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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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I said the story was great, what is hard for you to understand?

The meaningless pulp voice acting surrounding the ancillary quest to kill 10 rats are pointless.


I never got a quests asking me to kill 10 RATS. I would get quests such as eliminate 25 of XXX troops, which as explained in the context of voice acting and cut scenes, served a purpose to further our side.



You hate this game, its obvious, just quite already!


Or do you secretly love the game but just like to whine about video games?

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while I level in other games, like Rift, I was alone. Sure, I would see other players about sometime but I was solo. In Most MMO's there are things you do alone, such as quests and exploration, and some things you go in a group. You DO NOT constantly need to be around people and grouped with them for a game to qualify as an mmo,


I won't argue with that.


But in this instance, with space combat, you don't have that choice. I'm perfectly fine with people being able to do content a lone if they chose to. But people who wish to do it with others should also have group content to enjoy.

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Because that's what sets MMOs a part from every other game. Massive space battles with other real players as seen in the movies would be something you can't experience anywhere else. That is the type of content and service that justifies $15 a month. Not something you offer to a lesser degree than what you already offer in your single player games that don't require a monthly fee.


What makes an mmorpg for me, is that I CAN group up. I partied up with people through my leveling and now that I'm 50, I regularly do hard modes, ops and dailies with my guild and our alliance guilds. There is always stuff going on, so much so, I felt like taking a break today. This game is as multiplayer as you're wiling to make it.


I get more out of this than I ever did playing WoW, or LotRO, or DDO, or Champions. Certainly more than the dozens of Korean free to plays I've experienced.


Just because a game is multiplayer doesn't mean every aspect needs to include it. That's like saying single player games should never have optional multiplayer, because at their core, they are single player.


Take Mass Effect 3. According to your logic, it shouldn't have multiplayer, because the Mass Effect series, is a single player game series, that will include it as an option, in the latest sequel.


But all of this is moot, as Space Combat is eventually getting multiplayer.


We're really getting off-topic as this is about people not liking story, not your disappointment with space combat.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Because it is a one player story...

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Wait until the story finishes. The game then feels so empty; the worlds have no re-visit value; one looks back and realises it was all on rails and one isn't in an open-world universe, but have now reached 'the end' and there isn't all that much content at the end yet.


I hope SWTOR evolves so that it makes the locales actually have some value and unique features other than just their appearance and set of level-matched enemies to kill.

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To bad that while I loved my Jedi Knight story... playing it totally sucked cause (maybe was just my knight...NOT but oh well :D) some abilities were just ****ed, buged, sometimes worked, other times didnt, not even while pressing CALMLY, CHILLED, NOT SPAMING, waiting for gcd etc....NO LAG.


So ye, story is great, but the game sucks for a subs game.

World is dead, Bioware cant code... cant design a fluid world map, to many loads, orbital stations, RNG bags, many missions didnt match the sense of urgency and importance that was given us by the voice over...etc


LOVED story again... but I dont pay every month for a story, written in pages made of poo... if I can just buy a book with that money and learn something.


This game sucks...


I also suck, I had good storys to tell my wife.. till we married and she now lives in a **** house, with mongoloid kids. I fooled her well. But hey, the story was cool!

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The story is great! It's the one thing about the game I find actually redeemable and enjoyable. Unfortunately, around the late 20's, early 30's the personal story becomes less and less unique, slogging into a boring 'do this for this reason' repetition.


Honestly, that's about where the game started to go down...Act 1 was awesome and well thought out. The others...not so much.




I get more out of this than I ever did playing WoW, or LotRO, or DDO, or Champions. Certainly more than the dozens of Korean free to plays I've experienced.


Nobody believes that. Ever. Even for an instant. Either you played those games wrong, or you are a blind fanboy. WoW, LotRO, and even DDO have WAY MORE content, story, and engaging gameplay than TOR. Two of them by a long shot. Champions...meh.

Edited by Maniacal
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When I want story I read a book, or even watch a movie. Video games absolutely fail to deliver the same experience... Not sure when or why story came into gaming.. to each his own I guess.


Video games certainly can deliver the same experience. There hasn't been a developer as of yet (imo) that fits the whole together.

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Let's be real, the story isn't very good. Being good for an mmo isn't much of an accomplishment.


It's forgettable B movie writing.


It's very proper for Star Wars. Most people's problems with this game come from the fact they didn't play kotor, didn't read totj and some haven't even watched Star Wars, being here for the hype is going to disappoint people.


When I want story I read a book, or even watch a movie. Video games absolutely fail to deliver the same experience... Not sure when or why story came into gaming.. to each his own I guess.


The adventure titles of the 90's were a big proponent of story-driven successful games. Then came the CRPGs and Bioware was a great part of that. If you'd rather read a book why did you buy this game anyway?

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I like the main stories. What i seriously dislike is the constant chat cut scenes with every npc and quest giver, even on minor quest stories.


The conversations simply have not been properly edited and are completely too verbose. There's a lot of copy in those conversations that add nothing to the quest, the story or the mood; just a ton of useless filler. It makes me feel that the people in Star Wars universe just can't get to the point.


Also, TOOO much praise, WAY too often and said in WAY too many ways by WAY too many npc. It's unnecessary and just adds on time to sitting there or [space bar] which leads me to....


I seriously dislike that there are no text transscriptions.


1. For an Role Playing game, text is still unrivalled for engaging the person. These conversations are engaging but they are dictating to you and providing the story for you. Text allows you to use your imagination. It's not dictated to you. That is the basis for good role playing. Reading a book vs watching a movie.


2. The lack of text transcription means, you HAVE to listen to every damn conversation at least once through or you don't know what's going on. The short synopsis in the mission log is simply not good enough.


After a while, I just start skipping conversations altogether and play the game not knowing what is going on at all.


Leave the main story as is; it's fine.

Give option to not play non-story quests.

Text transcribe quest NPC conversations.


Until those things happen, I'm hating on the system.

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The story in this game is not that great. The non class quests are very lacking (story wise) and the actual class quests are like minimalist short stories. No depth really. Seems rushed to me.


People seem to think there is some great story just because there are voiceovers.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Well their mistake is the poor char customization , really with only those races?

I dont make alts just because i know famous star wars races i believe they will add later and keep waiting for , the problem is , at lvl 50 ... well there is nothing much to do , i pvp a lot became BM , still dont see the point since they are just going to give the gear / nerf it , so i just dont do it anymore, now is just wait for they to add something that is worth my while.

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Interactive and dynamic world- what is interactive and dynamic about TOR's world? Other than kill thousands of mobs, what can you do? You can't interact with any of the props you see. Can't play the pazaak, chess, dajarrik tables. Can't interact with the tons of gambling machines on Nar Shadda. Nothing to do in cantinas. Your ship have maybe 3 objects you can interact with. Do I need to go on? Have you played other MMOs before? Ever got to try the player music systems in SWG or LoTRO? Ever got to try the fun festival like activities in WoW or LoTRO? Ever got to entertain another player or give them unique character customization options in SWG? Ever win a horse race in LoTRO? Ever got to man another players ship turret in SWG, or perform repairs on their ship while in battle? Ever gone fishing? Ever dyed a custom set of armor you put together yourself? Need I go on?


What is dynamic? There is always groups of mobs standing around waiting for you to come destroy them. NPCs always have pre-scripted actions and dialogue. These are not worlds. They're static hubs which have no reason to exist outside the dialogue you can only do so many times before not caring. From 1-50, you will never do anything more than kill something or click on a glowing blue object. Have you experienced rifts and invasions in Rift? Hot spots in WAR? Dev run monster attacks in LoTRO or the skirmishes which literally have thousands of random events, mob encounters, quests built into them? World PvP that actually meant something in SWG? Enjoyed any of the unique quest activities added to WoW with Catacalysm that involved more than mass murder and gathering things? Need I go on?


This is a brilliant post. It should be printed out on a 20 by 20 foot poster and placed on every office wall at Bioware's offices.

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What was "drivel" about the BH story? Be specific.


And....why are you playing TOR, again?


The entire BH story is drivel. Using the Great Hunt is a copout and an amazingly dumb thing. So now every single BH in the game is a Great Hunt champion. Yeah, great story. Braden being killed, poor little orphan Mako, 2 targets per planet blah blah blah. They had to have hired middle school creative writing classes to make this junk, seriously. The whole stupid mess sounds like a parody written by someone who hates Star Wars. The only even remotely decent class story is Trooper, and only because it has an actual moment that surprises you.


And I don't play TOR. My sub runs out in a week or two.

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The entire BH story is drivel. Using the Great Hunt is a copout and an amazingly dumb thing. So now every single BH in the game is a Great Hunt champion. Yeah, great story. Braden being killed, poor little orphan Mako, 2 targets per planet blah blah blah. They had to have hired middle school creative writing classes to make this junk, seriously. The whole stupid mess sounds like a parody written by someone who hates Star Wars. The only even remotely decent class story is Trooper, and only because it has an actual moment that surprises you.


And I don't play TOR. My sub runs out in a week or two.


I actually am quite enjoying my Scoundrel, Shadow, Knight and Inquisitor story lines rather well. And I am sure that you will find plenty of people who say the same about their classes too. If you are not interested in the story lines, fair enough, but just because it is not to your tastes does not necessarily make it bad writing.


Have you ever watched the Star Wars movies at all? Bioware's storytelling seems to fit with the original feel of the movies, which is what they're supposed to do, right?


Personally I think the main issue a lot of MMO players complain about the story, is the fact that most MMO players are not interested in it, or are so used to spacebarring through quest text that they're conditioned to not care. Some people quite simply just want to kill things. If that's the case, I really wonder why they would then start playing a game like TOR and then complain about something that the company is known for.


I also do find it a touch perplexing that people who didn't like the game feel the need to tell everyone they know how bad the game is. Why? People can decide for themselves. I would much rather see a whole thread for complaints, and just have all the complaining done there, especially when these people are no longer active subscribers.


The only reason I can see for why people persist in doing this is that they are intentionally stirring up trouble, or they are that narcissistic that they think that people really care about their opinions and need to shout it to the rooftoops.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


I like the story. I like the voice acting and the cut-scenes. That's where the love ends, though.


You can have the best story in the world, but if the actual gameplay and gameworlds aren't very fun or enjoyable...


I can only stand so many guided paths or indoor corridors (to advance my story) before it starts to drive me crazy.

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I never got a quests asking me to kill 10 RATS. I would get quests such as eliminate 25 of XXX troops, which as explained in the context of voice acting and cut scenes, served a purpose to further our side.



You hate this game, its obvious, just quite already!


Or do you secretly love the game but just like to whine about video games?


lol, talk to the hand? good effort.


Its simple the acting for the class quest and each world quest was well worth the time they spent. however spending all those resources on some instantly forgettable quest to save some persons X was a waste as they could have been dispensed by the vending machines.


as for quitting well not yet, I'll give them the benefit if the doubt for another month while I level a Rep alt and see if they have got their act together and focused on the game instead of the fluff.

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