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Space bar was a mistake.


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So everyone should be subjected to the badly written and dull dialog sequences?


That makes sense.


No, everyone who hates the dialogue, should form groups where every member is aware and agrees to skipping dialogue.


Your opinion about the dialogue doesn't make it true for everyone. A lot of us enjoy the dialogue, and are happy to let others play through it, or skip it if the whole group has done it before.


Either way is good, if people can communicate.


But, the average player can't communicate, unless its to grief other people for not playing their way.


The reason they introduced a LFG function in WoW, is because players there can't communicate either.


Blaming the game for your dysfunctions, and demanding the game be fixed to make up for the shortcomings of people, is really, really funny.


That's like getting mad at government, because the people you voted in are corrupt and stupid. Er...no, wait.... :p

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Simple question geez... I don't share you opinion. There is no rush, sit back and enjoy. Laugh a little, there will be plenty of time for stressing and rushing in the future.


Having to wait for people to watch **** storylines or watching them for the 15th time myself is more stressful than rushing.


Stop forcing your opinions on other people.

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Space bar is a good means for like minded players but it really harms a player if it is there first run through, the go go attitude I do not mind until it affects me, if it is my first run through then I will ignore the drooling bafoon shoouting to hit spacebar and enjoy the cutscene, if they replace me I /ignore and that is one less healer they have to rely on in the future.


This however does not work well on my dps toon where you are much more vulnerable to being kicked for not rolling with the majority, in conclusion I think people should ask people to space bar but not demand it, if someone does not want to then I respect that and normally tell anyone that does not to **** and wait.


People need to remember that most of us were sat there watching that cutscene once and we should as reasonable people give others the same courtesy

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Anything outside the story missions its all complete simplistic garbage. What completely killed it for me was hearing the same dialogue voice overs from my character over and over.


Spacebar is your friend.


Murder and mayhem await.


You're awfully enamored with yourself.


I'm your Sith.

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You enjoy same story told for 10-th time? Good for you!


I don't. I very much want to be able to see in party frames who is still listening to dialog and wasting my time so I can kick said person.

If enjoying the same story for the 10th time was a waste then DVD sales wouldn't exist. Why else would someone want to purchase a replayable movie or series if not to relive whatever visceral experience grabbed them to begin with? Unless a "skip the VA stuff" plan was already announced and everyone agreed to it, looking to kick someone merely because they can't read your mind is just plain rude. Plays well with others is a staple of MMOs, and some simply don't get it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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SWTOR, a story driven mmo. Why would there be such a quick easy way to skip the story?!


Because even the 4th play through of Dragon Age, Mass Effect, or any video game with heavy cut scene stories, gamers usually would space bar what they've already seen. With this game, expect it because people are playing Alts and really don't want to see stuff they've done more than twice or once. Dromund Kaas and Coruscant, I space bar like crazy because I've done them so many time like Taris on KOTOR1.


Just explain to your party you haven't seen the cut scene yet.

Edited by jestertron
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I know someone who just subscribed and is already bored with the game because all he does is spacebar throughout the game .


I know a person who society has given an excuse to be rambunctious and disorderly by giving him a faulty diagnosis of having ADHD, which results in him enjoying and abusing the power to blame his own inability to settle down and properly absorb the world and activity around him on everything else being "too slow" and "boring" and "hard to understand." I know of millions upon millions more just like him/her.


These people are the future of mankind, by the way. I'm going to have to grow old in that society. I'm not even 30 and I already seriously consider smashing some people in the face from time to time lol.

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If enjoying the same story for the 10th time was a waste then DVD sales wouldn't exist.


And if everyone enjoyed hearing a story more than once, DVD rentals wouldn't exist.


I hate repetitive story, and hate that people us the term "another playthrough" in TOR, which should never be used in the context of an MMO.

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One of the reasons why I only group with people I know is this.


First one or two times I can listen to the dialog, but after the 3-4 run in the same place I allready know what to choose and I dont need to spend more time in there, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, KILL

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I know a person who society has given an excuse to be rambunctious and disorderly by giving him a faulty diagnosis of having ADHD, which results in him enjoying and abusing the power to blame his own inability to settle down and properly absorb the world and activity around him on everything else being "too slow" and "boring" and "hard to understand." I know of millions upon millions more just like him/her.


I actually snapped at someone when they tried that BS in another game - partially because being a legitly diagnosed ADD person, I find it offensive when someone just uses it as an excuse. The other reason, if I can learn how to focus - then they can learn to focus.

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I actually enjoyed the LFG in WoW. I dont want to sit around and wait for a group to form.


I get the position here. But I think one of the things that is lost from mmo's since adding a LFG feature is the community that was what made mmo's great fun. You were forced to work in a group, if you failed you would be remembered and rarely asked back. If you were good friendly and helped others you made friends. Your enjoyment with the game would go up and you would have a better time. With an LFG feature it turns mmo's into an a very single player experience with hopefully smart npc's working with you. You never bother to get to know them as you'll just lfg the next time and the value of meeting players is lost.


Thanks my opinion anyway


but back on subject, no space bar isn't a mistake, I listen to alot of the story over and over when playing with friends, as it's great to try and beat each other out and get the light or dark outcome. But I think there are times that it is useful as I need to catch up to my friends, or I as I read much faster then they talk I sometimes skip it.



Not having the feature would be a huge drag on peoples freedom in the game. But like all freedoms they can be abused. If someone choices to skip everything and miss 80% of the content that isn't the developers fault it's just someone doesn't know how to appreciate what they are playing.

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No, spacebar should not be disabled completely. If they do anything like that, it should only be disabled for people who have never completed "such and such" Flashpoint. That is the only kind of disabling I can agree with. You don't have to skip if you don't want to and you can close the chat window while you are in a conversation. Just tell those people that you've never heard any of it before and that you are going to listen to it. I always listen to/read the dialog at least the first time through.
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And if everyone enjoyed hearing a story more than once, DVD rentals wouldn't exist.


I hate repetitive story, and hate that people us the term "another playthrough" in TOR, which should never be used in the context of an MMO.

With the possible exception of RTS world builders, I haven't played an MMO that didn't lean on repetitive story. GW, WoW & LotRO just to name a few all feature the exact same playthrough quest methods for leveling. They differ from TOR in that they allow groups to simply click n' go by default. Story has nothing to do with it, style of gameplay does.


Accept + kill or talk to somebody + turn in + rinse & repeat = a staple of all adventure MMOs. SWTOR simply focuses the accept process on player/questgiver interaction. I can see how players, who prefer whipping through quests to get wherever it is they are going, might find TOR's system too much of a time sink. It comes down to whether or not the player finds TOR's system fun to play.


The only way to improve on the core storytelling model in MMOs is to make every quest's outcome affect the game's plots in real time. That level of pervasive and fully dynamic story creation is not possible in an MMO because the fuzzy logic permutations alone would require, well ... "more wealth than even you can imagine" - and most can imagine quite a bit.


A world that realistic, a world where quests actually had consequences, would have no respawns - NPCs included. Once they're dead, they're dead because consequences are permanent. So players themselves would not only have to assume key positions in the story as questgivers, but they would also have to become the target of other players' quests. And once a player character dies, then they too would have to stay dead. The quests themselves would also need to be organic and created on the fly. Again, not possible. At least not in our lifetimes.


So I'm not sure exactly what people are asking for with regard to improving MMO story. If having story interactions and their consequences affecting the game on a pervasive scale is what they're waiting for, then they'll be waiting a long time.


[EDIT] If someone were to miraculously create an MMORPG game engine that could do this, then rest assured a team of men in black suits would flash badges, commandeer the whole thing and then lock it up in a Langley think tank.


Sorry for the buzzkill. :(

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I actually snapped at someone when they tried that BS in another game - partially because being a legitly diagnosed ADD person, I find it offensive when someone just uses it as an excuse. The other reason, if I can learn how to focus - then they can learn to focus.


Yes, you CAN learn to focus with discipline. But there are plenty of people who don't care to. I'm not the one making excuses - they are.

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  • 4 months later...

Space bar was a mistake, to a point. You should only be able to skip through the chat if you have completed the quest more then once.


Call me harsh, but BioWare put ALOT of time, effort and money into voice overs, quests, and story line and these players who want to RUSH GO GO GO are going to spit in their faces because of it. the Ungrateful people we have in society are sickening. If I was BioWare, I would completely disable the space bar option if I saw alot of the people who hate the story and say "Chew on this morons." But that's just me. Sorry for the rant but I hate society as a whole 99% of the time.

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