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Interesting thing about deserter threads


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First off, I am in favor of a deserter debuff or lockout. Not excessive, just enough so there is no benefit to leaving a losing match and joining a new match. I am of this opinion because I feel it's selfish to leave others and ruin their match as well as ruining it for the opposition who will have no challenge playing less people. Currently, (I will use huttball as an example) too many matches are 6-0 or 0-6 and not 3-2 because of deserters on both sides.


Anyway the interesting thing is..

All the threads are started by your teammates who you deserted and crippled their match, not the opposition. So when you say...

  • Premades are unfair
  • I hate Huttball/Voidstar/Alderan
  • Opposition has better gear
  • My teammates are idiots
  • People are medal farming and not doing objectives


You are helping the premades and overgeared and hurting your teammates. Not that deserters care, they probably join a new match right away hoping for winning teammates to carry them to a win which they will believe was because of them.


On my server, the better players almost never desert the match, only the cowards who just have issues getting wins, desert.


If there's no chance, I'm out.


This. Also, there is not much point when facing full champions and up while your whole team have less pvp items then you alone.


I desert as the match is made a waste of my time by people who just cannot play.


I dont leave very many matches but if i see 3+ players level 10-15 I leave


I I absolutely hate void star.


Sorry, but I'm not spending 15 minutes of my life getting farmed because I got stuck on a team of (mostly) bads against a preformed group of battlemasters. .


I am not working my *** off for 15 minutes while scrubs with 13k health run around trying to get kills and not work on objectives.




I choose to do that when it's obvious that the game isn't going to be even remotely competitive or fun.


You can't add any debuff until you first give me the option to not que for hutt ball.


I do not support this until they give me the option to select which warzone I want to queue for.


I don't leave unless Huttball comes up.


Don't punish me for 2-hours because I spill something, need to change a diaper, help my son with his homework, answer a phone call, or the door or ANYTHING. That's STUPID!.


Raids come up, guilds need help, real life calls.


Given the choice between huttball and doing nothing for 15 minutes, I'll do nothing for 15 minutes, every time.


I got put into the "bad" cycle, and by cycle I mean a group of players both sith and rep who are Queing and getting eachother everytime. ...Whenever I get put into Cycle group A I instantly leave because I know if I stay then I'm just going to be losing endlessly.


No I would quit regardless of any debuff. I would rather do something productive than sit there and watch you sit in a corner and farm medals.


As soon as I see Alderan I leave


I really don't see why people care if others leave. The only time people leave a WZ is when the team is absolutely terrible, or they are facing premades, which means you lose anyway so it makes no difference to you if they leave.


You do realize that this is a discussion about a video game, right?.....people deciding that they don't want to play with other people in a video game.


Put in a deserter debuff and I will start AFKing just like I did in WoW. Would you rather I leave or AFK? Your choice.


I will not support a timer for leaving a WZ early until we can premade a full 8 man WZ and a "bads" list to blacklist ...... screw that I'm out.


I usually only leave if I have limited time and need wins for the daily/weekly. I suspect I'm not alone. It certainly doesn't help when some of my warzone victories don't even count towards the quests. :mad:


and for that matter why should players stay in games when you just got a bunch of exploiters facerolling everyone because they are abusing so much stuff you cant even get near them.no player likes feeding cheaters points i can tell you that now.


lets force pugs to be farmed for 12 mins vs a premade, ya that sounds totally resonable.


Fix the Premade vs Pug issue and then punish the deserting.


I think this is a bad idea.I shouldn't get punished because i leave a WZ that has ppl with no common sense in it


I will support a deserter debuff the moment I can opt out of Huttball. Not a second before.


Fix stealth afk players first, then move on to deserter debuff.


When my last 11 Wins do not count towards the daily, I don't have time to waste in losing warzones, or people who don't know the basics of objective based pvp and just see it as a deathmatch (and not even a team deathmatch).


No deserter debuff needed, its the method to not waste time if you know your pug is against a geared premade with no chance of winning.


All these pre-mades, gear excuses is another way of saying I don't like losing so I will screw over my teammates and join a new group. I don't like this zone so screw you and your game, play with 6 or 7 vs 8 and lose.


We can not have a queue for every zone, x 2 for pre-mades and pugs x 2 for 1-49 and 50 x 2 for champ gear and no new gear. You would end up with 48 hour waits and the babies would probably still leave if they went down 2-0. Seriously, has anyone ever played a team sport here. STOP BEING SO SELF CENTERED.



The hackers/AFK'ers thing is valid but come on, how often is that happening.


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Edited by richardya
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First off, I am in favor of a deserter debuff or lockout. Not excessive, just enough so there is no benefit to leaving a losing match and joining a new match. I am of this opinion because I feel it's selfish to leave others and ruin their match as well as ruining it for the opposition who will have no challenge playing less people.


Anyway the interesting thing is..

All the threads are started by your teammates who you deserted and crippled their match, not the opposition. So when you say...

  • Premades are unfair
  • I hate Huttball/Voidstar/Alderan
  • Opposition has better gear
  • My teammates are idiots
  • People are medal farming and not doing objectives


You are helping the premades and overgeared and hurting your teammates. Not that deserters care, they probably join a new match right away hoping for winning teammates to carry them to a win which they will believe was because of them.


On my server, the better players almost never desert the match, only the cowards who just have issues getting wins, desert.


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Your crusade is a waste of time. Say what you want but you won't change people's behaviour.

The only thing that can change that is a deserter debuff.

Stop trying to make people feel like **** about leaving WZs, that won't get you anywhere, instead you should redirect your energies at BW - they're the only ones who can do anything about this issue.

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People should realize when they leave warzones..


They lose respect of their fellow players.


They are hurting their fellow players.


Some people use /ignore on them, hurting their chance to find future groops and sell gear in open channels.


I /ignore eveyone and advise my growing guild to do the same.


Some are genuinly LD's, hope the debuff doesn't hurt them when its implemented.

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You are helping the premades and overgeared and hurting your teammates. Not that deserters care, they probably join a new match right away hoping for winning teammates to carry them to a win which they will believe was because of them.


On my server, the better players almost never desert the match, only the cowards who just have issues getting wins, desert.


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I call ********. I am not wanting to be carried, but I refuse to carry, that is why I would quit a match. I desert as the match is made a waste of my time by people who just cannot play.

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I call ********. I am not wanting to be carried, but I refuse to carry, that is why I would quit a match. I desert as the match is made a waste of my time by people who just cannot play.


50 percent of l2p issues are l2 gear issues


If you don't want to be carried why do you insist in finding stroger teams to carry you.


Not being able to lose is a symptom of a greater personal problem imho. Maybe your folks actually believed u were special.

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I dont leave very many matches but if i see 3+ players level 10-15 I leave


I understand what you're saying but it doesn't always = a loss. When they had the BM lvl 50's mixed in then yes, it was painful. Even so, just play it out- you still get stuff for the loss, besides if its truly one-sided then the match will end quick anyway.

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On my server, the better players almost never desert the match


I never desert.


I also have benign peripheral tremor (shaky hands), severe dysgraphia, and my left hand hasn't worked too well since it was impaled by a bowie-knife wielding nut back in the 80s after I told one too many Chuck Norris jokes.


After knocking back a few beers, or a bottle of red wine, I like to queue up to do my warzone dailies. I enjoy starting 1v1 matches as far from the objectives as I can get, standing in fire circles and acid pools, pulling opposing Huttball carriers into the end zone with harpoon, telling new Chuck Norris jokes and calling team members gay in Op chat. And I never, ever pass the ball...at least not to a member of _my_ team.


I know I'm not an awesome PVPer or anything, but I still usually manage to get top medals when the stats window pops up at the end of the match.


I agree, people who desert matches are utterly despicable. I can't imagine why anyone would want to miss out on the chance to be in an op with me.

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I understand what you're saying but it doesn't always = a loss. When they had the BM lvl 50's mixed in then yes, it was painful. Even so, just play it out- you still get stuff for the loss, besides if its truly one-sided then the match will end quick anyway.


Not true, you can draw it out by not scoring in Huttball and not completing Voidstar. You just sit and farm for the entire 15 min. While the people who like to "suck it up" and stay mindlessly run in to die.

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Not true, you can draw it out by not scoring in Huttball and not completing Voidstar. You just sit and farm for the entire 15 min. While the people who like to "suck it up" and stay mindlessly run in to die.



Mindlessly run in to die? You mean people are actually pvping? I will stay no matter what, it doesn't matter. As long as I do the best I can do, its all good. Win some, lose some.. Its a game. If you go in and expect to win all the time then you should find a new hobby.

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I call ********. I am not wanting to be carried, but I refuse to carry, that is why I would quit a match. I desert as the match is made a waste of my time by people who just cannot play.


This. Also, there is not much point when facing full champions and up while your whole team have less pvp items then you alone.


I never leave close games, even if its a loosing game, however I refuse to be farmed because my teammates are just sheep or extremely undergeared letting opposing team for effortless win.

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Mindlessly run in to die? You mean people are actually pvping? I will stay no matter what, it doesn't matter. As long as I do the best I can do, its all good. Win some, lose some.. Its a game. If you go in and expect to win all the time then you should find a new hobby.


I don't expect to win all the time. I expect to have a chance to win. There's a big difference. If there's no chance, I'm out. I don't slam my head into a wall over and over for Ehonor. You're right, it's a game, that I play for fun. No chance of winning = not fun!

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I came from WAR , where there is a penalty for leaving a BG, intentionally or not, and for being AFK for too long. The penalty is 15 min , during which time you are not allowed to queue up. It sucks when you get it while getting a disconnect but I got used to it eventually.


In WAR though you can choose in which BG are you want to queue in.

So I think it would be reasonable to implement this mechanics but not before people could choose which BG they want to play.


This mechanic also forces people to help they team mates instead of leaving at the 1st symptom of loosing, thus helps them harden up.

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OP is 100% correct.


"I'm not going to waste my time I pay my money blah blah blah"


Self-entitled bs. There should be a deserter-only wz queue where you pathetic excuses for players can have all your matches end in 2 minutes.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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OP is 100% correct.


"I'm not going to waste my time I pay my money blah blah blah"


Self-entitled bs. There should be a deserter-only wz queue where you pathetic excuses for players can have all your matches end in 2 minutes.


How about this:

"I have a life, family, job and can't afford 6+ hours of loosing to MAYBE get my daily 3 win quest done".

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All these pre-mades, gear excuses is another way of saying I don't like losing so I will screw over my teammates and join a new group.


I like your sig, I also routinely queue solo as I wait for the core group (wow refugees) to level to 50.


Thing is, I'm not screwing over anyone. This is a video game, leisure activity. If someone leaves the op and you get all butthurt, you need to reassess your life priorities. I play PvP for fun, and walking into an aborted game that's 0-5 is not fun. Watching as poorly geared randoms attempt to farm medals from champ geared premades and not even care about objectives is not fun. My leisure time is my leisure time, and if you want to make a big deal about ehonor because I quit the op since a bunch of scrubs are playing to lose, I frankly don't care.


I PERSONALLY feel that leaving if your team doesn't immediately start dominating, or leaving instantly because the other team scored/bombed a door/got 2 turrets in the first minute, is pretty lame. Give the game a chance. But sometimes it's all too obvious that bads will be bad, and there's no hope for the match.


There's no penalty, these are unrated games. Why so serious.

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I don't even know how to leave a wz. That is how much I have cared about doing such. The only times I leave are when my pc locks up which seems to happen every few hours when doing wz's..and I'm always doing wz's so I hace to hard shutdown my pc a time or two a day. One of these days it's going to poof on me.
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How about this:

"I have a life, family, job and can't afford 6+ hours of loosing to MAYBE get my daily 3 win quest done".


How about this: I am too busy to play SWTOR without screwing over everyone else, so instead of being a selfish *****, I will wait until I do have time to complete a full 15 minute warzone.

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Instead of asking people to not abandon matches, why not suggest that more people abandon matches? If enough people abandon a match it will time out due to too few players. Premades will get what they want (an easy fast win), and farmers will be denied all the easy kills they are using to farm valour (which in the long run is good for your faction). In addition if this practice becomes widespread Bioware will be inclined to implement a deserter debuff sooner because clearly it's not how PVP is intended to be played.
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Thing is, I'm not screwing over anyone. This is a video game, leisure activity. If someone leaves the op and you get all butthurt, you need to reassess your life priorities. I play PvP for fun, and walking into an aborted game that's 0-5 is not fun.


OK I reassessed my life and I still think its rude and selfish. It's a video game, yes. Baseball is a game, go to a field with a game going on a steal the ball so they cant play and tell them to relax, its just a game.


Dude, I understand it's a game. I am proposing an ingame solution, not sending them to prison.

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Sometimes it is of a personal benefit to leave a match early (or if that bothers you, wait ~5 minutes before queuing again after the match is over).


Reason being? When you have a limited pool of people to draw from you will find that you get grouped with the same group of people repeatedly. Even when you expand that pool, chances are you will get put into the same warzone with the same people because you all entered the queue at the same time, and chances are that all other people who would be in the pool are already in a warzone.


What happens is you get the same group of people playing match after match, and probably getting the same outcome match after match. The only fluctuations are when somebody drops queue and a new person enters, a person gets put into a new group because somebody there dropped, or the unlikely case where two warzones ended at the same time.


So, to your personal benefit, if you find yourself in a losing streak, either leave the warzone and wait a few minutes or wait five or so minutes to queue up again when you finish your current warzone.

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These threads are new and original....


Seriously I think some people playing this game are sadistic, they want people to be PUNISHED for trying to have fun in a video game.


Just because OP is an internet hero that stays in a game even though he gets stomped in 2 seconds every rez, is losing 30948719438720394 to 0, has 2 people vs 30 and is missing a leg does not mean everyone else has to do it with him.


In fact, why not just give the people asking for a deserter debuff exactly what they are asking for and leave us the hell alone? That way they get punished if they leave, we get to play a fun game that has bugs and exploits but lets us leave a game if they come up.

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