead... if you want a movie then go to a place that sells them you don't go into the music store and try to change them because you want it that way.


it's so ridiculous to state "if i wanted a story i wouldn't play an mmo", REALLY!?


feel free to go to any of the other mmo's that don't have any story. problem solved.. there are tons to choose from.


i find it odd that so many people waste their time on an mmo forum that they don't seem to even enjoy or like. :eek:

Edited by teambff
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Along with a number of other military inconsistencies, a whole branch of Republic special operations soldiers going rogue completely ruined the story for me. Not to mention Havoc Squad consisting entirely of myself and some cat faced bastard - where's the squad?



Maybe if you actually, you know, PLAYED the *********** game you'd find out that

Your story is REBUILDING Havoc Squad


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so... if alot of you people don't care or want a story in an mmo then why exactly are you here?


I can give you some reasons :


- Trying out a new MMo


- A new MMo that feels alot like wow (not a bad thing mind you)


- Doing operation and PvP. Some just want to do that.


Let's be honest, if story is the only thing keeping you here, than what happens at level 50? Not much story to be done once you have cleaned Ilums last quest lines and your companions quests. You are left with things like Warzones, Operations, HM Flashpoints. If story was the only thing people were after, they could have just made version of Kotor 3 with a co-op mode and stop things there.


Loved the story mind you, but that's just part of the leveling experience. Some people only want to get on operations and farm they're pvp gear ASAP.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Large percentage? More like a couple hundred if that out of 1.7 million. 90% of the couple hundred are Blizzard employees.

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Large percentage? More like a couple hundred if that out of 1.7 million. 90% of the couple hundred are Blizzard employees.


I said "large percentage" because I dont know what the percent is. From all the idiot posts on these forums hating on the game, you'd think it was 95% of ppl that dont like the game.

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Easy. This story line was poorly written. I've played some MMOs for less than $10 a month with better story lines. I've considered returning to them - even though they are texted based. I might as well be playing City of Heroes when I watch the story line in SWTOR.
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I like the story in SWTOR, and I like story based games. Story written by developers is fine for single player games, fine for RPG, but it is not crucial for an MMO.


An MMO has the potential for the community to make the game in an ongoing manner, through playing, guild activities, territorial disputes, crafting. Story is fine, but if it takes the development focus away from things that are more important in an MMO, I can do without it.

Edited by CFourPO
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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


the biggest problem is there is no flexibility. its not the story its the design. there is no flexibility the game is 100% on rails there is no way to go lvl somewhere else and come back to your story. Everything is locked in and controlled. MMO's use to allow you to create your own expierences in the game world with your friends. this game is very restrictive and stripped down. I think thats why many MMO players that expected a little more open world and choices in game felt very disenchanted fast. It really lacks alot of MMO features and concepts other games that proceeded SWTOR had. Its the games core it cant be fixed so many who do not like it will never like it plain and simple.

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However The Secret World looks, you know it will be crap.


The publisher is Funcom, that's all the info you need.


They suck at releasing games, they actually have good game mechanics and world design.they are very slow in devolping content but they have talent.

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Dude, I don't give a ****

It's been years since I logged onto WoW, so cut me some *********** slack on getting the exact max level right. Give me a break. :rolleyes:


As for the rest, more off topic crap about how you think you're an awesome gamer cuz u liek teh hard gamez. We're ALL impressed champ, trust me.


His point is you should take your hands off the keyboard if you don't have an idea of what you are talking about, which you clearly do not. If I said "TOR is so ez I hit the level cap of 34 in two days!" would you take my post seriously? No? So why shouldn't he call out your dribble?

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I appreciate the story just fine. But I don’t spend 99% of my time in dialogue; I spend it playing the game. When it feels like the developers cheeped out on actual playable game content in favour of focusing on an over-abundance of dialogue and cut-scenes, I feel ripped off.


I’d have been much happier if they had simply left the class-quest and main world-quest fleshed out, but assigned the side-quests to mission boards in a tavern. Honestly, I don’t need a voice-acted animated cut-scene about killing X-number of whatever.


They could have devoted all that time and resources to, gee, I don’t know, a fleshed out guild system complete with upgradable bases, banners, PERKS (for all the work players do), achievements/rewards for team activities… working PvP… zone goals for each tier to encourage/promote open world PvP (and race-mode for PvE servers) … cross-server warzones… more than three warzones…


I’ll stop here, but lord knows I could go on.

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I appreciate the story just fine. But I don’t spend 99% of my time in dialogue; I spend it playing the game. When it feels like the developers cheeped out on actual playable game content in favour of focusing on an over-abundance of dialogue and cut-scenes, I feel ripped off.


I’d have been much happier if they had simply left the class-quest and main world-quest fleshed out, but assigned the side-quests to mission boards in a tavern. Honestly, I don’t need a voice-acted animated cut-scene about killing X-number of whatever.


They could have devoted all that time and resources to, gee, I don’t know, a fleshed out guild system complete with upgradable bases, banners, PERKS (for all the work players do), achievements/rewards for team activities… working PvP… zone goals for each tier to encourage/promote open world PvP (and race-mode for PvE servers) … cross-server warzones… more than three warzones…


I’ll stop here, but lord knows I could go on.


I think the side quest dialog is for immersion purposes to get us a bit more emotionally invested in the story as most of the side quests are related to the class quest chain. Otherwise we'd just be charlies angels talking to a box named bosley.


I agree that a fleshed out guild system with banners and perks, cross-server battlegroups and more warzones, (and hoods that can go up and down and a companion hat toggle...), would go a very long way towards increasing game quality of life.


P.S. Not much time was spent writing and entering all that dialog anyway...

P.P.S. And a dungeon finder...and a real auction house with real sorting...that combat log that can be read and parsed for performance...

Edited by GOYAFIDO
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His point is you should take your hands off the keyboard if you don't have an idea of what you are talking about, which you clearly do not. If I said "TOR is so ez I hit the level cap of 34 in two days!" would you take my post seriously? No? So why shouldn't he call out your dribble?


Forgetting what the max level was for one of the xpacs when I posted a rebuttal at god only knows what time, hardly means I don't know what I'm talking about.


I played WoW from the beginning of BC to just about when the second wing of ICC opened. My greater point still stands, whether or not you two need a strawman to continue.

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Easy. This story line was poorly written. I've played some MMOs for less than $10 a month with better story lines. I've considered returning to them - even though they are texted based. I might as well be playing City of Heroes when I watch the story line in SWTOR.


You can't make general statement like this just leave it. Please be specific with how the story was poorly written. I've only played the BH storyline, so I can't comment on ant others, what was so bad about that story?


I also liked the side quests. SOme of them were very engaging and all provided a new layer of context with the cinematics and voiceovers.

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MMOs aren't really about story, they're about content, challenge, competition, teamwork, and accumulating lots of nice stuff.
Setting is also important; I can't think of all that many memorable locations throughout the game, for example.


The publisher is Funcom, that's all the info you need.
They're inept, but creative and ambitious. Edited by Ansultares
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