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I Want Neutral Items in 1.2 No Exceptions


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One of the problems is that you choose a side when you make your character. I'm a smuggler. I don't want to belong to the republic or the empire. I just want to make money and look out for myself. I choose dialogue options based on how my character feels, and if that makes me neutral, leaving me without any end game rewards or buffs, so be it. I'm not going to whine and quit over it.


While I agree to some point with the OP that those of use that choose to ride that fence of neutrality should get more consideration in game, not just with items. I feel that while this game is still young, changes will come, and demanding something to be put in place in the next patch and threatening to unsub over it is childish, in my opinion. Give it some time.


well said

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The change that needs to be made is either converting many of the leveling relics to fit neutral, or add more that are neutral.


That is all... end game they're fine.


The OP's point is valid though; the RP is most epic during leveling. If you RP exactly how you want, you may be neutral, which means you might be locked out of quite literally every relic short of farming datacrons.


And yes, bioware sold this game as being story-driven... locking out story components if you want equal opportunity isn't good.

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No. Relics provide stat bonuses and on use effects and there are - NO - Neutral relics. All of them REQUIRE an alignment.



This is false.


My main is something like 4200LS/4300DS. While it is true that the vast majority of relics have a LS/DS requirement, PVP relics and the datacron relics do not.


I have the RRR relic slotted and the Champ-Stalker relic slotted.

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Just because BW has stated that you CAN play with neutral characters doesn't mean they promised you to be as powerful as someone who plays full LS/DS.


-You can play a Tank with low End, that doesn't mean BW has to make you as good a take as someone who focused on mitigation and End.


-You could even play a guy who doesn't like to carry a weapon. Should BW have to make sure that your unarmed fighting is as good as someone who carries a blaster/lightsaber? No, they shouldn't. Just because you can do something in the game does not mean it is the developers responsibility to make it as powerful as everything else.


BW has stated that they are looking into adding Neutral items in. They aren't required to, but they are willing to take the time and effort to cater to your (and other requester s) whims.

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Then I cancel my account and protest their non-sense with my money.


This was supposed to be a launch feature, and since the game was rushed, players got the short end of the stick. It isn't hard to code in some damn items. I guarantee they are going to code in a few hundred new ones with the next update, so they can take the time to code in a few more.


show me one statement by someone in the development team that says it was supposed to be a launch item.

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Ah ic. A few questions to the OP.


1. If everyone gets the reward regardless of how they play, is it no longer a reward? Why not just get rid of it?


2. Being grey represents an inability to choose between good or evil, why should you get a reward for basically doing nothing?


I'm not the OP, but thought I would put my two creds in.


For the first, being level 50 and still being neutral actually takes a bit more effort than being Dark or Light aligned. Neither take much effort at all, but to be Dark or Light you literally choose one alignment choice repeatedly. At least for neutral, you have to seek some balance so that you do not drift too far. In this sense, level 50 neutral relics should be MORE powerful than Light or Dark since they require at least an ounce of thought, rather than none at all.


For the second, this is a false argument. If you choose Light or Dark at the beginning, you have made one choice and the rest of the game there is no choice, since all your answers are pre-ordained. So, the options that involve less choices are currently rewarded more.

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I'm not the OP, but thought I would put my two creds in.


For the first, being level 50 and still being neutral actually takes a bit more effort than being Dark or Light aligned. Neither take much effort at all, but to be Dark or Light you literally choose one alignment choice repeatedly. At least for neutral, you have to seek some balance so that you do not drift too far. In this sense, level 50 neutral relics should be MORE powerful than Light or Dark since they require at least an ounce of thought, rather than none at all.


For the second, this is a false argument. If you choose Light or Dark at the beginning, you have made one choice and the rest of the game there is no choice, since all your answers are pre-ordained. So, the options that involve less choices are currently rewarded more.


So like I already said, let's say instead of trying to be neutral, I choose to be Light Side I. That requires the same amount of effort. So the effort required to stay exactly Light Side I would give me the same reward as Light Side V?

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I love how OP must be level 30-40 or something and a relic from a mob dropped but it required light or dark and he couldn't equip it. Most likely died on the next pull and began to rage blaming his death on not having a relic.


I love how several people come in and say "hey buddy you're wrong in end game pvp, flashpoints and ops relics have no alignment" he continues to rage.


Sorry op you're wrong you can still use relics being neutral alignment.

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No LS jedi can use Red sabers in SWTOR


Jedi, regardless of alignment, make their own sabers. The color of the crystal used should not have any effect on their lightness or darkness.


The color of the crystal does not, and has never, portrayed alignment in any of the lore - the movies just like to use that to differentiate between good and bad. For all we know, all Vader had to make his saber with was a mass of red crystals.

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Not quite as true as you may think.


Only crappy relics have Light/Dark requirements. The good ones are universal. Relics from Champion PvP line, or Relics from crafting are better than any Dark relics.


I have been level 50 since early access. I use no Dark Side gear. Only Columi/Rakata/Champion. There is no good gear that is aligned.

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I agree with OP as long as they are EXCLUSIVE to the neutral side, that would be the only fair thing to do. Since I'm on a RP server and a role-player I like to go for more... complex concept for my character than "I want be the good guy" or "Let's kill everyone".


For example my agent is neither good or bad but he is loyal to the empire. He will not spare(Dark) anyone if it could compromise the mission but at the same time he would not take bribery(Light).


Thus my character gains both dark side and light side points. I'm not indecisive since I have decided that he is a loyal character over everything else. If a decision has no impact on this he is usually a nice guy who helps rather than kill. Though he is still regarded as a neutral character according to the game.


So I will be penalized and it doesn't matter if it will even out at 50 because honestly, I have never liked the end-game of any MMO I have played and I doubt I will enjoy this one. So I will most likely roll a alt or wait for a expansion once I hit 50.


It's not like I go around and complain about this, I just happened to stumble upon this topic and wanted to share my opinion.

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I want one of you to tell me why this isn't a valid complaint. Please tell me.


Because you can't. Which means your little non-nonsensical trolling is nothing but you being tools.


I'll be happy to do so, but you won't accept any of my three arguments because this is about what you want, not why it isn't in the game. Just remember that when replying.


1) From a lore perspective, relics are basically holocrons that provide additional powers and benefits to those who fit their requirements. Your LS/DS rating indicates not just your morality (or rather, not even your morality, many DS choices are hardly immoral) but your dedication to light or dark.


People who reach certain thresholds meet the requirements to use these things. A LS Jedi can't comprehend the Dark Side enough to master a DS holocron without going more DS...and a DS Sith is barred from Jedi holocrons by the use of Gatekeepers.


2) From a canon balance perspective. People have this goofy idea from KOTOR that being grey means you can pick and choose from both light side and dark side. Except there are very , very few people in the actual canon that actually do that, because the dark side tends to corrupt you to relying on it more and more.


Luke did it. Sort of. IF you take Dark Empire as canon, which some people don't. Revan did it. Because he's Bioware's Mary Sue. I'm sure if you go digging on Wookiepedia you can find a few more, most of which came to a horribly bad end.


Being "grey" is basically refusing to take a side.


3) From a character progression point. Reaching Dark V or Light V means you have to pretty much nail 90% of the LS or DS choices. Myself, I won't do that to my char. I'm stuck at Dark III, and I really honestly don't see that changing, because that is where I see my char on the LS / DS balance. So, no DS IV or V relics for me, or lightsabers, or whatever else.


A person who dedicates themselves to Light V or Dark V has a much harder time getting there than someone who decides to stay grey. On my BH, I decided I didn't really care where the LS/DS points fell and just answered what I felt came naturally. I easily am grey. On my SW I wanted DS V and it's a struggle to get there and to maintain it as well.



Now, I can predict the counter argument response: You feel penalized because someone can equip something you can't , which means you either have to compromise your character or your story.


I'm thinking if you aren't willing to compromise your story, then the only reason you are "handicapped" in relics is really in PvP. The tiny handful of points and crap abilities only really matter against people, not against the trash mobs.


If this is that critical an issue for you that it is an unsub decision, then you're missing the entire point of the game. You have to make a choice, play like a min-maxer for character power, or follow the story. I'm sure Bioware will eventually cave and hand out neutral relics, but they make ZERO sense from lore, canon or character progression perspectives, so it's mostly just to appease the unhappy.


Meanwhile, thousands of people can't even connect to the game, thousands more have horrible FPS and lag, thousands MORE are frustrated by broken end-game and PvP content, and we STILL have no Rythym Augmentation Droids.

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I want one of you to tell me why this isn't a valid complaint.
It's a very valid complaint. One of the most valid complaints one can make in this game.


You're just acting like such a ***** about it, you've somehow reversed the validity-polarity and now I disagree with you.


In all seriousness, though, this basically comes down to a database change and maybe some small coding if whatever checks the item against the player's alignment for whatever reason can't handle neutral. It shouldn't take too long to get in the game.


Again, though, your rhetoric just makes me want to disagree with you.

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Lol OP reported me for disagreeing with him. Readers, you decide, haha.


OP is a rager. He should apologize to everyone for being wrong, because neutral doesn't effect your relics at all. As you can still be a neutral hero and collect relics from pvp, flashpoints, crafting and ops.


I am sorry op you couldn't equip your +end and +alc on use alignment relic that dropped from trash.

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I'm not going to write out some huge retort about how the lack of this has negatively impacted my experience, when BW specifically said they would cater to multiple aspects of gameplay and story, and hasn't followed through.


I just want 1.2 to contain things for players who are neutral. I want to be able to use my choice of saber, I want to be able to not miss out on relics because some designer thought that making light and dark only would be a fantastically shortsighted idea, and I just want to be able to play how I want to play, not play how I have to play to be able to min-max my character.


Make it happen in 1.2. It's already disappointing that you haven't done it in 1.1...



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i feel you... a game that is so high on story i feel myself forced to choose the dark side choices every time just so i can get the dark 5 required items... and now i have a companion that i use all the time that likes when i'm nice to people. oh my AHHH.
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Here's an idea, quit being Neutral. People that can't make up their minds on being good or bad deserve nothing as they have done nothing for either. Sorry you can't use those awesome dark/light relics.





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