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Nerf Sages/Sorcs now


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Don't worry, the nerfbat will hit both classes sooner or later but I suspect it'll hit the Sorcerers first. They are by far the most popular class in the game from what I'm seeing along with the most complained about class as of the moment. Despite the fact that they have way to many abilities for just 1 class alone, they seem to almost always top the charts in both damage AND healing. This has been the case on the Shaodowlands server anyway that I play on. That alone should be a red flag that something is terribly wrong with the class. Yes, I see some Sages on the republic side accomplish the same thing but as I said, Sorcerers are the more popular class so it is very apparent among them.


Thing is, we don't know what will be nerfed but I suspect they'll see a hefty slash on base damage across the board while their healing capability will remain untouched.


About a few hundred screenshots & can provided of PvP warzone matches to back up my claim on the damage/healing issue.




Wow you can provide screenshots of people topping damage and healing, that's a great reason to nerf classes right? WRONG.

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Wow you can provide screenshots of people topping damage and healing, that's a great reason to nerf classes right? WRONG.


Well it wouldn't take much to start making videos of both Sages & Sorcerers if I need to further prove my point. I've been seeing overpowered classes in MMORPG's for far longer than most of you here knew what an MMORPG was. Started playing in the mid 90's with Meridian 59. It doesn't take much to spot one & trust me, the Sages/Sorcs are. I am also a senior member & part of the senior moderation staff over at the Curse.com family of websites. So I would never state such an opinion as I did above if I wasn't sure of the issue. I made numerous similar post about the Operative & Scoundrel needing some adjusting to balance them out & that happened. Now it's the Sages & Sorcerers turn to receive the same treatment.



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Please!....OP has no idea what he's talking about right now. A Imp Sorc has faster cast times than a Sage. It's been proven on these boards and Bioware is aware of it. Any Nerf coming to Sage would cause a great number of Republican players to quit.



I think OP needs to learn the class and learn to play his before he runs off at the mouth.


and leave only democrats? wha?



im 99% sure this is a troll thread btw



if not.. sub 500k in a voidstar is pitiful

and i thinkt heres a thread floating around with a BH hitting 800k

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Friend of mine regularly broke 600k on his sage with 15fps against premades, now that they nerfed buff stacking he rarely hits 500. I struggle to get 300k on my tactics vanguard.


But its ok imho all they need to nerf is that friggin bubble.

Edited by Lhaim
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Friend of mine regularly broke 600k on his sage with 15fps against premades, now that they nerfed buff stacking he rarely hits 500. I struggle to get 300k on my tactics vanguard.


But its ok imho all they need to nerf is that friggin bubble.


and ur justification?


its a sorc/sages only defense


remember we wear LIGHT armor and YES IT FKING MATTERS


and also our class is given ZERO defensive cooldowns



so **** alrdy about our survivability because it is the LOWEST in the game

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and ur justification?


its a sorc/sages only defense


remember we wear LIGHT armor and YES IT FKING MATTERS


and also our class is given ZERO defensive cooldowns



so **** alrdy about our survivability because it is the LOWEST in the game


Isnt that the tradeoff for having highest sustained and aoe dmg from afar? Glass cannon or something?

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Sad thing is everyone talks about armor variance like it means much in this game. Nearly all damage is tech or force in nature, which bypasses the mainstay of armor.




the heavier the armor im shooting at..

the less dmg i do




the only class i blow up.. is another sorcerer



who called us a glass cannon?


because BHs and Snipers clearly throw out more dmg than we do.. and have better survivability


OHH our aoe dmg is justification for our squishyness... OK


idk too many skilled non-sorc players that fear a sorc 1v1

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The misconception: Sorcerers and Sages are glass cannons.


They aren't. They're clearly not intended to be. They're harassers. They're designed to provide sustained and consistent damage across a wide range of targets.


Sniper is the most glass cannon-esque class in the game, and even then it's a tenuous claim.


In conclusion: there are no glass cannons in the game because everyone is hard to kill. Sorcerers are probably the easiest to kill (Operatives crit me for half my health in first volley, BHs have half my health off with first 3 TMs, Juggers and Marauders do **** TONS of damage to me as I have no mitigation beyond shield, etc etc so on and so forth).


The only recourse for most Sorcerers is to run away, something that most people seem to get angry about. CC us better and we won't run away. Interrupt us better and we won't cast.


P.S. Resolve isn't broken.

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The misconception: Sorcerers and Sages are glass cannons.


They aren't. They're clearly not intended to be. They're harassers. They're designed to provide sustained and consistent damage across a wide range of targets.


Sniper is the most glass cannon-esque class in the game, and even then it's a tenuous claim.


In conclusion: there are no glass cannons in the game because everyone is hard to kill. Sorcerers are probably the easiest to kill (Operatives crit me for half my health in first volley, BHs have half my health off with first 3 TMs, Juggers and Marauders do **** TONS of damage to me as I have no mitigation beyond shield, etc etc so on and so forth).


The only recourse for most Sorcerers is to run away, something that most people seem to get angry about. CC us better and we won't run away. Interrupt us better and we won't cast.


P.S. Resolve isn't broken.




i can give or take on most of wat u said however i personally feel resolve was a good idea but needs srs tweaking


i feel if u have over 50% resolve bar full all cc affects should now have 50% DR


receiving 3 full length stuns on ur way to full resolve is aggravating

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Are you serious? You're "nerf nao!" reason is a SCOREBOARD? Unsub.


Nerf anyone who knows how to play their class while you're at it, it's obviously due to their class being OP. We'll also use scoreboards as a good way to judge, because AOE numbers never lie. I mean, they won that 1v1 fight because of THEIR CLASS. Not because the loser was outplayed, clicked, keyboard turned and/or didn't know where their interrupt button went. Time to go on the forums and cry.



Killing a bad Sorc/Sage is probably almost as fun as killing a tracer spamming Merc. They're so easy. I don't know if bads are being killed by other bads, but I've never felt OVERWHELMED by a Sorc/Sage before on my healer. The only annoying part about Sorc is facing them in Huttball, and that's not worth a Nerf over.


But since the pvp forums is where people go when their ego's are hurt, a nerf is probably going to happen to cater to the casual pvpers and sad Operatives. Let's see, that leaves Mercs and the next possible victim. It's fun playing the "who gets the nerf bat next!?" game. Probably healers or tanks, because everyone's damage/CC keeps getting nerfed, tanks and healers are too OP now.

Edited by Valeena
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Unsub then and get out. NOONE CARES


I would say the amount of people pointing out the glaringly obvious truth about this class being significantly higher powered then the others would prove that "someone" in fact cares.


They promised us during BETA they were not going to nerf them, but boost everyone else.


We are waiting...

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Is OP really complaining that 2 different players were top on 2 different stats? Obviously there are different specs there... and it's not like either one of you had crazy hybrid games where you had ridiculous amounts of damage AND healing.


This could happy on any class that has access to healing and damage trees. Nothing to see here.

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I'm a new player to MMO's in general so I'm still coming to grips with a number of game mechanics that I haven't experienced before in other games so there are a few things I would like to say that I've observed that I would like to comment on.


The balance of classes in this game isn't actually as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. Once I really learned what I was doing and what I should be doing I find myself doing quite a bit better in warzones. I currently play a Jedi Guardian and I've actually used several specs since I hit level 50 and at first I had a lot of trouble but once I learned what I SHOULD be doing as opposed to what I was actually doing I found myself placing a lot higher on the scoreboards and, as a result, found myself on the winning team more and more frequently.


That said, the Sage/Sorc is pretty darn powerful. I'm currently spec'ed for DPS and if I can catch one alone and unsupported then I SHOULD theoretically be able to kill him. However, I've run into the situation several times over where they self heal faster than I'm capable of interrupting them. The defensive bubble that they have makes the invincible for a certain amount of time and it seems to be available pretty often. I could be wrong about that though. I've never played a sage/sorc so I don't know the cool down on that ability. And It's not like I'm a slouch in the damage department either. The Jedi Guardian is reasonably beastly for DPS if spec'ed and geared correctly. I'm currently using a spec that allows me to chain spam critical hits and that allows me to hits! So it's not like I'm not doing decent damage in a consistent matter of time.


Not that the sorc is invincible. I can kill them, but I do have more trouble killing them than I do with most other classes. That said, it seems to me to be something of a game design decision since the teams are usually so dependent on their healers that if they died any faster it might make healing kind of worthless and then the game would be rendered somewhat unplayable because of it.


Like I said, I'm new to MMO's but it seems to me that the Sorc/Sage is a little bit too powerful. Not as horrendously over powered as people make it seem. But just a hair too powerful.

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Well it wouldn't take much to start making videos of both Sages & Sorcerers if I need to further prove my point. I've been seeing overpowered classes in MMORPG's for far longer than most of you here knew what an MMORPG was. Started playing in the mid 90's with Meridian 59. It doesn't take much to spot one & trust me, the Sages/Sorcs are. I am also a senior member & part of the senior moderation staff over at the Curse.com family of websites. So I would never state such an opinion as I did above if I wasn't sure of the issue. I made numerous similar post about the Operative & Scoundrel needing some adjusting to balance them out & that happened. Now it's the Sages & Sorcerers turn to receive the same treatment.





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Isnt that the tradeoff for having highest sustained and aoe dmg from afar? Glass cannon or something?


You do know a CANNON tends to be INSTANT.


Glass cannons are BURST, they do BURST damage but die fast.


You cannot have glass sustained, that's completely stupid. Yeah, over twenty seconds I'll do more damage than anyone else... but I'm glass and die in five?


Sorcs, of all straight dps classes, have some of the lowest burst- they're far below Ops, assassins, snipers, tracer missiles and marauders...


BUT, they have the highest sustained, because they have the CC and mobility to sustain it, and they can't drop all their force for huge crits early on- an average pvp spec with all the CC abilities will rarely crit over 2k before expertise gear.


Take away any ability to survive, and a sustained dps class becomes utterly useless.


Sorcs are neither glass, nor a cannon- Ops are the glass canon, to a degree, snipers and assassins are too.

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there's a space between "no" and "one" in "no one cares"



BIOWARE:We don't serve their kind here!

LUKE: What?

BIOWARE: Your Australians. They'll have to wait outside.We don't want them here.

Your signature is using the wrong 'your' in it. What right do you have correcting other peoples spelling?

Edited by Kringlorr
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Your signature is using the wrong 'your' in it. What right do you have correcting other peoples spelling?


I disagree. Bioware isn't stating that Luke is an Australian, else they'd include him in their other pronouns. Perhaps Luke owns several Australians?

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Well it wouldn't take much to start making videos of both Sages & Sorcerers if I need to further prove my point. I've been seeing overpowered classes in MMORPG's for far longer than most of you here knew what an MMORPG was. Started playing in the mid 90's with Meridian 59. It doesn't take much to spot one & trust me, the Sages/Sorcs are. I am also a senior member & part of the senior moderation staff over at the Curse.com family of websites. So I would never state such an opinion as I did above if I wasn't sure of the issue. I made numerous similar post about the Operative & Scoundrel needing some adjusting to balance them out & that happened. Now it's the Sages & Sorcerers turn to receive the same treatment.




It wouldn't take much to make a vid and get some pics on any class showing them doing great in a wz. That doesn't mean they need a nerf though. And the longevity at which a person plays a certain genre doesn't give them some spidey sense as to how things are run nor does it give more entitlement to their argument. We as a community lack the hard data and numbers to make a proper call on which class needs needing or buffing so any one claiming a certain class needs one is basing it purely on how they feel. Although, I can understand how frustrating it is I think the classes need some tweaks here or there. But if we start calling out for nerds then knee jerk reactions might come into place and completely bomb the games balance. Case in point, the operative nerf. I'm sure the more prudent option would have been to tweak some of their mechanics and damage, not nerf it into the floor.

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