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10-49 Bracket fairer than 50's bracket??


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No, 10-49 is if anything even less fair.


The difference isn't fairness. The difference is in the 10-49 bracket you can pwn noobs with only a few hours of investment instead of a few weeks.


A level 10 is even gimper compared to a geared level 49 than a new 50 is to a BM. But with only a few hours' work the level 10 become a level 20 and then it can farm level 10s.


Basically 10-49 is just as unbalanced, it's just easier to move from the farmed seat to the farmer seat.




This is simply wrong. The issue is bads think they can roll into warzones wearing gear that is awful and expect to kill people. At level 10 on my sniper I dominated at level 10 on my healer, I dominated. Why? Because first I made sure I had gear and second I made sure to understand what my abilities do. The two biggest things that the majority of clueless 10-49 players refuse to do.

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10-49 is way more fair than full battlemaster pre-made's destroying a lvl 50 with average gear they got while questing. The difference is just retarded...


I had more fun as a lvl 15 fighting lvl 40's than I have in this lvl 50 bracket.

Edited by lowizi
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PvP as it is now is no fun at all on rep. side...


You enter with 5 or 6 players below lvl 25 only to face a 40+ team.

Did 10 warzones today and only 1 was balanced enough to have some fun, the other 8 was just a frustrating , total fail due to the fact we where facing 40+ imp. every single time while we where lucky to have 2 40+ players on our side.

There is just no balance what so ever.

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How is that any different from any other game with PvP? There will always be a gear advantage for people that have been pvping at top level vs people that have just reached top level. They are ahead of the race and the longer it takes you to start accumulating the gear the more people that will get ahead of you. Everyone starts from the bottom, its not like those battlemasters hit 50 and all had full battlemasters gear day 1 they were fresh 50s at one point and they worked fro what they have.


How long do u start lvl 10. Come back to me

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No, you're just bad. I farm level 49's all day on my level 10-15 alts. I win maybe 80% of my warzones queuing alone as a level 10-15 because i can carry the team even at that level. I top damage/healing, kbs, and objectives every single warzone by a massive amount.


A level 10 usually has about 13k hp after bolster, a level 49 usually has about 12k.


Drugs are bad, mkay?

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Yes, because alot of people are decked out in full PvP epics for exploiting early in the game and gear aquisition being almost completely luck-dependant for everyone who didn't abuse said exploit is so nice and fair.


Not. 20 bags and one item speaks for itself.

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I prefer the 50's brax tbh. In the 1-49 brax on my alts, a lot of players don't know what they're doing (more so than the 50 brax anyways), queue up at level 11 and spam their basic ranged attack, lack a lot of their abilities possibly causing one side to be imbalanced. I feel like I'm just n00bstomping in the 1-49. Capping a turret, scoring, or planting a bomb in the 50's brax feels so much more rewarding. People die much slower in the 50's brax and are generally more organized. I think that's a good thing.


This, so much this. When I am playing on my alt I just dominate so easily because I see people running the wrong way in Huttball, going OOR rapidly (or just auto attacking over and over at full resources), not using aoes properly (or standing in them), not using guard/taunt, etc. But it is to be expected because people are leveling and learning, but it isn't anymore fair or fun for me compared to the 50 bracket.

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This, so much this. When I am playing on my alt I just dominate so easily because I see people running the wrong way in Huttball, going OOR rapidly (or just auto attacking over and over at full resources), not using aoes properly (or standing in them), not using guard/taunt, etc. But it is to be expected because people are leveling and learning, but it isn't anymore fair or fun for me compared to the 50 bracket.




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The only fair part is it's about as level a playing field you get. No gear will make you op in that bracket. Expertise is the unfair advantage. I stat that decreases damage taken and increases dmg/healing. Thats just absurd. Resilience from wow is always brought up, buit all it did was decrease dmg, not buff your dmg at the same time. Thats why the level 50 gap is so huge, and that also why 49 below is much more fun. there is actually competition from any monkey that can play their class even halfway right.
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No gear will make you op in that bracket.


That's not really true. It's just the way to abuse gear is different. And it admittedly isn't as big a difference.


The big difference in 10-49 is in skills and talents. Until you get into the 20s you're a total gimp because you don't have the skills or talents to even be basically competent.

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He means pressing 1 or wherever they put their free basic attack instead of using some other skill.


It's not as easy as just looking at resources, of course. Depending on spec, the basic attack can have side effects like building up a buff in addition to building up resources like focus.

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Before 1.1, the forums were filled with all kinds of "I'm level 10, why am I fighting level XX" rage. After 1.1, where is the sea of complaints from lower levels being farmed by 49s? It doesn't exist.


People aren't complaining about 10-49 because they're happy with it, including the lower levels in that bracket.

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There will always be scubs who want to play the game on easy mode.


I say let them.


Personally I want the challenge of the 50's bracket.


The argument is a little flawed - if it's easy mode that implies the other side is somehow worse by default? If at all, you could say that about people who play in the 50 bracket with full pvp gear.

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its bad enough that many of you farmed easymode champ or better gear from us while we were levelling, but to act like the gear doesnt give you an i win button vs. the majority of the playerbase without said gear is a little too far feteched.


You got freebie gear and now we have to fight you and win to one day have the same gear, were the ones that will have to work for our gear and its a complete joke when we see how you guys aquired the gear/valor off the 1.1 debacle or off level 10-50s.


Change the daily/weekly to games played and you would see alot more of us newer 50s willing to participate in the 50 league.

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That's not really true. It's just the way to abuse gear is different. And it admittedly isn't as big a difference.


The big difference in 10-49 is in skills and talents. Until you get into the 20s you're a total gimp because you don't have the skills or talents to even be basically competent.


Yes and no. yes skills pay a big part below 20, which is easilly leveled out of. That is trhe nature of being new. If you also choose to run around in greens thats your choice. The big difference is you can still compete and make an impact. Not so going against people in pvp gear at 50.

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its bad enough that many of you farmed easymode champ or better gear from us while we were levelling, but to act like the gear doesnt give you an i win button vs. the majority of the playerbase without said gear is a little too far feteched.


You got freebie gear and now we have to fight you and win to one day have the same gear, were the ones that will have to work for our gear and its a complete joke when we see how you guys aquired the gear/valor off the 1.1 debacle or off level 10-50s.


Change the daily/weekly to games played and you would see alot more of us newer 50s willing to participate in the 50 league.


Very true. They never walked in the shoes of the farmed.

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People aren't complaining about 10-49 because they're happy with it, including the lower levels in that bracket.


Right, because you can move to the position where you can farm very easily.


It's not that it's more fair per se. It's just that there's much less of a grind to become viable.


And the primary reason people are happy is because all the best geared and most talented players left the bracket. A level 49 premade would dominate you just as hard but level 49 premades don't exist.

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its bad enough that many of you farmed easymode champ or better gear from us while we were levelling, but to act like the gear doesnt give you an i win button vs. the majority of the playerbase without said gear is a little too far feteched.


You got freebie gear and now we have to fight you and win to one day have the same gear, were the ones that will have to work for our gear and its a complete joke when we see how you guys aquired the gear/valor off the 1.1 debacle or off level 10-50s.


Change the daily/weekly to games played and you would see alot more of us newer 50s willing to participate in the 50 league.


Don't complain about people getting gear easier and then suggest things be changed so you can get gear easier. Pay your dues, get your gear. It's simple as that.

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The argument is a little flawed - if it's easy mode that implies the other side is somehow worse by default? If at all, you could say that about people who play in the 50 bracket with full pvp gear.


I say its easy mode because:


a) Its more forgiving. People do less damage, so players can get away with sloppy key presses and mistakes.


b) The level of play is lower. Yes, there may be some highly skilled players, but there are also a large number of true newbies who don't know their *** from their elbow. Lets face it, if you are one of the top players in the game you're not floundering around at level 45, you are level 50 and doing hard modes because you want the challenge.

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