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Everything posted by nokstar

  1. Thanks! Beyond epic will definitely check them out. Appreciate the links.
  2. Thanks silvers! This is great to see a desktop parser that doesn't require payment. However, I will donate a few bucks after I try it out.
  3. Pretty sure I googled it already, those links that are in google require registration for spam mail. No thanks.
  4. Anyone know where I can find a combat log parser for 1.2? Been searching the web w/o much luck. Thanks!
  5. Not at all. As the topic states, right now its only viable for Aus, NZ, and Tas. SG, HK, Malay, Indo, Taiwan, Japan, all suck right now.
  6. The reports I'm getting in from players I know in game and in guild (spanning Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan) ALL of these players say that their pings are worse. The positive reports I've seen are from Aus, NZ, and Tasmania.
  7. Agreed. It would be a very sad scenario if potential future players left because they were pinging 350 to an oceanic server not knowing that they would be better off on the unofficial Oceanic US West coast servers.
  8. I know it's not their fault. ISP routing into Aus is bad, pretty much means Aus's ISPs are bad.
  9. Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia all have worse latencies to the Oceanic server than US West servers. I reside in Singapore and the latency lowest was 380. My usual is 220 on the Swiftsure. Sounds like some terribad ISP routing. I had my hopes up... now they are destroyed.
  10. This x1,000,000 This is exactly what is happening. I get pre-mades, go solo, doesn't matter when the Imperials have battlemaster tags and 4-5 black-red blades on their team decked in battlemaster gear. Maybe it will balance out 3-4 months from now when the republic gets closer matched when we get enough valor from losing warzones. Right now its utterly ridiculous how the Empire can just steamroll every warzone. Ilum is making a very clear distinction which is displaying in warzones for the a faction that grossly outnumbers another faction farming 200 valor a kill in Ilum. I love this game and I don't want to quit, but this it is in a really bad shape right now. I don't think Ilum needs to be shut down, the valor bonus needs to be nerfed significantly. Instead of 180-200 valor a kill, 40-60 is better. Hell, just going 20 vs 80 for our Ilum dailies we get 20 valor a kill. Thats 600 valor, sounds great except when the other team is getting 6000 for the same 30 kills. You can forget ranked warzones being republic vs empire. It's going to be Empire vs Empire. In case you ask, swift-sure server.
  11. This is probably why you are being ignored.
  12. RLWP. I think most people missed the joke. Also WTB Chiss Smuggler.
  13. Excited Anticipation: I cannot wait to try this on some Imperial meatbags tonight in the WZs!
  14. I think it was easier on my seer spec'd sage. It may be more difficult than your regular encounters, but it is doable. It requires more focus and attention to what mobs you are encountering, and how you react. If you take this area as an "lol charge in and dps" zone, you are in for a surprise. I personally loved this instance because it was trickier and provided a decent challenge. It's also a good way to train Consular's on utilizing all of their abilities and utilities at their disposal. In my opinion, it was great having to think about what to do and how to respond to the different situations. If people are complaining about the challenge of the zone, I don't know what to tell you.
  15. Response: I... I... I think I love you meatbag. Observation: The meatbags I see in this forum who act like $15 is the equivelent of finding the holy grail.
  16. Criticism: Star Wars Galaxies was a fantastic game when it came out. The meatbags at SOE, especially the Julio Torres meatbag ruined any hope that game had. This game is a lot of fun and has finally allowed me to forget the atrocities committed by the SOE meatbags.
  17. Commentary: I have been quite intrigued with the game play so far. I will continue to do so in the future to come.
  18. Unfortunately for most of them they just missed out on the great stories this game has to offer by doing the following: spacebar spacebar spacebar
  19. My queue yesterday was 1100, it took over an hour to get in. I would kill for no queue but that because I'm overseas. Amongst all of the other responses such as BW increasing server capacity (which they stated), people returning to work / school (just common knowledge), I like how you immediately went with the "Game is dying" troll option. Seems to me you already decided on what you wanted to believe and came here for re-assurance.
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