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PvP Gear Makes Me Sick


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As a primarily PvE player, I'm getting tired of seeing people decked out head to toe in PvP epics.


Why? Because you can quickly gain PvP gear just for showing up. You don't have to be any good, you don't have to win, you don't even have to try, and you still move forward towards EZ-mode epics.


If you go into a hard mode in PvE gear and can't pass the first boss, you don't get partial credit, you don't make progress, you can't just repeat that fail over and over and still get epics out of it.


Now, I wouldn't care if the PvP gear was ONLY GOOD FOR PVP - AS IT SHOULD BE. But, the PvP ez-mode epics from head to toe are almost on par with similar PvE gear, and in fact, since many are epic from head to toe in T1/2 sets, their gear is actually easily better than a lot of PvE players who couldn't possibly have every slot covered already, because raids have lockouts, hard modes have locks outs - PvE gear progress is purposefully slowed.


There is no limit to PvP (and there should be similar to how gear progress is throttled for PvE...right? It would be logical and fair).


If you go into PvP, like a warzone, in all PvE gear, against anyone compentent, you'll get thrashed - because your gear lacks the magic PvP stats (and has considerably less endo for health too, because for whatever reason PvP gear has more health than PvE gear even though as long as every has similar health pools for PvP it actually doesn't matter).


So - go into PvP in PvE gear - get owned.


The reverse isn't true. PvP geared people can PvE just fine, if not often better than PvE geared people (more health on that gear helps with a lot of high dmg mechanics, for ex). PvP gear is generally just missing one PvE secondary stat you can live without (replaced by magic PvP stat).


What SHOULD happen is that PvP gear should be about 50-75% effective for PvE. Period. Similarly to how effective PvE gear is in competitive PvP. A PvPer should be a liability in ops and HMs, as a PvE geared person would be in competitive PvP. They should get destroyed, just like a PvE geared person would get destroyed in a warzone against competent PvP geared players.


It's poor design, simply put.


And it's a steaming pile of crap, especially given how ridiculously easy it is to get decked out in every slot in PvP gear in a hurry.


I surely don't want it any easier getting PvE gear. I like a challenge, and I like to EARN my gear, not just show up. But it makes me sick seeing how easily PvPers can get epic from head to toe, especially knowing that a lot of clueless clowns can do it without having a shred of a clue how to play.


PS - I'm not saying all PvPers are useless subhumans that have no clue and slop their way to easy epics, obviously there are many excellent PvP players, but it's hard to deny how ultra easy it is to get fully PvP geared in a hurry in TOR.

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As a primarily PvE player, I'm getting tired of seeing people decked out head to toe in PvP epics.


Why? Because you can quickly gain PvP gear just for showing up. You don't have to be any good, you don't have to win, you don't even have to try, and you still move forward towards EZ-mode epics.


If you go into a hard mode in PvE gear and can't pass the first boss, you don't get partial credit, you don't make progress, you can't just repeat that fail over and over and still get epics out of it.


Now, I wouldn't care if the PvP gear was ONLY GOOD FOR PVP - AS IT SHOULD BE. But, the PvP ez-mode epics from head to toe are almost on par with similar PvE gear, and in fact, since many are epic from head to toe in T1/2 sets, their gear is actually easily better than a lot of PvE players who couldn't possibly have every slot covered already, because raids have lockouts, hard modes have locks outs - PvE gear progress is purposefully slowed.


There is no limit to PvP (and there should be similar to how gear progress is throttled for PvE...right? It would be logical and fair).


If you go into PvP, like a warzone, in all PvE gear, against anyone compentent, you'll get thrashed - because your gear lacks the magic PvP stats (and has considerably less endo for health too, because for whatever reason PvP gear has more health than PvE gear even though as long as every has similar health pools for PvP it actually doesn't matter).


So - go into PvP in PvE gear - get owned.


The reverse isn't true. PvP geared people can PvE just fine, if not often better than PvE geared people (more health on that gear helps with a lot of high dmg mechanics, for ex). PvP gear is generally just missing one PvE secondary stat you can live without (replaced by magic PvP stat).


What SHOULD happen is that PvP gear should be about 50-75% effective for PvE. Period. Similarly to how effective PvE gear is in competitive PvP. A PvPer should be a liability in ops and HMs, as a PvE geared person would be in competitive PvP. They should get destroyed, just like a PvE geared person would get destroyed in a warzone against competent PvP geared players.


It's poor design, simply put.


And it's a steaming pile of crap, especially given how ridiculously easy it is to get decked out in every slot in PvP gear in a hurry.


I surely don't want it any easier getting PvE gear. I like a challenge, and I like to EARN my gear, not just show up. But it makes me sick seeing how easily PvPers can get epic from head to toe, especially knowing that a lot of clueless clowns can do it without having a shred of a clue how to play.


PS - I'm not saying all PvPers are useless subhumans that have no clue and slop their way to easy epics, obviously there are many excellent PvP players, but it's hard to deny how ultra easy it is to get fully PvP geared in a hurry in TOR.


Yeah Pve is so hard to get.

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As a primarily PvE player, I'm getting tired of seeing people decked out head to toe in PvP epics.


Why? Because you can quickly gain PvP gear just for showing up. You don't have to be any good, you don't have to win, you don't even have to try, and you still move forward towards EZ-mode epics.


If you go into a hard mode in PvE gear and can't pass the first boss, you don't get partial credit, you don't make progress, you can't just repeat that fail over and over and still get epics out of it.


Now, I wouldn't care if the PvP gear was ONLY GOOD FOR PVP - AS IT SHOULD BE. But, the PvP ez-mode epics from head to toe are almost on par with similar PvE gear, and in fact, since many are epic from head to toe in T1/2 sets, their gear is actually easily better than a lot of PvE players who couldn't possibly have every slot covered already, because raids have lockouts, hard modes have locks outs - PvE gear progress is purposefully slowed.


There is no limit to PvP (and there should be similar to how gear progress is throttled for PvE...right? It would be logical and fair).


If you go into PvP, like a warzone, in all PvE gear, against anyone compentent, you'll get thrashed - because your gear lacks the magic PvP stats (and has considerably less endo for health too, because for whatever reason PvP gear has more health than PvE gear even though as long as every has similar health pools for PvP it actually doesn't matter).


So - go into PvP in PvE gear - get owned.


The reverse isn't true. PvP geared people can PvE just fine, if not often better than PvE geared people (more health on that gear helps with a lot of high dmg mechanics, for ex). PvP gear is generally just missing one PvE secondary stat you can live without (replaced by magic PvP stat).


What SHOULD happen is that PvP gear should be about 50-75% effective for PvE. Period. Similarly to how effective PvE gear is in competitive PvP. A PvPer should be a liability in ops and HMs, as a PvE geared person would be in competitive PvP. They should get destroyed, just like a PvE geared person would get destroyed in a warzone against competent PvP geared players.


It's poor design, simply put.


And it's a steaming pile of crap, especially given how ridiculously easy it is to get decked out in every slot in PvP gear in a hurry.


I surely don't want it any easier getting PvE gear. I like a challenge, and I like to EARN my gear, not just show up. But it makes me sick seeing how easily PvPers can get epic from head to toe, especially knowing that a lot of clueless clowns can do it without having a shred of a clue how to play.


PS - I'm not saying all PvPers are useless subhumans that have no clue and slop their way to easy epics, obviously there are many excellent PvP players, but it's hard to deny how ultra easy it is to get fully PvP geared in a hurry in TOR.


Its really luck based, ive been in countless WZ farming for champion bags, and despite effortly doing so, i still have no full champion set, but on other hand i see countless others half way or fully decked out in pve gear or champion.


So it defeat the logic that we do not earn our gear, if you don't think so i challenge you to roll a sith juggernaut and roll high up in immortal and try farm the rest of your gear with that, and tell its a walk in the park.

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Can you tell me the magic formula? Cause i am valor 43 with 2 pieces of champion gear and countless bags open for nothing.


ouch! think I've lucked out a bit more hard times broham! obviously you have a lot of centurion pieces though?

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ouch! think I've lucked out a bit more hard times broham! obviously you have a lot of centurion pieces though?

I remember I had like 8 pair of champion pants and 5 bracers ... no chestpiece or helmet. I got 3 battlemaster pieces as direct drops from chests until they changed it to the token system. You can, however do like I did... extract the mods from your redundant champion gear and place it in centurion gear, it's not quite champion, but better than nothing!

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Can you tell me the magic formula? Cause i am valor 43 with 2 pieces of champion gear and countless bags open for nothing.


Yes and ontop, if one does nothing like he claims or pulls a really bad WZ with bronze medals you get roughly 31warzone commendations, given the formular for getting a champion bag is 200merc and 200warzones:


30warzone=10merc x20 +200warzones, (800)just for one bag, with a pretty random rate of champion component return, id says chances less you lucky of getting easy access to this is low.


Now chances ups a bit for the daily 1bag if you have 3 wins in WZ, or 3bags for winning the weekly 9/9. But then again OP did say if you didn't do anything to earn it, so naturally that would be assuming you don't win since you doing nothing to contribute.


So either way you put it pvp'ers do earn their gear, less somehow they either really lucky, which raiders have same chance of being, or they found some loop holes to exploit the system.

Edited by Barzarel
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Yeah Pve is so hard to get.


This :rolleyes:


Really PvE players think it easy to get BM ? Ok come and get it.


If it was so easy everyone would be one already.


They must have no idea how much TIME it costs , even more if they being PvE player and going only for the losses .

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Yah, and the 22000 HP people in PvE gear are sooooo easy to take down with our IMBA PvP gear right? Maybe you shouldn't compare BT HM gear and Battlemaster gear then come crying on forums how "easy" it is to get PvP gear... if it's that easy, why don't you go get it?
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Guess doing 100s of Warzones to get to valor 65 should not count for anything, the PvE drama queens should have the best PvP gear!


You must think we were born yesterday.


For weeks, lvl 50 have farmed lvl 10-20 and received gear. OPvP consist of easily 10-1 odds in favor of Imps.


The rest of the PvP "1337 skilz" are obtained from AFKing in warzones.


Not seeing any rewards for skills here, just upfront glaring weakness being rewarded. AND!!!! AND!!!!! pvp rewards are completely RNG! LOL, even the system is built to not rely on skills.


SWTOR has THE biggest bunch of PvP sallys in any mmo ever.

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Isn't he right though with the basic idea that pvp gear should be as terrible in pve gear as pve gear is in pvp?


I don't mind how easy anyone gets his gear, but the above idea seems logical.


Yeah he is right. But we'll see how good pvp gear is in pve once we get combat logs.

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Wait, the PvE token gear from Flashpoints are better than those champion items we get from PvP. As a tank, they have more end, more will and more defense stats, which is due them not having expertise. So what is the problem? With PvP gear you can get quicker into the PvE envioment, and then farm the gear from there which will be better for the PvE content than the PvP gear
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You must think we were born yesterday.


For weeks, lvl 50 have farmed lvl 10-20 and received gear. OPvP consist of easily 10-1 odds in favor of Imps.


The rest of the PvP "1337 skilz" are obtained from AFKing in warzones.


Not seeing any rewards for skills here, just upfront glaring weakness being rewarded. AND!!!! AND!!!!! pvp rewards are completely RNG! LOL, even the system is built to not rely on skills.


SWTOR has THE biggest bunch of PvP sallys in any mmo ever.


Do you ever pay attention to patch notes, 50 fight 50lvl, might been other way around before patch, but no longer that way.


when i play my 21lvl sorcerer alt in WZ i never once saw a 50lvl since the patch, come about so saying that is false. yah people can stand around doing nothing get a bronze medal and between 31-41warzone commendations if remotely lucky, which means they have to do 25warzones for a champion bag with less than 15% chance of having loot in them and probaly 5%chance or or less of having a actual piece you can use, so by all means go there find out for yourself how easy it is.


You'll see there far less people afk farming in WZ than there ever was in WoW or WAR, because its simply doesn't pay off to do so, compared to trying to win and get medals.

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Isn't he right though with the basic idea that pvp gear should be as terrible in pve as pve gear is in pvp?


I don't mind how easy anyone gets his gear, but the above idea seems logical.


For tanks it is :)


But your right it should work that way for all, i know Damage Dealers and Healers got it somewhat easier

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As a primarily PvE player, I'm getting tired of seeing people decked out head to toe in PvP epics.


Why? Because you can quickly gain PvP gear just for showing up. You don't have to be any good, you don't have to win, you don't even have to try, and you still move forward towards EZ-mode epics.


If you go into a hard mode in PvE gear and can't pass the first boss, you don't get partial credit, you don't make progress, you can't just repeat that fail over and over and still get epics out of it.


Now, I wouldn't care if the PvP gear was ONLY GOOD FOR PVP - AS IT SHOULD BE. But, the PvP ez-mode epics from head to toe are almost on par with similar PvE gear, and in fact, since many are epic from head to toe in T1/2 sets, their gear is actually easily better than a lot of PvE players who couldn't possibly have every slot covered already, because raids have lockouts, hard modes have locks outs - PvE gear progress is purposefully slowed.


There is no limit to PvP (and there should be similar to how gear progress is throttled for PvE...right? It would be logical and fair).


If you go into PvP, like a warzone, in all PvE gear, against anyone compentent, you'll get thrashed - because your gear lacks the magic PvP stats (and has considerably less endo for health too, because for whatever reason PvP gear has more health than PvE gear even though as long as every has similar health pools for PvP it actually doesn't matter).


So - go into PvP in PvE gear - get owned.


The reverse isn't true. PvP geared people can PvE just fine, if not often better than PvE geared people (more health on that gear helps with a lot of high dmg mechanics, for ex). PvP gear is generally just missing one PvE secondary stat you can live without (replaced by magic PvP stat).


What SHOULD happen is that PvP gear should be about 50-75% effective for PvE. Period. Similarly to how effective PvE gear is in competitive PvP. A PvPer should be a liability in ops and HMs, as a PvE geared person would be in competitive PvP. They should get destroyed, just like a PvE geared person would get destroyed in a warzone against competent PvP geared players.


It's poor design, simply put.


And it's a steaming pile of crap, especially given how ridiculously easy it is to get decked out in every slot in PvP gear in a hurry.


I surely don't want it any easier getting PvE gear. I like a challenge, and I like to EARN my gear, not just show up. But it makes me sick seeing how easily PvPers can get epic from head to toe, especially knowing that a lot of clueless clowns can do it without having a shred of a clue how to play.


PS - I'm not saying all PvPers are useless subhumans that have no clue and slop their way to easy epics, obviously there are many excellent PvP players, but it's hard to deny how ultra easy it is to get fully PvP geared in a hurry in TOR.



The QQ is strong with this one.

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Do you ever pay attention to patch notes, 50 fight 50lvl, might been other way around before patch, but no longer that way.


when i play my 21lvl sorcerer alt in WZ i never once saw a 50lvl since the patch, come about so saying that is false. yah people can stand around doing nothing get a bronze medal and between 31-41warzone commendations if remotely lucky, which means they have to do 25warzones for a champion bag with less than 15% chance of having loot in them and probaly 5%chance or or less of having a actual piece you can use, so by all means go there find out for yourself how easy it is.


You'll see there far less people afk farming in WZ than there ever was in WoW or WAR, because its simply doesn't pay off to do so, compared to trying to win and get medals.


It was the other way before the patch. 50's did farm level 10's. Those that rushed got a huge jump on those that didn't. 2-3 weeks of that adds up man. With the fact that you cap at 1k Warzone Comendations and you can only hold 1 bag (or at least could) and can't open it until your 50 presented a wall for those trying to save up for pvp gear.


At 49 I could go toe to toe with any class or spec. Once I hit 50, I exploded. I did nill for damage ( and I have decent gear to be honest, only 1 blue ) the rest us purple or orange.

I haven;t been able to get a single warzone daily done since I have hit 50 (week and a half ago).


It boils down to different streets are different. Though I don't think PVP gear should be as good as it is in PVE at the moment due to what I explained earlier. But in regards to things being different. We can PVP all day long, 24/7 stacking up Valor and Commendations, while there is a cap on PVE heroics IE once a day, if it doesn't drop try again, or even once a week, same deal.


I don't think PVP gear is that easy to get now. However, in the first 2-3 weeks of the game. Well, lets just say those that rushed to 50 knew exactly what they were doing.

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