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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to get Battlemaster in a day


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On my server empire just farms rep for a couple hours after the daily reset every day, pretty much every single one of them is rank 60 or above, even alts.


Ilum is a total failure, it evolved from bad to worse to gamebreaking, cause when a faction is full of random battlemasters and the other isn't, even warzones become ****.. at least on your server they farm each other so there's plenty 60+ on both sides..

Edited by AzKnc
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I haven't seen this on my server...yet. If I do, that will just be it. *** is the point when you're not actually playing the game?


However, it almost pissed me off more to see the "your companion has been dismissed" spam. What an absolutely ridiculous bug.


Fix your game BW. Most of us aren't here for the FPs!

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From someone who is 29k valor away from rank 60, I feel cheated as well, having grinded my way so far in Warzones. Even the occasional skirmishes in Illum over dailies results in me/our group not even getting credit for most of the kills, many are assuredly unique kills.


I will even say that I asked someone from the other faction to test this kill swap with me, as I was curious if it even works. After about 30 minutes of attempts, I had gotten 2 kill credits and like 240 valor lol and then said "frak that", and went back to compete with another 40 roaming people in center over collecting a few boxes.


PVB (Players vs Box), the latest BW invention.

Edited by Treplos
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The problem is, the Genie is already out of the bottle. There are numerous exploits that are rampant and widespread, and nothing short of a huge rollback and reset is going to fix it at this point. I'm not sure BW *could* fix the problem in any meaningful way.


I'm not sure what the percentages are of people that have abused game mechanics, but I'm fairly sure that it's a substantial portion of the playerbase. This isn't one of those problems where 1 % of your playerbase is abusing a mechanic and you can reign it in.


On a side note, this game is seriously hosed for the long term, in a number of ways.

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It is too late to fix at this point. Everyone and their momma is Battlemaster.


Illum is the worst attempt at OWPvP design I have ever seen.


Rated Warzones is the only thing to look forward to right now.

Edited by Nocadoj
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if you were doing it right, you'd do it inside a control point and trade the control point before each farm to maximise your bonus....


To be honest, i wish people would name their servers if this occurs, that way we can start a giant petition to put them into their own battlegroup when x-server happens lol

Edited by Adzzy
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Now guess who is going to get rating in BW's next failed attemp at fixing pvp lol WTG !


A new warzone too ! yay ! takes your eyes off ilum for a few mins right ! so much win in this move !

Edited by WoLFpwr
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Do you even realize how much valor is required for level 60?


No one got Battlemaster in a day, per your implied point. They may have farmed kills and supplemented in a way outside of the design, but let's not try and make a point seem larger for dramatic effect.


see you say theres no way to get to 60 in a day but getting to 60 is nothing compared to getting rr100 in warhammer online. As warhammer online deteriorated into effluence and there was nothing to do thanks to the pie loving Carrie Gouskos, I farmed one of my wifes characters for 7 hours and got to rr92, 100 was easily possible if I didnt become so bored

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The reasons why I believe this is harmful:

First, it's going to kill player retention.

It's like using a cheat code and beating a game. If there is no longer any goal to strive for, what do you think is going to keep pvpers in a game?

They will do dailies and that's probably it.


I wish all you part time PVPers would just go away. There is no beating the game when PVP is the game. PVPers do it to, wait for it, PVP! People who actually care about PVP don't do it to gear grind or reach some "beating the PVP game". I log on and I PVP because that's what I enjoy, getting new gear is just a bonus.

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Bioware needs to make an example out of this people, fast and in a very public manner.


If what you say is 100% accurate, I honestly feel...cheated.


They were supposed to deal with those cheaters, but they haven't done ..... yet.


They wrote a message 2 weeks ago about punishing cheaters, just to make sure legit pvp people would not cancel account.


Nothing will change, PVP is terrible in this game. My 2 years old sister could think of something better than illum anyway...

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Will we see a ban hammer !!!! we are yet to see any ban waves for people exploiting so i dare say the people doing this just don't care what is reported as they think nothing will get done ( I hope they are wrong ) If something is not changed in how people like this are dealt with the exploiting in mass will never stop.


I needed two ranked to hit 60 yesterday and i grinded it out took me around 8 - 9 hours with Illum and WZ's. But hey now i'm 60 i have no reason to go to Illum lag fest apart from to get 30 kills each day ( 15 minutes easy )


I will say once more i REALLLLLYYYYYY hope something is done to people like this and my faith in BW code of conduct can be restored.



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BM gear would be worthless if I didn't learn to play the class properly. That Battlemaster title should be backed up by the combat experience and proficiency of a "battlemaster".


Maybe other players are natural geniuses able to use their class to its fullest potential right from the beginning, but I am more than happy to learn my class through hard work, mistakes and experimenting with tactics and builds.


Only real fighting will help me to get there. Kill trading is for scrubs.

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