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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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This has got to be the single most OP idea I have seen on these boards.


Melee types already get a slew of things they can use to interupt casters when they catch up to them. Making it so we can just use ONE of these to shut them down is silly.

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Hmm. I alone can lock a healer down to healing only himself, while slowly whittling him down (or not-so-slowly on the bad/ungeared ones), on my sin. If anyone joins me in smacking him around, he's doomed. If he doesn't get assistance from his team, he's doomed. No, I'm not likely to burn him down in ten seconds or less, but the fact that I can at all makes me feel like it's fine. (I bet the healer might feel differently.)


I don't mind when I don't manage to burn down a healer. Usually it's because they outplayed me, or brought their allies into play in this team-based game. If I can solo everyone in a few seconds because I've locked out all their skills, I'll be one bored sin.

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Melee also gain from heals, bubble etc to you know?


Or did you annoy all the healers in the Warzones that they don't bother to actually help you any more?


I group with a Marauder and a Mercenary quite often, I'll always position myself to be able to heal the Marauder and he can often survive 2/3 people beating on him whilst he rips the healers etc apart. If he gets into trouble I force pull him out. But most people, are probably to ignorant to realise that Healers actually heal them too.


Unless your one of the melee's who put's themselves smack back in the middle of the enemy team, without considering the positioning of your healer.


I'm also normally in Team speak with these people, or failing that I call out in /ops that they are out of range etc.


Good communication and team work can set the good from the bad.


If I get my main heal interupted, then it's more often than not game over.





I'm not even sure what that has anything to do with my post. Where did I say anything about melee and their need for healers on their team. Are you saying it's ok melee interrupt sucks because the enemy melee interrupt doesn't hurt your team either? That's terrible.


Here is how it goes. Interrupt a sorcs main heal, innervate>bubble>lol main heal is ready again. Unless I chain CCs in between each interrupt then I pray they are under geared enough for me to burst them in a stun.


This is all being done because the range doesn't even need to try to LOS or kite. They can just sit there and cast cast cast because one interrupt doesn't mean jack.





Not saying I can't kill healers or ranged but the fact that they don't even need to kite, or fake cast to have a chance is terrible mechanic

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You do realize discipline and holy are two different schools right? Priests had those two, paladins had holy, druids and shamans had nature. Try again.


I dont think you understand how healing schools in WoW worked




All priest heals where in the holy school you lock out 1 heal you lock them all out. This left them only with their disc. school (mana burn/power word shield/mass dispell) or their shadow school (dps). Therefore a priest locked out of his holy school would not be able to heal.




All paladin heals and spells where in the holy school lock them out of that and holy paladins couldn't heal or dps. A holy school lock out also stopped Divine shield (paladin bubble)




All shaman heals where in the nature school. Lock them out from that and the only spells they have left are their fire spells and frost shock so again no more healing.




All druid heals are from the nature school. Lock them out of that and they only have their balance spells left (cyclone is a nature spell) which are only dps spells.



So in WoW if you lock any healer out of their school they were screwed unless they had a team that actually peeled and defended them.

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Alright, what If healers were exempt from this, given abilities deep in their trees to stop the lockouts, or something along those lines.


When I created this thread I only had the ranged dps classes in mind, considering 2/3 of wzs are sorcerers and mercenaries, who are rarely if ever healers.

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This has got to be the single most OP idea I have seen on these boards.


Melee types already get a slew of things they can use to interupt casters when they catch up to them. Making it so we can just use ONE of these to shut them down is silly.



Just like ranged has a slew of abilties to stay away. Knockback into a root shuts them down completely. Ranged also has stuns that shut them down completely. Kite+snare shuts them down completely.



But that's ok because they are ranged. When melee gets in and wants to shut the range down you are like "whoa woa wao.... this doesn't go both ways."

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Because there just isn't enough penalty when things are interrupted, the issue isn't that interrupting is too hard, it's that interrupting doesn't do enough.


Interrupt a sorcerer's long heal and they cast the fast one, which does almost the same healing per second, and even though it costs a little bit more force they're virtually impossible to focus starve.



And It makes no sense for me to have to blow all of my cooldowns that trigger 1.5 second globals to interrupt 1.5 second casts... and their resolve completely fills after 2 maximum.



They should need to fakecast occasionally.


Pvp is not 1v1, stop playing like it is.

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The only reason interrupts aren't feared is that people don't know what to interrupt and will just panic hit their interrupt skill whenever a cast bar shows up - or don't interrupt at all because maybe they think interrupting a normal damage skill doesn't help anyone. It's not always the obvious skills you want to interrupt though, sometimes you actually want to interrupt the trash ones because they can proc the actually hard hitting attacks or build up a buff.


Really, do interrupt spam skills like tracer missile- it'll confuse the other guy to no end because he has to actually look at his quickbar to find some other ability to use. :p

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Pvp is not 1v1, stop playing like it is.


how do group situations change that point at all? unless you are saying 2v1 or 3v1 on the caster. then you can chain interrupts! but wait... if it's 2v2 or 3v3 and they have a guard or a peel or are CCing any of those interupts then ZOMG




that's just throwing a terrible point with a billion variables which doesn't even apply to the issue

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The only reason interrupts aren't feared is that people don't know what to interrupt and will just panic hit their interrupt skill whenever a cast bar shows up - or don't interrupt at all because maybe they think interrupting a normal damage skill doesn't help anyone. It's not always the obvious skills you want to interrupt though, sometimes you actually want to interrupt the trash ones because they can proc the actually hard hitting attacks or build up a buff.


Really, do interrupt spam skills like tracer missile- it'll confuse the other guy to no end because he has to actually look at his quickbar to find some other ability to use. :p



I play a sorc, and besides force lighting there really isn't anything else for people to interrupt, and if my lightning IS interrupted I can reapply my bubble, reapply my dots, shock, cyclone someone else, overload(knockback), or cast crushing darkness if wrath had procced.


Simply put, being interrupted hardly does anything to me, I'll always have something to do If I'm interrupted, there is literally no reason why I would ever bother to fakecast because fakecasting is more detrimental than actually getting interrupted. It's a terrible system and should be changed.

Edited by Aidank
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Just like ranged has a slew of abilties to stay away. Knockback into a root shuts them down completely. Ranged also has stuns that shut them down completely. Kite+snare shuts them down completely.



But that's ok because they are ranged. When melee gets in and wants to shut the range down you are like "whoa woa wao.... this doesn't go both ways."


We already have the tools to shut them down. Doing what is suggested here is beyond overkill. The problem currently is not that we don't have the tools, it's that most people don't use them properly.

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I play a sorc, and besides force lighting there really isn't anything else for people to interrupt, and if my lightning IS interrupted I can reapply my bubble, reapply my dots, shock, cyclone someone else, overload(knockback), or cast crushing darkness if wrath had procced.


Simply put, being interrupted hardly does anything to me, I'll always have something to do If I'm interrupted, there is literally no reason why I would ever bother to fakecast because fakecasting is more detrimental than actually getting interrupted. It's a terrible system and should be changed.



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We already have the tools to shut them down. Doing what is suggested here is beyond overkill. The problem currently is not that we don't have the tools, it's that most people don't use them properly.


Okay, a sorcerer is attacking you. What do you interrupt.

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you attack back and force them to heal. Interupt dark infusion.


continue dps.


If a dps sorcerer tries to use dark infusion while a melee is attacking him then he's a not playing right. And even if for some reason he does decide to heal, and you do interrupt dark infusion, he's got the 1.5 second heal with the same heals per second ready to use right away.



Simply put, interrupts do almost nothing against the most prominent ranged class in the game.

Edited by Ellvaan
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If a dps sorcerer tries to use dark infusion while a melee is attacking him then he's not playing right. And even if for some reason he does decide to heal, and you do interrupt dark infusion, he's got the 1.5 second heal with the same heals per second ready to use right away.


As if most DPS classes can't finish the player either during the cast time or following the very small heal. :mon_cool:

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If a dps sorcerer tries to use dark infusion while a melee is attacking him then he's not playing right. And even if for some reason he does decide to heal, and you do interrupt dark infusion, he's got the 1.5 second heal with the same heals per second ready to use right away.



Simply put, interrupts do almost nothing against the most prominent ranged class in the game.


so you cant damage through a dps sorc using a 1.5 heal that heals for 1200-1500? Pretty sure you can.


Well if a melee gets on a dps sorc he is going to start taking considerable damage. If he doesnt peel the melee off and get some distance he is toast.

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As if most DPS classes can't finish the player either during the cast time or following the very small heal. :mon_cool:


The point was that the interrupt is somehow useful. It isn't.


so you cant damage through a dps sorc using a 1.5 heal that heals for 1200-1500? Pretty sure you can.


Well if a melee gets on a dps sorc he is going to start taking considerable damage. If he doesnt peel the melee off and get some distance he is toast.



And we don't need to pseudo-theory craft some fight against a sorcerer here. The point is that the interrupt is completely useless, there isn't anything you can interrupt off of a sorcerer to stifle his dps.

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The point was that the interrupt is somehow useful. It isn't.




And we don't need to pseudo-theory craft some fight against a sorcerer here. The point is that the interrupt is completely useless, there isn't anything you can interrupt off of a sorcerer to stifle his dps.


yes you can. interupt his force lightning. you then stop taking direct damage and leave them with light hitting instant casts.

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If a dps sorcerer tries to use dark infusion while a melee is attacking him then he's not playing right. And even if for some reason he does decide to heal, and you do interrupt dark infusion, he's got the 1.5 second heal with the same heals per second ready to use right away.



Simply put, interrupts do almost nothing against the most prominent ranged class in the game.


^ This


Now if that interupt locked out all healing skills for 4 sec...considering we have no way to debuff healing, that would be actually quite balanced.


Don't forget before you answer Champ/BM armored healers have little to no drawbacks to them since there is no counter to the expertise increase in healing.


Edit: Also don't forget the base interupt has a 12 sec cooldown to lock down one skill when interupted for 4 sec currently, not exactly a "fair" trade right now.

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I just want to say that operatives have no faked casts, all of our non healing spells are instant casts, and only 2 of our healing spells have casting time. Only one that is dmg and has casting time is bombardment but that has a very long cd so if you use it (it is a pretty strong attack) then you do not have anything to fake with.


So sorry to burst someones bubble of: Healers needz l2 fake cast wth



And if you interrupt a IA operatives casting heal he is essentially blocked for 4 seconds from healing. Sure he can put up hots, maybe use 1 of his tactical advantage if he had one up to cast a 4k healing spell. But if you get his main healing spell that gives him tactical advantage then he is shutdown. And that is NOW! So if you would give people even more things to silence IA we would be even MORE useless in pvp then we are now.


We have no shields, no knockbacks, no lifegrip or anything fancy at all. We just have 2 casting time healing spells, a instant cast heal (that requires tactical advantage to cast) and 2 hots.


So please think about what you are saying before you cry out NERF because you might make sorc on par with everyone else but you will destroy operatives.

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