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Too many group quests..


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When there's 40 people on all of Taris, it makes for problem doing group quests.


And this will only get worse when many of us are 50 and only a few alts and odd newer players on lower level planets.


... as an aside, in LOTRO they have been making many of the group dungeons in low level zones 'solo friendly' for just this reason, with rewards scaled appropriately.

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Too many heroic missions for some, not enough for others, just right for most.


The difference here is, the players get on with the game, the whingers get on the forums.


Not one heroic mission is required for your story, so none of them are mandatory. Stop your jibba jabbin, you aint hurt!


game, set, match. :D

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In my opinion there's too many group quests. Its a story based game that tells me repeatedly my character (Sith Warrior) is a one person army and because its flagged group I need to hunt around for 3 other players every 10 minutes.


The only good thing is that the most important plot quests are soloable, but that just contributes to the immersion breaking factor when a side quest is too tough for my sith..


I agree, I'd like to run them but there's no one around to group with, and all the members of my guild are already end-game. The best I can do is come back several levels later and solo them, but at that point it's just for the story (if there is one), and not for any XP or item gain.


I'd love to see these scale, to allow us single players to run them solo if no one else is around...

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Its the dispersed nature of them. They arn't set up like instances are in other MMOs where you grab the quests, get a group and head in together.


Every time you reach a new pack of quests one of them will be a new group quest. Its like they want you to do all your questing in a group or something to get the authentic experience. Despite the story being so alien to a 'group of heroes' that they need a roll to determine who the player character is for each conversation choice.

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I love group quests but honestly they just don't work in this game because there simply isn't enough "demand" (especially for heroic 4's in later planets.) When you have 30 people on Voss all at different points in their "questing" it is virtually impossible to find 3 others to group with in any reasonable fashion.


I want to do them while leveling but I certainly am not going to spend three hours spamming general for 2M to do them. Good idea that just doesn't seem to work very well in practice.



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In my opinion there's too many group quests. Its a story based game that tells me repeatedly my character (Sith Warrior) is a one person army and because its flagged group I need to hunt around for 3 other players every 10 minutes.


The only good thing is that the most important plot quests are soloable, but that just contributes to the immersion breaking factor when a side quest is too tough for my sith..


Geez, there's only 2-4 per zone. They are not required for you to progress. You usually can go back and do them solo (at least the 2+ ones) just before you're ready to leave the zone.



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This isn't a typical MMO. It plays far more like a singleplayer RPG with people.


Those group quests are the only thing that destroys the perfect illusion i'm playing Mass Effect in the Star Wars universe with other players to interact with if and when I feel like it. They pretty much suck..


I am pretty sure they are not trying to create the "illusion" that you are playing ME in SW universe. Yeah, it sucks for you but you are playing the wrong game or playing the game the wrong way, pick one.


Play the game as it is intended.

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My wish would be that all the missions scale, and could be done either solo or group, depending on the preference of the player.


Indeed. It is often game mechanics that define how much discontent and conflict there is between the play-styles in their respective communities. One sees more hostility between them in communities of games that gear specific features towards specific play-styles. In contrast, games in which content is dynamic towards play-styles, one sees far less discontent.

Edited by Zebular
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The only heroic missions I have an issue with are the ones to do with datacrons, like the one on Taris where you need 2 people to get to it. If you're in that location and no one else is about or no one wants to help by pushing the button then you don't get the datacron, simple.


Other than that I'm happy enough to leave the harder heroic missions undone, I think some of the heroic 2 missions should be doable by you and a companion though, at the same level.

Trying to take on 2 or more elites at once is in most cases suicide, well, in my experience. I know there are those here who claim to be magical, taking on heroic 4 missions solo. My response to them is "then you woke up and had your cornflakes." that or you're doing those missions when they are grey.

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Maybe they could have made a few planets around group friendly play so a group has something to do start to finish, with little commuting between objectives, rather heavy group fighting the whole way, and leave the other planets for solo'ers..
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The problem is is that everyone in this game is getting anti-social....


I'm constantly using the laughable ingame lfg flag and spaming general chat... It is very rare now to find a group.


And there isn't a lack of players.... if I check out who's in my area I see like 30-40 ppl about the same level and most likely have the same heroics but no one wants to ever group.


The other night I tried putting together a group on coruscant for my alt doing Enemies of the Republic (last heroic on coruscant) it took my like 1 hour... absurd.

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Yea, I would actually prefer more. That's ok, we can disagree about this. The good part is that there are more than enough regular quests to level and you never have to do a single group quest the entire way to 50 if you don't want to. More group2 quests would be awesome.
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My only complaint about the heroics is that usually there isn't enough incentive to do them. Knocking out 1 quest for only a slight xp boost and a couple of drops, when it probably takes you ~30 minutes possibly more depending on area population. I typically find it faster to skip the heroics and knock out other side quests, you can level just fine w/out them.
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Not to many just no one to do them with I would say.


no one wants to group is a bigger problem, even before the 30 day exodus, finding people that wanted to group up was hard.. I am glad my friends play allot, we stayed grouped most of the game, when they were not on I gave up on finding groups.. mmo communities have changed so much over the years, seems like allot of folks just want to solo a social game :confused:

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There are those that want social interaction in a game and those that don't. My biggest peeve about group play is running around headless killing this and that, people have their own gameplay style, in a group that approach goes out the window. Unless you know the people and their play style as in personal friends then mayhem can result.


Those that want group play might find it more rewarding joining a guild rather than spamming lfg on chat in order to get a group together, I'm not trying to inflame the issue but it's perhaps worth trying.


I used to play the other mmo but finally got bored with "why did you roll for that when you don't need it crap" or "can I have that, please, please" kiddy attitude.


I haven't seen much of that in this game, perhaps because of a more mature player base. I'm just stating some reasons I don't like grouping.

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Most of the "heroics" are just time sinks, and some are plain repetitive like the ubiquitous "The Droids are Sliced!" quest on every area of every planet. Really just skipping anything that says droid at this point, it simply is not fun or rewarding to kill gold elite trash compactors.


It reminds me of the really lame quests in Anarchy Online, with like rooms full of floating trash compactors, except here they try to doll it up. They're going to end up tanking alot of them much sooner than other games because frankly .. people don't like them. You can say whatever you want here, its like peoples pvp bragging, mostly ******** to troll with. Fact is its nearly impossible to get groups to knock them out, and good god is it hard to get a group now for half of the flashpoints. With the extreme repair costs for the high number of level 50 players hardly anyone wants to do them, on top of just not being fun to begin with.


Solution .. LESS GODDAMN DROIDS .. more story and meaningful FPs/Heroics that reward our time to organize and run one with more than ******** and pixel crack.

Scale those stupid things down so at least we can smile as we trash them, that would be a nice break from questing !


I nearly threw something earlier when I ran into 3 droids that healed each other better than doc could heal me !!!

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OP there are plenty of single player games for you out there.

WOW I'm shocked, group missions in a MMO?? unheard of.


Wow, a snarky comment on an MMO forum? Unheard of.


We solo players were forced to join the MMO because there was no KOTOR sequel, they should respect this and create just as many solo missions as group missions. There will still be plenty of people who enjoy group missions and choose to do them.

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no one wants to group is a bigger problem, even before the 30 day exodus, finding people that wanted to group up was hard.. I am glad my friends play allot, we stayed grouped most of the game, when they were not on I gave up on finding groups.. mmo communities have changed so much over the years, seems like allot of folks just want to solo a social game :confused:


That's because many of us want a solo game. We were forced onto this MMO because there was no KOTOR sequel.

The whole point for us is the lone hero immersion story aspect. We have a life and friends outside the game and want escapism.

They should be able to give more of a solo/group balance rather than trying to push people toward group play.


I understand your frustration though in a group-centric game trying to get people to group.

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