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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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I fully support this kind of implementation for OWPVP. If not this then something along the same lines.


Bioware needs to start communicating the path forward with regard to PVP. I love the IP, leveling but I may be forced to leave to experience true endgame OWPVP content.

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i dont like this idea either. Having people return to the fight that quickly just enables a farm mentality instead of a "im clearing out defenders to capture this base" way of thinking like it should be. This is the major problem with the Alderaan warzone.. Defenders can return to objectives far too quickly, making it extremely difficult for attackers to get any ground.


I can't be 100% sure, but I don't think the OP meant that attackers should be able to get right back to the objective super quick, just that the time it takes each side to return should be equal.


There was also something mentioned about defense points, so that attackers wouldn't be able to get right back to the objective, but would have to fight their way back through these defense points...provided they were being properly defended. I'm not sure about the way to handle returning defenders though.


Totally agree about Alderaan. I can kill one player, start to work on another, turn around and the one I just killed is already back = \

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I can't be 100% sure, but I don't think the OP meant that attackers should be able to get right back to the objective super quick, just that the time it takes each side to return should be equal.



Its possible.. Its just this line..


return time to the base should be kept as close as possible for both attackers and defenders.



.. Sounded like he wanted it as close to the battle as possible, instead of "kept as close in sync as possible". Not even sure if that is the right wording. But yes. I agree that the time it takes for both sides to return to the fight should be fairly equal.


In DAOC, everyone re-spawned at the primary base. They could port closer IF they controlled a keep that was closer, but for the most part, they had to run back. Which i know alot of people will whine about, but it adds alot of element to strategy and puts more worth in your life, rather than not caring if you die cause you can just be back in 45 seconds.


Totally agree about Alderaan. I can kill one player, start to work on another, turn around and the one I just killed is already back = \


Also, yes.. this makes me want to kick puppys. Feels like im wasting my time.

Edited by Saelyth
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After zero acknowledgement from Bioware that this thread even exists, or would even entertain listenning to the players. I am under no illusion that within the next couple of months, subscriptions from predominantly pvp focused players will drop off dramatically.


Come on Bioware, start acknowledging or at least responding to stuff on these forums as your lack of presence around here gives the impression you just dont give a rats ***.

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MMO companies tend to not say anything on purpose, probably part of their forum guidelines. And I'm sure someone is reading this thread, they do have people whose job is to read the forums. Just because they haven't responded, doesn't mean they're not reading. If they respond to this one, then they'll have to respond to 5000 others. And by the way, this thread is awesome. Edited by ReynoldsCK
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After zero acknowledgement from Bioware that this thread even exists, or would even entertain listenning to the players. I am under no illusion that within the next couple of months, subscriptions from predominantly pvp focused players will drop off dramatically.


Come on Bioware, start acknowledging or at least responding to stuff on these forums as your lack of presence around here gives the impression you just dont give a rats ***.


For real! It's a big reason why people are getting frustrated. I don't usually complain on forums, especially for super new games, but they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, or some crap like that.


I know they've seen everyone's feedback, and I believe they will take it into consideration, (I'm optimistic to a fault) But it's frustrating when you can't get just a little acknowledgement. Even just something like: "BioWare: Cool idea, thanks." would be awesome.

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Shameless bump on this post


Although I have to say the mob mentality would come into play with the fact that being able to return fast would keep players in one area only. Not utilizing the area more.


Here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2386172#post2386172 is another few great Ideas as well that I will share with you all


some great ideas as well that should be implemented in the game

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