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Too many group quests..


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there's not that many.. only a few at best H2/4's on each planet. None of those I believe are pivotal to your classes story. Which mean's they are optional. Perhaps OP you could mean you feel some of your class quests are overly difficult?, that's not unreasonable by any means as some of the class quests are just grrr. But if done at appropriate level with appropriately geared companion and yourself they should be doable and challenging. Class/story has been designed to be solo'd (well, solo as in you + companion)
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In my opinion there's too many group quests. Its a story based game that tells me repeatedly my character (Sith Warrior) is a one person army and because its flagged group I need to hunt around for 3 other players every 10 minutes.


The only good thing is that the most important plot quests are soloable, but that just contributes to the immersion breaking factor when a side quest is too tough for my sith..


If you realistically look at the achievements for each planet, there are 4 on starting worlds and that escalates to 6 on the laster planets. They're not unreasonable.


When they come from a mission terminal they're easy to see up-front that you want to skip them, I'm frustrated when I go through a conversation only to find it's a group quest in an area where i probably won't do it. If there were a different color to these mission floaties over the questgiver or some indication that it would be a group quest, I wouldn't take it, and wouldn't be annoyed.


Generally the group missions are just plain unattractive. The rewards typically aren't worthwhile except a few(Jawa Trade stands out in my mind), and the mobs or tasks are generic, just tuned up to require 2 or 4 people to survive. If they did interesting or unique enemy mobs or models or enviroments, it would go a long way towards incentivizing that content. I've never done the Nar Shaddaa jedi-killing elevator area, and why would I? There's nothing interesting up there and the loot looks generic. I wouldn't even do it on a 50.

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This game allows you to run solo or with groups which is great when you just want to play alone or be social. I didn't start grouping till 55 but do it all the time now but still enjoy running solo to immerse myself in the story when I'm rolling alts. H4's can be soloed if you can't find a group when you level up a bit so you never really have to miss anything.
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In my opinion there's too many group quests. Its a story based game that tells me repeatedly my character (Sith Warrior) is a one person army and because its flagged group I need to hunt around for 3 other players every 10 minutes.


The only good thing is that the most important plot quests are soloable, but that just contributes to the immersion breaking factor when a side quest is too tough for my sith..


This game is supposed to be a mmorpg.. So, I strongly believe there are too many solo missions...

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For the most part, I actually think that the number of quests is fine. The problem I have is that some of them are shoved down your throat to the point that it's either try to find some way through that Heroic +4 or not complete something. Macrobinocular and seeker droid quest-lines for example.


I still have about three or four level 55's sitting on those heroic quests that are just never going to get done because there's never anyone around to team with so, frankly, I don't understand why it is that they make some of them absolutely necessary to complete something because it's really annoying to be enjoying a full quest-line for hours or even several evenings only to get to that last part and have to go- "oh well.... maybe someday it'll happen" knowing full well that it's never going to because most people don't bother. And why don't most people bother? Because you have to finish the Heroic +4 in order to finish it so they just pick up the first mission and leave the entire line undone because there's no one to team with.....


That is a bad set up if you ask me because they really should have known that by making them a requirement at the very end of what most people consider a very long and boring grind that you almost have to solo because few people have the patience for the previous quests, they were doing the opposite of making it easier to team for those end Heroic +4 missions- the devs were actually making it nigh on impossible.

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This isn't a typical MMO. It plays far more like a singleplayer RPG with people.


Those group quests are the only thing that destroys the perfect illusion i'm playing Mass Effect in the Star Wars universe with other players to interact with if and when I feel like it. They pretty much suck..


Don't do the group missions then. They are there for -----> wait for it -------> people who want to group missions together.

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Here is the problem with 'group' quests. You can't find a group when you are ready to do them, you are busy doing something else when someone else is looking. You 'hold' the quest in your log while you go about doing other things while hoping a group will come up and wow look at that someone else needs it but you are knee deep into a cave that you just spent 10 mins working your way through to get to your class mission and you don't dare leave. (you get the idea) Then there is you move on to the next section of the planet and group invites come up but it takes you forever and a day, (okay a good 5 mins) to get over to where the quest is.

The fact that BW added the group quests for the new cerka area to the group finder just goes to show you how much easier that can make getting a group for those heroics. I know not all lend themselves to this but it would almost totally solve the problem that people have with group quests/heroics.

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Don't do the group missions then. They are there for -----> wait for it -------> people who want to group missions together.


The post you are responding to is from January... 2012. The poster hasn't been on the forums since...


This is my favourite necro so far. The OP's last activity was: 01.31.2012 07:28 PM
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Here is the problem with 'group' quests. You can't find a group when you are ready to do them, you are busy doing something else when someone else is looking. You 'hold' the quest in your log while you go about doing other things while hoping a group will come up and wow look at that someone else needs it but you are knee deep into a cave that you just spent 10 mins working your way through to get to your class mission and you don't dare leave. (you get the idea) Then there is you move on to the next section of the planet and group invites come up but it takes you forever and a day, (okay a good 5 mins) to get over to where the quest is.

The fact that BW added the group quests for the new cerka area to the group finder just goes to show you how much easier that can make getting a group for those heroics. I know not all lend themselves to this but it would almost totally solve the problem that people have with group quests/heroics.


If they can add individual heroic missions to a group finder that is planet specific, that would be cool. You would have to already be on the planet for which heroics you want to group for. That way it's not abused as a quick travel to planet.

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In my opinion there's too many group quests. Its a story based game that tells me repeatedly my character (Sith Warrior) is a one person army and because its flagged group I need to hunt around for 3 other players every 10 minutes.


The only good thing is that the most important plot quests are soloable, but that just contributes to the immersion breaking factor when a side quest is too tough for my sith..

How the heck is it immersion breaking to not do a quest?

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In my opinion there's too many group quests. Its a story based game that tells me repeatedly my character (Sith Warrior) is a one person army and because its flagged group I need to hunt around for 3 other players every 10 minutes.


The only good thing is that the most important plot quests are soloable, but that just contributes to the immersion breaking factor when a side quest is too tough for my sith..


group quests aren't meant to be done with other people. You are supposed to come back to do them after you are 1-2 planets ahead. That way you can solo the group quests. Typically these are dailies that award planetary comms and you do them to be able to buy mods for your gear more often.

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This isn't a typical MMO. It plays far more like a singleplayer RPG with people.


Those group quests are the only thing that destroys the perfect illusion i'm playing Mass Effect in the Star Wars universe with other players to interact with if and when I feel like it. They pretty much suck..

I disagree. Having this type of story is what MMOs should be and the group quests are just right for an mmo.

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