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Everything posted by Covent

  1. VoTF quit SWTOR, it was felt that with so much ineptittude and an unbelievable amount of lack of organisation in a game with 5 years in the making, it would take an impossible amount of time to create worthwhile pvp or fixes that this game requires.http://www.votf-online.net/index.php?app=uportal
  2. This game really doesnt facilitate worthwhile pvp. I know its a hard pill to swallow after buying the game and spending time lvling etc. But to be honest, get out now before you feel more crushed in several months after the game coughes out more garbage.
  3. Thing is, Gabe was a pve develpoer in warhammer who has just been shunted out of pvp in star wars because of an almighty cluster. So many problems here that you cant fathom the depths of stupidity by EA and Bioware. Our guild quit this game. Its going nowhere fast and i for one am severely disappointed at the ineptitude by its developers.
  4. After zero acknowledgement from Bioware that this thread even exists, or would even entertain listenning to the players. I am under no illusion that within the next couple of months, subscriptions from predominantly pvp focused players will drop off dramatically. Come on Bioware, start acknowledging or at least responding to stuff on these forums as your lack of presence around here gives the impression you just dont give a rats ***.
  5. Dev team wake up and pull your heads from your collective arses.
  6. Yet still no official response or even hint that they might look into this. Watch subs nosedive even further and expect EA to breath down Biowares neck.
  7. I tell you what.. Go write up a way of getting this games pvp out the toilet and try and help rather than ***** at something you havent experienced in swtor or this innovative redesign. Because if Bioware dont do it, then EA will come down hard on these guys jobs in regards to future funding of projects. As the shareholders in EA will be chomping on the asses of bosses there.
  8. With the loss of playerbase this game suffered since launch, they either implement changes fast and get Bioware SWTOR department doing overtime and working weekends, or the game flops harder and faster than Warhammer and they lose 75% of the department in several months and the game goes ftp. The situation IS that bad. Its no drama, its common sense. In an economy where you throw millions into making a game and it fails very badly at the basics, you better believe investors will be kicking arses.
  9. You may be right, but something needs to be done and fast to enrich pvp. You need to feel encompassed by the MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online community in an MMO, as thats an aspect of why mmo's are played. Because at the moment its a very single single player game with little else. This initiative could be a start in the right direction. Anything less and SWTOR becomes a transit game for other upcomming MMO's. Also, i certainly wont be resuscribing to a game touted to have alot of pvp but get some weak warzones..and a lagfest in an open environment. Not into wasting money on something that just doesnt give me what i am looking for nor am i into waiting 12 months for a glimmer of hope. To get some other crappy warzone or anything they come up with that isnt worthwhile.
  10. We can but hope that changes are made or, its just a case of moving onto another MMO.
  11. Not to be dismissive, but you cant really comment fruitfully if your characters arent even entering illum. It suggests that you have little knowledge of the problems affecting this owpvp problem nor induldged in the potential that could be bought about by this solution/project.
  12. Indeed, people want to have an enjoyable time. This project seems like a great opportunity and would very much subscribe to this game on a continual basis.
  13. A heap load of hard work and effort. Great job!
  14. Needed!! Its the sort of scale that is required.
  15. Showing your age mate suprised you never said raquel Welch and Gina lollabridgida too
  16. I totally support Aneu, Kebab and Shalinas efforts aswell as what our server tried to achieve. If Bioware arent running around like hamsters on a wheel trying to fix these problems fast, then i can only imagine Mr Lucas might wade in and realise some douches at BW and EA are ruining his franchise with incompetence. I imagine there are plenty of other people that would snap theese guys jobs up fast.
  17. Its not just the bad patch. Its the whole complete pvp game. its none existent. The worryingly poor foresight by Bioware. The lack of testing, the ignoring of its player base. My guild has an active 30-40 guys who want pvp. Who came here with opimism in the hope that there would be some signs of a new beginning. 85% have unsubbed and see no hope here for pvp. poor engine, poor foresight, little imagination and terrible imbalances. Would you really pay for this poor poor quality in the hope that in several months it may get fixed, i certainly wont. Its unfixable. it requires a completely new engine, but bioware couldnt be bothered to get it right from the start and rushed it out before xmas in the hope they could gain from the unsubbed players from WoW after mists of pandera was revealed and the still to be announced release of GW2 or any other potentially decent mmo on the horizon.
  18. Quality! Cancelled weeks ago by accident due to card breaking, but not even bothering resubbing with this garbage.
  19. 33 Vanguard and the class is a blast. Even have a similar lvl commando and they do fine also. They just look awesome aswell.
  20. Agreed, a reasonable request put in very reasonable terms. I am sure that Lucasarts, Bioware and EA dont want this title to go the way Warhammer/Rift/Aion went. Or the sharholders might actually start hanging some CEO's out to dry like the bankers..
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