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Everything posted by GemmaHuit

  1. Woops I must have deleted the post I quoted it was intended for this statement said by Carnivvale "A parallel solution for some players would be to introduce macros. If I can add these abilities to a macro, then I can set their priority and automatically use them without monitoring their readiness at all." Sounds to me like this guy wants to do a macro to play the game for him.. aka make a button to do all attacks and fire off whatever is available at the time and put no thought into the fight... Im just saying how about we focus on fixing the stuff that affects the game stability...
  2. How about just give me one button to push to do all my damage abilities and one to do all my healing abilities, make it so easy a 2 year old could play? How about we fix the stuff like random crashing to char select, poor war zone performance, all the messed up sound issues since the last patch, the input delay between button presses and abilities, the sloppy movement control of your character, Allow me to disable camera movement on hold of left click or middle mouse, that **** is only supposed to happen when you hold right click! Allow me to #$%# click on the **** i want to target! (primarily myself, companion and other players and their companions) I dont need 5 @#$%# keys bound for just targeting people its a waste of key binds. For @$4$ sake let me turn clip plane down and reduce the particles of spell effects! Lets get rid of the -Luck factor on getting your lvl 50 gear from random bags. etc etc etc The UI customizing would fix half the issues here if people could make the icons bigger and put them where they dont have to look away from the action to still see them. I dont know how many times I have deleted / shifted my ability icons in the middle of a wz from frantic clicking on a bar left unlocked from constant changing of icons trying to make this ***** UI something I can use effectively. I agree when an ability has been "buffed" by another ability it should be highlighted in some fashion, but ffs macros to do all your attacks... You going to get your game genie and put in your cheat codes UUDDLRLRBABASelSt
  3. ooc was the last day for world PvP in Voos-KA right?
  4. Indeed, we showed those republic dogs who their masters are! I lost my camera somewhere in the battle, not that I had much time for pictures, surrounded by murder and mayhem! I did manage to make it in to all of your pictures though! *cackle* *Lord Qual spits on the republic scum lifeless on the ground. -Lord Qual Odasa <Sith'ari Templar>
  5. Another thing to consider when discussing Faction imbalance is sure Imps out number Reps 2:1 , 5:1, 10;1 whatever, How many of those Imps are going to make a rep alt once they hit 50 or even sooner? I dont know about you but in past MMOs I always create a character of both factions, and have been known to fill my character creation screen give it a month or two I bet it will equalize itself out.
  6. it says in the OP "Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in." I cant wait for this as voidstar is my favorite and I see it maybe 1 in 5 WZs.
  7. Dont you spam throwing your little pebbles? And its not their fault people would rather play a Bad *$$ than the goody goody, i mean its PVP and PVP is evil in a sense... your pvp servers are going to attract the Imperials who seek to crush their foes underfoot... Maybe you should check out a PVE server? Maybe there are more reps on those for your war zones.. /shrug
  8. Smart camera, that the reason behind my camera floating off into the sky on invisible geometry where i am not even on my screen anymore? That needs to get fixed too..
  9. Get the ball, pass the ball, but dont kick the ball..... it tells you right off the bat how to win at that game.. ive seen a premade team get stomped when the pickup team works together and throws the ball, and hey when you dont have the ball get ahead of the person with the ball to give them a target, thats how you win that game. All your other abilities and gear are just perks to help you do it better. see your guy has the ball and hes coming up the ramp, flames are down .. go to other side of flames and wait for a pass...
  10. that is lack of your Inquisitors knowledge of his power.. It is easily aimed and you can knock the mobs or other players any direction you want... you dont need to run into the center of them every time..
  11. you have to remember some people here were Beta testers for months..
  12. also in war zones make the stun break abilities reset on death... kinda annoying to get stun locked, use your breaker, die come right back to getting stunned and your breaker hasn't refreshed yet...
  13. There is gear in the game that you cannot equip if your valor is not high enough... sounds like a perk to me... But I will agree with this part "Put in bases on this world so guilds fight for them and get perks and they have to defend it to keep those perks." One of the MMOs I played recently was Faxion where you had to fight the opposing faction for control points in each zone at timed intervals, if you won the battle/control point the npcs reset and allowed your faction to have quests not available when no one, or the enemy faction controlled the point. This aspect of that game was really fun and made for good PVP hot spots..
  14. I am a true MMO PvPer and i enjoy getting out in the MMO game's world where PvP and PvE can be experienced together and I have been enjoying the #$% out of this game, so you cant make a definitive statement like this because pvp action isnt flocking to you... go out and find the opposing factions base on the planet your on.. OMG PVP in open world..I have found plenty of world pvp with no problems at all lvl ranges, the warzones are a way to get pvp action without having to run all over the galaxy to find someone to kill, sometimes thats nice Im pretty sure they will be releasing tons of war zones, planets, races, flashpoints etc in the future.
  15. i agree with this, in a voidstar the other day I ran through the enemy base planting 2 bombs and accessing 2 terminals and got squat for it.. but they are working on that supposedly. But at the same time you can do both, run around and kill but help the objective overall. IMO the true heroes of the warzones are often only known to those doing what needs to be done and getting no credit, I have had epic battles defending a door on voidstar 5 v 1 while my team is oblivious.. how would the devs write code to recognize when someone is doing something like that? good luck to them. Another one of my favorite tactics in hutt ball, I find the opposing teams best ball runner or healer and hunt them down relentlessly, pester them snare them, stun them knock them off stuff whatever I can to keep them away from the action. granted it looks like im running around like a noob, but in reality I am whats keeping them from scoring.. as for the people saying there is no open world pvp at lower lvls, seriously? I have been getting in great battles on nar shaddaa from mid 20s to early 30s, killed 4 separate reps, then 2 of them teamed up and i killed them, then all 4 i had killed teamed up and came to get me, was at least 45 mins of fast paced open world pvp, granted you have to kind of search out the opposing faction as your class quest doesn't seem to really take you right to them, IMO there needs to be more class quest / general quests pointing you into the direction of opposing faction, we are at war with each other, separating us is against the big picture, both for PVP and a RP sense is it not?
  16. Ive had this happen on a number of occasions as well as people in my party, it seems to be bugged out WZ and if you wait 10 mins and try again it usually is fixed
  17. I have had no issues holding my own in warzones as I lvled, even topping damage kills or objectives since mid 20s .... except against 50 smugglers and their knock you to the ground stun lock BS
  18. All great suggestion Especially #1 or make sprint a passive ability, having to re enable that on every death is damn annoying because half the time when i hit the key i have it bound to it doesnt always activate for whatever reason also. I back all of those suggestions and one other thing I saw that disappointing me in this post "restricting Companion Characters from the area" I was excited to have a "pet" that was actually worth a damn for PVP the AI of the companions in this game is light years beyond pets I have had in past games and they have been valuable allies in pvp allowing me to survive when being jumped by a group, even victorious. Only other change I would suggest instead of diminishing the returns of stuns, up the stun break refresh time, it takes way to long and give additional stun breakers, sure we have Purge, and abilities to help teammates break free that hardly anyone uses in random pickup war zones but I still feel the need for more stun breaks because when someone can stun lock me and kill me in 5 seconds even after I break the first stun, that is BS and unbalanced. Some other suggestions that might belong somewhere else but as I dont get on the forums much here is my rant, no other MMO that I have played allows me to pan the camera while holding either mouse button down, its always been only right click, please enable me the option to disable this on my left click, Im tired of looking at a ceiling after trying to click the ground for an interactive ability IE Death Field, pass the huttball, etc. Also the ability to adjust my clip plane, used to be there before launch please bring that back, that would help the players fps issues alot. Again excited to see PVP was one of the first major things to be worked on and addressed, still in awe of this game Great Work!
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