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request to change pvp daily from wins to games played


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ok hear me out first. i know what the replies will be "oh so we should just give away the dailys?" or "L2P" etc etc.


my reasoning behind this isnt so much the wins but how long it can take sometimes. let me explain.


the average WZ including queue is probably 12-20 mins. so assuming a perfect world and u get good queues and get ur wins on the first 3 games (also assuming the game counts ur wins and doesnt bug) ur looking at close to an hour just to finish 1 daily. i think thats rather long for one quest. odds are the average player wont go 3-0. they may have to play 5-6 games if not more. they could spend their entire gaming time just trying to finish 1 daily.


this could get a bit frustrating for players as u could imagine. yes yes i know, "get friends and premade" yada yada. well sometimes thats not always practical. friends may not be online, maybe u play at weird hours, maybe ur premade is just on an unlucky streak.


if it was changed to "3 warzones game played" at least this way ur looking at worst an hour or so of ur time which then frees up ur day to maybe do HMs, craft, ilum, play an alt. whatever else u might want to experience in the game.


i have no issue with the weekly remaining at 9 wins as i feel thats reasonable. anyone else agree with this?

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This actually would help resolve the issue of people constantly leaving warzones, or entering lost warzones



ah yes good catch. i didnt even think of that. ya it would help cut down on the amount of people leaving WZs at the first sign of a loss. granted it could protentially increase the amount of afk'ers too. thats why the game needs a vote kick option.

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i could go for this, leaving the weekly as stated is a good idea as well, i cant even name the number of warzone players leaving when they enter and see its a lost cause, so if the daily was to complete 3 warzones alot more players would, only thing then i would suggest is to increase the time inside the actual warzone as a result, maybe just another 10 min, sound fair to you?
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I deffiantely see where you are coming from and agree that for the more casual player who doesnt have hours and hours to play every day, they are going to struggle with this. I'm not entirely sure I agree with what you are proposing though.


Maybe there could be a compromise and give a smaller reward , perhaps complete 3 wz's and get 3 Centurion commendations. Win 3 and you get the bag so 3 + 3 comms, or 3 + 1 and some champ gear.

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First of all what 12-20 min queue???? ummm queing solo Ive never waited more then 5 mins and that was at 3am... It frequently takes less then an hour to do the warzone daily today mine took literally 23 minutes 1 6-0 huttball 2 3 cap civil wars.


Secondly why reward people for doing nothing I mean lierally afk bots will complete this. It just defeats the purpose and well its the well done daily easy to complete doesnt take ages and just generally requires people to do something with incentive to actually try to win rather then farm medals.


Now the Ilum daily well 30 kills takes forever we need a way to either get credit while dead if our group kills someone. Anyway ya Im not sure how to fix the Ilum daily but the major issue with it is the pop imbalance so maybe a dmg boost along with auto full resolve for the under manned faction?


Anyway this just proves people will complain about everything.

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I've spent many hours trying to get that 1 damn win only to realise it bugged and didnt count.


I log on about 19:00 GMT most nights, sometimes i do nothing but PvP just to finish that damn quest... imo.. it's not worth doing if you're *5 - *9 as the exp is 1 bar at best.

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Bad idea. If you don't have time just finish it the next day, big deal. You ARE asking for it to be just given away. Why not just give away a piece for every week someone has been paying a subscription then? That would be no dfferent. There is absolutely no effort in Queueing up for a WZ, or even afk'ing thru them all to get fully geared then. If you don't have the time maybe you should think about not playing.


And yes, once the wins not counting get fixed, it will be alot easier too.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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And since completing Ops takes time, we should get a piece of Rakata gear every time we run through the instance portal! Otherwise, it's not fair, because only people who gear up, learn mechanics, practice, and work together will have gear!


What's the point of a game where all you have to do is show up to succeed? If there's no significant relationship between play and reward, all you're really doing is buying the gear with real money, on a payment plan. It's only a step away from being able to pay real money for in-game power, which a lot of people loath in games.

Edited by JingleHell
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So basicly just give free **** to everyone with no effort asked.


Just keep it as it is yes fix the bug on counting the wins but other than that don´t make it ffa.


If you don´t want to put up some effort in it you don´t deserve it once you move out of your parents house you shall notice life isn´t fair and stuff ain´t free .


You didn´t get the 3wins today continue tomorrow or whenever until you get em..


Giving candy to leavers so they would stay... 2hour cd for leaving a WZ.


Only the kick vote made sence in your request.

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First of all what 12-20 min queue???? ummm queing solo Ive never waited more then 5 mins and that was at 3am... It frequently takes less then an hour to do the warzone daily today mine took literally 23 minutes 1 6-0 huttball 2 3 cap civil wars.


Secondly why reward people for doing nothing I mean lierally afk bots will complete this. It just defeats the purpose and well its the well done daily easy to complete doesnt take ages and just generally requires people to do something with incentive to actually try to win rather then farm medals.


Now the Ilum daily well 30 kills takes forever we need a way to either get credit while dead if our group kills someone. Anyway ya Im not sure how to fix the Ilum daily but the major issue with it is the pop imbalance so maybe a dmg boost along with auto full resolve for the under manned faction?


Anyway this just proves people will complain about everything.


ok first i didnt say 12-20 min queues i said WZ including queue which means queue time and the entire WZ.

now i know it sound like giving it away but its not. bottom line is, its just a daily. its not a raid, its not an arena. its a daily quest. it shouldnt require hours to do. and what are u getting? 1 bag for an hour of ur time? hardly game breaking.

and the afk bots would be fixed via an afk kicker if added

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Ironically, I actually even don't always finish my daily, and still support leaving it as is. Sometimes I don't have the time. And that's how it WORKS. Oh well.


And I'm sure someone in here soon will be screaming about the system rewarding no-lifers. Well, only a no-lifer would care that much about something in a game, that they're offended that real life prevented them from getting their cool pixels.

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Counter argument to just games played:


AFKers go into corner of a match, gets daily done. Does nothing entire time. Rewarded with absolutely no work


i mentioned this in my 2nd post as a possible problem. so afk kicker would need to be added

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First of all what 12-20 min queue???? ummm queing solo Ive never waited more then 5 mins and that was at 3am... It frequently takes less then an hour to do the warzone daily today mine took literally 23 minutes 1 6-0 huttball 2 3 cap civil wars.


Secondly why reward people for doing nothing I mean lierally afk bots will complete this. It just defeats the purpose and well its the well done daily easy to complete doesnt take ages and just generally requires people to do something with incentive to actually try to win rather then farm medals.


Now the Ilum daily well 30 kills takes forever we need a way to either get credit while dead if our group kills someone. Anyway ya Im not sure how to fix the Ilum daily but the major issue with it is the pop imbalance so maybe a dmg boost along with auto full resolve for the under manned faction?


Anyway this just proves people will complain about everything.


And I have the complete opposite experience. The Empire seems to be pretty bad in Warzones on Helm of Graush and it generally takes me 12 warzones to get my 3 wins. I'd much rather it be a participation quest, but maybe change it to 5. However, it takes me about 10-15 minutes to complete my daily on Ilum because there are usually a lot of Republic out there and we have had some epic fights.

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I feel inclined to agree that the 3 wins can, unless you get really lucky or happen to be in a PvP guild, take your entire day to accomplish (keep in mind, I'm talking a weekday, where work prevents me from devoting any more than 3-4 hours a day).


At the same time though, 3 warzones played would be handing you gear. So I don't think it's fair to have the kind of system you're suggesting.


I would prefer a daily where the objective wasn't so dependent upon other players. So, for example, the player needs to achieve 700,000 (I'm just pulling out an arbitrary number here) damage dealt, damage healed, or damage shielded. This would (to an extent) solve the issue of people quitting warzones so frequently, and you can only blame yourself for not accomplishing the daily.

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I feel inclined to agree that the 3 wins can, unless you get really lucky or happen to be in a PvP guild, take your entire day to accomplish (keep in mind, I'm talking a weekday, where work prevents me from devoting any more than 3-4 hours a day).


At the same time though, 3 warzones played would be handing you gear. So I don't think it's fair to have the kind of system you're suggesting.


I would prefer a daily where the objective wasn't so dependent upon other players. So, for example, the player needs to achieve 700,000 (I'm just pulling out an arbitrary number here) damage dealt, damage healed, or damage shielded. This would (to an extent) solve the issue of people quitting warzones so frequently, and you can only blame yourself for not accomplishing the daily.


ya this isnt a bad idea either. someone else mentioned make the 3 wins a 2nd daily. that would be ok as well. or maybe change the daily to "earn 5 medals in 3 WZs" or something. this way u have to contribute, it doesnt revolve on other players, and get it done in a reasonable time.

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How long does hm bt take (or republic equivilent)? An hour if a perfect group. If not maybe 2? Let's just make that to kill 3 hm bosses while we are at it. Come on if you don't complete the daily you atleast have tomorrow right? Plus you get rewards for each warzone you do so thinking about that by. Doing that 1 daily you get the same reward as 3 ilum dailies and if you get an item. Out of the bag there is an epic for you. Omg what other dailies give you a chance at 136 epics?
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