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I'm all for this change.


A parallel solution for some players would be to introduce macros. If I can add these abilities to a macro, then I can set their priority and automatically use them without monitoring their readiness at all. I cannot overstate how badly I want macros in this game.


I understand that some people dislike using macros, and that's fine. However, for a segment of the MMO community they are as indispensable as voice communication (ventrilo).


nononono just no :)


what you describe is called automation and rift is all about that.


here we just want to know when something happens so we know to react to it. visual and audio alerts are good.


macros have other, actually good, uses.

Edited by hurja
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As an operative healer, who has half of my spells controlled directly by a random proc, I'd like to jump in and say 'please for the love of god, give us 2 things. 1) someway to track our procs, either by removing all other buffs from the bar, or some other system. 2) someway to track our hots and the debuffs on a player, without having to target them. I waste so much energy by having to recast 2 stacks of the hot, simply because I can't see it without targeting someone. It'd be nice to track how many I have out there, and what their remaining duration is'


Making the game more difficult simply because the UI sucks is not fun. There are certain things that I find completely foundational in any UI these days. HoT/debuff tracking, DoT tracking (NOT including the dots of everyone else that's the same class as you....so stupid), and proc tracking. Without those they are simply handicapping the player and creating frustration, not actually making the game more difficult due to something GOOD, like difficult encounters, but making the difficult due to something BAD, which is lack of options for players.

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I am absolutely all for this, this isn't lazy at all.....

I would rather watch my chars animations then focus on looking for procs and when cd's are up plain and simple.....nothing extreme like giant symbols in the middle of your screen but the particular spell box could light up yes.......I could see being quite helpful to most players.

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I recently started an Assassin and I can't wait for something like this in game. I'd much rather watch combat than bars. I find the excitement of my swinging lightsaber far more entertaining than a visual "whack-a-mole" watching for buffs to pop up on tiny buff bars.


A parallel solution for some players would be to introduce macros. If I can add these abilities to a macro, then I can set their priority and automatically use them without monitoring their readiness at all. I cannot overstate how badly I want macros in this game.


While macros can be used for good, the example you present is how macros can be used for pure evil. Conditional and priority macros automate the game and take the decision making process away from a player. That's not fun for anyone. Its dull and repetitive in a game that already faces that to a lesser degree. No, no, no, no. If I wanted to automate all my abilities, I'd play FFXII.

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Honestly thus far I can say that Balance Shadow needs a better Proc display *badly*. If there is some sort of on-character display of the proc (like JK-"riposte available to use"), it's so subtle that it always gets completely lost in combat and I have to stare at my buffbar whenever I use melee abilities so I can see Force Strike procs. It's incredibly annoying. I want to look at the nifty graphics of my character being a force powered ball of awesome, not a small cluster of icons jumping up and down. Edited by KTheAlchemist
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How about just give me one button to push to do all my damage abilities and one to do all my healing abilities, make it so easy a 2 year old could play?


How about we fix the stuff like random crashing to char select, poor war zone performance, all the messed up sound issues since the last patch, the input delay between button presses and abilities, the sloppy movement control of your character, Allow me to disable camera movement on hold of left click or middle mouse, that **** is only supposed to happen when you hold right click! Allow me to #$%# click on the **** i want to target! (primarily myself, companion and other players and their companions) I dont need 5 @#$%# keys bound for just targeting people its a waste of key binds.

For @$4$ sake let me turn clip plane down and reduce the particles of spell effects! Lets get rid of the -Luck factor on getting your lvl 50 gear from random bags. etc etc etc


The UI customizing would fix half the issues here if people could make the icons bigger and put them where they dont have to look away from the action to still see them. I dont know how many times I have deleted / shifted my ability icons in the middle of a wz from frantic clicking on a bar left unlocked from constant changing of icons trying to make this ***** UI something I can use effectively.


I agree when an ability has been "buffed" by another ability it should be highlighted in some fashion, but ffs macros to do all your attacks... You going to get your game genie and put in your cheat codes UUDDLRLRBABASelSt

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How about just give me one button to push to do all my damage abilities and one to do all my healing abilities, make it so easy a 2 year old could play?


How about we fix the stuff like random crashing to char select, poor war zone performance, all the messed up sound issues since the last patch, the input delay between button presses and abilities, the sloppy movement control of your character, Allow me to disable camera movement on hold of left click or middle mouse, that **** is only supposed to happen when you hold right click! Allow me to #$%# click on the **** i want to target! (primarily myself, companion and other players and their companions) I dont need 5 @#$%# keys bound for just targeting people its a waste of key binds.

For @$4$ sake let me turn clip plane down and reduce the particles of spell effects! Lets get rid of the -Luck factor on getting your lvl 50 gear from random bags. etc etc etc


The UI customizing would fix half the issues here if people could make the icons bigger and put them where they dont have to look away from the action to still see them. I dont know how many times I have deleted / shifted my ability icons in the middle of a wz from frantic clicking on a bar left unlocked from constant changing of icons trying to make this ***** UI something I can use effectively.


I agree when an ability has been "buffed" by another ability it should be highlighted in some fashion, but ffs macros to do all your attacks... You going to get your game genie and put in your cheat codes UUDDLRLRBABASelSt


What is this I don't even.


Did you actually read the OP? Both of the things you say you agree should be done, are the things the OP asked for.


Every issue is the "most important" issue to someone, as far as the rest of your rant goes.

Edited by KTheAlchemist
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Here is my idea, coming from a tanking Sith Assassin. I would like a visual aura provided for things like Dark Ward, Energize, and Harnessed Darkness. Visual queues on my character that tell me when a proc has occurred or an important buff is about to expire. I'm fine with glancing to see my cooldowns, but scanning the buff bar is very distracting.


These could be very simple.


Dark Ward could place a black mist around me that fades to grey when I am down to 1 charge or 2 seconds remaining, so I know I need to recast it soon.


Energize proc's could animate a surge of electricity from my lightsaber and up my arms.


When I reach 3 stacks of Harnessed Darkness my character could have a purple pulsating outlining.


Small visual queues make watching the game play much more entertaining, and watching the game play is much more entertaining than watching a buff bar.


This sin't about L2P, it's about having fun and feeling like you are your character, not some person at a desk watching a set of icon.

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What is this I don't even.


Did you actually read the OP? Both of the things you say you agree should be done, are the things the OP asked for.


Every issue is the "most important" issue to someone, as far as the rest of your rant goes.


Woops I must have deleted the post I quoted it was intended for this statement said by Carnivvale


"A parallel solution for some players would be to introduce macros. If I can add these abilities to a macro, then I can set their priority and automatically use them without monitoring their readiness at all."


Sounds to me like this guy wants to do a macro to play the game for him.. aka make a button to do all attacks and fire off whatever is available at the time and put no thought into the fight...


Im just saying how about we focus on fixing the stuff that affects the game stability...

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Woops I must have deleted the post I quoted it was intended for this statement said by Carnivvale


"A parallel solution for some players would be to introduce macros. If I can add these abilities to a macro, then I can set their priority and automatically use them without monitoring their readiness at all."


Sounds to me like this guy wants to do a macro to play the game for him.. aka make a button to do all attacks and fire off whatever is available at the time and put no thought into the fight...


Im just saying how about we focus on fixing the stuff that affects the game stability...


Ahhh okay, that makes way more sense. :)


Although actually in a game this priority-based rather than rotation based macros like that would gimp you pretty badly. So far I've played Gunslinger, Commando, Sentinel and Shadow, and all of them wouldn't at all work with consolidation macros. Each ability has specific situations I use them in and those situations are frequently not "every time it comes off of cooldown".


There are some other macros that in no way play for you but do improve your quality of life. For example, what I would like to see would be mouseover macros for healers (or just healing abilities that function on mouseover), and Assist macros for raiding use.

Edited by KTheAlchemist
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Something to assist us in this would be helpful. Having to try and look down at all of the tiny icons above your bars for the right proc takes too much time, and by the time you find it, it may have already ended. Some other visual alert system, ie a raid warning across the screen would be preferable to what we have now.
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The default UI is kind of garbage to begin with.


If they can just release addons in any form, they won't have to develop those funtions themselves.


I don't really like the giant shiny pre-school bubbles filling my screen up.

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  • 1 year later...
I'm all for this change.


A parallel solution for some players would be to introduce macros. If I can add these abilities to a macro, then I can set their priority and automatically use them without monitoring their readiness at all. I cannot overstate how badly I want macros in this game.


I understand that some people dislike using macros, and that's fine. However, for a segment of the MMO community they are as indispensable as voice communication (ventrilo).


Ugh...so you're one of those terrible players that just macros everything into one button and then just mashes it over and over, huh? This never leads to good playing and even tends to hurt one's understanding of a class.


Now, I would LOVE macro's (focus interrupt, ToT intervene, etc.) but this is a reason people hate the idea, though BioWare could pretty easily, on implementation, make this unusable.


Also, as an assassin tank, I desperately need better indicators of things. I don't care if its a poweraura style implementation or if its just customizable buff and/or debuff bars I can move around, but we need SOMETHING.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I didn't read through this whole thread, but I agree with the original premise. Proc's should be far more visible within the game. Whether they should glow, or be 2x larger than the other buff/debuffs. Anything to make it less of an eye test.
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maybe an option to rescale buffs and debuffs seperately and a filter option is enough to adjust people's UI to their own preferences without the use of addons (because alot of ppl used to be against it for some reason)
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