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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


I appreciate a good story! However the planet quests are boring and poorly written and the class quests aren't much better. The person who wrote the second chapter of the smuggler story should be fired, i was going in with extremely low expectations and even i was shocked at how terrible the writing was.

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The story it self is not really awesome but for a mmo and the way it's told i guess it's good, for a mmo.

The story just feels very generic and extremly repetitive to me. Think the story would fit much more in a big single player RPG where they could make the choices could matter more and they could spice it up more.

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Wannabee Masters/Sith. ~chuckle~ You seem to forget YOU ARE NOT A PEON.


When it comes to an MMO there's a limit to how far you can go because of how the player base would react. "Why is that option available for Light Side." or "Why does that happen for Dark side." You know they had to restrict you from killing off a character that would end up being a companion later on? Sure you don't HAVE to have that companion but people were killing the character off then complaining that they couldn't get that character as a companion. What about if you decide to leave someone alive and end up encountering them later and get more quests from them? Dark Siders will be PISSED.


There's also a limit as to how your story could/should affect the world around you. People on the forums still don't understand they are not the only people playing the game. There's a bunch of people who never visit here and would be pissed that 1/2 way through their quest they can't complete it because that guy died and will NEVER come back.


Remember in no game it's YOUR story. It's the story of who you're pretending to be. What would you do in this situation.

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Wannabee Masters/Sith. ~chuckle~ You seem to forget YOU ARE NOT A PEON.


When it comes to an MMO there's a limit to how far you can go because of how the player base would react. "Why is that option available for Light Side." or "Why does that happen for Dark side." You know they had to restrict you from killing off a character that would end up being a companion later on? Sure you don't HAVE to have that companion but people were killing the character off then complaining that they couldn't get that character as a companion. What about if you decide to leave someone alive and end up encountering them later and get more quests from them? Dark Siders will be PISSED.


That's why you create multiple companion options per leg of the storyline. There are several NPCs I wish had been companions instead of the companions I actually got. On my Bounty Hunter, I wanted to kill the character that ultimately became my second companion. On my smuggler, I wanted to leave Corso behind, because he just doesn't fit into my crew. On my Trooper, I wanted to punch Tanno Vik in the face for giving me the run-around, then send him to Coruscant in shackles.


In all these situations, it would be awesome if there were alternate companions that you could pick up (or "public" companions that can be picked up by any class to fill those slots). There were several different ways they could have done this, but instead of creating a sense of freedom and choice, they just forced all the companions on you, whether you want them or not.


There's also a limit as to how your story could/should affect the world around you. People on the forums still don't understand they are not the only people playing the game. There's a bunch of people who never visit here and would be pissed that 1/2 way through their quest they can't complete it because that guy died and will NEVER come back.


Remember in no game it's YOUR story. It's the story of who you're pretending to be. What would you do in this situation.


You should seriously consider looking up L5R (Legend of the Five Rings) and how the developers approach evolving their world. Some of the same developers of that setting are currently working on applying a similar approach to storytelling to the upcoming MMO, Firefall.

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Hey TS, guess what. I spacebar through EVERYTHING!!

Not just after the first time I've seen something, but every single time!!! AHAAHAHAH!!


Why you mad though?


Don´t worry it is normal , I mean it is a MMO after all , sadly I just play Ipad2 during the dialogue , you don´t mind waiting for me :eek:


Oh wait offcourse you do , you need a super tank super dpser or super healer to carry you trough the hardmode ...


You mad bro ?

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and Bioware crafts wonderful stories.


Compared to what? other gaming studios, sure I'll agree on that.


Anyhow, I enjoyed levling with story mode, was pretty fun the first time, second time with a different class was ok, third time and apart from main story I cannot press space fast enough.


My issue and as far as I'we seen around is that for a MMO it feels claustrophobic, to boxed, to small (dont start with the "BUT THERE ARE MANY PLANETS!11" each planet has areas the size of a backyard, and you feel alone even when the players says 50-200).


I actually miss the freeroaming, multiple choice of areas to lvel system, it would be hard to make a story driven game with it, but for me thats what MMO's should be, more sandboxish and less "many-boxes-glued-together-with-green-doors-on"ish.



So TL;DR, I enjoyed it first time around, the story, but it's not a gamebreaker for me

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You sometimes suspect the RTS audience came into the wrong genre by accident. I'm going to spacebar through most of the sentiments here, just to be sure to avoid any contagious elements. That probably makes me unable to appreciate these forums properly. For shame. :p



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Compared to what? other gaming studios, sure I'll agree on that.


Anyhow, I enjoyed levling with story mode, was pretty fun the first time, second time with a different class was ok, third time and apart from main story I cannot press space fast enough.


My issue and as far as I'we seen around is that for a MMO it feels claustrophobic, to boxed, to small (dont start with the "BUT THERE ARE MANY PLANETS!11" each planet has areas the size of a backyard, and you feel alone even when the players says 50-200).


I actually miss the freeroaming, multiple choice of areas to lvel system, it would be hard to make a story driven game with it, but for me thats what MMO's should be, more sandboxish and less "many-boxes-glued-together-with-green-doors-on"ish.



So TL;DR, I enjoyed it first time around, the story, but it's not a gamebreaker for me


Eh how about using your own imagination and start roaming that ?

Wait can´t cause you guided on rails .. just do you class quest and go do something else.

Or you following a spread sheet of perfection ?


Sorry problem is you and a lot of others who do not have imagination anymore.

Neither cannot deviate from there perfect spreadsheet .. or planning , even knowing they not going to make it .


Games are suppose to be free and if you cannot be creative , why bother play one .

Sorry sandbox , this game is as much sandbox as you like aside from class story .

Since you have multiple alts , money shouldn´t be a issue .

Just buy them gear and play the way you want it done .

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My issue and as far as I'we seen around is that for a MMO it feels claustrophobic, to boxed, to small (dont start with the "BUT THERE ARE MANY PLANETS!11" each planet has areas the size of a backyard, and you feel alone even when the players says 50-200).

So TL;DR, I enjoyed it first time around, the story, but it's not a gamebreaker for me



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That's why you create multiple companion options per leg of the storyline. There are several NPCs I wish had been companions instead of the companions I actually got. On my Bounty Hunter, I wanted to kill the character that ultimately became my second companion. On my smuggler, I wanted to leave Corso behind, because he just doesn't fit into my crew. On my Trooper, I wanted to punch Tanno Vik in the face for giving me the run-around, then send him to Coruscant in shackles.


In all these situations, it would be awesome if there were alternate companions that you could pick up (or "public" companions that can be picked up by any class to fill those slots). There were several different ways they could have done this, but instead of creating a sense of freedom and choice, they just forced all the companions on you, whether you want them or not.

But why would these alternative characters be a part of your crew. I don't want some random guy to join me. Like em or not these characters were involved heavily with your character. Let me ask you this for the smuggler who else would be an alternative character as your companion? If we could grab anyone it's like just hiring a useless mercenary (no offense to Merc BH not talking bout you guys) instead of having a COMPANION!


And the quote in the post before this. I don't feel that way on most of the planets. Past Nar Shaadda the planets are fricking HUGE!

Edited by DarthKhaos
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I totally love the stories and I am eagerly waiting the continued saga with future patches/Xpacs.


However the people that I see on live streams that play this game tend to skip and spam the space bar to get to the action. Doing that just makes this just another standard MMO. I know cause I did the same thing in other MMOs. I would not even bother reading the quest dialog. But SWTOR takes a totally different approach to story telling and questing, and people that just spam spacebar are actually cheating themselves of a good gaming experience.


I know some players don't really care about the lore of a game. Either they just want end game raiding, dungeon crawlers, die-hard PvPers, arena junkies, and could careless about a game's lore. However, SWTOR was never advertised as a grind and kill MMO like the dozens of other triple A MMOs out there. The main selling point of this MMO was it's rich story telling aspect.

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Why do people who claim to have unsubed come to the forums to say as many negative things about a game? Why not just leave? Why waste time with something you don't like?


Because the do love the game, not as it is but as it can be.


But unfortuanly EA/BW are not that good at implanting MMO parts into the game.

Sorry is not enough to keep players. Voice overs is not enough to keep players.


After 1st run-through with my main character, I spacebar spamming every voiceover I see. It is an annoyance.


What BW/EA should have done is having voice over on "main" stories in areas and class and keeps side missions to writings.

That will save costs and time. It would have been the smartest choice. Going all out is not always the best thing.

Even if you like the story out there, 99% of the players out there, after they have LvLd up 1 toon, will space-bar spam everything after that. Heck, most players will even start to space-bar spam side quests after reaching LvL 30.


As I said before, if I want a good story, I’ll read a book, watch a movie or some series or play a proper single player game. Ill play MMO to play with my friends.


Concentrating so hard on the story as BW/EA has done is not a good idea in an MMO where story is does not have that big an impact as in an single player game.

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Why do people who claim to have unsubed come to the forums to say as many negative things about a game? Why not just leave? Why waste time with something you don't like?


because they spent money on it and are unhappy they feel they have the right to come take shots at the game now and then.


honestly its a fairly common thing to see people on the internet taking shots at things they dont like... so im guessing this whole thing must be new to you.


do you still think email is the niftiest thing ever too?

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Even if you like the story out there, 99% of the players out there, after they have LvLd up 1 toon, will space-bar spam everything after that. Heck, most players will even start to space-bar spam side quests after reaching LvL 30.


And 90% of statistics get made up out of thin air.


Sorry Mamono, but your point became invalid when using '99%' and 'most' in a post describing your personal experience and opinion to try and validate it as fact.


Out of all players (around 20) I game with in this game, only 2 have ever space barred during levelling and none ever space bars during Flashpoints. The only real moment we all agree that spacebarring is only normal is on dailies. For the most part because for some reason 9 out of 10 dailies are given by non-Basic speaking aliens so you already need to read the quest text.

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