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Should PvP be balanced around arena or WZs?


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All of these balance discussions are pointless without affirming the premise around which the game should be balanced.


What will be balanced in arena (say, 4v4) or 1v1 won't necessarily balanced in, say, hutball.


IMO the game should be balanced around arena and not the mechanics of warzones.

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It should be balanced around a feature which isn't ingame?


Is it really hard to extrapolate that by arena I meant simple and raw PvP rather than PvP with objective mechanics?


Or do you really lack the imagination to be able to consider that?

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I think you meant to post this in the forums for another game. You know, one with arenas.


1. I hope there are never arena's in this game.

2. If balance = homogenized classes, I prefer unbalanced.


Balance is over-rated. Most changes made in the name of balance = less fun IMO. Classes should be different and have individual strengths and weaknesses.

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1. I hope there are never arena's in this game.


Why? You wouldn't have to participate if you don't want to. If it doesn't reward better gear than can be obtained through Warzones what's it matter to you?


Warzones get boring and I wouldn't mind another way to get some commendations.

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I think you meant to post this in the forums for another game. You know, one with arenas.


1. I hope there are never arena's in this game.

2. If balance = homogenized classes, I prefer unbalanced.


Balance is over-rated. Most changes made in the name of balance = less fun IMO. Classes should be different and have individual strengths and weaknesses.


"Balance is over-rated."


"Classes... should have individual strengths and weaknesses."


I don't think you know what that word means....

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Why? You wouldn't have to participate if you don't want to. If it doesn't reward better gear than can be obtained through Warzones what's it matter to you?


Warzones get boring and I wouldn't mind another way to get some commendations.


Because arenas lead to whining and homogenization of class mechanics in the name of balance. Warzones with multiple objectives lead to different roles (i.e. classes) having value. I prefer diversity and less whiners.

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Pants are over-rated too... still i manage to get them on each day.


Arena is not a gold standard in any mean so why even bring it up to a game that do not have arenas ?

Arena is impoverished WZ. Progress Quest is impoverished MMO. Should we balance the game in relation to the speed of progress of each person in Progress Quest ?


I let you figure this out.

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Because arenas lead to whining and homogenization of class mechanics in the name of balance. Warzones with multiple objectives lead to different roles (i.e. classes) having value. I prefer diversity and less whiners.


I think warzones are generating PLENTY of whiners already. The cycle's always the same. First, DPS gets nerfed, then healing gets nerfed because without the burst DPS classes, no one can kill anyone else. Then everyone complains because they do about as much damage as a tank without the survivability, so that gets nerfed, then they buff them all back up and repeat the process until the servers shut down.


I don't really think that a different type of PvP content to ride out the pattern in is really going to affect it one way or the other.

Edited by heguo
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BW actually has a very nice way of "Balancing" that i havent heard of before.


they actually have a scoring system that rates attacks based on different conditionals such as, charge time, channel time, different requirement needs (stealth or heat signiture for ex).


essentially if something is scoring too high it gets tweaked back to normal.

im pretty sure they are not running these numbers every day to ensure that stay normalized so when people start running to the forums crying about it they double check the scores and check all situations.


balance should never be focused around a single type of play.

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Is it really hard to extrapolate that by arena I meant simple and raw PvP rather than PvP with objective mechanics?


Or do you really lack the imagination to be able to consider that?


I wish they would give us somthing to fight for other then my eping is bigger then yours. Wow head pve mentality is why what little world PvP we got is crap.

Devs need to go play DAoC, then remove the forums all of them so we can keep the pve players from jacking with the pvp. DAoC did PvP right is still doing it rigjt. Why not take a good look at it and see if there's a way to do somthing like it with SWTOR.


Most of all please leave arenas out of SWTOR if the pve players won't aren:eek:as they have wow.

Edited by Rallic
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I with they would give us somthing to fight for other then my roomful is bigger then yours. Can't ArNdt the wow head mentality with PvP.

That thinking is why what little world PvP we got is crap.

Devs need to go play DAoC, then remove the forums all of them so we can keep the pve players from jacking with the pvp. DAoC did PvP right is still doing it rigjt. Why not take a good look at it and see if there's a way to do somthing like it with SWTOR.


Most of all please leave arenas out of SWTOR if the pve players won't arenas they have wow.


Totally. Whatever your incoherent vision is for PvP is obviously the right one. Based on the strong logic of your arguments and solid support of your positions I have changed my mind. I'll grab my pitchfork and we can mob up and chase down anyone who would like something different.

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u guys are all wrong, this game is balanced around Open PvP, thats what players ask for to mythic/bw, if u want stupid endless arena match 2v2, 3v3 where the healers never die and heal to full with 2 casts while u dps him thats what WoW is for, a fkin boring game mode if u ask, thats why only the 7% of wow player base plays arena
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The smaller the numbers you have the more defined the balance needs to be, so you will be making more changes. Numbers can hide a great deal of imbalance, DAoC was a game that took that approach. None of the classes were mirrored, but they didn't balance the game around fine tuned group play.


Either way balancing the game for PvP is going to piss off PvE players, and not balancing it is gonna piss off PvP players. Having PvP in a PvE game always runs that risk.

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u guys are all wrong, this game is balanced around Open PvP, thats what players ask for to mythic/bw, if u want stupid endless arena match 2v2, 3v3 where the healers never die and heal to full with 2 casts while u dps him thats what WoW is for, a fkin boring game mode if u ask, thats why only the 7% of wow player base plays arena


Citation on your 7% please? Even if that's true, you're still talking like.. a hundred thousand people.


Also it's not as if you would be forced to play it. Why does it matter?


For the record, all I want at the end of arena matches is warzone commendations, just like WZ's, and in a quantity commensurate with how much time a match takes. I DO NOT support the idea of getting better gear from one type of PvP than you can get from the other. I just want some alternatives to the same three warzones over and over again.

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PvP balance is simple.


Reduce the amount of skills you can take into Warzones. Make it mandatory that you can ONLY have a 12 skill slot bar, and force players to pick a BUILD to go with for a particular class.


Rated PvP is the way to go.


This logic is exactly the problem.


Why not all play one class.

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Because arenas lead to whining and homogenization of class mechanics in the name of balance. Warzones with multiple objectives lead to different roles (i.e. classes) having value. I prefer diversity and less whiners.


"I prefer diversity and less whiners"


You don't want arena for the mere fact that you don't people to whine? People whine about warzones, and ability delay. Arena will not make a difference. And regardless

its called get over yourself, you'll be alright when arena will be put in the game im sure

"hands you a cookie"

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i think someone has a WoW problem.


I do , I rate wow as the anti Christ of mmos, and your point is?


You like pvp in wow? If so I see you as a pver. What we have on SWTOR is no better but at least arenas are not in yet. Let's keep it that way .


DAoC has by far the best PvP any MMO has ever had, its just very old.

If SWTOR did somthing like this , I would be in game for years.


Dream for me is a 3rd faction , hutta , or one of the others they could reuse the class in game allready. Even make it into a story choice to at level 50 to move into the 3rd faction.



DAoC had keep fights that gave realm skills for owning, relics to take . PvP dungeon to open up by taking most of The keeps,


Well over keeps we have planets , space stations, lot of ways to go.

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Why? You wouldn't have to participate if you don't want to. If it doesn't reward better gear than can be obtained through Warzones what's it matter to you?


Warzones get boring and I wouldn't mind another way to get some commendations.


because within a week of arena you would all be on forums demanding that little timmys JK be nerfed cos it isn't fair he beat you. Then you'd be demanding gear be made around arena, an you know you would.

Arena is a death sentence for pvp, while tor really only has pve farming, it would just make it 10x worse.

Edited by BegaTasty
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