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Should PvP be balanced around arena or WZs?


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I do , I rate wow as the anti Christ of mmos, and your point is?


You like pvp in wow? If so I see you as a pver. What we have on SWTOR is no better but at least arenas are not in yet. Let's keep it that way .


DAoC has by far the best PvP any MMO has ever had, its just very old.

If SWTOR did somthing like this , I would be in game for years.


Dream for me is a 3rd faction , hutta , or one of the others they could reuse the class in game allready. Even make it into a story choice to at level 50 to move into the 3rd faction.



DAoC had keep fights that gave realm skills for owning, relics to take . PvP dungeon to open up by taking most of The keeps,


Well over keeps we have planets , space stations, lot of ways to go.


wow was bad period, never was into elfs and wizards anyways.


and ive probably had much more organised pvp than you, just sayin.


pve is just too easy


also i read your top 2 lines the rest was tl;dr

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because within a week of arena you would all be on forums demanding that little timmys JK be nerfed cos it isn't fair he beat you. Then you'd be demanding gear be made around arena, an you know you would.

Arena is a death sentence for pvp, while tor really only has pve farming, it would just make it 10x worse.


First, people ALREADY make endless forum threads demanding nerfs for whatever class just killed them five minutes ago.


Second, you have no idea what I would be demanding and what I wouldn't be.


Third, I think that only having 3 warzones and an exploit-fest PvP planet is a death sentence for PvP. I'd like to have the option to do something different. I don't want it to be an alternate progression path for gear at all, merely something to do if I don't want to run my 6th Huttball match in a row.

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First, people ALREADY make endless forum threads demanding nerfs for whatever class just killed them five minutes ago.


Second, you have no idea what I would be demanding and what I wouldn't be.


Third, I think that only having 3 warzones and an exploit-fest PvP planet is a death sentence for PvP. I'd like to have the option to do something different. I don't want it to be an alternate progression path for gear at all, merely something to do if I don't want to run my 6th Huttball match in a row.


Why dont you go out onto Hoth/Voss/corellia an kill some reds.... you know, "world pvp"... Grated its all botted exploited pvp shiny chars now but thems the breaks. You can still have fun *********** up their quests, an training mobs onto them. it's about all I do now. I live to punt them into groups of mobs an sit to watch them get bashed....

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I hope arenas stay out of the game.


If players want to duel each other. That is fine.


If BioWare wants to implement some sort of group duel functionality, that is fine as well.


However, I think PVP should have other objectts than to just kill. Sure, killing is fun in and of itself. But, there has to be more for it to feel competitive to me.


I realize not everyone will agree with me though.

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This logic is exactly the problem.


Why not all play one class.


Each class has its specific place or role in group PvP.


Your argument is erroneous, and your troll is bad.


Check this LOGIC out:

If you have 4v4 combat with each player bringing a total of 48 skills to the table, guess how many skills *TOTAL* that is to manage? 192 vs 192. Explain what that would result in? Ill give you a hint, CHAOS. Its a much harder task to balance that then the alternative. 12 skills per class in a 4v4 (this is all hypothetical). This breaks it down to 48 v 48. Much more manageable than the alternative.


IF you never played Guild Wars then you wouldn't have a clue as to what I'm talking about.


That game was clearly the most balanced PvP since DAoC.

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Each class has its specific place or role in group PvP.


Your argument is erroneous, and your troll is bad.


Check this LOGIC out:

If you have 4v4 combat with each player bringing a total of 48 skills to the table, guess how many skills *TOTAL* that is to manage? 192 vs 192. Explain what that would result in? Ill give you a hint, CHAOS. Its a much harder task to balance that then the alternative. 12 skills per class in a 4v4 (this is all hypothetical). This breaks it down to 48 v 48. Much more manageable than the alternative.


IF you never played Guild Wars then you wouldn't have a clue as to what I'm talking about.


That game was clearly the most balanced PvP since DAoC.


I don't think you understood my post... at all.

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Neither it should be balanced around open world PvP. Incentives for open world PvP should be added. If you want to play warzones on a PvE server you obviously don't give a crap about real PvP and thus your opinion doesn't really matter on the subject.
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I will admit I like one thing- they have the option to buff abilities without nerfing their use in pve- for example, many abilities have stuns or roots when used on pve mobs, or even do more damage against pve mobs- they could use that to balance pvp without hurting pve too badly.


Between arena and WZ... well, obviously around WZ. The balance is pretty good- I've seen every AC so far doing incredible things- it's not like in WoW where early on if I saw a druid I thought 'hey, free kill', but if I saw a spriest or shammy or lock I thought 'time to be facemelted'.


Just hope they don't do such massive nerfs like what Ops got... they really should have nerfed one of those things- saw if it was enough, THEN, nerf another thing. Nerfing so many things at once will most likely be an overnerf.

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PvP should be balanced around Class Roles. If you try to homogenize like WoW did and admitted doesn't work all you will have is class imbalance.



PvP should be balanced just like PvE... center on tanks, healers, Dps, and support.



When they go for making Class A be able to do class B's job then the game starts to break down.

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