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Companion Dependency.


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Hello Forum.


I am new to these forums and not quite sure if this is the correct forum to put this in, but since there's no 'Companion' forum im gonna put this up here, but I digress.


You see my problem here, and I've spoken to a few other people who seem to have the same problem, that as a player you're relatively very dependant on having your companion running next to you, atleast while questing pre ~30 (this is how far my game experience goes)


I have played a Sorcerer up to 34 and my Juggernaut is now 20... I am either a very terribad player or my character is plainly way too dependent on having that stupid companion with me.


imho I think that Bioware needs to consider some scaling issues here, it can be true that I as a "mighty sith warrior" can't defeat puny humans without my silly Twi'lek partner or my forever hungry Dashade.



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Most of the "solo" encounters in the game assume that you have a companion with you, so plan to adventure with one throughout the game. However, you will get more companions -- you can only use one at a time, but you might find one of your future companions works better with your playstyle.


Also make sure that your companion has up-to-date gear, especially if your companion takes most of the hits.

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Most of the "solo" encounters in the game assume that you have a companion with you, so plan to adventure with one throughout the game. However, you will get more companions -- you can only use one at a time, but you might find one of your future companions works better with your playstyle.


Also make sure that your companion has up-to-date gear, especially if your companion takes most of the hits.




They made the game to be companion dependable or you can play with another player.


There is no fix to this since it is not a bug , it is working as intended and is one of the features that make this game singular.

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I've done very little soloing and done very few quests where I had my companion out. Really I think it just comes down to being anti social. If you just whisper some people or even ask in general or those around you, there is always someone around to quest with (assuming you're on a decent pop server, and in dominant faction I suppose).


Heres my checklist before doing any quest:


  • Are there friends on?
    Ask them if they'd like to quest with you.
  • Are there guildies on?
    Ask them if they'd like to quest with you.
  • Is there anyone around you?
    Whisper them to see if they would like to do any of the same quests you are doing.
  • If all else fails, ask general or send random whispers!


If none of the above yield results, then yes you will likely need a companion. But I have not needed mine hardly at all, to the point that most of them are still wearing the gear they had when I first got them.

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I'm usually overlevelled for the areas I'm in (just from doing all of the quests I come across), and occasionally I've traveled without my companion. It's pretty doable if you're a few levels above the content and you're not facing more than one gold or a few tougher guys. It's pretty tough though, so prepare to get some beatings if you try it.


The game is definitely balanced around having a companion helping you out.

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Most of the "solo" encounters in the game assume that you have a companion with you, so plan to adventure with one throughout the game.


This is a disappointment, how can it be true that I can't quest without an NPC to hold aggro for me? I should be more than capable of solo'ing without an NPC by my side imo. But it is not just that which bothers me, the role some of the other NPC have/sets for me. I can give an exampel.


I have to kill this guy for a quest blah blah, /dialog

"he says **** about, oh god no a sith! don't kill me etc etc and I give some kind of smart *** response and he then says "you give me no choice I will fight to the death".... and then in this case I had forgotten my Companion and died, rezzed summoned Vette and killed him easily....


Does Bioware also assume that I am 3 levels above the quest to be able to fulfill the role these NPC's sets for me? a lethal killing machine that everyone are afraid of? because it seems as if you see a sith and he has no companion with him, you really have nothing to fear.....


However, you will get more companions -- you can only use one at a time, but you might find one of your future companions works better with your playstyle.


no companions would fit my playstyle :cool:


Also make sure that your companion has up-to-date gear, especially if your companion takes most of the hits.


gear should be fine atm.

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no companions would fit my playstyle


Then play better. Except for some rare cases, you can do just fine without your companion if you're good.

But the game is designed around them - the reason you can't solo as effectively without them is because the encounters are built on the assumption they're there. Thus, the challenges you face are meant to challenge you and your companion together.


Why shouldn't the game be balanced around companions?

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I've never really found myself dependent on my companion, though having one with me makes the game a whole lot easier. Plus, companions count towards group total (4) for Heroics and Flashpoints, which I have found very welcome. No more sitting around for an hour constantly pleading over general chat for more players in groups, though having a full group of players makes such runs easier.


If you keep your companion's gear updated (doesn't need to be gear as nice as yours, I just buy green items from the GTN, and if I find nicer rewards from missions, he/she gets them) and learn to set up the abilities for a combat style that works for you, you'll find companions very useful.


No MMO I know of rewards you much for being a lone-wolf, at least your companion doesn't take off and grab aggro from all enemies in the area, get the group wiped, then blame the tank & healer for sucking and being "n00bs". :p

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I'm unclear on the comment/complaint. Yes, the game is designed/balanced around you and a companion taking things on. It's roughly designed like a single player party based game that you happen to be playing among other people. You *and* your companion are your party.


Now granted, maybe it's faction or class storylines, but usually "epic" fights haven't seemed like my invinceable character somehow requiring the help of this total shmuck in order to defeat this baby in his cradle.

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no companions would fit my playstyle :cool:


If you've already shut yourself off to the possibility that getting the rest of your companions, and learning to set up their abilities bar, is the way to go, then get used to the game being quite difficult in your solo experience.


It sounds to me you are here looking for others to affirm your opinion that companions suck.


I love having companions. I'm only peeved that I have 3 at lvl 34, I can't wait to get the rest of them, eventually get to max lvl, grind for good gear for each of them. I use them quite regularly in combat, and have used them successfully in filling team slots for 4-man content. They don't require you to lvl them, train their abilities, or spend skill points on them, all you need do is gear them, and learn the companion abilities bar. That's it.

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SW:TOR is a story. Having your companion is part of that story.


and I like that.


That's awesome! I'm super glad you shared that with the group.


Now, back to reality.


NO ONE is an almighty warrior, Jedi, etc..


We're all weak as hell because we depend on our companions. Fully geared, doesn't matter. We're chumps.


how sad is that? I can use the force, but I can take down 3 mobs because my companion isn't out, I can force leap 100 feet, but I can't kill one elite (that's 1 level above me) because my companion isn't out.


Lame, lazy, development.


Bioware is the diet coke of the mmo industry.

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Consider this;


If bioware made it viable to complete this game without a companion, imagine how easy it would be to faceroll your way through it with one.


Actually I have been considering this, and I think that it could be fixed by a stat increase to the player when the companion isn't out to compensate.

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Now granted, maybe it's faction or class storylines, but usually "epic" fights haven't seemed like my invinceable character somehow requiring the help of this total shmuck in order to defeat this baby in his cradle.


A little more like a heroic character taking on a challenge that's greater then he is - of course he needs help, but this speaks more to the nature of the challenge than the character.

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Consider this;


If bioware made it viable to complete this game without a companion, imagine how easy it would be to faceroll your way through it with one.




The companion is part of your build like your gear, skills, or what points you put in your skill traits...just because they are a different character in game it makes no difference...they are part of how you play.

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Actually I have been considering this, and I think that it could be fixed by a stat increase to the player when the companion isn't out to compensate.


Or not. That's not the intended way for the game to work. IF you can pull it off, you suddenly have a whole character less to worry about gearing up - that's advantage enough.


The game is designed to be played with companions. You can go without, but it's harder. If you can't pull it off, that's a player skill issue.

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It gets much much worse into chapters 2 and 3.


At this point you wont even have a choice of which companion you will be travelling with unless you want to take things horribly slowly and go through a lot of med packs and respawns.


9 times out of 10 you will have to take your healer with you, if you are a healer you may take a tank or dps but given your companions dps is lower than yours and unless you have kept them up to date with high end gear likely to have less survivability you are best off having a pocket healer and taking point.


There are also AI reasons for going healer companion as well but ultimately companions are here to stay and need to have their gear constantly upgraded as you play through or you will be playing at a disadvantage.

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Hello Forum.


I am new to these forums and not quite sure if this is the correct forum to put this in, but since there's no 'Companion' forum im gonna put this up here, but I digress.


You see my problem here, and I've spoken to a few other people who seem to have the same problem, that as a player you're relatively very dependant on having your companion running next to you, atleast while questing pre ~30 (this is how far my game experience goes)


I have played a Sorcerer up to 34 and my Juggernaut is now 20... I am either a very terribad player or my character is plainly way too dependent on having that stupid companion with me.


imho I think that Bioware needs to consider some scaling issues here, it can be true that I as a "mighty sith warrior" can't defeat puny humans without my silly Twi'lek partner or my forever hungry Dashade.






Working as Intended.


The whole PvE game is based & Balanced around you AND a Companion. You CAN leave your Companion at home if you have Friends to play with - 2 players are always going to be more powerful than a Player & a Companion.


But, Han + Chewie, Luke + R2 D2, that is how Star Wars: The Old Republic is intended to play. There are HUNDREDS of other MMO's on the market that do not have this Feature & if you are not liking this feature you can either PvP in the Specified PvP areas (No Companions Allowed) or play the long list of other mmo's.

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That's awesome! I'm super glad you shared that with the group.


Now, back to reality.


NO ONE is an almighty warrior, Jedi, etc..


We're all weak as hell because we depend on our companions. Fully geared, doesn't matter. We're chumps.


how sad is that? I can use the force, but I can take down 3 mobs because my companion isn't out, I can force leap 100 feet, but I can't kill one elite (that's 1 level above me) because my companion isn't out.


Lame, lazy, development.


Bioware is the diet coke of the mmo industry.


Think that's mostly supposed to be sarcasm... but you're precisely right. You aren't some super godlike entity. Your foes ARE tougher than you. You're Obi Wan and Qui Gon. Not Darth Maul. Even when you're the ****** sith, your enemies are more powerful than you. Deal with it. Die or get help. So what if you can force leap? Most of your enemies can too, and do it better than you.

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