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Everything posted by Flapjak

  1. I keep hearing that people poo poo on Vanguard DPS but then I hear people saying Vanguard DPS is one of the best. So what is it then. Is it good or bad? also which Spec? is there any actual people who raid and parse a vangaurd or play the class. I dont want the oppinion of someone whos never played it and base their oppinion on hear say or because someone did bad dps in a random veteran flashpoint
  2. He loved Hk55 because he was a bodygaurd and didnt go around killing people for funsys. hes a kid afterall
  3. Now im super depressed. his heart is going to be broken when I tell him the news.
  4. I appreciate the idea but my nephew knows you can replay chapters and is old enough not to fall for it, he wants to see the story scenes where I bring him back.
  5. Wait? what? you mean hes permadeathed if I wasnt subscribed? how the hell am I supposed to explain this to my nephew.
  6. Hello! I have been playing KOTFE and Im really enjoying it, my Nephew is a big star wars fan and I stream it for him because he doesnt know how to play and he was really sad when HK 55 died but got super excited when he found out you could get him back and wants me to rebuild him. I saw he was a subscriber reward to get him back but im failing to find any other method, how do I get HK 55 quest aside from that? is there a key word I need to use in the cartel shop? My nephew is super excited about seeing him again.
  7. THIS x a thousand! visual and sound ques are incredibly sub par in this game for most classes, I literally dropped my DPS sage and a few other classes because I couldn't use them in a competitive raid environment due to not knowing when certain abilities where ready. Even Ripostle should have SOMETHING to tell you, anything! I pretty much dont play anything but my commando and vangaurd because they have very noticable sound and visual ques for their abilitys.
  8. Good to hear, and also I feel special now XD I suppose one of the reasons is the flare wich Powertechs get (( I.E Incindeary missle, Rocket punch, Railshot all look really cool))
  9. By lack of replys im going to assume me and 5 other people in the game play dps vangaurds for PVE
  10. I have noticed their isnt any Vangaurd DPS threads so I decided to make one. after much experimentation I found a very dynamic and fun build wich I think everyone should look at before rerolling a different Malee DPS. http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/vanguard/#::f8e2f9e2f2ef8df6e3fe4f3df2e4 This build is what I am currently running, right now with all the talents (( and set bonus in place)) HIB hits loads harder than assault plastique and refunds one energy cell back when used. Priority is stock strike needs to remain on CD, Ion Pulse when ever your at or above 80% of your resource and HIB is the absolute priority when ever it procs off of Ionic accelerator and of course keep incendiary round up at all times. ((HIB refunds Ammo, free, tons of damage)) this spec is very ammo draining and takes time to get used to, right now though Im always the one to defeat my maurader in Infernal council first. as for itemization you want to focus on power after accuracy soft cap and then crit. My Incendiary round ticks crit for 1k and my plasma cell damage crits for 500 dmg. Im no mathmatician so I would appreciate anything anyone would like to bring to the table.
  11. Seconded, so what if the animation is slightly slower, and I have yet to see someone pull off what you spoke about in a WZ. Im a shadow tank wich uses project and its balance proc extremely often to maintain threat, DO NOT take that away from me bioware, its the best part of this spec!
  12. Hmmm, good points but I rather enjoy the abilitys present. It more fits a wise and cunning counciler while a saber throw more fits a tricky Jedi. I rather enjoy throwing Astrometric droids at enemys with Project and I find the Telekinetic throw rather interesting. If you want more flash and explosions and style as a Ranged DPS then choose commando or Gunslinger. And to be honest if things get any more fast paced It would feel more like im shooting Kamehamehas at my opponent, I prefer the subtility of their abilitys and using the saber for only defencive measures, it feels like im throwing another lightsaber weilding opponent off gaurd.
  13. Flapjak


    FYI all tanks have interrupts, they should be the first one to do an interrupt along with a malee DPS. only a bad tank and malee dps doesnt have their interrupt hotkeyed for Hardmodes and operations unless they are temporarily removing it for another ability on a fight wich doesnt require interrupts.
  14. This is still an issue, so im revitalizing this thread until there is some sort of address from the devs.
  15. I didnt realize it was that bad, only two of my abilitys need to be tracked but Dayom.
  16. Good to see more reasons, I can imagine when you have stims and full buffs along with everything else ((Forms, ect)) it can get crazy!
  17. Nu! for all but Sorcs *flees from the hordes of them in BGs!* TOT lightning everywhere! naw Jking, but seriously I can believe Sorc/sages have it even tougher than a DPS Vangaurd/Powertech.
  18. Well when it comes down to it, would you rather have to rely on add-ons wich hinder your experience or a built in custom U.I?
  19. Yeah, a debuff alert would also be nice *cough* certain boss in False Emp *cough* 2 seconds till death *cough*
  20. Yes because during a rotation I def want to scan my full buff bar for my crit proc on High Impact bolt to see if the ability I just used procced an autocrit for my next ability. Allow me to explain. Other than Hammershot/Ion blast my rotation is Gut-Firepulse-Stockstrike((Firepulse makes stockstrike free)) and then maybe or maybe not high impact bolt. now Gut and Stockstrike have a 25 percent chance to make my High Impact bolt crit for free, but its useless if there is no proc. But if I dont use it emmediatly after Stockstrike when it does proc it screws up the rotation. While im looking down the adds spawned and ate the healer. Ty.
  21. Oh I dont care if anyone bashed it for coming from wow. If they dont do it themselves then there will be Add ons for it anyway but that means I have to play my game on a lower setting. As for Pros and cons the Pros are obvious, less focusing on your U.I and more focusing on what your doing wich will help in the experience. The cons are uhm... less challange for those who like to Multitask? My point is this game is supposed to be the pinnical of MMOs and they havent even streamlined the U.I with such innovations as proc alerts.
  22. Dear developers. while I deeply understand this game is new and alot of bugs are being worked out, one thing that particularly dissapointed me was the lack of UI ques on key abilitys used by each spec. Wow already got past this by placing in a que when a special ability key to rotation was ready via proc. I.E sheild slam for prot warriors or Mealstrom weapon for Enhance shamans. What I would think myself and 90% of the community would love to see is such a thing where we dont have to look down at our bar to see if Stockstrike for exsample just came off CD for use as a tanking Vangaurd/powertech or High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot gets its free crit as a tactics Vangaurd/Advanced Prototype Powertech. Now I call upon the community to forward this change, no longer will we have to continuously glance down at our buff bar for procs, or our action bar for abilitys wich come off CD via procs.TODAY WE STAND! D:<<<
  23. Perhaps, but you can easily gear up through PVP for operations at a vastly accelerated rate, while a 4 man can take up to an hour to complete and yeild not nearly as much as you would with a PVP warzone Que. Not to mention you have to get people together, and go through the scenes even if you skip them by mashing spacebar, its quiet alot of time involved.
  24. Yeah, I have been discussing this with my guild and we are all pretty pissed off about this.
  25. As a player who reached Ilum rather quikly I found it odd that not more people where doing the endgame flashpoints, while I fully understand they are time consuming getting a group together is nigh impossible, why do you ask? because it seems that PVE'rs only want to PVP. Now this confused me so I did some more research on the subject, Turns out the easiest way to gear up is through PVPing. In fact the best Vangaurd on my server is decked out in half PVP gear, and Half Operation gear. None of them run flashpoints, they only PVP and do Operations. Most guilds on my server have instructed their members to spam PVP matches for gear. I also checked with the Imperial side, the largest guild pax Imperium used to spam PVP matches as groups doing Premades, turns out they are a PVE guild farming gear upon asking. Dont get me wrong, this is the first month but this is a rather major flaw. Server: Sanctum of the Exalted
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