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Best to worst. PVP Classes. In your opinions.


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This list is so subjective... Everyone's perception of the order will be based on the skill level of the people they have played against on their server.


Jugg for instance(my main) is an extremely skll dependent class. A baddie with a full champ Jugg will suck a lot more than a baddie with a Sorc.


1 on 1 my Jugg(490 expertise) can take out almost any class/spec in the game as long as I'm playing my best, but if I make a couple mistakes I have zero chance to recover. The margin for error is very slim compared to some other classes.


I can guarantee I've made dozens of people rage about Juggs being OP(including some battlemaster sorcs, marauders, operatives, and mercs)... Yet Juggs are near the bottom of most people's feared lists.

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I find it hilarious that you think Guardians/Juggernauts are the worse PvP class. But I'm not going to ruin our fun and explain how dominant the class can be and how I am consistently doing over 400k damage in every Warzone that isn't a complete stomp and ends too soon.


What's that? Did I hear something? It sounded like the distinct sound of a Tracer Missle/Grav Round being casted. Let's focus our attention back on them.


Huge credibility hit to the OP, I agree... I have never played a Jugg but play with one and against a couple all the time. They absolutely faceroll everything. Saying you're not afraid of a Jugg/Guard is like saying you're not afraid of Chuck Norris.

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I am assassin, i hate being pushed over by a Operative / Soundrel because then im dead. And attacking a good Sorcerer / Sage is pointless since i will beat on them until i run out of energy and then i force cloak and move on, bad one is easy to beat. Other then that i have no problem with any other class.
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Best: every class (played by a good player)

Worst: every class (played by a bad player)



This. Plain and simple. Balance is more or less spot on post 1.1 tbh


Once they fixed the goddam stupid crits from ops/scound via the medium of adrenal stacking i think its pretty fair. The guy behind the keyboard makes the difference.


On my Jugg i own most scounds, but then there are a few on my server who destroy me if they get their timing right. swings and round abouts, as they say :)


Ofc all the crying about sorcs are op, nerf tracer missile, op killed me before i could react etc etc usually come from bad players.

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I love how peopel generally put Gunslinger/Sniper at the bottom, since he doesnt have a shiny purple lightning animation and people usually dont realize its him that killed them while they were fighting someone else, attributing it to "insane crits" or whatever class they were fighting.


Snipers? Weak? Right...


Least played class, ranked lowest.


What proof do you need more that snipers/gunslinergs desperatly need a boost.


Boost them now! Nerf sorcs! :D

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Least played class, ranked lowest.


What proof do you need more that snipers/gunslinergs desperatly need a boost.


Boost them now! Nerf sorcs! :D


Yes Lethality does alot of damge, but its all dots, which can be all cleanse, and MM well every single hit get mitigated by everything known in the universe,


I Snipe crit 3k Ambush crit 6k, the sorcs still have 3/4 health with shield down. runs away go LOS/Heal/Bubble...


what a joke

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This list is so subjective... Everyone's perception of the order will be based on the skill level of the people they have played against on their server.


Jugg for instance(my main) is an extremely skll dependent class. A baddie with a full champ Jugg will suck a lot more than a baddie with a Sorc.


1 on 1 my Jugg(490 expertise) can take out almost any class/spec in the game as long as I'm playing my best, but if I make a couple mistakes I have zero chance to recover. The margin for error is very slim compared to some other classes.


I can guarantee I've made dozens of people rage about Juggs being OP(including some battlemaster sorcs, marauders, operatives, and mercs)... Yet Juggs are near the bottom of most people's feared lists.


Yeah, Smash is a killer if you've got the gear and popped your relic.


With my Hybrid spec it goes like this:




Saber throw > Force Leap > Crit/Surge Trinket > Smash > Force Push > Force Leap > Force Choke > Lacerate > Obliterate > Smash > Force Scream and the target is probably dead.


Definitely a much harder rotation to pull off in the chaos that is PvP than other classes.

Edited by AidenPryde
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For my bounty hunter, Operatives and their equivalent are the most difficult. By the time I know they are there, they have the upper hand. When I get up off the ground, I am already at half health. A pack of 2 or 3 Operatives working together make very quick work of my BH, no getting up.


Overall, things seem pretty balanced. Maybe a bit tweaking is warranted for the insane crits. But I'd rather see more work on more warfront maps, and a better system for queueing, like Rift. I'd also like to see my group reformed after a WF so we can get more action.

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The thing about Juggernauts for me, you have to take into account that I play Sniper, they are usually np for me, I can keep them at a distance and easily break them down with armor reduction skills.


For me they are my least feared class, by far.

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The thing about Juggernauts for me, you have to take into account that I play Sniper, they are usually np for me, I can keep them at a distance and easily break them down with armor reduction skills.


For me they are my least feared class, by far.



Understandable but while they dont offer a threat 1v1 they can be a real problem if they are doing the objective or boosting another player that is deadly to you.

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Best to Worst Played by Semi to Pro Lvl Players - # Represents Power rating(1-10 scale)


Sorc -10

Powertechs - 10


Merc Heals - 9

Assassins - 9

Ops - 9

Marauders - 8

Juggernaunts- 8

Merc DPS -8


Sniper(Not rated; to few to give an impression)


I'd like to add that when played by pro lvl players the classes are extremely close, with the exception of Sorcs and Powertechs slightly distancing themselves from the pack.


Mercs DPS are last due to being susceptible to having rotation locked out at this lvl of play. I find at this lvl of play their healing tree to be one of the strongest, hence I seperated the rating.




Best to Worst Classes In Reality(Considering the skill I typically see playing said class)(Avg Power Rating 1-10)


Sorcs - 6

Mercs - 5

Assassins - 5

Ops - 4

Powertechs - 4

Marauders - 3

Juggernaunts - 3

Sniper - 2



The power rating is comparable to the list above. Yes...skill makes that big a difference in how the classes play.

Edited by Varcan
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The answers to this thread are going to be heavily biased, as they will depend on what the person answering plays, and what maps they prefer. I personally play Guardian and prefer Huttball, and I hate fighting Sorc/Sage because I have no burst and they have enough utility to match me. On my scoundrel, I hate really good Shadow/Assassins, or any good tank. On my BH I mostly heal, so I hate Sent/Mara.


I suspect that someone who didn't despise Voidstar the way I do would tend to hate trooper/BH more in general because of their aoe, while those of us who love Huttball think that smuggler/agent are UP compared to sorc/sage or guardian/jugg because of a lack of utility.

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The OP's Question is a little too vague. By pvp I'm assuming he means warfronts, and for each warfront I value the callings differently. For example:


In Huttball (favors classes with CC, anti-cc, high mobility and high survivability)











In Alderan (favors classes that have mobility are strong 1v1, 1v2 and small scale combat)











In voidstar (favors ranged AOE, survivability and group mitigation buffs)













Pro-tip: The moment so stop thinking about individual class balance and think of your groups composition, you've taken your first step from being a 'mediocre' pvper to a 'good' pvper


I totally agree w this guy. (except for snipers so high in Voidstar and guardians so low, guardian can defend a door very well against many) I play shadow and feel the most useful in Alderan. In Huttball some games I am making a huge difference but some opposition team make ups destroy my teams. The knights are unstoppable. The range classes like sorc are higher in huttball because of the geography. Voidstar just has other classses that can do so much more than my class.


This is important to note that balance often needs to be looked at in terms of what board you are playing. I would also add open world PvP as a category where I like my class as well. So if I was a developer and i felt class A was under appreciated I could make the next warzone where they were the most useful.

Edited by richardya
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I dont think Sorc are bad , I have np dealing with them with my Guardian and I have fought higher levels than me , I just interrupt them and pop my cooldowns in the right moment not to mention I use medpacks a lot in Warzones so that helps, it just seems op beccause theres usually more than 2 around and then is justkinda of a pain dealing with all of them but thats what teamwork is for right?
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As Powertech I have NEVER had an issue with guard/jugg. Not a single 1. When they attack me I ignore them and go after the actual threats on the battlefield. Once all the casters and dps is down I turn and look at the tank who has been beating on me for 5 minutes dealing no damage, and blow him up in 5-6 abilities. Sometimes if they force choke me I get pissed and kill them right away. I realize its a bad matchup for juggs against PT because of armor pen imbalances, but still, they seem so insignificant to me its hard to imagine they can be effective. I'm v64 so I've fought my share of juggs.
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You rate a class based on 4 areas:


1. Surviveability

2. CC

3. Burst

4. Aoe



I find it hilarious that you think Guardians/Juggernauts are the worse PvP class. But I'm not going to ruin our fun and explain how dominant the class can be and how I am consistently doing over 400k damage in every Warzone that isn't a complete stomp and ends too soon.


What's that? Did I hear something? It sounded like the distinct sound of a Tracer Missle/Grav Round being casted. Let's focus our attention back on them.


lol hush...

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As a Rage Juggernaut, here's my list of classes that are most difficult to fight against (1 being the hardest):


1a. Powertech/Merc/Commando/Vanguard

1b. Sorc/Sage










2. Assassin/Shadow

3. Marauder/Sentinel

4. Juggernaut/Guardian

5. Operative/Scoundrel


Yes, that gap between 1 and the rest is there for a reason. 1a and 1b are that much more annoying and troublesome than the rest. And yes, I didn't list Sniper because I haven't faced enough GOOD ones to make a fair judgement. Honestly, I feel like Snipers don't do enough damage since nearly all(?) their attacks are mitigated. Apparently this wasn't the case during closed beta and Snipers were actually doing insane damage then Bioware nerfed it. Sound familiar? Go figure.

Edited by copasetic
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For my bounty hunter, Operatives and their equivalent are the most difficult. By the time I know they are there, they have the upper hand. When I get up off the ground, I am already at half health. A pack of 2 or 3 Operatives working together make very quick work of my BH, no getting up.



What? 2-3 Operatives can kill you while you are on the ground!? NERF!!!


Sorry... I just had too. C> ice cream for you.

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