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Do away with PVP Gear


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The only game that has gotten character advancement right is EVE. Leveling is a paradigm that gaming companies are stuck in and none of them seem to notice its a failed system. All leveling MMO eventually dead end your character with nothing to do. You see max level characters standing around the city or base waiting for the next raid. Until that raid happens they have nothing to do other than Troll general chat for amusement.


Eve has many parts spot on.

It just so freaking hard!


what this game has is casualness. Its easy. get the raid. get the gear. kill stuff and pretend to be bad ***.


Started doing mainstream pvp right away.

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It bothers me because of the instant gratification everyone expects.


Well I dinged 50, I should just be able to 1v1 someone that spent the last month at 50 grinding, do dailys and any open world killing possible to get the best possible gear for pvp.

It takes time and you have to adapt to the system that is in place. With that said I think there will be so many (casual) 50's running pvp it will all even out. Patience.


To digress to my original point folks aren't up in arms that a geared out pvp'er really isn't equiped (properly) for nightmare mode encounters in ops nevermind learning the scripted fights. Time pve vs. time pvp.

It's really not that appley and orangey if you ask me.


I'm not sure how eliminating PVP specialty gear is creating instant gratification...


Lets take modable gear for example.... You have three slots which can have anywhere from two to three stats. the mixture a player chooses determines his ability to be an effective PVP'er. Crit heavy versus power and accuracy, will power or alacrity....


With Battle Master it is all determined by a developer and in the end even though some of it has (in my case a sent some useless stats) it is so overpowered it is pointless to use crafted armor.


In the end I have made my Rakata med pack stims and adrenals and sold the rest of all the materials I harvested over the last 50 levels.


regarding casual PVP'ers you may be right, but the flip side of that is that many of they may give up.... depopulate the game and make it SWG all over again....

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1.)It is really quite simple.... Player crafted materials should always be the best.


2.)PVE/PVP are not separate progressions now so removing top end PVP or Drop gear does not, as I see it change this game dynamic. I have no problem with drop gear and pvp gear being good, I only have a problem with it being the best gear. I also have a problem with the artificial nature of attainment open to mass exploitation. I did not get the links but I saw, as I am sure you have the mass valor trades and ilum base camping videos.


3.) Your last point has the most merit and I agree it would tend to favor those who have more time to devote to the game. But if you have a healthy market economy then plenty of crafters will make the items needed at an affordable price. The key would be that if the Item modifications were built with stats based upon random generators then it would be unlikely any single gear template or stat or ability template would be the same for two players in the same class much less different factions. This would create true diversity in the player base population. As it stands once everyone has the exact same gear with the exact same template the difference of who is better at lvl 50 pvp, is who clicks buttons faster who has the better internet connection and video card.



How many Unholy light sabers of Darth Malgus should be in the world? Two since he was a dual wielder.....


When EQ2 unleashed the Mythical gear bomb. I can't remember how many times in a night the whole "World stood still and held it's breath" We did it so often that most people passed out from lack of oxygen.


It became such a joke just like lvl 50 pvp is now. I just did a quick review and many of the post today revolve around the poor nature of lvl 50pvp.


You think PvE and PvP don't have different progression, but you want PvP gear gone. Explain that, because it literally contradicts itself. They're different progression paths, meaning your character progresses a different way (you know, more primary stats on PvE gear, Expertise on PvP gear). That's a good thing, since it means that people who only like one type of content only have to do that content to get good gear.


You try to separate my arguments, but they really all boil down the same: You can't create a "level" playing field without making the only differences between characters those of aesthetics. You say that making crafting the "ideal" way to get gear would be fine, because an overabundance of supply would drive prices down. Except it wouldn't. It would just reach the point where the majority of people no longer found crafting profitable, and prices would plateau, most likely at a point where it would still be relatively unattainable without time spent farming.


As for your suggestion of random stats on crafted gear, you actually just increase room for time to make people more potent within your favored method of attaining gear. After all, someone spending 40 hours a week would be able to craft a LOT of items, to eventually get the MOST strength for their DPS gear. Other people would be forced to deal with lesser stats, unless they were insanely lucky. People already complain about RNG based tokens for gear.


As for "story" and how many of something should exist? Welcome to suspension of RP in favor of MMO gameplay elements. I'd bet you didn't delete your toon when he died the first time, and didn't skip flashpoints just because someone else on the server downed it before you, either, right? So what's wrong with multiple people having drops from the same boss? Nothing.


All I'm really seeing here is bad rehashes of the same arguments from people who don't like to work for the rewards.


Oh, and to your first "point", that's PURE opinion, not some sort of fact.


You really sound like you should be playing single player RPGs, they're more likely to fit the mold you seem to want.

Edited by JingleHell
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Reading these forums makes me straight up laugh sometimes.


To the OP, this is a game. Some people will like it and others will not. YES we all know there are aspects that can be improved. Some will, others will not.


MMOs are all about improving your character. Getting new gear to make you stronger. If everything was crafted gear then the whole point of the game would be finding new patterns as harder and harder content came out.


Sorry but new lvl 50s are just that...new lvl 50s and need to suck it up and grind pvp/pve gear like everyone else. If the gear was crafted they would still be either sitting around waiting for mats to craft stuff or out farming pve mobs to craft it. If mats were obtained via pvp then they would STILL be at a disadvantage to all the people with full crafted sets.


Long story short, the system in place might not be perfect but its generally where things need to be. The random token system for pvp needs tweaking, but other then that for a new game made by a company that has no real decent mmo experience its not completely worthless.


Add better warzones, optimize more code, reduce the randomness (tokens and crafting), buff crafting to the lvl of biochem, change ilum, and a few other things here and there and they will have one hell of a game.


I am giving them time to improve. If you do not like the system do not play. And stop calling it cheating and exploiting, that just makes you sound like a bitter and angry douche.



I see the high school has let out for the day.....

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If you would bother to read and take in what I posted you would have stopped posting by now. I guess my logic was too hard for you to understand and I can see now why people lacking in brains keep posting.


no its just TL/DR


i understand your apathy and you are most likely right that there is nothing more going to happen to this game that will make it much different than what it is and therefore its the only track it can have.

right track? no.

best track its going to get? likely.



Still They may add things to the system that do these things.

like a death drop system for a new class of goods that are... better than the current goods and can be crafted and all that jazz.


Generally from what i have seen they add new content and the new content is different and better than the old. a drop system is still a valid possibility.

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the game examples you give are not stories YOU create. They are stories you experience.

In MMO's YOU create the stories.


sound to me like you are and expect to be the story of the carrot chaser.

Is that really what you want to be?


Perhaps you just dont understand the story you create because you are so immersed you are living it as part of the game.

Its just a really simplistic story. Very low imagination and mostly handed to you on a platter.


LOL, Story I create? So you really do play pretend!?


No, I expect The games creators or "authors" to create the narrative. I am the consumer... I read or listen to there narrative and judge it accordingly based on how it effects me... A good narrative should effect me somehow and be interesting....


I don't prefer "the story of the carrot chaser" it's funny that you would say that because, that is exactly what I said was wrong with swtor's narrative.


I don't understand the story I create? I didn't even know it was up to me to have to invent my own narrative as I play in order to make the game fun...


Honestly I did that when I was 10 years old, creating custom games in Age of Empires and making up my own stories... That is not what MMO's are... maybe to you they are but wow is that ever lame.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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I see the high school has let out for the day.....


I am quite possibly older than you are.


If you want to make a comment about someones maturity, at least have the intelligence to make counter points. I took the time to make my case and all you do is make a snide comment about age. Calling me a high school-er after I make several points countering yours makes you the immature one.

Edited by Xandarous
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You think PvE and PvP don't have different progression, but you want PvP gear gone. Explain that, because it literally contradicts itself. They're different progression paths, meaning your character progresses a different way (you know, more primary stats on PvE gear, Expertise on PvP gear). That's a good thing, since it means that people who only like one type of content only have to do that content to get good gear.


You try to separate my arguments, but they really all boil down the same: You can't create a "level" playing field without making the only differences between characters those of aesthetics. You say that making crafting the "ideal" way to get gear would be fine, because an overabundance of supply would drive prices down. Except it wouldn't. It would just reach the point where the majority of people no longer found crafting profitable, and prices would plateau, most likely at a point where it would still be relatively unattainable without time spent farming.


As for your suggestion of random stats on crafted gear, you actually just increase room for time to make people more potent within your favored method of attaining gear. After all, someone spending 40 hours a week would be able to craft a LOT of items, to eventually get the MOST strength for their DPS gear. Other people would be forced to deal with lesser stats, unless they were insanely lucky. People already complain about RNG based tokens for gear.


As for "story" and how many of something should exist? Welcome to suspension of RP in favor of MMO gameplay elements. I'd bet you didn't delete your toon when he died the first time, and didn't skip flashpoints just because someone else on the server downed it before you, either, right? So what's wrong with multiple people having drops from the same boss? Nothing.


All I'm really seeing here is bad rehashes of the same arguments from people who don't like to work for the rewards.


Oh, and to your first "point", that's PURE opinion, not some sort of fact.


You really sound like you should be playing single player RPGs, they're more likely to fit the mold you seem to want.



most of what your saying here is not true and its proven in other games.


BTW I'm all for hardcore death.

It would have to be well done... eve does that already.


player crafted goods for pvp... eve. SWG too i think.


player driven economy. eve. swg too i tihnk.


Old DAOC had no instances so yes people had the same quests but if you missed the rare spawn you had to wait hours/days/weeks for another chance at it.

Good story no...

but bioware makes good story's.

Interactive stories with multiple endings.

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Your first two points will be addressed by the upcoming change which will allow us to strip the mods from our PvP gear and put them into any other orange / purple gear that can accept them. This alone should give us some better options and variety, as well as ensure that crafters have stuff to bring to market.


^Is this for real??? Link??? If so, I am SUPER excited for that!



I'd just like to add that, as a long-time PVPer and one who's currently rockin out nearly 600 expertise, I think having a "PVP Stat" is complete BS.


Think back to PVP gear in That Other Game, Pre-BC.

Bloodguard, Legionnaire, Captain, Champion, Centurion, Lt. General, General, Warlord, HWL?


That gear didn't have any "Special PVP Stat". It might have had, for example, more %crit than a PVE piece but no resists or less %hit.


It wasn't easy to get either.

PVP ranks and gear are far too easy to get in this game... And if there's one thing that WoW and Rift proved about these "PVP Stats" it's that they create a distinct division between the community... Basically, you have the PVE side and the PVP side.


It used to be that raiders could benefit from PVP gear (mostly for DPS stats) and PVPers could benefit from raid gear.

Once gear progression had gone WAYYYY too far vertically, there was almost no choice other than to add some sort of stat or system to reduce burst damage to players.


This game shouldn't have had that problem, as:

1.) It can learn from prior games' mistakes

2.) It hasn't been out long enough for vertical gear/stat inflation and burst damage to be that much of a problem.


I know this horse has been beaten to death 1k times and then 1k times again, but I still don't understand why (still having 2 progression paths) there has to be a "special stat" for any part of the game.


If people want to PVP and gear up that way and enjoy that playstyle/content... Great. Maybe they should have gear with more PVP-friendly stats (More endurance, crit, etc)


If people want to PVE and gear up that way and enjoy that playstyle/content... Great.

Maybe they should have gear with more PVE-friendly stats (More %hit, alacrity, whatever)


At the crux of it all, neither type of equipment or progression should be easier than the other. This is, of course, easier said than done.


However, we've seen it done in other games so it should be doable in this one.

Edited by DarthNethus
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most of what your saying here is not true and its proven in other games.


BTW I'm all for hardcore death.

It would have to be well done... eve does that already.


player crafted goods for pvp... eve. SWG too i think.


player driven economy. eve. swg too i tihnk.


Old DAOC had no instances so yes people had the same quests but if you missed the rare spawn you had to wait hours/days/weeks for another chance at it.

Good story no...

but bioware makes good story's.

Interactive stories with multiple endings.


Go play EVE if you like it so much. Meantime, people who don't will play other games. I personally can't stand Massively Multiplayer Online Excel. Matter of taste.


As it turns out, you haven't actually refuted my points, you've just told me that various failed games, and a game that stubbornly survives with a rather paltry number of survivors all do things differently.

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LOL, Story I create? So you really do play pretend!?


No, I expect The games creators or "authors" to create the narrative. I am the consumer... I read or listen to there narrative and judge it accordingly based on how it effects me... A good narrative should effect me somehow and be interesting....


I don't prefer "the story of the carrot chaser" it's funny that you would say that because, that is exactly what I said was wrong with swtor's narrative.


I don't understand the story I create? I didn't even know it was up to me to have to invent my own narrative as I play in order to make the game fun...


Honestly I did that when I was 10 years old, creating custom games in Age of Empires and making up my own stories... That is not what MMO's are... maybe to you they are but wow is that ever lame.


you do not get it.

You already play pretend but you dont see that you do it.


You take your toon and do what you think is fun right?

well what you think is fun is your story.

you may even tell stories about what you did.


are you getting a clearer picture now? Thats what MMO's are about.

Massive multiplayer. you are interacting with all these different people through your toon and the game mechanics creating your story.


Its shallow and mostly mindless but thats about all you can handle.


Do you play a bad guy or a good guy in this story?

Do you get a little ragey when you get killed a whole bunch?

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Go play EVE if you like it so much. Meantime, people who don't will play other games. I personally can't stand Massively Multiplayer Online Excel. Matter of taste.


As it turns out, you haven't actually refuted my points, you've just told me that various failed games, and a game that stubbornly survives with a rather paltry number of survivors all do things differently.


hmm true SWG failed but its crafting system was a success by some accounts.

EVE's gear system and death system are much better.


Combat in eve is much more thrilling than any MMO i have played. There is stuff on the line to lose.

its hard to solo eve.

Hard to find a fair fight in eve.

Its easy to lose your shirt in eve.



SWTOR is much simpler. easy to get into a WZ where gear doesnt matter much. I take my armor off from time to time in the <50 WZ's because I can still get kills.


I think SWTOR will be a lot more fun after the first server merge.

You wont be around then right?

you will move on to GW2 or back to WOW.

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you do not get it.

You already play pretend but you dont see that you do it.


You take your toon and do what you think is fun right?

well what you think is fun is your story.

you may even tell stories about what you did.


are you getting a clearer picture now? Thats what MMO's are about.

Massive multiplayer. you are interacting with all these different people through your toon and the game mechanics creating your story.


Its shallow and mostly mindless but thats about all you can handle.


Do you play a bad guy or a good guy in this story?

Do you get a little ragey when you get killed a whole bunch?


I go All darkside choices on my alt because I want darkside gear.

I go All lightside choices on my main because I want lightside gear.


If you really want to go this route... everything is a story to you.. wanna hear the story of the Poo I took this morning? It's an epic tale with twists and turns. But has a happy ending.


No I do not get angry when I get killed a lot because I really don't get killed a lot.... And if I did it would be my own fault... so once again im not angry.


What I think is fun, Is working towards building my character and then using him to crush other people on the battleground or to be really helpfull at PVE and actually effectively hold aggro if I'm my tank.... or effectively heal everyone if I'm on my alt... Doing better at things then other people gives me pleasure... If you want to call that a story of some kind sure..


My character has no story behind it watsoever beyond what the devs put in as my class quests... He is simply an avatar that I have constructed by playing the game.


If you really want to grasp at straws and try to make sense of your argument, yes.... everything is a story.. Right now you are part of the story of my life... This story is starting to get really boring right in the middle....


The reality is, the story of this game is shallow and mindless... I am not.. That is why I did not enjoy this games narrative...

Edited by KurleyKilla
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I go All darkside choices on my alt because I want darkside gear.

I go All lightside choices on my main because I want lightside gear.


If you really want to go this route... everything is a story to you.. wanna hear the story of the Poo I took this morning? It's an epic tale with twists and turns. But has a happy ending.


No I do not get angry when I get killed a lot because I really don't get killed a lot.... And if I did it would be my own fault... so once again im not angry.


What I think is fun, Is working towards building my character and then using him to crush other people on the battleground or to be really helpfull at PVE and actually effectively hold aggro if I'm my tank.... or effectively heal everyone if I'm on my alt... Doing better at things then other people gives me pleasure... If you want to call that a story of some kind sure..


My character has no story behind it watsoever beyond what the devs put in as my class quests... He is simply an avatar that I have constructed by playing the game.


If you really want to grasp at straws and try to make sense of your argument, yes.... everything is a story.. Right now you are part of the story of my life... This story is starting to get really boring right in the middle....


I win!:p

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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lol... you actually lost so hard.... To anyone who actually cared to read all that... But thanks for playing.


I'm glad you have humor.

Likely nobody cared.

Nevertheless you do have a story in game. Your just "too grown up" to play with the story in the game.


I dont pretend either but i wish i could.

I wish i could play the story of the jedi and have an epic battle with some darkside crazies.

As is i pretend i am crafter and people will see my name on my crafted goods.

I can pretend i can lead in WZ's.

I can pretend that 50 is not really my ultimate goal.

i can pretend that i dont need that hoopy gear.


But alas i need OWPvP with player driven objectives for that really to happen.

Or WZ's connected to the whole of PvP with tangible out of instance effects.


A simple gear and level grind is really old. Great for kids that know no better but i have done it. Its old an and tired model.

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Couldnt agree more OP, the day MMO's turned to "farming shinys"

as the central focus was the end of "fun" in MMO's. Now its all you hear is complaints that farming is too hard,

farming is too long,

I want, gimmi more,

I'll sue,


The days where we all played because it was fun seem so long ago.

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I read the op. I'm a true pvper. Meaning I dont pve at all since level 10. Pvp gear should be the best for pvp. If you do away with pvp gear, better have crafting be the best pvp gear cause I'm a true pvper. I wont be doing pve for gear


. Let the pve'ers have their pve and let the pvpers have their pvp =D

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I'm glad you have humor.

Likely nobody cared.

Nevertheless you do have a story in game. Your just "too grown up" to play with the story in the game.


I dont pretend either but i wish i could.

I wish i could play the story of the jedi and have an epic battle with some darkside crazies.

As is i pretend i am crafter and people will see my name on my crafted goods.

I can pretend i can lead in WZ's.

I can pretend that 50 is not really my ultimate goal.

i can pretend that i dont need that hoopy gear.


But alas i need OWPvP with player driven objectives for that really to happen.

Or WZ's connected to the whole of PvP with tangible out of instance effects.


A simple gear and level grind is really old. Great for kids that know no better but i have done it. Its old an and tired model.



Yes it is getting very old, and OWPvP with player driven objectives would spice things up a lot, as would WZ results having an effect of some kind on the outside game world.


Then we wouldn't need to pretend. That feeling of being part of a large overarching story of importance would simply fill me and in turn would make the game more fun exciting.

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hmm true SWG failed but its crafting system was a success by some accounts.

EVE's gear system and death system are much better.


Combat in eve is much more thrilling than any MMO i have played. There is stuff on the line to lose.

its hard to solo eve.

Hard to find a fair fight in eve.

Its easy to lose your shirt in eve.



SWTOR is much simpler. easy to get into a WZ where gear doesnt matter much. I take my armor off from time to time in the <50 WZ's because I can still get kills.


I think SWTOR will be a lot more fun after the first server merge.

You wont be around then right?

you will move on to GW2 or back to WOW.


If a game's systems work well, odds are it won't fail.


If you like Eve's systems so much better than TOR's, and I like TOR, why would *I* be the one changing games sometime soon? Or did I get lost and end up on the CCP website?

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This is about the most ridiculous thread I think I've ever read. Let me get this straight, your idea is to do away with all PVP gear because it ruins your crafting? Maybe in your world everything revolves around you but sorry, I dont live in your world. I PvP, I dont PvE. I dont want to run dungeons or by my gear on the AH for PvP, thats half retarded. Oh I need to PvE or grind credits so I can get PvP gear... really? Heres an idea, why dont I PvP to get PvP gear. You dont see the point in PvP gear? Do you know what the Expertise stat is? Have you seen it on PvE gear? Theres a reason for PvP gear, ITS FOR PVP! Roll a toon on a PVE server if you have a problem with it. I for one dont think I should get owned in world PvP because the guy Im fighting has never done a Warzone and has full raid gear. If he chose to PvE and I chose to PvP then guess who should have the advantage in world PvP? Who has the advantage in PvE? Quit whining, you dont like your craft? Pick another. Stop acting like a baby.


...You know what? Im sorry, your right. Im going to ask for them to get rid of PvP gear as well because its better than crafting gear. We need to get rid raid PvE gear too because its better as well. In fact I say we get rid of all of the gear in the game unless its crafted, that way only the people that can get free gear are the crafters and everyone else can farm credits to buy it! Thats a great idea! I think Ill be a crafter too, Ill be sure I tell my friends as well so they can be crafters too and we can all sell our crafted gear on the AH, in fact I bet everyone will craft their own gear! On second thought, since we are trying to make the game fair for everyone (because real life is fair too) then its not really fair to people who dont want to spend time farming credits to have to buy gear because then they will be outgeared by those that do. So I say we get rid of all gear in the game. That way we are all equal! Wait.. nevermind, Lvl 50s will have higher stats then level 30s, so I propose we get rid of all the levels too. Now it will be fixed, we get rid of all the gear and all the levels and we are all equal. Crap... I didnt think about the fact that some people have more skill than others, hmmm... I got it! I say that we should all only get one ability, but it has to be the same for every class because that wouldnt be fair if someone had something I didnt. I think I just created the perfect MMO!!! No levels, No gear, No abilities.. sweet! Its just like in real life where everything is fair and balanced and we all live the same lives in the same situations.

Edited by Hurpd
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This is about the most ridiculous thread I think I've ever read. Let me get this straight, your idea is to do away with all PVP gear because it ruins your crafting?


I actually hate crafting


Maybe in your world everything revolves around you but sorry, I dont live in your world.


You should try it ..... It is a great place to be



I PvP, I dont PvE. I dont want to run dungeons or by my gear on the AH for PvP, thats half retarded. Oh I need to PvE or grind credits so I can get PvP gear... really? Heres an idea, why dont I PvP to get PvP gear. You dont see the point in PvP gear?


I have earned well over a million credits in PVP warzones and that just since level 50.... not sure why you would have to do the PVE grind to earn credits.


Do you know what the Expertise stat is? Have you seen it on PvE gear? Theres a reason for PvP gear, ITS FOR PVP!


The skill of the player playing his class should determine the outcome of a battle. In concept this game says that two player equally geared and of equal skill should split matches 50/50, regardless of class. Not that is not always the reality but it is the concept.


Roll a toon on a PVE server if you have a problem with it. I for one dont think I should get owned in world PvP because the guy Im fighting has never done a Warzone and has full raid gear. If he chose to PvE and I chose to PvP then guess who should have the advantage in world PvP? Who has the advantage in PvE? Quit whining, you dont like your craft? Pick another. Stop acting like a baby.


In truth and if you had actually read the post It is not PVP gear that is the problem.... It is what I believe the exploitative way in which people are willing to use to obtain it. You see it forces other to engage in content they don't like in order to progress such as, base camping or valor farming, or they quit in disgust. I hate the illegitimate way in which many have obtained Battlemaster gear.


Also until this game I hated the leveling systems of most games, often the PVE experience was awful. This has been one grind which .... well was not a grind.


I wish I were a baby.... Ah the technology to come.... I hope you are young enough to enjoy a long future.



...You know what? Im sorry, your right. Im going to ask for them to get rid of PvP gear as well because its better than crafting gear. We need to get rid raid PvE gear too because its better as well. In fact I say we get rid of all of the gear in the game unless its crafted, that way only the people that can get free gear are the crafters and everyone else can farm credits to buy it! Thats a great idea! I think Ill be a crafter too, Ill be sure I tell my friends as well so they can be crafters too and we can all sell our crafted gear on the AH, in fact I bet everyone will craft their own gear! On second thought, since we are trying to make the game fair for everyone (because real life is fair too) then its not really fair to people who dont want to spend time farming credits to have to buy gear because then they will be outgeared by those that do. So I say we get rid of all gear in the game. That way we are all equal! Wait.. nevermind, Lvl 50s will have higher stats then level 30s, so I propose we get rid of all the levels too. Now it will be fixed, we get rid of all the gear and all the levels and we are all equal. Crap... I didnt think about the fact that some people have more skill than others, hmmm... I got it! I say that we should all only get one ability, but it has to be the same for every class because that wouldnt be fair if someone had something I didnt. I think I just created the perfect MMO!!! No levels, No gear, No abilities.. sweet! Its just like in real life where everything is fair and balanced and we all live the same lives in the same situations.


It is my beleif that an MMO is a community of gamers who depend on a diverse base of interests in order to provide sustainability. It is the multifaceted nature of the game which is the appeal, a world where you can be a Gladiator champion, and business tycoon or expedition leader into adventures.


Therefore the game must by design be a compromise between all interests. Whether you like it or not you have no game like this without PVE'ers and Crafters. Give them content and you will have yours. Make what they do relevant and you will have more fun and .

Edited by DosPeros
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Well said DosP.


The pvp world should not revolve solely around itself especially where it stops dead with no future at the high end.

Valor and coms for gear to earn more valor and gear until there is none left to get.

It is not a smart system.



However there are alternatives to completely removing it.


loot drop and item repair being the most obvious.


Item repair would have a much better chance to be implemented in this game.


Item repair being that on death really good PvP gear would cost a lot to fix. Making it economically disadvantageous to wearall of it all the time.


Combine this with crafting skill that can repair the gear much cheaper than a merchant with the right crafting materials and things start to get interesting.

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